Recycler Boy

By The Recycler

Published on Oct 14, 2023


"What was that boy, what did you call me?"

"i'm sorry Sir. That won't happen again, Sir".

"Good boy. Make sure it doesn't. I'm glad you emailed me an update. I like the creativity you showed. Is your diaper wet now boy?" he asked.

"yes, Sir."

"Good, go change your diaper, and put the wet one back on your face. It is to stay there for the next 30 minutes. Use a timer to keep track of the time. And boy, I'm going to be a little cruel. I want you to play with yourself, and get yourself close to cumming 5 times tonight. And I mean CLOSE. But if you cum, there will be SERIOUS punishment for it tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"yes, Sir. I understand. I will not cum Sir"

And with that, the phone hung up.

----- Continued -----

as i hung up the phone, i started questioning what i had gotten myself into. But my instructions were clear. I walked into the kitchen, set the timer on the microwave for 31 minutes hit start and walked back to the living room to follow Sir's instructions. I picked up the diaper, it was starting to cool off, but was still super heavy with my piss, and put it over my face. As the world grew darker, I knew my weeknd was just beginning and I'd probably be looking at something like this the rest of the weekend. My cock was hard almost the moment that I put the diaper up to my face, so it didn't take much for me to start stroking myself and getting close. Hell, I didn't even really have to fantasize about anything, everything I could have possibly imagined or wanted was either happening or was going to happen at some point during the weekend.

I tried to pace myself, to get myself close to cumming every 6 mintues - no clue how I timed it! The first two times I was pretty good about getting close, but I knew where the line was, and while I had to work to stop myself from cumming, I didn't have to think about a naked Barbara Bush or anything like that thankfully. The third time was a bit harder, I was thinking about what it was going to be like to hand over control to Dave - I would have no say in what I ate or drank, what might happen to me or anything. And this whole time, I was getting those glorious wafts of the smell of piss in my face, and I couldn't do much about it. As I was getting close on the fourth time, a thought crossed my mind and I stopped stroking my cock completely. The smell of piss was right in front of my nose, but why shouldn't I taste it as I was smelling it! I took a big breath in through my mouth, then stuck my tongue out and took a lick of the diaper. The taste was no where near as strong as it had been when I was drinking it from the glass, but I could taste it, and it was awesome. Without having to touch myself, I was close again! I moved my hand down to my cock, and very lightly played with it, not enough to get me any closer, but enough to keep me right on the edge.

I knew then it was going to be almost impossible not to cum before the night was out - I was FUCKED. How the hell was I going to get myself close at least two more times, while having the warm, wet diaper on my face, getting to smell and taste the sensation - but not being able to cum. I knew it was a test, and I knew I couldn't fail or I'd face serious punishment. Dave might even cancel the weekend if I couldn't follow these simple instructions. I sat back and started playing with myself again - using knuckles of my hand, I ran up and down my hard cock starting slowly at first, and then moving faster and faster. I wanted to cum so badly - and I was close for the fifth time in less than 30 minutes. If you haven't tried it, see if you can get yourself close 6 times in 30 minutes without cumming - trust me it isn't easy. By the fifth time - the intensity of the need to cum ran from my cock all the way down to my feet. I had to grab my balls and pull - HARD to stop myself from cumming. It was so close that if a breeze had blown through my place, it would have been game over. I would have been done.

I knew the last one would be tricky, and I didn't know what I'd do - so I just sat there for what felt like eternity, until I remembered that I was on a time limit and I didn't know how much time I had. I had to get myself close at least once more, and because I couldn't see what time it was, I didn't know if I had 30 seconds, or 10 minutes. I figured I'd go fast, just in case. I switched up my technique again this time, wanting to try something a little different. Normally I'm a lefty, but figured I'd let my other hand have a go. And boy did it work, it took about 6 strokes with my right hand and I thought I was going to blow my load right there. I didn't realize switching hands could be that effective that quickly. I sat back, and took another big wiff of teh diaper that was sitting on my face - smelling the piss, knowing that tomorrow it might be mine that I'd be smelling, or Dave's, or maybe even one of Dave's friends, we hadn't ruled that out!

Just as the timer on the microwave went off, the phone started ringing. I was a little sad that it was time to take the diaper off my face, but was kind of curious who'd be calling at this late... Sure enough, it was Dave.

"hello Sir"

"hello boy - we're changing the game a little, I want you to go unlock you front door, then sit back down on your couch. You're to drink 2 more bottles of water, and then put the diaper back on your face. I'll be there in less than 5 minutes. When I arrive, you will remain seated, and not move unless directed. Goodbye."

And with that he hung up again, without giving me an opportunity to respond or react. I jumped up, grabbed my bottle and filled it up once and chugged it down then immediately refilled it. As I walked back to the living room, I unlocked the front door, and sat down on the couch. Dave hadn't given any instruction about music or TV or anything like that, so I just put on some decent music and turned the TV off. All the water I had before I jerked off wanted out, and the last bottle I drank was sitting in my tummy, and I still had one more to get in. I did my best to power through it, though it took some work. I felt bloated and needed to piss sooo badly - I didn't know what to do. Well, I did know what to do - follow Dave's instructions. I sat back, put the now cold diaper on my face and sat back.

About 10 minutes later I heard the door open, and gentle close. Dave could see me from the front door and said "Good boy, I can see you've followed my instructions well. We're going to get a slightly early start to this weekend. Or more accurately, you are." I couldn't see him, but I knew he was getting closer to me. I felt a very soft touch along up arms, and down my chest. With the back of his fingers he rubbed his nails across my nipples as I inhaled in excitement about what was coming next. Dave then took a small blind fold and put it over the diaper to completely blind me. "Now you can't see, next, I want you to open your mouth for me piss-boy. Yes, that's what you're going to be this weekend, you're going to be my piss-boy."

