Red Devil Wrestler

By Mark Wild

Published on Mar 2, 2007


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between adolescent boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all names and descriptions (except for the occasional place-name) are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is always welcome. Please write:

For J.D. Salinger, my favorite writer, although I doubt he'd like it!

Red Devil Wrestler, pt. 5

Me an' Craig an' Jake an' Bren were out on Craig's patio playin' Risk. The situation was tense: Craig was gunnin' for Bren and preparin' to clobber Yakutsk. "Shock an' awe, baby!" Craig was gloatin': the dice had been treatin' him sweet all night. Jake had already lost his tshirt and Craig's was huggin' him waay too tight. You could see every last one of his muscles whenever he stretched or scratched or "YESSSS!!"ed ... powerful shoulders and arms that could crush you and torque you down till you BEGGED for breath... "Earth to Coop!" ..."Huh?" Jake poked my knee. "Yo dude. You're spacin' out again...." Craigger grinned wicked across the table. "His mind's already on fishin'!" ---"Yeah Jake, sorry." I played along with 'im. "Maaan, I'm ITCHin' to get away...." "Yeah bro I wish I was goin' with ya. But it's your friggin' turn, bro. Play?"

"Yeah bro. Play, huh?" "Eat me, Brenster." "Coop," Bren grinned, "I already ate!" Craigger was drummin' the table and goofin'. "Whadja have? Puss on a plate?" He licked his full lips, and then Jake did the same, and then Bren started feeling his hot little nipples. All of my friends, I realized, were total moral cripples! I got a break with the dice though, and managed to hang on to South America. Jake was philosophical. "You dirty mothafuckaaa..." That reminded Craig of a song, and he jumped up to find an old Soundgarden disc, so J & B made use of the time to go inside an' take a piss. Fuck! Craig was showin' a bulge just by walkin', and bendin' over and flexin' his glutes... fuck! he could drum and sweat right on my face while I played his fuckin' skin-flute!

"Bro, you're a trip, man." "Huh?" "Here it is." Craig held up the jewel-box and righteously farted. Talk about world fuckin' domination! It hit and I nearly barfed, man! I ran to the screen door to suck in some air and Craig pulled off his tshirt and started to fan. "Holy shit!" Jake said, comin' back. He looked at Craigger. "JEEzus, man..." "Hey! It was Coop!" "It like sure the fuck wasn't!" Jake staggered unsteadily towards the door... but they got 'im, the bastards, he wobbled and fell like a cold thug, right to the floor... "Very funny. I'm dyin' here," Craig said while he watched us and scratched his pecs. His forearm muscles rippled while his fingers stroked along the cleft. The Chinese lanterns Mrs Mott had strung up swayed above our heads and painted Craigger's golden skin with little streaks of blue and red. Good thing Bren came back or I'd've surely been in trouble. We settled down to play again, and Craig kept rollin' doubles!

"Damn it's too bad Slate ain't here," Jake said, which I heard, but felt more in my gut. They all knew we had fallen out... they just didn't know over what. Slate had avoided EVeryone before he went off on that trip with his folks. This new chick was takin' up all of his time, he said. What a fuckin' joke. "Yeah," I said, "it's enough ta fuckin' ruin yer day an' make ya cry." "You're just pissed 'cause he prob'ly left and forgot to kiss ya goodbye!" "Fuckin' CAN it, Brentley Thorne." "Oooh oooh, you tell 'im, Coop!" "Knock it off, queers. Who fuckin' cares. Slater's just a fruit." That shut us up because none of us wanted to get Craigger started aGAIN. I mean, if ANYone knew, it was me, and I wasn't saying nothin'!

"Poor fuckin' Slate, though. Three fuckin' weeks on his uncle's old farm in Missouri!" "Yeah," I said, "with all those sexy sheep to fuck when he starts feelin' horny." "Coop. That's gross, dude." ---"Meantime, me and Coop are REELIN' in the bass!" ---"Guess they won't know if he hangs with the donkeys he's just a fuckin' jackass." Craig had leaned back with his arms up, like he was slow-spoolin' those succulent fishies in, and I could see the faint blue veins beneath his taut and suntanned skin. "Jesus, Coop, get over it, bro. You're gonna be roommies this fall..." "Yeah Bren, I know bro. Maybe that wasn't a good idea AFter all..." "Coop, will ya play, bro?" Craig was impatient. "And give it a rest with Slater, ok? You two are like thieves, bro. Yeah, he's a jerk sometimes, but what the hey."

