
By Bruce Turner / Charles Turner

Published on Jan 1, 2018


I hadn't intended to write this portion of the story of my summer with John but after a few emails I realized that I should give the readers the rest of the story. While Part I was 95% true this part is closer to 60/40, and that is true because there are many things that happened that summer that I don't remember accurately, such as numbers. Any of the people mentioned were actually there and most did what was said except for Billy, he would never involve himself in any way with either John or me. I hope you are enjoying this part of my life even though most of what happened between us was vioilent and new to a newly out young gay man. I'd had sex but you would have to read other stories to get a grasp of what that might have been.

With what you have already read above I have to assume you are not disturbed by this type of sex or you would have already moved on. So, blah, bl;ah, blah. Please be of legal age to read sexual stories. This is my writing and belongs solely to me, please do not copy or share.

Finally. Nifty survives on donations. This is 2018 and many of you will no longer be itemizing your donations but that does not mean much. If your basic deduction is doubled that should cover the amount you donate. Please help by any amount you can.

Reawakened Chapter Two

I don't remember too much about that weekend. John lead me from his Triumph to the front door of his apartment with my belt looped around my neck. My training began as soon as he unlocked the door.

"When you come to MY apartment you are to always be undressed before you ring the doorbell.

You should leave your clothes in your car, if you need to wear shoes and socks to cross the pavement take them off and leave them here.

"Once you are inside you are to stay on your knees. The only time you will be on your feet is if I tell you that I want you to stand or I tell you to go into the kitchen and cook. If I send you to the kitchen for a beer you will stay down, there is a bottle opener hanging by the refrigerator a few inches from the floor you may use to open it.

"You have one reason to be here. You are here to give me pleasure. Repeat that."

"I have one reason to be here, I am here to give you pleasure."

I finished saying that only to have him swat my butt with a wooden paddle he had hanging beside the front door. "Say it right."

I didn't know what I had said wrong. I thought about it for a moment and said, "I am here for one reason, that is to give you pleasure."

That time he hit me twice as hard at least four times. "Try again, slave."

"I am here to give you pleasure."

I couldn't believe he did it again, harder and more often. "You are a stupid slave. When you speak to your master you start with Sir and end your comment with Sir. Now try that again."

"Sir, the only reason I am here is to give You pleasure, Sir." My ass was already hurting, I didn't want him to be displeased with what Ii said but i wasn't sure that i wanted to be his slave."

The next hour or longer was Him giving me rules. Me getting it wrong, Him beating my ass harder and more times. I don't have a lot of padding on my ass now, i had even less then. As we moved through the apartment He used different whips or paddles, most of them being leather. I don't know if He had drank that much beer or was able to hold His urine that well, but during that first hour i was made to drink His piss at least four more times as i learned not to allow even one drop of piss escape my mouth For the next 30 hours He drank beer and i drank piss.

We didn't leave His apartment until 9PM on Sunday evening. I had been fucked so many times i couldn't count them. I think it was the second or third time He fucked me that He choose to piss in my ass. To this day i enjoy that but i don't know why, i felt more humiliated when He did that than doing any of the other humiliating things He had me do. What things? Licking my cum off His foot? Licking His ass until he fell asleep? Giving Him a full body tongue bath? Pissing myself in the tub, trying to hit my own mouth with a stream of recycled beer?

The worst part was that i wasn't allowed to ask for anything that may have made the experience better for either of us. I learned later that if i could have asked Him to not pull out after pissing in my ass i could have held it inside much longer. For some reason i didn't miss Him not giving me that blow job that i had originally thought was my intended goal that night.

Sometime Sunday, i think it was while He had a lunch cooking, He lead me to the bathroom, got me in the bathtub, pissed on my crotch and handing me a razor and shaving cream told me to shave. i didn't get his meaning at first, i knew i was getting a normal morning stubble on my chin and cheeks so i went to slap water on my face. He berated me for being such a stupid slave and let me know He meant that He wanted me to shave all my pubes from my belly button to my ass hole. He stood watching me grow younger until a bell rang in the kitchen. He warned me that He better not find one hair or i would be beaten until i couldn't lay down. I already was unable to sit, but not being able to lay down? My back and chest? I got to work and checked my work over and over until I was sure there was nothing left.

