
By Cristina

Published on Jul 7, 2003


Note: Harmony's name has changed to Cristina.

I went to school the next day and put on my front. I tried to act like everything was okay. Luckily, we had a lab in Physics, so Crystal and Daniel let me get away with just sitting there while they did the lab. I went to 2nd and layed my head down on the table. Jen came in and sat down and asked me what happened. I told her I didn't feel like talking about it and lucky for me she didn't push it. She started talking about the Ag fundraiser and said the stuff came in. I asked her how much I owed her and she had completely forgot I ordered anything from her. She looked it up and said I owed her $17 and since I had it on me I gave it to her. She said I could come by her house later and pick it up. She said she could call first and I gave her my number. We just started laughing and joking around after that. It felt great. I was surprised I was having fun again already. The rest of school went by pretty fast. I went home and waited for her to call. It was almost 5 when she finally called. She told me I could come get my stuff and apologized for taking so long. She explained that she and Torrence had been getting stuff ready for her mom's garage sale next weekend. I told her it was fine I didn't have any pressing plans anyways and told her I'd be over in a few minutes. She lives a few blocks down from Dominique so it wasn't hard to find her. I pulled up and she wasn't there yet. She had called from her mom's cellphone so I knew there was a possibility that I would beat her home. I waited a few minutes. I saw her and Torrence pull up in her mom's green Honda Civic. She said hey and before we even got into the house she asked me what I was doing and if I wanted to hang out at her house for a while. I said sure but I had to be home before 8 so I could beat my dad home. She said okay and we went inside. Jen and Torrence were talking while me and Jen played Dr. Wario on N64. She was kicking my ass so I just started building towns and stuff with the pills. If you've never played the game it's like Tetris with pills instead of blocks. Torrence left before I did and I was on my way out the door when Jen asked if I wanted to hang out this weekend. I said sure just give me a call first and I'd be over. She gave me a hug before I left. I left and woke up the next morning just in time to catch the phone on the third ring. It was Jen. She asked if I was still coming over to hang out and I said sure just give me a few minutes to wake up. She said okay and warned me it might be kinda boring because she had to clean house and asked if I could bring my CD's. I'm known for being a music freak. I have 3, 72 cd holders full. So, I said of course. She said okay and I went to go change and brush my hair and a few minutes later I was at her house hanging out watching her vaccuum and listening to my CD's. We pretty much just talked and hung out the entire day. We ended up back at my house because Jen wanted to hear me play guitar. It was weird. I usually don't play for anyone. I'm really shy and introverted, but I hide it pretty well around her. I'm playing and Jennifer's listening hardcore. It decide to make things even and make her go back to her house so I can hear her play piano. It's awesome and she has a kick ass voice too. All too soon I have to go. She gives me a hug and says she'll call me later. I don't see her again until Monday when I go up to Wendy's. She's on break so she comes over to talk to me until James shows up. He asks what friend it was that had the girlfriend and I tell him straight out that would be me. He says cool and asks how that's going. I tell him I dumped her because she cheated on me with this guy. And he says that sux and he's sorry. I leave after that and come back the next day. She looks pissed when I walk in. She goes off on me. "Where the hell were you yesterday? I tried to call you yesterday 3 times and twice today." I don't say anything I just laugh. I can't help it. Half because she's really pissed at me and half out of relief that it's something stupid. She asks what the hell is so funny. I told her if she stopped and listened to herself she'd be laughing too. She stops and cracks up laughing. "So, what are you doing here anyways?" "I just came to see you." She says wow none of her other friends come see her at work. She says she feels special. I give her my pager number before I leave and tell her I'll talk to her later because a lot of people are milling in and business is starting to pick up. The next day she calls but I don't hear the phone but she pages me twice so I call her back thinking it's probably important. She answers and asks if I can come over and house sit because she has a job interview at Dairy Queen and her mom's at work and Torrence and James are busy. I tell her I have alot of people at my house because David, Danelope, and Dominique are all over at my house. She sounds dissappointed. "So, you can't do it. That's fine." "I didn't say I couldn't do it. I just need a few minutes to get everyone out of my house." "Thank you so much Cristina. I will love you forever." I tell her okay and ask if I can bring anyone over. She says sure and asks like who. I tell her just Dominique and Danelope. She says sure that we can watch TV or whatever. She tells me if she's not there when we get there to just walk in and wait till she gets back. I said okay and a few minutes later we were over at her house. She's still there when we get there. Me and Danelope find the Tarot cards and fuck with them a while and tell her her future before she leaves. The cards say she'll get the job, but she'll be a pregnant widow soon, which is pretty funny considering that's one of her biggest fears. She was telling me the other day on the phone about this nightmare she had that she was pregnant by James. She said they're going to start using protection and I just laugh and tell her she probably won't. She laughs and says I'm probably right. She leaves for her interview and Daniel reads my future. It says that 3 people close to me will die, one that I'm in love with, and one day I'll have everything I want. Jen comes back. She got the job. Daniel just left so not it's just the 3 of us. I pull out my chapstick and put some on and Jen takes it from me and acts like she's going to eat it. Dominique asks if she can use some and I tell her no. I was just joking but she gets all defensive. Jen justs laughs and says that privelidge is reserved for her and puts some on. I put some more on after that and Jen calls me on it. See look, I can tell how bad she wants me. She puts chapstick on right after it's been on my lips and doesn't even try to clean it. I just laugh it off even though I know she's right. I hand it