Craig was so hot ---fuck! I wanted to jump him an' lick his perfect sinful nips, makin' him moan till he gave up and gave me permission to lick his sweaty pits. I played. Yeah, I was ticked at Slate, but hell, I just worked and worked out and stayed busy. It was just that, well, at night... I got so friggin' HORNY. I'd squeeze my own muscles and make myself get on my knees in my bed and stroke my cock, pretendin' that Slater was right there with me, naked except for his favorite jock. I'd pretend it was right after practice and Slater had skipped the showers again, makin' me chew on his dirty socks before he'd let me blow him. I mean, sometimes I'd be so horned up I'd have to jack off three TIMES or so. Dudes, there's a lot of queer shit that can get you hot if you're a homo.

Plus, of course, since I swore off chicks, I was in demand! They were all over me, every time we hit the friggin' smoothies stand! Makin' their sisters wait in the car an' shit, while we held up the line and flirted. And I ain't braggin', but I was makin' the rest o' my boys eat dirt, man! "Well MC," Craig said with a grin, "you just put the pussy on hold this weekend." "Damn bro..." "Give yer tool a rest, Coop. THIS weekend's all about fishin'..." Yeah, I thought, checkin' out Craig's chest and tryin' to get worked up over trout, when all I was thinkin' about was gettin' his big fat wrestler's cock in my mouth... Layin' in bed with my legs up and lettin' my fingers tease around my hole, moanin' an' dreamin' that Craig was a cowboy and I was ridin' his sweaty fuck-pole. Slurpin' on... well, YOU get the picture: Craig was SUPER turnin' me on. I was like turnin' into a bigger fag than Elton John!

It seemed like forever instead of two weeks we'd been plannin' this trip out to Greenwood Lake. Bren HATED fishin', and Jake had a wedding to go to: talk about lucky breaks! I was just gonna crash here at Craig's, then we'd get up at four and get right on the road. We'd already packed all our stuff in the truck up: tent, the bait, the fishing-poles. All we had to do in the AM was roll outa bed, grab the coolers, and split. "We won't even shower. We'll just splash around in the lake," Craig said. Awww shit... I mean, like even three MONTHS ago, if I saw Craig nude it was no big deal ---but I was a flit now, and wanted his dick like a kid wants his little Happy Meal. How was I gonna stay cool as fuck and keep my eyes to myself all weekend? How long before he'd lose most of his clothes and I'd feel all my willpower start to weaken? Because, you know, we'd been camping before, and Craig wasn't shy about strippin' down, poundin' his muscular chest like Tarzan 'n

lettin' that monkey flop around.

So yeah, you better believe I was findin' it pretty hard to concentrate, squirmin' around thinkin' all these queer thoughts when the game went down to Craig and Jake. A couple rounds later and Craig was the "FUCKin' King o' the FUCKin' World!"... throwin' me into a brake of leaves an' usin' me like a slutty girl... Makin' the hot stud football jock scrape his back an' tight ass on the twigs and pebbles, and then crawl around at wrestling camp for the rest of beefed-up wrestlin' Devils... Yeah, so I was truly crushed when Jake an' Bren got up to leave. "Kiss a bridesmaid for me bro," Craig said. Jake answered, "Sweeeet...." Then when they left it was just me and Craig and he said, "Come on. Let's hit the hay." He lowered his voice. "You got some joints rolled?" "Yup." He grinned. "O-kay!" We said goodnight and went upstairs to the room Craig used to share with his brother, who was off with the Army somewhere in Iraq. Now there was a stud motherfucker! He

was like totally ripped all to fuck, I mean ripped like Stallone or that fuckin' Vin Diesel, and looked so damn hot in his briefs himself he should'a been illegal... "You think he's over there shootin' at people an' shit?" Craig yawned. "He says so." "Huh. That's pretty fucked up, huh?" Craig stripped his shorts off. "Yeah bro."

