Real Me

By Jake K

Published on Nov 29, 2004


This is a work of fiction. It involves sex between two men, including some non-consensual acts. If such would offend you, or if reading such is illegal for you due to location or age, please do not continue.

Please note this is a fantasy -- the characters engage in unsafe sex practices but in the real world, always use a condom, and make sure in very rough scenes you establish a "safe word" to stop the game. Always always make sure both partners are being responsible, and enjoying the scene. All comments to

Scott was looking at the room, and grinning. I had spent a small fortune on the room, making it into what I thought would be my dream play area -- I just never thought I would be the one being used in it. It was a 16 x 20 foot room (what the realtor had called the bonus room over the garage), giving enough room for most scenes. One corner had a tiled shower area, with a slightly angled floor, so the water all flowed to the corner drain. It was painted flat black, and had track lighting around the whole perimeter, which could be angled as needed, and shut down in segments, so the room could be bathed in light or plunged into spot-lit darkness. The floor was covered in a rubberized surface, for easy clean up after play, using a hose attachment for the shower -- unspool the hose and go to the other corner, then start washing it down, using the water pressure to move standing water towards the drain. It all led to a special spout that rained down on the garden below. From the outside the windows looked like the drapes were just closed, but on the inside, they were boarded over, to keep out any light.

I had collected a fair number of toys and utensils, and had them organized along one wall. There were paddles, hoods, dildos, chains, handcuffs, leg restraints, leather bindings, cock cages, balloon restraints, riding crops... Okay, I admit, I had gone to great lengths to have a full collection of toys -- I figured if I was going to work the job I had, I would spend the money to keep myself amused, right?

I also had a small wardrobe with all my leather gear I collected over the years in it: pants, gloves, vests, bands, shirts, collars -- everything I or my boys needed to wear except my boots. I took great care to keep them in proper condition, a step a lot of leather guys seemed to skip. Using and abusing a boy uses and abuses leather a lot, and it needed to be kept up.

The furniture (yeah, right, go to Rooms to Go and ask for most of THESE, I dare you) in the room were a restraint table, a St Andrews Cross, a couple of stools (one high, one very short), and a cage in the corner opposite the shower area.

He walked over to the table, and felt it, padded and covered in leather, and saw it was totally adjustable -- a boy could be angled almost any way that was desired, and there were reinforced holes in enough places to allow for restraints as needed. The table frame was steel, solid, so it could take hard use without worrying about breaking. He looked at me and smiled. "This will be useful soon, and I think you are going to be begging to come back to it, boy."

As I whimpered at him (I was still to nervous to speak, so I fell into the role of a human-pup even further), he walked to the middle of the room again and stood. "Get over here and strip me, boy." I crawled to him, and looked up at him, unsure how to undress him while on all fours. He looked at me and laughed, patting me on the head. "You may stand to take my clothes off, boy -- you will go back to being my dog when we are done in here. But do it quick, it is warm in here." I kept the playroom warmer then the rest of the house, since I liked sweating in play, liked to feel the slickness as two wet bodies slid over each other.

I pulled myself up, feeling my knees creak a bit -- I ran a couple of times a week but after a couple of knee injuries I had to be careful with them, and I was feeling them today. Standing on front of him, I began to lift his shirt over his head, exposing his chest. It was smooth and deeply tanned, which served to show off his developed body. He obviously spent a fair amount of time in the gym, without overdoing it. Defined without bulging, all I could imagine was watching him workout, seeing those muscles pumping, and then massaging and licking them when he was done. I could not help it, I had to lean forward and kiss his left bicep, which made him grin and flex it for me. Looking up to his eyes, I licked up to his shoulder then down his chest, sucking on his nipple as I did. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, moaning.

Happy I had found a way to please him, I began to lick all over his chest. He had worked out before going out, and I could taste the dried sweat mixed with the cologne he had splashed on to dampen the odor. It was intoxicating, and it made my cock jump as he would flex different muscles while I licked them. As I worked down to his abs, he pulled me to the table and sat down, leaning back with his hands down flat on the table. Licking at his hard abs, my hands went to his jeans and began to unbutton them. I was almost unhappy to move lower, since I loved the taste of this man's sweat but I wanted... no I needed to get his cock out. Reluctantly, I began to move down, to his feet.

