Recycler Boy

By The Recycler

Published on Apr 18, 2009


I grabbed my enema stuff and headed to the bathroom to clean out. I've not really had many enemas before, but knew a bit about them. It took me almost 30 minutes to get the water coming out clear, and that whole time I needed to piss so badly. And filling my butt with water wasn't helping, it was putting more pressure on my bladder. I know Dave was enjoying this.

I went back to my computer and read the second email from Dave: "Good boy. Not that your ass is clean, the next one is easy. Until you go to bed tonight (and you may not go to bed before midnight), you are to drink 32 ounces of water an hour. You may piss any time you want. But there is one condition. You can only piss while wearing those diapers you bought. Until bed, you can change the diaper as often as you need. But once you've got to bed, you may not change the diaper again until morning.

When you get up in the morning, you can read the final email. Good night my little recycling boy."

With that, I knew my weekend was set. I stood up and headed to the living room to get the diapers and start the rest of my night...

----- Continued -----

With that, I knew it was going to be a long, fun, but difficult night. I was already hard as a rock, but got the diapers I bought. I dropped my pants, looking at my cock, knowing that I wouldn't get to play with it for a good while longer. I headed to my bedroom where I took the my first diaper out of the bag and laid it out. I didn't know which direction was the front, and which was the back. I picked up the diaper, and started pulling it up, it seemed to fit, and though was small on my hard cock.

As I walked, in only my diaper from my living room to the kitchen, I wondered if anyone looking in my windows could see me. Would they think I was a freak, were they secretly enjoying it? I got a big nalgene bottle and filled it with water and decided the best thing to do was to drink the whole thing down as quickly as I could get it started. Gulp, gulp, gulp. I finished my first litre of water, and could already feel the piss starting to fill my bladder.

I didn't want to go through too many diapers tonight, but wanted to fill a few. Make my friend happy, and hard, but every time I thought about filling my boy diaper, my cock would get hard again.

I put my head back and decided to think about tomorrow, and what it would feel like to give up control. That's what I want the most, and what I knew I would get. The concept of being submissive to me goes beyond the "Yes, Sir" kind of stuff, to me that's just all vocal shit, it's not the real submissiveness that a boys should give to his Master. A Master has full control of a boy, mentally, physically, emotionally. The boy needs to be willing to give that to his Master without question.

I knew I wanted Dave to make me his for the weekend; to have him decide when I pissed, what I ate, what I drank, when I slept, when I was aroused and when I was bored. He and I had previous conversations about that, and knew that he'd be able to control what I wanted, but it wasn't me who wanted it any more. It was Dave. Dave and I had set up some loose rules around our play weekend. I would have a safe word, but if I used it, the weekend ended then and there. No options to continue. He could stick anything up my butt less than 4" around, and leave it there as long as he wanted. He could give me as many enema's as he wanted. He could put any liquid in my ass, or mouth and I had to take either. He could and would control when I pissed, and could reverse the flow if he wanted, and fill me back up with my own piss, or with water. He told me that I would be drinking lots of different stuff all weekend, and be ready for it.

As I continued to think about the rules we had agreeded upon, I stayed hard, but had to piss really badly. I couldn't piss with such a rock hard cock - it was hard. Was this what the rest of the weekend was going to be like I wondered? I decided that I'd get another bottle of water, and promptly drank 1/2 of it, and figured I'd put a movie on and see if I could get rid of my rock hard cock. As I watched the movie, my hard cock slowly softened, but I couldn't piss in my diaper. I'd never pissed in one before and doing so now was hard. I could feel the piss wanting to come out, pushing on my bladder. I closed my eyes, trying to will the piss out.

A little dribble, not a lot, but enough to get things started. I could feel the piss running down my hip, into the diaper. Cooling as it ran down. I knew I wanted more. I knew I'd have to have more tonight. The feeling was electric. Freedom, but not, freedom, but having someone else be in control. I immediately knew I liked the feeling, and picked up my water bottle and finsihed the remaining half bottle of water.

As I relaxed, the piss started to flow and fill my diaper. I could hear the flow of piss coming out my my little cock and filling into the diaper, warming it it with my piss. My whole body warmed as the piss filled the diaper like a good boy who was being controlled by his Master. As I filled my diaper, I knew I didn't want to change it just yet, I wanted to stay in it as long as I could. Could I put another load of piss in there before it was full I wondered?