Standin' there in the light from his desk-lamp Craig looked like some demigod. I swear, I could'a dropped right on my knees an' just LOOKED, and thrown a fuckin' rod. But I was cool. I feigned indifference while secretly scopin' him out on the sly: his ripped up shoulders, saggin' bulge and heavy fuckin' muscled thighs. He stood in his briefs and adjusted himself, then went in the bathroom to take a leak. I could hear it splashing in the bowl. It made my knees weak. I sat on the edge of his brother's bed and started kickin' my sneakers off, and realized... I was thinkin' o' muff... to try to keep my dick soft... Craig came back and laid back on his bed and said, "Bathroom's all yours if ya need it." "Thanks bro. I'm good though." I pulled back the covers. "Keep quiet though, huh? if ya beat it?" "Coop!" Craig said, with a wicked grin. "I'm savin' that shit for the open air!" and he grabbed his bulge and winked again, like he already knew that his buddy

was queer. He reached up exposing his curly brown pit hair and yanked on the lamp-chain to turn off the light. Don't even fuckin' ASK me how I got to sleep that night...

"Coop...git up." I opened my eyes and looked at Craigger's scruffy face. "It's four fifteen." I blinked. Aw man, he looked so damn HOT when he needed to shave. I sat back up on the edge of the bed and grabbed my shorts and pulled them on, went to the bathroom to take a piss and stood there blankly and pissed and yawned. I splashed my face and brushed my teeth and quickly finger-combed my hair; when I got back we grabbed our packs and shuffled down the dim-lit stairs. And we were doin' really good, till I stumbled and tripped in the dark in the stairwell, and ended up flyin' halfway through the air like I was Amelia Earhart. I jostled Craig's shoulder and knocked him off balance and both of us tumbled a couple steps down. He cussed up a streak and then straightened himself and said, "Coop, will ya friggin' settle DOWN?" "Sorry bro. I slipped, okay?" "Come on." He grabbed me by the neck. My forearm grazed his hip, his tshirt stretched across his muscled

chest. Fuck! the way he was holdin' me firm he could force me full down and take every advantage. "I'll grab all the ice if you go get the coolers." He scratched himself. "Think you can manage?"

I accidentally let my middle finger scratch my nose, an' fifteen minutes later we were toolin' down the road. "Man!" he grinned, "Is this bitchin' or what?" You could still see some stars in the hazy gray sky. Go ahead, fag out, I caught myself thinkin'. Just fuckin' go for his fly. ---Whoa dude, I then thought, you better be careful. You keep your damn hands to yourself or he'll kill ya. They'd find you all shot up to shit by the side of the road like that family in Florida. "MC. You cold, man?" "Naw Craigger, I'm fine." "Then why you sittin' on your hands? Fire one up, bro!" "Dude!" I said. "Your wish is my command!"

"Yeah, you got that right, you bitch!" Craig laughed and grabbed his ample basket. Fuck, I gulped, if he kept that up I'd be blowin' a friggin' gasket! The first toke hit my windpipe wrong, and I ended up turnin' all blue and coughin'. Craigger laughed and took it from me. "Coop. You do this often?" "Eat me big boy." Craigger sucked in smoke and said, "Awww sweeet... Wake an' bake, bro!" passin' it back and bouncin' up and down in his seat. We smoked and Craig got himself all wound up, laughin' and swearin' and jokin' around. You could just TELL that he needed a mouth on his dick, to help him settle down!

Little by little the houses thinned out, and we smelled the fresh air from the open country. Passin' the joint back an' forth made our fingers brush, and Craig said, "Coop. You hungry?" "Shit, you know me. I can always eat." Craig laughed. "I'm wit cha, homie." "That so." I grabbed my crotch and squeezed. "Breakfast, bro! Ya wanna blow me?" "Don't be gettin' me all worked up, Coop!" Craigger winked and scratched and spat, and a car went by with some chicks inside and we whistled and flirted and honked right back. We finished the joint and like five minutes later we saw a McDonald's up off on our left. We pulled in and Craig steered us right to the drive-thru. Fuck he had awesome biceps... We ordered some coffee and Egg McMuffins and Craig, I swear, ate four or five. "Mott! You got a worm or somethin'?" "I gotta keep up my sex drive!" I grabbed the last of the hashbrowns though, before he ate THEM, too, till he finished and pulled his tshirt up and

scratched his belly. "Whew!" "Think you'll make it, bro?" I joked. "Damn Coop. That hit the spot!" And he wiped his mouth with the hem of his shirt. God DAMN he was sooo fuckin' hot...