I took ahold of the left boot, raised it up and kissed it once, then began to pull it off. Placing it to the side, I did the same with the right one. Looking up, I saw Scott looking at me and smiling. "I like that -- you will always kiss my boots or shoes before you remove them or worship them, as a reminder of your place. Understood?" I smiled and nodded, acknowledging his order. I went to move back to top of his jeans, to remove them, when I felt him tense up.

Alarmed, I looked up at him and saw he was unhappy. But I could not figure out what I had done. My confused look obviously made him understand I did not have a clue what I had done, which I think is what saved me from another whipping. Instead he raised his foot, and shoved me backwards, so he was now standing one foot on my chest, me on my back, looking down at me. "Boy, I am going to be nice this time, because I realize you think you did right by just nodding your head. But let me ask you, what would YOU have done had a boy not said `Yes sir' when you gave him an order?"

Looking up at this stud -- blonde, green eyed, half naked, hard toned body starting to glisten a bit from fresh sweat -- I felt my cock throb, while my stomach churned from yet again doing things wrong, from thinking like an equal.

"Sir, I am sorry -- you are right, of course, I would have spanked him, but I beg you sir, I--I am trying, and I want to please you. It is just so... new, so difficult to forget how I was and be what I am now." I leaned my head forward and kissed his foot, like I had always liked a boy to do to show his submission.

As I did this, I felt him moving -- not lifting his foot, but moving his upper body. But I did not look -- I almost dreaded knowing what was coming, thinking it was going to be another whipping. Instead, I felt a warm splash hit my hair and run to my face.

Looking up, his cock was out and in his hand, spraying me with his piss. I had always liked pissplay -- tasting it on the boys after I used them, or kissing them after I made them drink it. But I had never thought about being the one being used as a urinal. "Open wide, boy..."

As I looked at him, conflicted on this latest degradation, he grew impatient and moved his foot to my crotch, and pressed down, hard. I yelped, and moved to cover my groin, but caught myself just before I touched his foot -- suddenly realizing what I was doing, and how resisting him had ended up the last time. Instead I put my hands down by my side and opened my mouth wide.

He grinned at this, and them aimed his piss at my mouth, filling me up. He would give me a second to swallow, then aim again. It seemed like forever for him to end his spray, though I knew it was a minute or so at most. AS he used me as his personal urinal, he said, "Just think what the partners at your firm would think, boy, seeing you like this. Seeing you as a pussy fuck-toy, submitting to a KID, drinking his warm piss. God, I can hear them now, telling you what a stupid cunt you are. But it is not stupid, Jakey-boy, it is smart, smart to know your proper place. Gonna take some work, but when I am done, I am going to own the best damn boy in the entire city -- because you have done the top-stud thing, and you will know it is NOT you. My fucking pussy will be the envy of everybody, which is only right, since I was the only man to see through your charade, right, boy?"

I could not talk of course, my mouth being full of piss. But I did start as he spoke -- this was the first indication this would not be a one time thing. He was going to keep me as his bitch? I groaned -- how would I face the guys at the bar? How would I explain it to people I knew who were not in on my ... proclivities? I could not do this!!!

But the thing is, my cock -- which had started to soften a bit -- hardened again instantly. Apparently it liked the idea of this stud owning me on a regular basis.

"When I wake up in the morning, boy, I need to piss, and from now on, as long as you are not tied up, your ass had better be ready to drink it down, or your bed is going to stink when your maid comes in to clean. And somehow I think Mr Prim and Proper would not like his literally dirty laundry exposed that way. Right, bitch-boy?"

He had stopped pissing, so my mouth was empty. Knowing the lesson I had just been given, I looked up at him and said "No sir, would not like that, and I will make sure you do not have to do that, sir."

He stood back, letting me up. He looked down at his jeans, then back at me. "Finish boy." Without hesitating, I moved to him and began to pull down his jeans. He was not wearing underwear, so as I pulled them down his cock and balls were totally exposed. I was again amazed at the sheer size of his cock -- even soft, it was huge. I had seen it hard in the library and I knew it had to be at least ten inches hard, but on a short guy like him, it looked even bigger. Glancing down at my own cock, it slammed home again how superior he was to me -- even in the dick department, which had been a source of pride for me before, he had me beat.