I'd had hair around my dick and asshole since Ii was around eleven so looking at myself and not seeing hair was strange. I know it should have been humiliating but it really wasn't. In fact i think i felt some pride that John had decided after one night that He was going to have me hairless, it meant He was going to have me stick around, i knew that from what He had told me when giving me the rules that first hour. I had easily given into the idea that i would belong to a man and not be fucking chicks. I don't know if i would have been able to do that so easily if He hadn't kept my balls drained, either fucking the cum out of me or having me jack off for Him and licking it up from where ever He made me shoot, the kitchen floor, His feet, the coffee table, the bathroom floor (in front of the commode while He was taking a dump) or the many other odd places including a dildo that He had just used on me.

Before He had me cook dinner Sunday evening He had me shave my face, chest and armpits. The only hair left on my body was on the top of my head and my lower legs. I almost shaved my head but decided i shouldn't go beyond His orders even if it was to please Him. He examined my body from head to toe when i stood in the kitchen to reach the pans He kept over the stove.

"Before you come back i want you to go to a barber and having him use a #1 guard clip the hair off your head. After dinner I'll shave your back."

I don't remember much of the dinner except we did have escalloped apples among the rest of whatever i cooked. I was allowed to eat with Him at the table but told that the only time it would happen was holidays. After dinner He did shave my back which wasn't much of a job, at that time i had a little hair on my shoulders and a little right above the belt line.

About eight PM He started getting ready to go out, taking a shower, shaving and getting dressed in Levi's and a white T-shirt. He fussed around trying to make a whip and quirt hang from His belt but look decent. After fussing for ten minutes He hanged the bullwhip around my neck and stuck the quirt in the back of His pants so that it was sticking out over His right pocket.

"If you embarrass Me this evening you are going to lose at least one ball, two if it is too bad. You are with me for my pleasure."

"Sir, i am allowed to be Your slave only for Your pleasure, Sir." He looked me over went to the bag of items He had used on me since we entered His apartment Saturday morning. When He had me stand in front of Him He fastened a chastity device on my cock, had me turn around and forced a butt plug in my asshole.

"You will remember that you belong to Me. Tonight the only piss you will be allowed is that which I tell you to take."

"Sir, yes Sir." I had no idea where we were headed. I did remember that He had been talking to a friend about a show that He was involved in, in some way that i hadn't understood. We could have walked to one bar that we would end the night at, however once in the car we went in the opposite direction.

I wanted to get dressed but when i reached for my clothes behind the seat He slapped me on the chest hard enough to leave a hand print over my right pec. "No clothing for now, maybe when we hit the bars if it has cooled off."

He drove us to a part of the city which i had always been told to avoid. It was next to an ethnic neighborhood where i wouldn't be accepted let alone welcome. I hadn't seen anyone on the sidewalks or streets for at least ten blocks when He pulled into a parking lot that only had a half dozen cars and trucks there. As had become my pattern i was out first and around the car to open His door. We were probably a half dozen steps from a black door when He took the whip off my neck and ordered me to the ground.

"No drinking." With that He pissed on my head and let what He wasn't able to stop, to flow down my chest. "Hands and knees!."

Once i was there, which couldn't have taken three seconds He hanged the whip around my neck and walked to the door. Going those few feet to the door was Hell on the knees, He didn't notice and i couldn't speak so i couldn't tell Him that the right knee was scraped badly enough that i had started to bleed. In the brightly lit warehouse He was greeted by many of the men that He had spent time talking with on Friday night. A few of them made comments about me, mostly about Him keeping me for the weekend. A couple that noticed i had been shaved asked if i was now going to be trained to be His slave, He only answered that i was now in training. That couple was disappointed, they had hoped that i was going to be the urinal for the party. He told them He would see how i behaved on the iron cross, if i did well He might allow me to drink my fill of piss.

The inversion of of my desires and His was confusing to me. I'm not a simpleton but he might allow me? If i did well? So He didn't think of giving me piss as punishing me? I was busy thinking about that when He pointed to a black X in the center of the room and told me to crawl over there and wait for Him. Before i moved He put the quirt in my mouth and told me not to let it hit the floor.