I know, I know, you're probably thinkin', What's the fuck with the Egg McMuffins? Get to the part where his big hard Rock's in your face, and you're moanin' and lickin' an' huffin'. Jump to the part where he's got you all squattin' to take his ginormous big cock up your ass, and warn us, please, if you're gonna digress and describe the damn trout and the beautiful bass. Well, I'll try, but you know me. I always get wordy and stretch things out. But TRUST me, there wasn't nothin' I wanted so bad as to taste Craigger's cock in my mouth. So. We got to the lake and checked in at the station then drove to the campsite. See dudes, I can be real telegraphic, too. Just ask me nice!

Craig cut the truck off and patches of mist drifted ragged and slow through the tops of the trees. Dawn was just breaking and shadows of smoky green mixed with the smell of the pines and the firs. I inhaled real deeply and Craig pinched my shoulder and laughed when I shivered and jumped and said "What?" "Let's grab the poles and head right to the lake. I'll show you that lucky spot." "What about all of our stuff though, huh?" "Coop. You see anyone else around? That's why I like this place so much. It's off from the other camping grounds." "Great. So like some weird fuckin' slasher could come by an' kill us and no one would know." "Yup." He was already grabbin' the baitbox. "Don't be scared though, bro." "Ha," I snorted. Craig thumped on my chest and then showed me the path that led down to the shore. He slapped at his neck and his arm muscles bulged an'... fuck, I'd BEG to be his whore...

There was a cove about twenty feet down an embankment that cut off the view from the road. I flicked a stone into the water and heard it kerplunk, and then heard it echo. There was like no one but us in the world, except for the birds talkin' up in the trees. "Coop! Will ya stop with the pebbles already? You're gonna scare off the fishies!" "Sorry bro. I wasn't thinkin'." "Always been your problem, Ash! Guess it's HARD to think straight when yer checkin' out my ass!" "Mott, I'm a perv, an' you know I admit it, but not for yer stinky smelly butt." "Bro. Check it out. Over here by this tree trunk. Wait till your eyes adjust." We stood on the bank by an outcrop of rock and Craig pointed to where all the ripples damped out. Slowly, faintly, other-worldly, you could see the lambent trout. Craig dropped a casual arm on my shoulder, makin' me shiver and flush from the heat. I picked up his unshowered scent and in spite of myself it made my dick leak.

Now you might not know it from checkin' me out, but I'm a rather Master Angler. Dudes! I couldn't'a pulled more fish if I was the fuckin' Boston Strangler! Once we finally settled down I just played it cool an' showed off with my rod, whippin' my line out in sinuous curves an' givin' fuckin' thanks to god that soon as the mid-summer sun came up Craig stripped off his tshirt and said, "That's better!" He saw me lookin' and grabbed his crotch. "Ya wanna blow me, Coop? I'll let cha!" "Craig, I'd friggin' love to, man. But I'm TRYin' to catch you your fuckin' lunch..." We looked at the three little jack-fish he'd managed. "Yeah, okay. Whatever, butt-munch..."

Still, the way he was sittin' I kept gettin' glimpses of Craigger's tempting pits, and his pitcher's mound, and his tree-trunk legs, and... damn it was makin' me fidget! So hell, I stripped my shirt off too, and tossed it real casually off to one side. The air felt crisp on the back of my arms and I yawned. "That's right, Coop: Open wide!" He pistoned his fist near his half-open mouth, like he was jackin' a dick real slow ---which should'a just made me roll my eyes, but didn't, since I was already a homo. FINally though, his fish came home and he ended up with a decent catch, and he stood up and stretched and his jeans sagged down and he stuck a few fingers inside 'em and scratched. He pulled them out and fuckin' sniffed 'em. "Whew! Yo Coop. It's time for that swim!" My heart started poundin', my skin prickled up and I wanted to lunge for those fingers and lick 'em.

First we had to clean the fish, and set up the tent and get firewood, though. But trust me, I used like every spare second to drink in the sight of his muscled-up torso. It's like, I mean, every time he bent over, just watchin' the ripples that ran up his back? was vergin' on the eXACT kind of rush that you get when the quarterback gets sacked! Kind of like Yeah baby! Right in the gut! WoohooHOO!! ---you know, THAT kind of thrill: solid-built jocks with their red fuckin' blood up, goin' in for the kill... It wasn't in fact until almost noon that we had the camp set up to go and I nearly died when Craig kicked his pants off and pulled on a pair of old speedos.