As I got the jeans down to his ankles, he lifted each foot, letting me pull them and his socks off. I carefully put all them aside, folding them as well as his shirt, and setting them by the door with his new-claimed boots. I moved back to him, and sank to my knees. Looking up at him, I could understand why he had always felt like he should be the dominant man anywhere he went. He was close to flawless, but not totally so -- he chin had a scar across it, which I would later learn came from a bike accident when he was 16, and he had some scars on his left leg from an encounter with a small shark when he was 10. But the scars added to his masculinity, adding some weight (if that is the right word) to his frame. Some might have dismissed him as childish simply due to his height. But even at 18, he had already matured to a handsome man -- as I had seen at the bar, he attracted attention no matter where he went, and he knew he could pick and choose his companions. His blonde hair was short enough to stay neat but had that "messy" quality that so many guys tried to pull off and couldn't.

As I looked at him... hell, as I worshipped him, he looked at me, and grinned. He let me soak in the sight of him for a minute before he patted his groin. "I think it is time you got back to our interrupted fun."

I had, of course, sucked cock before now, but never one this big. I began to move towards him with some trepidation, but I knew if I even tried to object what would happen, so I had to (literally) suck it up and do it.

I kissed the head of his cock, tasting the bitter dried piss left from moments before. He petted my head, then leaned back against the stool, with his legs spread wide. I knew what was expected, so I moved forward and began to take his half-hard cock in my mouth, sucking on it. My tongue worked around the head, and moving around the rapidly hardening shaft. Even as a top, I had enjoyed sucking cock to the point that it was one of my better talents. I began to pull back off the growing shaft, so I could lick on it, lightly biting the tip which made him moan, then moving to rub the scruff on my chin across the sensitive skin. He shivered as I did this, but he did not pull away. I leaned down to suck on his large balls, delighted to find he had a shaved sac -- I do not like the feel of hair in my mouth as I did this. I lightly pulled on his balls with my mouth, suckling them. I felt his cock tense as I did this, and I realized as hard as he played, he liked it a bit rough as well -- he just was the one in control.

I went back to his cock, and began to suck it down, working as much of it into my mouth as I could. I kept getting to about eight inches and then had to back off, however -- I just could not get the last part down, I kept gagging. But I was working it well enough to have him moaning, and I thought I was okay with what I was doing. Silly me.

As I was pulling back once again, Scott grabbed me by the hair and whirled me around, shoving me against the wall, still kneeling. "Fucking tease, I am going to break that throat in, bitch!" As he said this, he began to shove his cock into me -- he obviously was not worried about me gagging, since he just worked deep into me, pistoning my mouth like he was fucking a whore's ass. I was trapped between him and the wall, and I could not do anything but accept it. He would shove deep into me, sometimes holding it there, while I choked. Just when I would feel close to passing out, he would pull out, laughing, telling me how hot I looked, a new pussy sucking his owner's cock.

Just when I was starting to get used to his monster invading my mouth, he began to slam into me faster and harder. I could tell he was getting close, and I moaned, wanting him to fill me with his seed. I grabbed his ass, and as he thrust into me I pulled him harder -- helping him truly fuck my face.

With one last thrust, he pinned me to the wall, and began to shoot down my throat. The first one went straight down, and then he was starting to pull out. The second third and fourth volleys filled my mouth with his salty and warm cum. He pulled out so the fifth hit me on the face, and then the sixth and seventh went all over my chest, his cum matting down the hair across my pecs.

He stood there for a moment, panting, sweat dripping from his face down onto mine. I stuck my tongue out and tasted the drops, again enjoying his taste. Slowly he backed away, looking down at me, with my own cock now throbbing and leaking like a faucet. He laughed at me and said, "Shit, boy your cock is telling me you are a total sub slut!!! And now you know how to suck my cock, boy -- do not forget it!!!" As he spoke he walked to his clothes and began to pull them on, which had me confused.

