Real Me

By Jake K

Published on Jan 4, 2005


This is a work of fiction, and the characters engage in unsafe sexual activity. Always use protection, and always use a safe word when you play rough. Any comments should be directed to

I woke up at about 8 AM, and looked over to see Scott still sound asleep. He had knocked the covers off in the night -- the heat had been working overtime -- and his whole body was exposed. I let my eyes trail over his amazing physique -- from his firm pecs with the broad nipples sticking out, down to his six-pack abs (and I was jealous -- I remembered when I was his age, how easy it was to keep my abs looking good and now I had to work hard for them), down to his cock which was soft but still looked huge, and finally to his legs. Now my particular fetish when it comes to body parts is legs -- and Scott had very well developed thighs and calves, without being overly so, showing he knew to work them as much as his upper body and arms, which a lot of guys seem to not understand.

After a few minutes of soaking him in, I carefully rolled out of bed. I wanted to fix him breakfast and have it ready before he woke. I quietly went down to the kitchen and began to fix some scrambled eggs with sausage in them, grits, sliced melon and strawberries, toast and orange juice. I got it all ready and put all the warm food in the oven on low to keep it warm, then went upstairs to wake him after I had the table set and the toast ready to go.

As I walked in the room, I was again blown away at how fucking good-looking Scott was -- and I felt some small sense of pride that he had chosen me. I carefully worked back into the bed, and kissed him gently on the lips. In his sleep he moaned lightly but did not wake up. Being the determined man... I mean boy... that I was, I kissed him again, this time with a bit more pressure. This time Scott rolled me over and lay on top of me, still asleep but responding to the physical sensations I was offering. He began to kiss me back as he slowly woke up, and since I was watching him (I never kissed with my eyes closed... never was comfortable enough with a guy to do that), I saw his eyes pop open, and he started to grin. Then he pressed into me more, kissing me deeply, his tongue invading my mouth as he began to grind into me. Lord, help me, he was hard again!!!

He pushed himself up on his elbows and looked down at me. "Good morning pup, sleep well?" I smiled and said "Yessir" as he began to roll off me, and stood by the bed. He looked down at his morning wood, then looked back at me. He did not say anything, and he never even gave a facial cue -- I simply got off the bed on my knees in front of him, and took it in my mouth. Scott grinned at me, then threw his head back, and using my hair as a hold, fucked my mouth hard. I was still a little raw from the previous night, but I worked his rod like it was my favorite treat in the world (which, at this point, it was!!!).

He looked down at me, and laughed. "Damn, boy, how the hell did you ever think you were a top? You're taking to this like a slut in heat, I think you would do about anything to service this cock, huh? Your partners at the firm would bust a gut seeing you like this, on your knees servicing a guy young enough to be their son, but man enough to make you beg for it. But this is good, Jakey-boy, you're coming around to understanding your place." As he spoke he was thrusting into my mouth, rougher with each stroke, until he was truly coming close to choking me. But he held me firmly, so I had no place to go, I had to simply let him use me. As he began to tense up, he pulled out, and shoot his morning load all over my face. He laughed at me, and said "You will love your morning facials, Jake, I promise."

I was coughing a bit, trying to catch my breath, but I stayed on my knees. His fingers ran thru my hair, and he softly told me I was a good boy. Then he pulled my back towards his cock, and told me he needed to piss. I nervously swallowed, but I took his head in my mouth and locked my lips around it. He grinned, and let loose his flow. It was very bitter -- obviously I was going to have to get used to strong morning drinks form him. As I was drinking it, he said, "So I guess you're learning your new routine, lil pup, which is good -- every morning you're to be ready for this. Usually will not need to drop a load in you before pissing but today was special." He ruffled my hair as he spoke, making me feel good -- I was pleasing him.

As he finished, he pulled out and shook the last drops off on my cum covered face. He smiled at me, then sat back on the bed. "So pup, how do you feel?"

I looked at him, thinking about the question. How could I put it in words for him? I mean, I was dealing with this, and lord knows this man was able to drive me wild with just one shot of his cocky grin. But how could I explain it, without sounding dopey?

I took a deep breath, then looked up at him. "Sir, honestly, I am still not sure how this will work, but I think I am over worrying about that -- I am learning to trust you to make it happen as it should. But right now, I am happy -- with where I am, and that I am able to please you. So many things are starting to make sense, and that is all because of you, seeing me for who I really need to be. So ... I am very happy, sir."