I had never seen an Iron Cross before so i crawled around it once before I found a place to wait for my Master. I could tell there were brackets to fasten arms and legs to the black wood. I didn't understand why there were chains fastened to the back. As i looked around the room i saw some chains hanging from the ceiling, two set of the chains had heavy set, hairy, older men hanging; they were naked and even from the distance we were apart i could tell they had welts on their backs from the neck to their knees. John had hit my legs twice so i knew that the welts on their legs hurt more than the ones on their backs and butts.

"Sit on your butt and open your mouth!"

It didn't require me to answer, i sat like He wanted and let my lower jaw drop.

"Billy, you told me last week you had never used a boy for a urinal, so now is your chance."

"John, I don't think I can."

"Billy, didn't you just say you needed to take a leak? Move closer."

"Boy, lick at his dick like I taught you." I knew what He was saying. He wasn't trying to get me to give Billy a blow job or even get him hard, He had explained and 'let' me practice lightly licking under the head of His dick to get the flow of piss started. I knew that Billy was one of His best friends and He wouldn't accept failure on my part. He was close enough that I was able to blow a little bit of warm breath down his cock and then do as He had taught me. I didn't know whether i really wanted to drink his piss, they had been talking on the phone earlier about Billy just getting over a case of the clap. Was he going to pass it to me or would the penicillin in his system protect me?

I didn't get to think about it any longer, he only needed me to lick at his dick twice before he was able to release a thicker load of piss than my Master, thicker and stronger. Neither of them said a word to me as they walked away. It finally pierced my thick skull. i was only there for his pleasure and once used i was no more important than the last urinal He visited. Why i didn't leave Him right then i don't know, His dick wasn't that special, i was often in pain and my life was turned upside down.

It turned out John was the leader of the group that met in this warehouse monthly. The owner of the building was one of the first men i had seen hanging from the chains. When i looked up from drinking the load that Billy was happy to have given to me i saw that there had been twenty or more people enter the building, most of them in black leather chaps and vests, there were a few that were in Levi's but not too many. Like me there were at least ten guys totally naked or wearing only jockstraps. i was nervous but i did recognize some of the people there from the bar on Friday night, most of which had pissed in my mouth or on me. Where I was sitting didn't seem like the shallow pit that i had been tied in Friday so i didn't think i was sitting there waiting for everyone to drink enough beer to use me but i didn't really know if i was going to be used like that again or not..

"Stand." I hadn't expected to hear that at all that evening and so early confused me but i did what i was told, my Master turned me around so i was facing the Iron Cross. He had seldom warned me about what He was going to do to me but with one arm pulled up to the top right arm of the cross He quietly told me that i was going to be tied to the cross and rotated a quarter turn after each of the members had use a whip on me.

I panicked and tried pulling away from Him and the Iron Cross but it was too late, one arm was fastened and He had both of h\His hands on the other arm easily over-powering me. Once He had my legs tied down He stood behind me with His fingers playing in the crack of my butt, something that He had already learned was something that i loved. It was odd, i had gone with him anally virginal and now the best way to calm me down was to manually massage my asshole.

"They aren't allowed to draw blood. Hold on and enjoy the pain." Did He have any idea what He was saying to me? Enjoy the pain? He had told me the second or third time He had used the quirt on me that the goal for me was to accept enough pain that it stopped hurting and took me to an orgasm but i hadn't yet been able to do that or even imagine that it was possible. Having Him beat me hadn't even given me an erection although the last time i had thought i was chubbing up when He stopped hitting me with the quirt.

He moved a few steps away and addressed what by then must have been close to a hundred leather clad men, a few women and more than thirty naked men and boys hanging around the outside of the room. "Every year on this Sunday we bring sacrifices to the gods. Elsewhere in the country people celebrate the resurrection of a man they worship as their God. He was given forty lashes with a Roman whip and then murdered on a cross.

"In front of you is my sacrifice to our gods. Each of you may step onto this platform and give him two lashes with whatever type of whip you have with you. When you have finished he will be hanging here for any that may want to shower him with piss. At eleven-thirty the cross will be turned so that he is facing the floor. Mr. Vice-President would you like to be first?"

For the next hour i was whipped with quirts, bull whips, paddles, flogs, leather slappers and i have no idea what else. There was a point when i no longer felt any pain, i thought i must have gone numb but i could feel that my dick was erect and pressing hard against the cross.