"S-sir? You are getting dressed... are you going to leave? I thought you were going to fuck me?" Even I could hear the pleading tone in my voice, but I did not care -- right then all I wanted was this man to use me like a whore, like HIS whore. And it was that look on my face that almost had him doubled over laughing.

"Boy, I am going to fuck you, but not tonight. You need to think about things, and to do some tasks to show me you understand your new role. First, when I come back next Friday evening, you will be naked and waiting at the door. I will be here at 9, and I will not accept you not being there on your knees. And I already looked at your day planner, so I know you are free -- I took the liberty to pen myself in as Mr Scott. I also expect all that body hair to be gone -- from neck down you will be smooth." At this, I almost spoke up, but stopped as Scott held the belt in his hands, only half way on his waist, waiting to see if he was going to need it. I swallowed and nodded. He went on, "I am going to borrow your Jeep -- and before you freak out, I am leaving my contact information so you know I am not stealing it. But I do not want you to get dressed until you go to work Monday morning. It is now 1 AM Sunday, so that will give you time to think this all over before you go to your high-powered job. You get to be the man there, but when you come home, I want you naked. Spend the nights getting used to no clothes because you will be that way whenever I am here. I expect nightly emails, telling me what you have thought about this all day. And each night, you are to jerk off until you are JUST close to coming, and then stop. Lie to me, and we both know I will be able to tell -- for a lawyer, you seem to fucking suck at keeping things hidden, at least from me."

As he spoke he pulled a pen and card from his jeans and wrote something on the back of it. "These are my home number, my cel, my home email and my address at the college. I work for the Student Activities office, and this is my card there. I am going to bring your Jeep back in proper order, and then we are going to have a long talk about where this will go. Now, do you have any questions?"

I looked at him, again dressed in his tight jeans and tee shirt, wearing the boots he had taken from me, unhooking my Jeep keys from my key chain, and all I thought was `Don't leave' but knowing no matter what I said, he was going to do as he wanted. "Sir, I will be honest, I know I will have many questions, but right now, all I can think is I want you to stay. As you said, I need time to think this all over, and figure out what I want to ask -- may I email them to you, sir?"

He reached out and ruffled my hair, and smiled. "That was the perfect response boy -- if you had tried to pepper me with questions, I would have known they were not what you really wanted to ask, that you had not really thought about them. Admitting you need time is a good thing, boy, and yeah, you can email them to me. Whether I answer them the same way or wait til Friday will depend on my mood."

As we walked out the door of the playroom, he locked it back, and took that key as well. Then he stopped and looked at me. At first, I was unsure why. He did not seem angry, just anticipating something. I knew I was supposed to do something, but what?

Then suddenly I remembered -- he had let me stand like a man, or rather like a boy, only until we were done in the room. I sank down to all fours, blushing at turning myself into a human pet again for this 18yo, in my own home even. But somehow it felt right. He chuckled and petted me on the head and led me downstairs. I had thought coming UP them was tough, but this was amazingly difficult. I almost slipped a couple of times, but looking at Scott I knew I was not getting a reprieve -- this was punishment, and I was going to take it.

When we got down and to the garage door, he squatted down by me. "Boy, you are to stay on all fours until you cannot hear the engine anymore. Friday, when I get here, be on all fours by the door waiting. Understood, puppy?"

I looked at him, and started to say "Yes sir" but then decided to be a bit playful, and simply "WOOF"ed at him, grinning. He laughed and ruffled my hair one last time, then walked out the door and closed it. As I heard him start up the Jeep, I quickly crawled to the office window to watch him go -- and yes, I stayed on all fours the whole time.

But once he was gone, and the euphoric feeling died down, I began to wonder what the hell I had done. For the next five hours, I walked around arguing with myself about what this was and where I was going with it. I finally went to bed at 7 AM, now convincing myself at the very least I was versatile, and that serving him was not going to last forever.

But I did not put clothes on, not even a robe, until I dressed for work Monday morning.

Thanks to all who have written with feedback - it is very much appreciated. I am going to use some of your suggestions, but those of you who I do not use yours, it is just because they do not fit with my story arc. Please keep them coming, though, and for any of you young guys who might like to be Scott - shoot me an email GRIN.

Next: Chapter 5

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