Recording Studio

By moc.oohay@ttohsit

Published on Aug 26, 2007


The following story involves two celebrity men have sex together. I do not know either of the two stars, Zac Efron and Justin Timblerake, nor do I possess any knowledge inregards to their sexuality. The following stories is completely fictional and comes from pure imagination. To my knowledge, this never happened, and will probably never happen.

With that being said, only proceed if you are of legal age to read graphic material, containing sexual acts, and your state laws allow it. If you can not separate fact from fiction, I encourage you to leave this page because it is all fiction.

I hope you enjoy the first, of what will be, many more stories to come.

//// Recording Studio -- Chapter Two

Zac didn't sleep that well that night. The days events played in his mind over and over again like a broken record. He wasn't sure why, it was the perfect day in reality. He had recorded a song that Justin

Timberlake said himself could be a mega hit. He decided that he really loved the process of making songs, and that he wanted to make time for the upcoming weeks to really work on this.

It wasn't the recording part of the day that was bothering him, he knew that. It was the dancing afterward and how he allowed Justin to do that. He kept going over and over in his head. It wasn't wrong, he would tell himself, it just wasn't. But, then again, he had a girlfriend, Vanessa. That is how he danced with her, and when Justin did it to him.. did that mean he was.. that Justin was..

It couldn't be, it just could not be..

The next day started slow for him. He had to force himself out of bed, into the shower, and to get dressed. It took all of his strength to just drive to the studio. He knew right away that it was going to be a long day, one that he wasn't sure he would be up to.

Once again, Just was already in the studio, but he wasn't dancing this time. He was working on a new beat that sounded outstanding. Zac stood in the doorway, listening to what he was working on for a couple of seconds before making his way into the large studio.

He walked up behind where Justin was sitting, and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Hey man, this track sounds hot. Very nice."

"Thanks, I've been working on it all morning. I finally got it the way I want it to sound."

"It's amazing. I can't wait to start putting lyrics to that, man. It's perfect!"

Justin explained to him for the next half-hour how he put together the beat. Zac was actually really interested in the mixing of it all, and how it was the little things, and not the big ones, that made the track worth listening to.

They acted like two old, good friends. Joking around with each other as Justin explained it all to Zac. It would seem like the two knew each other for years, the way they acted around each other. They let their guards down that they had to put up being in the public eye. They felt at ease around each other, and it was quite obvious. They flowed together with their attitudes, how they thought of things. They were almost the same person at two different stages in their lives.

"Think you're ready to get in the booth, then?"

"Ah, defiantly, man. I'm so excited for this, you have no idea."

Zac, once again, got into the booth and sang his heart out. Take after take, time after time, with each time him getting a little better. It was a hard song, Justin even said it himself. There was a lot going on, and for someone like Zac who is new on the scene with this type of music, it could be even harder.

It didn't take long for them both to get frustrated from not getting it to the level of perfection they wanted. Zac was mad he couldn't get it the way Justin wanted it, feeling like he was disappointing him, while Justin was mad because he didn't feel like Zac was getting what he wanted. The two stood at stared at each other for a moment, before they decided to take a break.

"Yo, why don't we get lunch and come back to working on this later. Sound cool?"

"Yeah, I'm starving, man. What should we order?"

"Pizza sound good? I know this great place that is pretty quick."

"AIght, sounds good." Zac said, stepping out of the booth into the mixing room Justin had been in. You could tell they were frustrated with one another, because while they were waiting for the pizza to come, neither would take to the other. Pretending to be immersed in their own blackberries, they sat on the couch waiting for the food Justin had order to arrive without speaking a word to each other.

When the food arrived, they ate in silence, hungrily eating the pizza in record timing.

"Ready to get back to work, Zac?"

"Yeah, that's get it right this time, man."

"Just remember what I told you, and you'll do fine. Promise"

The two got back to work, trying to get the song to sound perfect. Zac was struggling at first, but gradually Justin began to sense the true potential he was beginning to show. Zac sense it too, being more bold in what he was doing.

Slowly but surely, Zac recorded the second track for his album. They both felt exhausted after doing so, but it was clear they were proud of what the long day's work had produced.

"This is defiantly a good track, dude. These just keep getting hotter and hotter!"

"Ah, I'm so glad you think so, man. It took us long enough!"

"I've had ones where it's taken me longer, you shouldn't sweat it. Really, don't." ÿ

ÿ"Hey, man, I really do appreciate you doing all of this for me. It's so great of you."

"No problem. It's my pleasure, really. You wanna hear the finished product then"

"Yeah, totally play it, man. It's only taken us what 100 takes?"

"No, I'd say more like 200," Justin chuckled, playing the track the two has just laid down and getting out of his chair, freedancing to the beat.

Zac took a couple of seconds before he started to dance. He had the most trouble with the beginning, and he could, even now, think of a better way of doing it, but if Justin said it was perfect he would leave it. And, it was definitely dance worthy, he though, as the beat swept him up and made him move.

Once again, though, he felt the presence of Justin behind him. He could smell him, and the spirit he was giving off intoxicated him. He could feel himself moving closer to the older man's body. It was all so unusual to him. He was entranced by Justin. He lost all normal brain and body functions. All he could do was wither under Justin's presence and enjoy the show that Justin was putting on him.

Unlike last time, though, there was increasingly more body contact. He felt Justin pushing into him, and the hot breath breathing down his back. It sent shivers all over his body. What was happening? Why couldn't he stop it? He was so memorized by everything Justin was doing to his body and his mind, he almost didn't feel Justin's hands roaming his back. The ride Justin was putting him on was like a high he never felt. Better than performing in front of thousands of screaming fans.. Better than the first time Vanessa allowed him to take control of her body to loose his virginity. Better than anything else.

He felt Justin's breathing increasing as his hands went farther and farther south, and his breath getting closer and closer to his neck until he felt the warm sensation of his lips making contact with his bare neck.

He turned around as he felt the warm lips touch his neck. He had to do something, and that was his body told him to do. Justin looked up at him, shocked of what Zac had just denied him of.

"I'm-I'm really tired, m-man.. I'm gonna head h-home.. See you tomorrow.."

He could tell Justin was forming the words in his mouth to say something back, but Zac had already bolted from the room, thinking about what had just happened. How did he even let it get that far? He was so attracted to Justin and the things he could do to him.. What was wrong with him? Why did he feel these things? What about Vanessa?

.And on top of it all, why did he enjoy it so much?

////So, that's the end of Part Two. Things got a little more interesting, but still there is that underlying plot and struggle that makes it all the more interesting than just sex out of no where, right? I haven't written the next chapter yet, but there will probably more steamy scenes, so stayed turned. Isn't it better to just wait the extra chapter to make it feel right ando not rushed? ;D Any comments or concerns, or anything of thekind, can be e-mailed to Please, do not send any requests of pictures or anything like that. I am only interested in hearing your feedback. Thank You.

Next: Chapter 3

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