"Is there anyone that has not had the opportunity to give the sacrificial slave two strokes with their whip?

"Billy, I know you don't have a whip with you, would you like to use one of mine?" This must be as much an initiation for Billy as it was for me. I really wasn't at all surprised when i saw him take the quirt from my Master's hand. He didn't know what he was doing or what he had learned by watching the others hadn't sunk in, the two times he hit me were barely hard enough to feel.

Turning the cross after each of the members of the group had hit me had really left me disoriented. I could tell that i must be horizontal since i was seeing John standing up right with the bull whip in His right hand. I had been hit with a few of them earlier and the pain was much more than with anything else. I thought that there were only going to be two more strikes on my body, i was thinking that i had survived the ordeal. Two more and then i was going to be rearranged on the cross so that when it was rotated i would be facing the floor.

John was a perfectionist when it came to laying a whip where He intended. He had proved that to me dozens of times in His apartment. Now i was displayed in front of a hundred of His associates, The arms of the cross that held my legs were spread wider, i felt like i was ready to be split in two but knew there was at least another foot or two to go before that happened since i could almost do a split, not quite. As the men operating the cross stepped back i saw John move His arm into a sidearm pitching position and leave go. Up until that time i had done as told and not verbally reacted, but the tip of the bull whip had struck me on the balls and i howled.

He didn't wait long enough for me to stop. The second strike hit me on the asshole, i howled again but what what He and the group had been waiting for happened. I gushed a load of cum over the cross that shot out and drained to the floor. Everyone in the building that could, applauded. John had Billy kneel by me and lick up my cum from the floor and offered him my ass to lick before i was to be turned and hanged. I didn't think he would, but Billy bent over so he could reach my ass and spent at least ten minutes making my asshole feel much better.

For more than an hour i was the recipient of the piss of most of the attendees. Whether those that didn't piss on me didn't need to or were holding it for one of the men still hanging around the room being paddled and whipped by two or three at a time, they were getting hit many times more than i had bee but i couldn't feel sorry for them they all had come here voluntarily.

"John,what is your slave's name"

"Billy, I don't call slaves by names. If you need to speak to him just call him John's piss slave. I was called that anywhere we went for the next few months. Only Butch would dare call me over to use without asking permission. Generally i was given a load of his piss entering the bar and leaving, most of the time there would be a crowd of people watching as the big dicked doorman laid the head of his dick on my tongue and relieved himself.

If John was unhappy with me but not up to disciplining me with one of His paddles or whips He would threaten me with sex acts that He thought i would object to performing. I caught onto that quickly and would falsely shudder as if doing males of different races or different species would bother me. After Easter there was little that He could do to me that i found objectionable. Especially since i had broken through and being whipped or paddled was enough to give me an erection if not enough to make me shoot cum all over His floor.

We had three-ways nearly every weekend. I never was too fond of them but John needed variety, i heard Him tell one of His friends that one of the reasons was that He never wanted me to think that He belonged to me the way I belong to Him.

On the Friday preceding the Fourth of July we were in a bar that we seldom visited but that John had said He wanted to go to that night to see a friend that had promised Him a job. He had been unemployed since I met Him, fortunately He had enough saved up to pay rent and buy beer. The bar was near the bus station so more than half the guys there were hustling, they all looked like me, short hair, shaved chests, blue jeans white and athletic shoes. I must have been a littler better looking than most of them, John had ten or so guys come up and offer Him a hundred dollars to take me for the night. Thankfully He turned them all down.

When his friend showed up He had the actual cigarette man on a leash. He and i were put on the floor while John and His friend discussed the particulars of the job offer. Occasionally one of the two men would speak to us, telling one or the other to do this or that for the other slave. I could never have believed i would be doing those things to the man we all have seen on TV and in the magazines. I was only in a jockstrap when we walked in, John had talked to the owners a few minutes to get me allowed in that way. The other slave on the floor was wearing an extremely tight pair of shorts that must have been hurting his nuts.

