Real World

By Michael Yost

Published on Jan 11, 2003


"I lived with Christov for only a week and then he sold me to Michael. I was responsive to Christov's lessons. He felt he did his his duty by me. He also felt I was a below average student. He took me to Michael's house. It was very luxurious in a very male way. Everything had a purpose. The rooms were brisk, efficient, and elegant like the owner had no time for knickknacks or clutter. The rooms were also coated with books everywhere. Computers were running in almost every room. Michael was busy networking a census of the present day world population of vampires for Maharet and Mekare. He was also deeply involved in writing a history of vampires before Christ. How the vampire myth of resurrection influenced the myth of Christ's resurrection. He was presenting the theory that the Christ myth may have been a rumor started by ancient, so called compassionate vampires in order to start a new cult where they could have more control over the brutal and wasteful appetites of humans, and to give humans hope for an after life.. To his surprise what I lacked for in physical gifts was compensated by an ability to decode ancient long dead languages written by either human cultures or vampire cultures. Ancient vampires often would invent a written language to record events and their feelings. Many of these ancients died out, or they grew so old they forgotten how to decode their own writings. I was a great find for him. At first I liked him. I liked his enthusiasm, and praise he made me feel useful. He gave me a purpose."

"So why aren't you with him?"

"He took me to his bed, and I was confused, I had only just learned how to cope with killing, and surrendering the day light, and now I had this strange man trying to undress me. I fought him off as well as I could, he held me down, and he captured me with the darkness in his eyes."

"He fucked you?"

"No, he licked me. He licked me until I stared to shudder, and involuntary move around the bed, and I had an orgasm quite unlike any I could ever of had when I was a mortal boy. It was an orgasm of skin. He told me this was something all vampires did to each other, And I was to be exclusive to him and he would wait till I was ready for him to teach me more. I felt tricked. Like all his praise and kind words were just a ruse to use me. I ended up bolting out of the bed, running for the phone, and calling Christov. I was hysterical. Christov came to Michael's house and he took me home."

"Why were you so afraid? Didn't you like what he was doing to you?"

"Yes I liked it, yes I hated it. I didn't understand what he wanted. At first I thought he wanted to hurt me. I didn't like how he assumed I was available for him to do whatever he wanted to do. I didn't even know him! Christov and I agreed I would work for Michael, and eventually I would become Michael's partner. By that time I was back to being numb, letting everyone make my decisions for me, and I was becoming more a part of a dream I was passively dreaming. Except when Michael would take me to bed, trying to force me into letting him do more than just lick my neck. There I would not give into to him. Finally Michael forced me to agree after our promise ceremony I would not resist him, He even had me watch porn films with him. He would get angry and frustrated with me, using his low toned voice to coax or torment me, and I would always get sick afterwards. With Josh it was different. We watched some porn together once. He started laughing and making jokes about what was going on. At first I laughed nervously along with him. Then I started really laughing. He didn't try anything that night. We cuddled and talked together. It was like it wasn't a big deal."

"So what about this Josh guy?"

"When I met Josh everything either negative or positive I felt about Michael disappeared. Michael was no longer a perceived threat or future to me. I broke off the engagement he forced me into. I stopped living in a dream world. I wanted to live not because I was afraid of dying, but because I was looking forward to spending every night with Josh."

"Are you sure about his Josh character?" Ovid laughed, "You make him out to be too good to be true."

"Nope I'm not sure about him at all," Pete admitted "His foster maker Damion likes me, but he doesn't approve of Josh and I being together. Damion has a huge influence over Josh. Josh's friend Ray thinks Josh is a jerk for settling for a boy who can only live half his life with him, only at night. And Josh, Josh is a flirt from hell. I know he's perfectly capable of going both ways with either a girl or boy. It does make me nervous sometimes. I guess that's why we fight so much. Why I hurt his feelings by rejecting him in bed. I can't imagine why a popular, handsome guy, a guy who attracts both mortal boys and girls, a boy who has it all would want a drip like me."

"To torment, tease, and bite I suppose," Ovid said mockingly. "Cut yourself a little slack here. The best thing I did for you so far was to break those pathetic glasses of yours. If you would of had a little more self confidence in yourself in high school, if you hadn't of ran away every time some guy looked at you, you would have lost your virginity years ago. Bottom line. You don't trust Josh. That's what your gut instinct is telling you. He's too pretty, too prefect. You fell for him too fast and too seriously. Probably so you could have an excuse to break it off with Michael. Why not be independent? Find someone who you not only trust but who can teach you to trust your ability to be a knockout."

"I do trust Josh. I don't trust all those creepy morals giving him their attention," Pete protested.

"Right," Ovid snorted, grabbing Pete by his shoulders, kissing his mouth roughly, putting his hand under his shirt, Ovid rubbed the halo of Pete's nipple between his two fingers.

To Pete's surprise he felt himself responding to the other boy's rude play. Passionately Pete kissed Ovid back, his tongue playing inside the most texture of his mouth. His tits feeling taunt and tight as Ovid pulled up his shirt; Ovid's tongue licking the cold flesh of him. Ovid's head slid down to Pete's belly, ticking him, arousing him. Ovid stopped

"You felt that didn't you? You so called little dreamer. You liked what Michael did to you with his mouth,'" Ovid mocked Pete.

"Yes I liked what he did. I liked what you were doing. Problem is I like neither of you," Pete said, moving away from him.

"I like you," Ovid said winsomely eyeing Pete's cigarette slim, long legs, his skinny frame, creaming for his hazel eyes, "Come to the concert with me. I promise a whole evening of me being good. No licking, sucking, kissing, touching or anything else. I won't even dance with you. And Pete you know you like how it feels to dance with me."

"Yes, I would love to dance with you, Emil, or Lena. I would like for us to be friends."

"Emil's a little jealous of you. He thinks Lena thinks you're too pretty. He'd share Lena with you if you would sleep with him too. All you have to do is join our coven. Join us and you'll have our loyalty for all eternity."

"Lena is beautiful," Pete said amused, "I have no inclination towards Lena or Emil."

"You know I used to be the captain of my swim team before I died. Emil worked part time as a waiter. Lena worked at a clothing store. We all three were middle class kids when we were forced out of the mortal world. Seduced really. You and us. We have a lot in common. We took a hit on blood and never came out of our high."

"Yes, you're right we do have that in common with each other," Pete said, turning his head away before Ovid could kiss and touch him again.

"I have to get on the phone and call Bent!" Josh ordered Amy at the Chicago house. Amy had spent two hours happily yapping to her best friend.

"Shut up Josh I am so not talking to you," Amy yelled.

"Amy, I'm sorry about all the nasty things I called you," Josh said frantically, "You called me some nasty things too. And you way went over the line invading my privacy! Now please let me have the phone!"

"Like faggot, faggot, faggot!" Amy sang, "You are a faggot! And you draw over yourself like a little kid, faggot!"

"Amy shut up with the name calling," Thomas yelled.

"I'm not referring to you Thomas," Amy yelled shrilly, slamming down the phone.


Next: Chapter 33

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