As I opened my mouth, I felt him putting something in. I was super excited as I thought it was his cock and he was going to feed me directly from his tap, but I felt something wrap around behind my head. It wasn't quite a cock, but instead a penis gag that seemed to have a hole in it. I could breath through the hole.

"So piss-boy, it's time to start your loss of control. At this point, you can't see, and theres a wonderful gag in your mouth - I'll tell you more about it later. I'm not going to bind you right now, but if you so much as move, there will be serious reprecussions. I'm going to ask you a few questions right nice, since you cannot talk, I want you to answer by grunting. One grunt means that you agree, and two grunts means you disagree or are using your safe word. Do you understand?"


"Good - next question. Are you willingly giving control of your spirit, mind and body to me this weekend to do with as I please and within the rules that we've already agreed upon?"


"Good piss-boy, you learn quickly. I'm now going to cathetarize you - and this cath will be in you until the weekend is over." And with that I heard Dave pull a few things out of his bag, I had no idea what was going to happen, I'd never been cathetarized before, and had no idea what to expect. I heard the familiar sound of two rubber gloves being snapped on. Suddenly, my cock felt very cold as he wiped something over the head of my cock, and then it got even colder. "I've just cleaned your piss-tube with alcohol to make sure everything is clean." I'm not sure what happened next, but there was something cold and wet on the tip of my cock. But I couldn't spend much time trying to figure out what it was before I felt the first little invasion of my cock. The feeling was crazy intense, just a little tiny bith of the cath was starting into my cock, back and forth in and out. I'd never felt such a feeling before! It was such a rush!

"Wow, good piss-boy, I'm only about 1" in, and you're taking this like a champ, but no more playing around, it's time to put this in you." And with that, I felt Dave start feeding the cathetar in to my hungry cock. Inch by inch, he fed it in. I could feel is sliding down the inside of my rock hard cock. It felt like he was going in for hours and hours, though I know in reality it was probably only 3 or 4 minutes. He'd go in 2 inches, and then slowly pull back 1 inch, pause for a second or two and then start the whole process all over again, pushing in 2 inches and out one until it felt like he hit a wall.

"Good boy, I'm almost all the way in now, I need you to relax as the cath goes past your prostate into your bladder. You're going to feel like you're going to piss yourself, but that's not your worry - I'm in control now, so just let it go. Understand?"


"Good, I'm going to count to three. One... Two..." And before he hit three, Dave pushed the last little bit in, and I knew he was in, but I wasn't feeling any relief - he must have plugged the end of the cathetar. "Three. Sometimes I forget a number here and there - sorry" he said with a somewhat joking tone.

"Now it's time to fill the balloon so it doesn't come out. I'm going to do this slowly, if you feel any pain at all, tell me immediately." It only took about 30 seconds for him to fill the balloon and with that, I was cathetarized.

"Okay piss-boy, you're now cathetarized. I get to control when you piss, how much you piss, or for that matter, I may let you piss, then fill you right back up with your own piss. Now I know you have to piss, but I've got something in mind for you and I'm pretty sure you're going to love it."

"It's now just after midnight, the time I said you should go to bed, and you will here momentarily, and if you didn't guess, you're sleeping with the cath in tonight. But, before I send you to bed, I'm going to put you into your diaper so that the cath has something to drain into. You're going to have zero bladder control all night - and are going to be forced to use that diaper I'm about to put on you. Stand up."

As I stood up - I knew this was exactly what I wanted, he was taking full control and not giving me any choice. I heard Dave put a diaper down, and then felt his hands on my shoulders as he pushed me back down on to the diaper. There I was, sitting in my living room, with a wet diaper on my head, a diaper below me, a cath in my cock, a gag in my mouth and a blindfold holding the diaper on when suddenly I could taste something in my mouth - piss!

"Drink boy!" was all he said as my mouth began filling with piss. It didn't taste at all like the stuff I had drank of my own earlier, this was much stronger and more acrid. "I haven't had a piss in a couple hours boy, so you get some rather tasty stuff". I had no choice but to drink it as it kept filling my mouth. It must have taken 7 or 8 gulps to get most of it down and it wasn't helping my full tummy or bladder! "Good boy, that's what I want to see, you're going to be drinking my piss, your piss and who knows what else this weekend... You're going to be a fine recycling piss boy soon enough" he said as I was still working to swallow all the piss he had just fed me. Fuck, if I was going to be recycling this stuff, I'd be pissing his piss out soon enough and would be re-drinking it!?! I was so fucking hard again...

As I swalled the last few mouthfuls, I could feel the diaper being done up around my waist, the my cath'ed cock sticking up just above the diaper. "Stand up boy" he said. As I did, I felt a sudden relief as if the Hoover dam had been opened and my cock started leaking my piss, but the feeling changed quickly as I realized the tip fo the cath was in the diaper and I was wetting my diaper with out any control - he had taken it all away.

"Now boy, you're in your diaper, and this diaper stays on until morning. I'm about to leave, you're not allowed to move until you hear the door close and then you must count to one thousand. Once you hit one thousand, you may remove the diaper from your head, take the gag out and then before you go to bed, you're to drink 2 more bottles of water. Set your alarm for 7am tomorrow, and when you get out of bed, check your email, you'll find your instructions for the rest of the day there. Do you understand?"


I finally felt relief as my bladder had finally emptied, but sadness that Dave was leaving for the night. I wasn't sure how I was going to last in the diaper and cath, but that wasn't my problem any more. I heard Dave walk out the door, and I started counting...

1... 2...

--- to be continued ---

if you're enjoying the story - please let me know this story is truely a fantasy at this point, but i'd love for it to become a reality!

Next: Chapter 5

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