Dudes! I get these crazy emails: Dude, you don't describe things right! Dudes, against his golden skin those speedos glowed pure white. He stood there shootin' the shit by the side of the truck and slipped down to some old wrinkled boxers, standin' there scratchin' himself while we talked, like we were at school killin' time in the lockers. Every time he moved I saw the heavy hangin' shaft of his dick, and it looked fat enough to almost make me choke on my fuckin' trail mix. The sun was behind us, shining full and warm on Craigger's suntanned skin, and I tried not to look too much but his muscles kept rippling and teasing and pulling me in... Craig tipped the scales about one eightythree, more than Slate but less than me; he slid off his boxers and reached for his swim-trunks and scratched at his nuts real casually. Fuck, I wish you could'a seen him, pulling those speedos on real slow, up his muscled calves and thighs and ---"What chu lookin' at, homo?"

"Jesus, Craig, you got anything smaller? Those trunks are like fuckin' obscene!" "Gimme a break, huh, will ya Coop? They're all I had that was clean!"

He flashed me his famously sexy grin that had never been known not to work on the chicks, so fuck, it was totally natural, ya know? the number it did on my horned-up dick. Craig's stomach was harder than granite or marble: his six-pack was chiselled like deeply from stone. Curly brown hair trickled down from his navel, makin' my brain start to swell up and groan. He grabbed for his towel and said, "Coop, you comin'? or gonna just check out my body all day..." I yawned like a jock. "Go ahead. Be right wit cha." He winked. "Hurry up though, okay?" Dudes, it was like fuckin' ropes of pure muscle were coiled like cobras beneath his skin: even the PERViest priest couldn't want for a nearer occasion of sin. All that tempting golden flesh was almost too much for THIS faggot, I'll tell ya. "Guess I oughta bring a joint too, huh." Craig farted. "HELL yeah!"

So you can imagine, that whole afternoon, how I was like goin' all friggin' nuts, bein' so close to Craig's hard muscled body, and wantin', but knowin' I couldn't touch. We must've spent like a couple good hours, dunkin' and splashin' and goofin' around, scrambling out onto a fallen tree trunk an' then jumpin' in like crazy clowns. And every time he fuckin' surfaced I envied the water that streamed down his chest. GO for it, all of my hormones were urgin'. Fuckin' reach out and just grab for his pecs. Dudes! when those speedos got wet you could totally see the fat shaft of his meaty cock, and the heavy sag of his plum-sized nuts. Fuuuck... and I thought SLATE was a jock? Dudes, I wasn't like stoned or nothin', but damn, I felt like my brain was tweakin'. Maan, if a brain like a dick could leak, mine was surely leakin'...

Finally though, when our hands pruned up, we waded out and flopped down on the sand, kickin' back loungin' and shootin' the shit while we burnished our healthy teenage tans. We were half-heartedly tryin' to make up a list of like real freaky chicks who had died, but all we were comin' up with was Jon Benet and Cher and Lady Di. "Uuh, I don't think Cher is dead, bro." "Well, she oughta be." And he rolled on his side and adjusted his package. "Jesus, Coop. I'm horny." Dudes, I think you know by now that I ain't too shy with a snappy comeback, part of those verbal skills I got that my other jealous rivals lack. But damn if I didn't just freeze right up, like a cheerleader pink from his mischievous grin, dizzy and just a bit faint from the sight of his flesh, like a siren lurin' me in. "Craig!" I said, "if it's that damn bad dude, just, uh, go behind that tree!..." "Coop, I got a better idea. Why don't you crawl over here and blow me?"

"Why don't you go blow your own fuckin' dick, bro." Craig just laughed. "Damn, Coop. Hit a nerve?" He pawed at himself. "Where's that Slate when ya need 'im!" I was sweatin' bad. "You perv..." "Yeah well, hey, bro. Nobody's perfect!... Still, a dude could use some head... Why don't you light that joint up, huh? And cover up. You're gettin' red." He flipped on his stomach and did twenty pushups, and I lit the joint while I watched him grunt. It was no problem at all to imagine him sweatin' and drillin' some lucky cunt. Yeah, some hot babe with some really big hooters, 'cause Craig had this thing for like really big tits. I could just see his fat cock easin' into 'er, stimulatin' her swollen clit. An' maan, those trunks weren't hidin' nothin', the way they clung to his ass so tight... Dudes, in this world there are certain temptations a faggot just can't fight.