They had been talking about an hour or more and i had the feeling things were wrapping up since they hadn't had too much to tell us for awhile when the friend bent so that we could both see him. He told his slave to eat out my ass and to make sure I was ready to be fucked. I had been forced to eat out John's ass every day since i'd met him. I had only had my ass touched with a tongue twice, once i hadn't liked it and the other time was by Billy in front of a crowd. I knew there was no way i could get out of this without blowing the job for John. I got into the position the other slave wanted, i was on my back with my feet under the chair John was sitting on, my ass was in the air. With all that we had been doing my cock was hard and in this position not far from my face. If he or John had known, they could have rolled me tighter so that my cock would enter my mouth at least two or so inches would do it.

As soon as the tongue was circling my ass hole the milling around in the bar stopped. Bar stools and the few chairs at the tiny tables turned our way. The boys selling themselves stopped to watch. I have never thought of myself as an exhibitionist but being watched made my precum start to seep. But i hardly had the time to think of the people watching me when i felt the tongue teasing my asshole. I wasn't trying to pull away but i did tighten up the way i was rolled and i felt the wetness on my dickhead smeared on my lips. I heard a noise from the crowd but really couldn't tell what was being shouted. What was different was that the tongue at my asshole began pushing through my asslips. I have to admit here and now, he was a better asslicker than I have ever met since that night.

It didn't take him long til he was able to have his tongue fucking me like a small dick. I was loving it, i don't think i knew that i had taken my own dick into my mouth. The bar crowd started yelling for someone to cum. When i saw John looking at me He said i was not allowed to cum unless i gave it to the other slave and he had been told not to let me cum in his mouth earlier. We were both frustrated. He wanted my dick and i wanted to cum. I was so turned on by performing that way that i was even to the point where i would have gladly have had John beat me. But that wasn't to happen.


There was no longer a tongue in my ass or enough pressure on my legs to keep my cock in my mouth.

"On your knees, piss slave." John only called me that in public if i was going to have to drink."

I saw Him hand the leash He had used to lead me into the bar to His new boss. A moment later i was crawling out of the bar beside the other slave with the hustlers slapping at our butts. His owner (mine?) would stop once in a while to speak to some one at a table leaving our assholes exposed to anyone that wanted to stick their finger in. By the time i exited the bar i think i had taken twenty dry fingers.

Other than the tongue in my ass half the night it may have been one of the worst sexual experiences in my life, not only up until then but up until now. Neither of them could control their flow of piss. Neither had more than four inches of thin dick. The master could barely use a whip and paddled worse than a seventy year old spinster. What seemed to excite them more than anything was a real turn off to me, candle wax and clothes pins.

When John arrived to pick me up He could tell i was not pleased with the way the night had gone. He couldn't say anything in front of His boss to be, but in the car He questioned me and promised to make up for the sorry night by taking me to one of His meetings that was to be held that evening, it was too late for me to be the center of the activity but He did what He had never done before and asked whether i would prefer to be whipped boy or a urinal. It was a choice that i could never have made four months earlier. Whether to hurt or be degraded in front of a crowd?

I knelt in a newly created piss tub in the corner of the warehouse, it was about a foot deep and 3 feet by 3 feet. I had chosen, but John had to create the illusion for His group that it wasn't totally voluntary so He did fasten the leash that had stayed around my neck the entire previous night to a hook on the wall and doused me with the first load of piss on the top of my head although i wanted to drink my Master. My hands were free but i didn't use them other than when some idiot that i hadn't met before tried to turn around and take a shit. Even i have limits.

July and August were more sedate than our first few months. We didn't hit the bars during the week and only went to His poker game on Sunday. I was still getting fucked every night and either drinking piss or getting an enema every morning before he went off to work if i was home, i was putting in quite a few sixteen hour days and my intestines had started to bother me, i had continual diarrhea. It was on the fifteenth of August that i was diagnosed with colitis. I was given medicine and had a severe reaction that put me in the emergency room. Two days later i was back at John's, matters between us were going downhill. I didn't understand why and worked as hard as i could to please Him, even going so far as to turn down extra shifts at work which i knew i needed to pay the tuition for the Fall Quarter of school.

I hadn't registered. My mind knew i should but my heart wanted me to stay with John even if it meant that i would be a factory worker for the rest of my life. School was to start on Sept. 8th, that was three days after Labor Day. The Saturday before Labor day we left town to go to a large gay picnic held by the nearest Great Lake, John had told me when He was seeing who needed a ride that He intended to parade me around the picnic grounds as a slave. Whether i met anyone from the city where i was going to school didn't mean any thing to Him. It was a possibility since the picnic was thirty or forty miles closer to the school i attended than where He lived. My feelings which i never told Him was that if that happened and it embarrassed me that i wouldn't return to school, there were two excellent universities close to us.