He grinned at me, and then stood. As he started to walk to the bathroom, I said, "Sir, I made breakfast while you were sleeping -- it is mostly ready, just being kept warm. I hope I was right that you would be hungry?"

He kept walking into the bathroom, but said over his shoulder, "Yeah, pup, I am -- I will be done after I take a quick shower. Ten minutes."

I stood and went down to the kitchen, and got everything on plates, and when I heard the water shut off upstairs, I started the toast, and set everything on the table. Scott walked in the kitchen right as the toast popped up, and sat down (again at the head of the table -- he truly had become master of the house, after all). He had put on a pair of Umbros, but somehow covering up only made him sexier.

I sat down beside him, and we ate, talking about little things -- music, movies, birthdays, all the small stuff we still did not know about each other. Anyone else looking at us would never have known Scott was the dominant and I was submissive, we seemed to be just two men eating breakfast (okay, so gay men given I was still naked, and every once in awhile, Scott would reach over and playfully touch my nips or my cock, but hey, fuck anyone else watching, right?).

He also told me that each morning, he expected breakfast to be ready when he came downstairs. On days we were up at the same time, he wanted a full meal like this, but most days he would not be up when I left for work, so I was to have something simple ready -- bagels, cereal, sliced fruit -- along those lines. He also expected when he was here that I would have his clothes washed for him -- I could either do them myself or have them done, but he was never to have to think about it. Basically, he delegated to me all the domestic chores, but it was not in some sort of demeaning way -- it was simply another way to reinforce my role as serving him. And oddly, I was okay with it -- I wanted to do all the menial things for him.

I had coffee brewing while we were finishing, and as I cleared the table, Scott poured a cup and told me he would be in the library when I was done cleaning up. It took me a few minutes, but the whole time, I was thinking about how things had changed so much for me, and yet how little. I had never had anyone else clean up after eating, thinking that was just being a bad host. Again, I could now look back and realize it was that part of me that wanted to serve coming out. When I was done, I poured a cup of coffee for me and went into the library.

Scott was on the computer, working on something. When I came over to him, he patted his leg for me to sit next to him. There were no other desk chairs in here (shopping note) so I ended up sitting on the floor next to him, my arm on his leg, as he worked. He was typing away a paper on Roman history, and flipping back and forth to several websites for references. I read what he was typing and was enjoying his argument on how it was economics and not Christianity that truly caused the downfall of Rome, when I caught an error. I pointed it out to him, then got down a book I had on the Roman Empire, and showed him what I was meaning. He grinned and told me I was his official paper-editor now. I laughed and asked him how much the job paid, and he leaned down and kissed me -- when he was done, I told him one of those for every error would be a good deal. He just smiled and went back to work. After a few minutes, I asked him if I could go do some of my own work, and he nodded, lost in thought.

I grabbed my laptop, and say in the big cushy chair, and worked on several contracts and reports work had emailed me that I needed to finish before Monday. We spent several hours, quietly working, just near each other. Every once in awhile, one of us would get up and stretch, walk a bit, and check on the other, but other then murmurs and such, we just silently relaxed with one another. I kept him supplied with coffee as he needed it, which he indicated by lightly tapping the cup on the desk as he worked.

After about four hours, Scott stood and stretched, grunting as he did. He walked over to me and asked me how much more I needed to do. I looked at the files, and said I had about three more hours, but I could do them tomorrow. He took the laptop and saved the files, then closed it -- I was impressed, he never read anything I was working on, and when he looked at me, he said he knew I handled confidential information, and would never read anything I did not tell him he could.

He led me upstairs to the bedroom and went into my closet and came out with track pants and a t-shirt, workout shorts, jock strap, socks and runners. He set them on the bed and told me to get dressed, as he pulled out similar items from his bag. I wanted to ask him why, but I stayed silent -- I knew he would tell me when he was ready.

We went downstairs, and he picked up the keys to the Jeep. "Come on pup, time to get you some exercise." He went to the garage as I followed, and got in the car. He drove, placing his hand on my leg and asking me more about my family, and telling me more about his mom. She knew he was gay, and was cool with it, but he was not sure how she was going to handle him being with a guy twice his age -- she was only 38 herself. But he said he knew she would deal, once she met me.