He finished his pushups and slumped on the ground. He panted. "You smokin' or passin', bro?" My good intentions went all straight to hell. "Come over here and get it, homo!" "Ha! I'll homo you, you fag!" Craig scooted over and crossed his legs, and that made his quads thicken under his speedos, which pretty much queered me out for Craig... The way he was sittin', half Indian-style, was makin' his over-stuffed crotch bulge out, and pulled the snug waistband away from his sweaty abs enough so his bush spilled out. Dudes, I admit, that completely derailed me, glimpsin' the fringe of his curly pubes. "So whaddya think? Ya wanna go hikin' later? ---JEEzus, dude!" My fingers had twitched and I'd let the joint drop, and it fell between his hairy legs. I reached for it just like a nitwit, but Craig grabbed my wrist. "You want it? Ha! then beg..." I jerked back my hand, but his grip was too strong, and he cuffed me real light and we started to tussle. Even

just fuckin' around I was gettin' a taste of the strength in his solid muscles,

Dudes, it was like I was in homo heaven, coppin' free feels while we scrambled around. We were both whoopin' and sweatin' and scrapin' our elbows and knees on the piney ground. "Lay it out, Coop! Lemme see what chu got, bro! Don't cut me slack 'cause you're hot for me, k?" Maan, that made my stomach quiver. "Don't worry, dick-wipe! No fuckin' way..." Craig just grinned and slapped his abs and tensed his thighs and winked again. Fuck, it wasn't just gleaming trout his beefy arms were reelin' in. Fuck, they'd be sniggerin' back in the lockers, how even an all-star jock like me, all hot with the chicks and the moms around town, turned into a fag ---snap! that easy... What could I do though? Squirmin' against his flarin' lats and sweaty pits, I was slowly losin' all my strength with every stolen sniff. The heady male smell of Craig's hard muscled body had turned my brain completely numb, and made my mouth pool spit to lick his big jock feet and taste his cum.

Old fuckin' Moses himself couldn't'a been more scared as he watched and the Red Sea parted: Craig was turnin' me queer in a way that Slate had only barely started....

Yeah, so hey, I lost my wind, but Craigger cut me zero slack. With a few skilled moves he scored and had me flipped and down and flat on my back. He scrambled up onto my rib-cage and held both my wrists very firmly up over my head. His honeydew-sized crotch was so close to my face I sputtered and turned all red. "Damn, bro, you're slippin'!" "Alright Craig, you won, man. Now get the fuck off me! You're heavy, okay?" "Coop! you look so cute down there I could sit here an' look at cha all fuckin' day!" I tried to twist free but Craig had the advantage, Even my feet couldn't find any leverage, and when I tried hard to buck up and dislodge him, Craig just tightened his grip and grinned. "Settle down, bitch!" But I started to panic: The sight of his bulge as he squirmed on my chest, was MORE than enough to induce palpitations and spur cardiac arrest...

Dudes it was so fuckin' beautifully plump that my eyes wouldn't listen and leave it alone. I guess in a way they knew better than I did, just how badly I wanted his bone. Craig pressed harder and shook himself slowly, and drops of his sweat splashed down warm on my lips. I gave up and moaned for it. Craig watched me, smilin'. "Coop! Alriight! You're LIKIN' this!" Fuck, I struggled. Fuck, my tongue snaked out to lick his sweat as it fell. He scooted forward and rested that bulge on my face, and let me inhale the smell. I closed my eyes so he wouldn't see me blush, 'cause my stomach had started to tighten. Only then did I realize that my hands were free and I wasn't fightin'. It was like I was all drugged up and ethered, limp from some chloroform, stuck on a pin, helpless while my dick got harder every time I breathed him in.