Billy, Butch and a guy i didn't know rode with us. John had waited until he and i were off work to start out so the others had been drinking for an hour or two when we picked them up. We needed to get checked into the motel by eight or we would lose our room so there weren't to be any stops along the way. Billy and Butch knew that meant if they needed to piss i was the urinal, the other guy had heard that about John and i but until the other two confirmed it for him had always thought it was just gossip. I had never heard that we were the subject of that much gossip but it turned out that there were a lot of the guys that had been involved in three-ways with us that talked about our sex life. I don't know if they didn't know what the thermos i had put in the front seat was going to be used for or they thought John and i were drinking something that we weren't sharing.

We were in his employer's vehicle. It held us all easily leaving me room to do things i had never done in a car before. We had been on the Interstate about five minutes when John told me to undress. I didn't have that much on, he had rushed me through a shower when i got to his place after working and had thrown a pair of short shorts on the counter and a pair of Chuck Taylor's on the floor. I really didn't want to wear the Chuck Taylor's, they had been soaked in piss so many times that summer there was no way to get rid of the odor. He had my ass between the seats giving the three guys in the back seat the chance to play with it. At one time during the trip all three of them had at least one finger in me. About that time we were passed by another bar patron that knew John, He beeped at us showing us that He could see what was going on.

They drove along side of us for a few minutes. They pulled out ahead of us about the time Butch said he needed to piss. John told me to get on his dick and I obeyed. Taking piss when you are face down on a dick is not the easiest way to suck it down but i did my best only losing a few drops which i then licked off his balls a furry place i had never been allowed to go before. The guy whose name i can't remember was in the seat behind me so i had to wiggle around from the left to the right. I think that was the closest to John's face i ever had my ass. The third guy in the back had been getting comments from the moment he said he wanted to piss in my mouth. When i could see his dick i understood exactly what they were talking about, his dick soft was the biggest cock i had ever seen. At John's warehouse meetings i had seen a couple guys that when hard might have measured eleven or more inches but this guy was that long soft and nearly as thick as a horse.

I thought i was glad that he was soft. If he was that thick soft what was he going to be like hard? Billy had gotten excited by seeing me with my mouth around that monstrous cock. He asked John to have me blow him. I thought John would say no, but Billy and He were good friends and He told me to do him and the other two if they wanted. They both told John that they were waiting for Him to let them fuck me. Throughout all the three-ways we had John had never allowed anyone to fuck me. The only time i had been given over to be fucked was the night i was sent home with His boss to be.

I thought about those two cocks and hoped that the day never came that John would give me over to them. I ended up sucking John and Billy on our way north and taking two loads of piss from everyone in the backseat and one from my Master. I spent the majority of the time during our three hour trip with fingers in my asshole. They were determined to keep me hard the entire trip, John had told them either fingers or tongues in my asshole was the way to do it. Billy was in the center seat, he did spend five or so minutes tonguing me three or four times while we were riding. I wish John would have him doing that more often, other than Easter there had only been one time when He had Billy join us, I don't remember the occasion but He stayed after dinner. Whatever happened among the three of us would have been more vanilla than our usual three-ways but i'm sure if i was naked with him, Billy ate my ass as much as he was allowed.

John wouldn't have allowed him to suck my dick. The only time i had my dick sucked during those months was the night we took home an Arab man that was bragging about how much of a top he was. John quickly topped him and let me have my dick sucked while He fucked him. I have been sucked much better before and after that, but that was an interesting if not entirely satisfying night.

We stayed at a motel on the beach with another 50-60 gay men in the mood to party when we arrived. I don't know how His arm didn't get worn out that night by the sheer number of guys that were in and out of our room that He whipped for at least a few minutes. I was glad that it wasn't me but i was sucking a lot of dicks, from small to almost as large as the unnamed man in the back seat. John drank a lot of beer and i drank a lot of piss before we passed out.