I told him my family was mostly passed away, though I had a brother and sister to whom I was very close. They knew I was gay, but also would probably have some questions about an 18yo -- one of my nephews was 16yo, so I knew they were going to be a little freaked out. Well, he would be -- my sister and I were twins, so we were extremely close, and I could explain it all to her, even the whole dom/sub thing, and she would accept it. We would never be able to tell my brother about the nature of our dating, because he was a bit on the prudish side. But he would love Scott, they had a ton in common, so I knew with time they would be cool, once he got over his issues.

As we talked, I kept thinking about this -- we were discussing more then just sex, and talking about meeting family. I still was not going to say I was in love, but obviously this was more then just fuck-buddies -- a lot more.

He drove us to my gym, and parked. I started to ask him about knowing where I worked out, but then I remembered the twins. I was nervous as we went in, and I got him a guest pass. We took off the track pants, so just in the workout shorts, and stretched. He pointed to two open treadmills, and we started to jog. He quickly set the pace, a good steady speed that would really get us sweating. After about fifteen minutes, he leaned over some, and said "Take off your shirt." I swallowed, nervous at exposing my shaved chest to the world. But I knew what would happen if I did not do it -- and I never wanted to knowingly disobey Scott again.

I peeled the shirt off, and my bare-as-a-child upper body was exposed. The new collar, with its obvious lock, was displayed for everyone to see. I had taken my shirt off here before now, so people knew I was normally hairy-chested, and I had never worn any jewelry before so the collar would be doubly obvious. I stumbled a second, looking to see who was noticing, but no one seemed to be looking. I knew it would not last, but at least for the moment I was okay.

We put in a good 45 minutes, then walked another five to cool down. As we did, I saw the twins on the weights, working their arms. When I looked at them, they grinned and one of them ran his hand down his chest and laughed. I blushed, not sure how to handle this. But I was determined not to embarrass Scott, since I knew where that would lead.

When we had finished the treadmill, Scott led me to the weights and said hello to the twins. I was amazed that he had no trouble telling them apart at all. They were both very respectful to him, but also joking with him -- but they mostly ignored me, except one time one of them grabbed the collar and said "I like you smooth, Jakey, suits a boy like you better." He watched me, as I dropped my eyes to the floor, not sure what to say.

We worked out with the twins for an hour, spotting each other as needed, competing some with how much we could each lift and press -- I usually won that, just based on size since all of us worked out enough that no one had a muscle advantage -- and it got to where we were all having a good time, they having started to include me in the joking and conversation. But by this time, a lot of guys who knew me had noticed the smoothness of my skin and the obvious slave collar, and I heard some comments. A few of the guys I had fucked before, so they knew how I had prized my chest hair -- and they also noticed how I deferred to Scott (though there were a few moments where I almost fucked up and forgot myself -- but I caught them at the last moment).

A couple of the more bold boys had come over closer to us, and they made a comment about my being a pussy-fuck where Scott could hear them. I bit my lip, thinking I would just let it go, but Scott walked over to them. I did not hear what he said but one of them turned pale white listening to Scott talk, and the other nodded, and I heard him say "Yessir" before Scott turned and walked back to us. He reached over to me, pulled me down and kissed me right there in the middle of the gym. The twins guffawed as they watched, and I turned about thirty shades of red, given the audience. But I did not pull away at all. By god, if I was going to be embarrassed, I was at least going to enjoy the kiss!!

Scott pulled back, and looked me in the eye. "You're going to have to deal with a lot of shit, because of the shit you tossed around while you tried to be the macho man. And you're going to take it from the people who you deserve it from. But I will not let you be treated badly just because some little fags are jealous. And I told them exactly what would happen if they kept it up -- and my reputation as a tough top let `em know I was not kidding." He kissed me again, then walked over to the twins and they spoke quietly. As he turned back to me, he told them he would see them tonight, and they said they were looking forward to it. Scott just motioned for me to head out, and as he walked by the two jerks, he just stared at them til they looked away. I, of course, followed just as if the collar had a leash attached.

We drove back to the house in silence, his hand on my shoulder, massaging the muscles. I was lost in my thoughts -- I had just been "outed" at the gym, and I was not sure what that meant to me. I mean, I was careful but I was not closeted at the gym -- but I had always been an alpha-male there. Now it was going to spread all around that I was another man's bitch. And I knew there was no way to explain to them the difference between being Scott's bitch and his boy -- they would just laugh.