I felt a rough hand on the back of my head, and if possible, rubbed my nose in deeper. All that curiosity about guys' jocks and sweaty gym gear. All those semi boners I'd be throwin' when I suited up, all that old temptation just to sneak a whiff of Slater's cup. Yeah I moaned, and yeah I slowly opened up my dirty mouth. I was almost fuckin' droolin', pressed against that fleshy pouch. "Yup. I knew it." ...Huh?... I heard some words and opened up my eyes. I was fuckin' laid out like a bitch between Craig's hairy thighs. Big-titty bitch, with her tongue out and moist red lips pressed against those old white speedos. "Guess we got cher number NOW, huh Coop?" I clutched an' fuckin' froze. Craig was more than capable of doin' major fuckin' damage, sendin' me home in a couple'a casts an' sportin' six or seven Band-Aids. I could see him gettin' off by poundin' me to bloody pulp, slowly gettin' harder every solid punch he threw. I gulped. Surely he had to've

felt in my pulse how the tension between us for years had got loose. "I always FIGured the chicks were a decoy, STUD. Yer friggin' queer as a goose!..."

What if I was? I was still a tough jock, and I still had my muscles and skills with the chicks. There was just part of me I was discoverin' got turned on by smokin' dicks. There was a part of me got turned on by bein' used by someone stronger, somethin' new inside me that was just as keen as thirst or hunger. Still, I had my pride ya know, and knew that I had to keep on strugglin', pounding his hard muscled legs with my fists in a thrashing effort to push and shove him. THAT didn't work. Aaw fuck... as soon as my hands gripped his thighs I felt this jolt, like a circuit closed and a surge ran through me, fryin' my brain like lightnin'-bolts. Craig wasn't playin' though; reachin' down, he clamped his hands on my throat like a vise. "I told you once to settle DOWN, BITCH! I ain't gonna TELL you twice..."

I started gaspin' for lack of like, air, 'cause when Craig moved his quads all flexed, and I moaned and saw two perfect beads of sweat run down his muscled chest. "If I let you up are you gonna behave?" I nodded yeah and he loosened his grip. He cracked his knuckles and said, "Ya know? you got some pretty fuckin' lips..." I blushed like a schoolgirl and Craig cupped his speedos, squeezin' them softly in front of my face. "I got a pretty fuckin' dick too, Coop. You wan' a little taste?" He grinned like a parrot or wild hyena, immensely enjoying his own stupid joke, massagin' his bulge till his devil-dick started to stiffen, and all my resistence broke. "What if I told ya I fuckin' yeah did?" I heard myself talkin' but what was I SAYIN'? All of my brain cells were waay overloaded, all o' my tough-jock bravado frayin'. Plus my queer-ass hands kept squeezin' and crawlin' all over his muscled legs. "I'd say you could maybe have some, Cooper! You'd just haf, ya

know, ta beg!"

Oh my god my dick got harder, thinkin' how Craigger would maybe degrade me, watchin' me lappin' his sweaty nuts and askin' me how I LIKED those babies. Makin' me crawl around up in his bedroom, kissin' his feet till my knees were sore, blowin' off all of his other hot bitches to show me all night what my mouth was for. Makin' me slobber all over his dick while he kicked back and watched lezzie porn on TV, shootin' off gallons of cum in my mouth while he called me his fag and his little pussy... Unnnhh! ---Craig got up abruptly, and looming above me, ground his big foot on my sweaty chest. He scratched his bulge and wiggled his toes in my face and laughed and teased and flexed. His eyes met mine and yeah, so I blushed: I lifted my head and licked his toes. He rubbed the biggest one over my lips. "Yeah, suck on it, you homo..."

I was like possessed or somethin'. Dudes, I queered out just like that. It was like my tongue was lickin' the skin of a worn-out wrestlin' mat: All those little spongey ridges, all those little specks of grit... He pushed it past my lips and said, "Yeah, STUD, suck all of it." I could smell the sharp aroma oozin' from between Craig's toes, grabbed his foot and sucked and rubbed it flat against my flaring nose. I could see the dark wet hairs that curled along his bony shin, and moaned as I suckled his toe in my mouth like an Englishman drunk on some top-shelf gin. We had always used to joke about the size of Craigger's feet. We would ask and he would wink and grab his bulge and we'd say, "Swweeeet!" Now I was findin' out up close and personal what you could do with big feet like that, how you could step on another big dude and just squash him real casually like a gnat. How you could turn a real tough dude with muscles like into your toe-suckin' dick-lickin'

whore, and make him take orders and kiss your big nuts till his drippin' tongue hung out for more.