When i woke up Butch was fucking me. John was sitting in the only chair in the room drinking a cup of coffee. i like being woke up with a cock in my ass but i needed to piss. John told me to hold it and if i didn't and wet the bed that i would be sleeping in the tub soaking in piss that night after we returned home from the picnic.

I had never been outside with that many gay men. Later we heard the count was over two thousand. We left the motel around ten AM, the picnic was to start around 11AM so we thought we had time to get lost and still arrive early. There was no way for us to have guessed at the line of traffic entering the park that had been reserved. We sat in that line moving a car length at a time until nearly 12. Noon. That is not the way to treat John if you want him to stay in a good mood. Billy and Butch tried joking and fooling with Him but by 11:30 He was not in the mood to tolerate any of that from any one even His best friend. I had ridden over in the back seat and was trying to stay inconspicuous. We could finally see the ticket takers when John told me to get out of the car and come to the front door. When he used that tone i knew i was going to pay for something, whether it was something i did or someone else had didn't matter.

When He had me lean over the open door i didn't think he was going to have enough room to swing a whip so i thought i might get slapped a bit told to drink some piss and put back in the rear of the car. He had put some of his odder whips and paddles in the car when we left that morning. I hadn't known whether He would be using them on me or on others. I saw him reaching for a cane. That is the worst of the whips in my mind, when i was in second grade i had displeased my mother, actually i peed my pants on the bus. She took me to the basement and used a cane, the landlord had told her that she was free to use if needed, that left me bloodied from my shoulder blades to my knees. I couldn't go to school for a week while i healed. John knew i hated the canes but stopped in traffic, with an occasion pedestrian walking past, He turned my ass and thighs into a continuous welt. Done with the beating he made me kneel facing the car, walked behind me and added salty piss to the welts. I was not going to be comfortable all day, I followed the car on foot to a parking spot where He leashed me to the bumper while the others dug through the trunk finding whatever they thought they would want during the day.

The sun was bright and the day heated up quickly. All i was given for myself was a bottle of sun tan lotion and the thermos from the front seat. Then, i was handed a basket which they over-filled with what they wanted to be available to them in the park. John and Butch took off to check out the action around the park with instructions to Billy and i to find a spot close to the port a potties where i could be leashed and they could watch from a table. That was insulting. Finding where i was to be leashed? I was lucky that Billy and the other guy must have felt it was a little much, they told me to follow them and took off following the signs that pointed the way to the port a potties. It was still early so there wasn't an odor but with thirty or more of them lined up i was sure there would be in a few hours.

"Ok, piss slave, back against that tree." Billy wrapped the leash around the tree and i was immobilized on my knees in the full sun. The bark on the tree hurt where it touched my back, the welts and bark did not coexist well.

"Billy, tieing him to the tree is okay, but no one is going to piss on him until there is something that tells them he is available. I threw a sign in the basket, find it."

I think that was the first time i had ever heard Him be quite that sharp with Billy, usually He suggested or asked him if he wanted to do something but His attitude had changed while He and Butch had been walking. No, His attitude reverted to what He had when stuck in traffic. I was surprised that He walked over to me and handed me a Camel Light. When we were both finished with our cigarettes He told me that He hadn't seen too many men at the picnic, He thought it was all boys, so i might be on my knees all day with only a few men pissing on me but that He would bring whomever He thought might give me their loads by. I read the sign Billy hung from a limb when he was trying to get a rope over it, URINAL. As John and the others walked away i wondered whose pleasure this was supposed to be. Was i the one to be getting pleasure with strangers pissing on me? Or was John getting pleasure from the knowledge that He was able to tie me up and leave me for other men to use as their urinal?

We stayed there for the rest of the day. Billy did bring me a hot dog to eat in the afternoon and a load of piss to wash it down. I could see that i was burned over most of my front and tried to keep lotion on, including my dick and balls but it was constantly being washed away by strong streams of piss from strangers. Being pissed on longer felt good, it actually hurt when it hit the burned skin. Late in the afternoon after i had been used more than a hundred times, most of them on my head and chest, only a few men aimed at my mouth or cock, the smell was getting overwhelming. John, Butch and Billy all came back when they needed to piss to give me their piss to drink. I was ready to say uncle when it started to get cloudy and people started running for their cars. Butch unsnapped my leash and told me to run. From what i could see nothing was happening so i didn't understand but i kept up with him as he headed to the car which was sitting alone with four doors open. I was told to drive.