But did that matter now? I mean, I had all but given myself to him, I wore his collar. He was driving my Jeep -- my baby. I stayed naked when he was clothed, just because he wanted it. So did it matter what they thought?

Scott seemed to sense what I was thinking, because as we pulled into the driveway, he said "I know you're still adjusting your mindset, pup, but never ever be embarrassed of being my boy -- and never think because you're mine, you're someone else's, unless I tell you to obey them. You're submitting to me, not to every man around. And the only men I will tell you to go with will be the men who you truly fucked over, like the twins. You hurt them, and you knew you did, and you never made any effort to make amends. So now, you're going to pay the price. But you have to work this out in your own head, to be able to stand in a room of people and not worry who knows you bend over for my dick when I snap my fingers." He got out of the Jeep and walked inside, leaving me there to think.

He was right, of course -- I did have to accept my role not just here at home but around people, as well. After a few minutes, I took a deep breath and followed Scott inside. The moment I got in the door, I stripped to my skin, and took my clothes upstairs. Scott was sitting on the bed, leaning back on his hands. He grinned when he saw I was naked, and again I almost melted simply from the sheer magnetism this... kid... exuded.

"Strip me, boy," he said. I set my clothes to the side, and walked over to him. I dropped to my knees, and began to undo the laces of his shoes. But as soon as I touched the firs tone, I felt an uncontrollable urge and lifted it to my lips and kissed the toe. He smiled at me, but did not move, just letting me do what I felt right. Suddenly, I could not help it, I began to lick his shoe all over -- I just felt a desire to clean them, no idea where it came from. I looked up at him, to see if he approved, and saw his head was back, his eyes closed. I was so used to judging his reaction based on his grin or his frown, I was not sure, but I had to go with the fact that since he was not stopping me, he at least did not object.

I spent five minutes on his left shoe, tasting the sweat form all the times he had run in these shoes. Then, to answer my question, he put the right one directly in front of me. He did not say a word, but I knew I had found another way to please him, and worked on it. Finally, he decided I had done enough, and told me to finish stripping him.

I pulled the shoes off, and then the socks. I massaged his feet for a few seconds, then began to work my way up his legs. As I said, I am a major leg fan, and getting to feel and massage Scott's was like a wet dream made real (which I guess, now it was...). I could feel the tensed muscles relaxing under my hands, and I loved knowing I was having that effect on him.

I reached his shorts and jockstrap, and pulled them down together. You know that musky smell guys get, after a really hard workout? It wafted up around me, and I felt like I was in heaven. I could not help it, I leaned in and licked his thigh, and lightly bit at his cock head -- just enough to be playful, but it still got him to chuckle as he ruffled my hair. I kissed the tip, and then finished removing the shorts and strap. Again, I put them to the side.

I began to move up his body, my hands running back up his legs, then up under the tail of his shirt, and I began to caress his chest. He moaned lightly as I reached his nipples and lightly queezed them between my thumb and forefinger. I did not stop, however, as I wanted to see my miniature giant in all his glory. I pulled my hands back down and then began to pull up on the shirt, as he sat forward and lifted his arms over his head. I stood up and pulled the shirt off him, leaving him bare.

I put my hands on my shirt, started to lift it, and stopped to look at my new owner. He just nodded, so I continued to remove my clothes, and soon was as bare as he was, with the exception of my collar. I lay down on the bed and put my head in his lap, looking up at him. He had leaned back on his hands, so I had a long view up his chest to his face. He was just smiling down at me, neither of us speaking.

After a few minutes, he pulled me up into the bed with him, and this time had me spoon him from behind. He jokingly told me not to get any ideas, and then put his head down on the pillows and relaxed. We stayed like this for a few hours, dozing off together. When I woke up, we have moved around so I was again in his arms, and somehow it all felt right.

When he realized I was awake, Scott leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Tonight, we are going to the bar -- it is time to introduce my boy to his old playmates."

I whimpered, but I knew better then to argue -- but then again, a small part of me knew I still needed him to rough me up, to show me he was the man of the house now, and I was merely his bitch.

Of course, had I known what was to come with me at the bar, I might have argued after all...

As always, any comments -- be they positive or negative (just stay courteous) -- are welcomed and indeed encouraged. And if any younger guy out there wants to be Scott, let me know!!!

Next: Chapter 11

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