to Dominique and we just drop the whole thing. We hang out for a few minutes and Dominique asks me to drop her off. We drop her off and go back to Jen's house and she asks if I wanna do something. I say sure and we go grab something to eat at Wendy's. We're in the parking lot about to go in and Jen's checking her hair out in the mirror. She has to know how hot she is. We walk in and she's still messing with her hair. I decide to fuck with her so I tell her yes Jennifer your hair looks like shit can we move on now. Fuck you. And I tell her I was just messing with her that she really does look fine I just assumed she knew that already. Insecure. I'm surprised. What does she have to be insecure around me for? We sit down and wait for her order and Crystal and David run up and start banging on the outside door. Jen is still finishing up so I walk outside to take care of them. "Aww, Cristina how cute. We interupted your first date." "Shut the hell up she probably heard that." They were really starting to piss me off at this point. She comes outside and we're ready to go but they have my truck blocked in and they're banging on my doors and being really retarded. Crystal shoves me up against my door and starts humping my leg. Jennifer's inside the truck smoking a ciggarette like she didn't have a care in the world. I'm like okay you guys had your fun can we go now? They take off and tell us to enjoy the rest of our date. And we leave. I apologize for my friends being assholes. She says don't worry about it. They're pretty funny. I ask her if she wants to go back to her house. And she asks if I'm leaving yet? I say no not unless she wants me to. And she says of course not why would she want me to leave? I said I don't know I'd be embarrassed if someone accused me of being gay in a public place. She said no it doesn't bother her that a lot of people think she swings both ways anyways. She asks if I want to go to Tyler with her Wed. after school and I say sure I just have to clear it with my dad. She says cool and we go back to her house and hang out for a few hours. She asks me if I've ever seen a dildo and I'm like yeah. I've used a few before too. Her eyes bug out and she runs to go get hers. She had a friend buy her one in Tyler. This thing is about 8 in long, 3in wide, and glows in the dark. She tells me to hold it and cracks up when she turns it on. I'm laughing but I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like I've never seen one before. She puts the dildo back in her drawer and we stay in her room listening to her new Outkast CD. She's trying to rap with Big Boi but she can't keep up so I help her out a little. She's cracking up because she thought I only listened to punk and rock. Nope I like Outkast and Ludacris too. We're laying there watching her cat play with this stuffed fish in her room and I'm cracking up laughing. "Look Jen your cat is eating that fish." "Good kitty. Be a good lesbian just like your mommy taught you." "What did you just say. I'm going to disregard that last comment because I know you couldn't have said what I think you just said." She just laughs. I'm really confused. We're laying there and our faces are really close. She moves closer and I pull away and stand up really fast and ask "So, what songs did you want on that CD u wanted me to burn for you?" I know, I know, but I couldn't do it. Something told me it would be a big mistake, so she says. "So, I guess it's time for me to take you home huh?" "I said yeah I guess" and she drives me back to my house. We go inside and we're talking about prom and I tell her I'm probably not going. She asks why. She knows I already have a dress. I just don't want to go and I don't know what to do with my hair and makeup. She asks if I want her to do my hair and makeup and I say sure. She says cool and heads for the door. I stop her get a hug and tell her I love her. She says she loves me too and leaves. Let me clear this up. We've been saying I love you to each other for awhile now. It's strictly out of friendship I think. We have a week off school coming up and I'm in second block the next Monday and I ask Jen what she's doing next week. Nothing I was actually going to ask if you wanted to hang out since James is going to his grandparents. Sure I said. She tells me there's a carnival coming Wed. and she really wants me to go because she really doesn't want to go with anyone else. James always gets sick after the first ride. I say sure why not? She comes over on Monday and we hang out for awhile. James hasn't left yet so we all hang out at the bowling alley and me and Jen are watching them play pool. There's four of us because James brought his friend Matt who to say the least is slightly getting on Jen's nerves. James asks her what's wrong and she tells him about Matt. He starts whining saying if she can bring a friend why can't he? She says that's different, you like Cristina you already told me that I don't like Matt. But, she ends up compromising and lets it go and tolerates Matt. She's asking me if I wanna play and I'm like no that's okay I don't know how. So, she plays the next game with James. She kicks his ass and James and Matt play another game. Then that song by Uncle Kracker comes on. You know that song Follow Me.

Well, Jen starts singing it to me right when it starts the line "I'm not worried bout the ring you wear cause as long as no one knows than nobody can care." The whole time I'm looking at the ring on Jen's finger. James proposed last week. He's going into the military soon though. So, in all probability one of her Tarot fortunes will come true. I'm still laughing at Jen because she's poll dancing with the pool stick now. She's fucking hilarious, it's great. She keeps coming over to me and whispering shit about Matt and I'm laughing and James gets pissed and asks what we're laughing about. He's really insecure too and he thinks we're talking about him. We tell him we're not and he looks satisfied for now. We end up going to Dairy Queen afterwards and James is still convinced we're talking about him. It's starting to piss me off. I tell him off. "Dude, we haven't said anything about you, chill out, we're laughing at your friend." Jen just starts laughing histerically. "James just got charged up", she says and laughs some more. She starts in between laughs, "Wow even Torrence doesn't have the balls to charge James up." I apologize to James for being such a bitch and tell him it was just getting on my nerves because we really weren't talking about him. He barely says two words on the drive back. I hang at her house for a few minutes and then leave to go back home. She says she'll call or come over tomorrow after he leaves.

Next: Chapter 9: So

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