That wasn't that odd for me, I had driven John home often when he had a few too many beers. I was able to break into the line of cars trying to get out of the park. We were not even in that line for two minutes when it began raining and hailing. The hail was about the size of golf balls, they certainly would have hurt if we had been caught outside. Cars were pulling over into the grass to get out of traffic, i can't tell you why. If we had pulled over we would have sat in the hail longer and may not have been able to pull back into the line. I saw cars pulled over with broken windows once we were on the main highway headed out of the park. All i could think was that we needed to get ahead of the storm. For an hour i was one of the few cars on the highway, the only one that was going over the speed limit. We never got out of the rain, it was ahead of us and still pouring dangerously when we pulled into town and dropped Billy and Butch at the apartment building where they both lived.

Butch said he would take a taxi over the next day to get his jeep. The man whose name i still didn't know had been sitting in the front passenger's seat gripping the dash board scared for his life. When we pulled into the only space in front of John's apartment He told me to go open the door. There was no hail but it was still raining hard, i was washed by the storm as i took my time walking the 150 feet or so. The two of them walked to the apartment using a large umbrella that the company John was working for was giving away as promo material, still they were soaked from the knees down. I must have still smelled of piss or John's nose had so much of the odor from the drive He was still thinking i smelled, He told me to take a warm shower. I don't believe i have ever had a shower that felt as good.

I was mostly dried off when i crawled out to pick up John's jeans and socks.. The pair of them needed to piss so i was given the first drink since getting in the car. I had learned sometime during the drive up the previous day that the man whose name i still didn't know really didn't like seeing me or anyone else whipped. As long as John promised no beatings he agreed to joining us in bed. It was exactly what i needed. I wanted a dick in my ass and i wanted it to fuck me as hard as the man could. That is the same as they both seemed to want. John's cock was smaller than the other man and decided that for my safety he would go first, i was able to suck the head of that long dick but not much more it was so thick. It would have been the perfect time for John to piss in my ass but He didn't. I have to admit now that the reason i had stayed with John all summer was that He fucked me well, more often than not i would have either a penile or prostrate orgasm. I'd had neither when the new man in my ass drove all of his eleven or twelve inches through my asshole and slammed his body into my butt. It was the beginning of the best fuck i had ever had in that bed. Within ten minutes i shot a load of cum onto the sheet and had a prostrate orgasm that had started me squeeze his dick so hard and rapidly that he was no longer able to push in and out, a minute of that and he was unloading a load of cum in me that finally warmed me from the A/C on my burnt skin.

If you know John you know He was not one to sit around while another man fucked His slave. While i was being so well fucked He had me cleaning His cock off from the fuck He had given me, cum and ass slime. We stayed in bed long enough to fuck again, i didn't have a prostate orgasm that time. The rain stopped. The big dicked man left and i spent a few minutes changing the sheets. John was always interested in keeping me busy so after He had me cook us a light dinner and empty the car we were back in bed, He needed to leave at six AM, and hour before me.

We played around, Him using the quirt on my ass for an imaged wrong. Then i was on my back on the floor with His ass posed over my mouth. That wasn't that odd, He had made me eat out His ass nearly every night that we were together. I assumed that was what would be happening.

"Beg me to shit in your mouth."

After all that He had done to me and with me He knew that shit eating was a line i was unwilling to cross. I tried being mildly against the idea and quietly refused. He brought the quirt down on my balls. Any other time He had done that I had acquiesced to whatever His demand may have been. I felt as if He had damaged me. There had been nights when He had threatened to remove one or the other ball and I felt like He might have just done it. As He ordered me to beg to eat His shit once more i used the safe word for the first time since i'd met him.

"No, John." I had always called Him Sir or Master. His name was the end of us when i woke the next morning He had the few belongs that i had there in two shopping bags. He said it was time for me to go back to school but I have always thought I was kicked out because I refused to beg for him to shit in my mouth. When I walked out I felt worse than I could have imagined, why was I feeling that way when all he had ever done was abuse me?

He invited me to a Christmas dinner/ party, a week after that he moved and never told me where he went. Other than his desire to turn me into a shit eater I would have stayed with him all these years if he had allowed me.

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