Recycler Boy

By The Recycler

Published on Aug 13, 2008


For years, I've wanted to do a scene. One scene in particular. I've wanted to do a forced recycling scene. The friend who told me about it offered to help out, he'd done it once before and when he told me about it, I knew I wanted to try it. I knew I wanted it to be a forced thing, with me completely restrained, unable to move, unable to stop the recycling, and un-able to control the amount of liquid that I was drinking. My friend, Dave agreed to take control, and set up a whole scene for us to play.

We agreed to do it the following weekend, and Dave would be in full control of everything, we agreed that starting first thing Monday, I would be not be allowed to jerk off, and I had to follow his instructions on everything I drank, and pissed.

Monday, I had to drink at least 8 full glasses of water a day, I tend to drink a lot of water, so it wasn't that hard to do. But Dave set up a new rule, I had to track everything I drank, and every time I took a piss, and then each night I had to send him a report. The first day was tough, but not impossible. By the end of the day, I had drank 108 ounces of water, and pissed 4 times. I sent Dave my evening report, and got a quick reply from him, that I was to check my email first thing in the morning; before I had anything to drink or took a piss.

When I woke up Tuesday, I had to piss really badly, but I followed Dave's instructions and got up and checked my email. Sure enough, Dave had sent me an email over night telling me that instead of the 8 glasses of water today, I had to beat yesterdays 108 ounces; and I could only piss four times, so I had to drink more, but could only piss the same number of times. Shit I thought, I better make these good! I figured I might as well start early, and before I even got in the shower drank 16 ounces of water. I tried to hold it as long as I could, but the sound of the running water in the shower, and the sixteen ounces I had just drank needed out. Standing in the shower, I let my piss stream go. It felt so good to let it all out!

The day progressed well and I managed to finish the day at 124 ounces and only four opportunities to piss. As I sat down to write my nightly report, there was already an email in my inbox from Dave. He told me that if I had passed the day, congratulations, and if not, there might be some punishment later, but that I was to tell him if I had succeeded or not. The final part of his email got me rock hard, I wanted to beat off right then and there, but knew I couldn't. Starting first thing Wednesday morning, I had to SMS him every time I had to take a piss. I didn't need permission, I just needed to tell him, and I was still limited to four times a day. Damn! Oh and before bed, 24 ounces of water.

Wednesday I woke up with a raging hard on, and had to piss like a fucking race horse. I played with my rock hard cock a little, not jerking off, just feeling the good feeling it was, trying to relive the pain in my bladder. I kind of figured if I didn't cum, it wasn't jerking off. After a few minutes, I decided I had probably better stop, so that I didn't get close to cumming. I went into the kitchen, and figured I'd start the day off right and did my best to drink a full 32 ounces of water. Dave hadn't told me how much to drink in his email last night, but figured I needed to drink at least the same as yesterday. I did my normal routine, and of course pissed in the shower again. As I was standing in the shower, letting my bladder empty itself, I ran my fingers through the stream, and slowly licked them, knowing that I was going to have to drink that next weekend. Almost instantly I got hard again and had to wait for it to subside before I could finish my morning piss!

Dave hadn't replied to any of my text messages all day, and I tried to be discrete about them, and as I went to check my email on Wednesday night, sure enough, he'd sent me another email. He had gotten my text messages, and it was time to "up the ante" he said. Starting the moment I read his email, I needed to ask permission to piss. I could either call him and ask or send him a text and ask, but I had to ask. Fuck! What had I gotten myself into. I knew I could call it off, but this was just getting too hot! Dave knew me too well. I immediately replied to his email and told him how much water I had to drink that day, and that he knew how many times I had pissed.

Like everyday that week, when I work up Thursday morning, I had to piss like a race horse, but I wasn't allowed, I hadn't asked permission yet. I picked up my phone and sent Dave a text message "Need to piss, can I?" Dave quickly replied back to my text and send exactly what I didn't expect. "Not until you ask the question properly boy!" Instant hard on! I wanted to piss so badly, and was hard, and knew Dave was taking over control of my bodily functions. How the hell was I going to go to work today I have to deal with this? I was so excited, scared, and turned on it wasn't even funny. I replied back "Sir, boy needs to piss badly, can he?" After an excrutiating two minute wait, I got a text back "Yes, 160 ounces of water today". Fuck! That was five litres of water! Five!

Thursday was hell, I had to constantly piss, I was shifting in my chair all day, even my co-workers knew something was up. Dave was pretty good about letting me piss, but kept asking me how much I had to drink. Around lunch I had only had about 50 ounces and felt like I was going to explode. I wanted to piss so badly, and I was getting so excited about the weekend. By the time I got home, I felt like my bladder was going to explode! I'd had 120 ounces, and knew I only had to drink another 40 ounces in 4 hours. Easy enough I thought. As I send Dave a text asking for my fourth piss of the day, he said yes, and asked how much I had to drink. I told him, and he quickly replied, that I was to double it, I had to drink 80 ounces before bed. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Forty ounces and not pissing before bed was going to be hard, but eighty and not pissing! Dave sent me a nice encouraging text and told me to be sure to update him via email before I went to bed.

I popped on to email at 11pm to send Dave his nightly summary, and there was an email from him already, with the subject "Send your email first, then read this!" I sent him my email, with my summary for the day, that I had drank 200 ounces of water and was going to bed with a very full bladder and wanted to piss very badly, but to please him, I would wait until morning. As I hit send, I wondered what was in store in his email.

I opened Dave's email and started to read. He'd laid everything out for the weekend. Starting now, the only thing I was allowed to eat or drink was water or protein shakes. No soda, no meat, not vegetables or anything. I didn't have any big plans for Friday night, so I knew I wasn't screwed there. He told me that I had to stop by the drug store on my way home from work, and buy a package of adult diapers, two enema kits and some pedia-lite. I had to drink 200 ounces of water again on Friday, and he'd be sending me text messages to tell me to drink. Any time he did, I had to drink at least 8 ounces and report back to him. I was instructed to be at his house at 10am Saturday morning, wearing the diaper under my street clothes, just in case of accidents, and to be ready to give up all bodily functions until 10pm on Sunday night.

I closed the email, excited as hell, and headed off to bed. The next 72 hours were going to be insane!

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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