I went to the kitchen to fill my third bottle of water in less than an hour. Dave would be so proud of me. Either that or I was going to be pissing all night. One of the two, and really, at this point, I didn't care which. I headed back to the living room and put my movie back on and sat there in my wet diaper. It only took a few minutes before I had to piss again, and this time, it was a lot easier. I just closed my eyes and let it happen. I could feel the diaper warming up again, and getting warmer.

When I finished my piss, I decided it was time to change my diaper. I got up from the living room and headed to the bedroom to get another diaper. I pulled my wet, soiled diaper down, it felt heavy, and full. I left it on the floor for a minute while I went to the bathroom to get a wet wipe to clean myself up a little. I figured that's what Dave would want me to do. I slowly wiped myself down, being careful not to play with myself too much, as I didn't want to get into any trouble. I slipped on the new diaper and couldn't wait to fill this one.

I picked up the wet diaper and as I was about to throw it into the garbage, I decided to take a little sniff. See what it smelled like. What I hadn't drank much piss before, but knew that this weekend was going to change all that. Fuck, it smelled good! I brought the diaper closer to my nose to smell it more, to take in the slightly acrid, sweet aroma. I took a big, deep breath in, and slowly let it out.

Before I knew it, my nose was burried in the wet diaper. My nose, right up against the wetness, I could feel it on the tip of my noes. Fuck, I loved the feeling! The dampness, the smell, the taste in the air. I wanted to drink my own piss right then and there.

Dave said I had to be wearing the diapers when I pissed, he didn't say where I had to wear them, or where I had to piss. Suddenly I had an idea. I ran to the kitchen and got a glass from the cupboard. I took my clean diaper off, and worked to get my cock into the cup. As soon as it was in, I took my wet diaper, and put it over my face again, so I could smell and taste the piss I had already let out. I had to concentrate to piss again; and I did, though I didn't let it all out. Just enough to put a couple of mouthfuls into the cup.

The glass of golden liquid. I'd be drinking it all weekend under Dave's control, but now it was my turn to really try it. I couldn't wait for him to make me, but this was a good start. I took the wet diaper off my face, and pulled up my clean diapers again, and sat down on the couch. It was go time. I brought the cup up to my mouth and took a big inhale, to breath in the smells; much like someone tasting a fine wine. I didn't want it to get too cold, put my lips to the cup and started pouring it into my mouth.

At first it didn't really have much flavor, but like a good wine, it opened up as it sat in my mouth. Pungent, a little acrid, but good. Oh so good. I had to finish the glass, and knew I was going to want more. Lots more. I couldn't wait for tomorrow! I grabbed the cup again, and finished it in one gulp. I sat there, the after taste of piss in my mouth. I wanted to jerk off so badly it was insane. I couldn't though. It was only 10:30, I still had an hour and a half before I could go to bed, and I was still drinking lots of water. I knew it was going to be a long, difficult, but fun night.

I sat down at my computer and decided to write Dave a little update email.

I told him what I did, putting the diaper on my face and pissing in the cup and drinking it. I told him how much water I'd had, and how I was really excited for his control tomorrow. I told him that at some point, I wanted the opportunity to drink right from his tap. I'd never done it before, and wanted to try it. I also decided that I wanted to make this a little more formal. I wanted to have to call Dave Sir or Master all weekend, and be at his complete control. Like we had talked about, but adding the formaility to it. I hit the send button and walked back to the livingroom. As I was walking back, I had to piss again, and this time, while I was walking I just let it go. It jsut started to flow and filled the diaper. I felt like I was pissing forever, when I got back to the livingroom, I was still pissing.

I sat down on the couch, and picked up the remote control for the television. Just as I turned it on, the phone rang. I picked it up to look to see who was calling. Surprise, it was Dave. I wondered if he'd read my email and was calling to congratulate me, or if he was pissed. I answered it somewhat timidly.

"Hello boy"

"Hey Dave" I replied.

"What was that boy, what did you call me?"

"i'm sorry Sir. That won't happen again, Sir".

"Good boy. Make sure it doesn't. I'm glad you emailed me an update. I like the creativity you showed. Is your diaper wet now boy?" he asked.

"yes, Sir."

"Good, go change your diaper, and put the wet one back on your face. It is to stay there for the next 30 minutes. Use a timer to keep track of the time. And boy, I'm going to be a little cruel. I want you to play with yourself, and get yourself close to cumming 5 times tonight. And I mean CLOSE. But if you cum, there will be SERIOUS punishment for it tomorrow.

Do you understand?"

"yes, Sir. I understand. I will not cum Sir"

And with that, the phone hung up.

Next: Chapter 4

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