I was scared to death and moanin', knowin' that I'd crossed a line ---an' prob'ly made the Guinness Book for queerin' out in record time. I was fuckin' gettin' OFF on bein' told to lick Craig's feet; I was all hopped up, horned up and feelin' real pussed-out and cheap. The cool-ass blond muscled football jock, the highschool hero, the Homecomin' KING... was mouthin' and chewin' that stinkin' foot like an eight-month-old with a teething-ring. Still dudes, I KNEW ---there was no goin' back. I wouldn't be EXplainin' this one away: Yeah so I came with your foot in my mouth, dude. That don't mean I'm gay... So what's a jock do? It's a crisp Friday night. You're out on the field in the glare of the lights. You and the football have just connected, your teammates are whoopin' and screamin' "Run dick-head!!" You look around and see two mothafuckers just barrelin' squarely like warships right at ya, only one thought in their pigeon-sized brains: to bring ya down

quickly an' really hurt cha. All you can do is to brace yourself hard, dudes, and show those neanderthals YOU are the shit, grabbin' up every last yard you can muster before you take the friggin' hit.

"Aw yeah, fuck yeah. How's it taste, huh? Damn, bro, you are SUCH a fag..." Craig wiggled his foot further into my mouth and then laughed when it made me drool and gag. I was just waitin' for... what? to come down ---I didn't quite know, but I knew it would hurt. There was no doubt in my mind I would end up all beat-up and bloody and bruised in that dirt. Then he would call the police on his cellphone and tell 'em he did it in self-defense, and all of the cops would nod their heads and send me home in an ambulance. "Craixxh..." I mumbled around his toes while I squirmed on the ground like a pig in shit. I would be dyin' soon anyway. "What?" "Lemmme xxukh yor dixxh..." I looked and saw the crazy lust that flared in both of Craigger's eyes, alternating equal parts arousal and a frank surprise. "Jesus, Coop, will ya stop talkin' French, man? Tell me again, huh? This time in English?" I spat his wet foot out. "Craig please ---lemme blow ya..." He scratched

at his speedos. "You wish!..."

Smilin', he stroked at the shaft of his cock till I panted and watched it plump up and expand. "Think you're the first faggot beggin' to suck it, bro? You think I GIVE a damn?... You think I care that you faggots all want it when I got hot bitches all WAITin' in line?" And I swear that his cock grew another inch harder, and weasels crawled all up my shiverin' spine. ..."Yeah, bro. It's big, huh?" Craig saw I was lookin' and squeezed at his slowly hardening shaft. Fuck, I thought I was queer before? I wasn't queer by half. I scrambled up and reached out for his speedos, and Craig slapped my hand, like a baby's, away. "Not so fast, bitch! What's yer hurry, huh? We got all damn day..."

All damn day. It suddenly hit me, how I'd wanted this for years: for a real tough jock to take control and make me beg to be his queer. All those years workin' out with my buddies, and flippin' a coin before dates for the back seat, all so they'd never suspect the MC was a secret faggot bitch in heat. Well, THAT cat was out of the bag. I glanced at my hand. It was red and it stung. "Coop." I looked into Craig's wild eyes. "Stick out cher fuckin' tongue..." The spit hit it square, with a splat, and some dribbled down onto my chin and I stiffened and flinched. I moaned, 'cause I was like bein' degraded. Craig's cock grew another inch. What was my hurry? I looked at those speedos and blushed how I wanted to chew them off. "Swallow it, bitch." And I did, like a queer, but it caught in my throat and I gagged and coughed. Craig just laughed. "Get used to it, Coop. I've waited TOO long for a queer of my own. You will be beggin' to swallow my PISS, if I

promise to give ya my big fat bone..."

Oh my god, my stomach churned, and Craig squatted down. We were face off to face. "Why don't you kiss my big arm muscles, STUD? An' tell me how GOOD you think they taste..." Craig flexed his bicep and fuck, when he did, all his pit-hair spilled out into dizzying view. "I think my guns are like really impressive these days, bro... How about you?" I lowered my eyes to his big muscled arm and leaned forward real slowly to worship and kiss it. Craig slapped me hard on the side of my face. "You gotta ASK NICE first, bitch!" His eyes held mine as I rubbed my cheek, and the breeze shifted slightly and brought me his scent. No one could see us. The sun was behind me, and all of the birds were silent. "Craig," I swallowed, "you got me, man. I'm queer for your muscles bro. Pleease let me have it?" I was sweatin' like pussy and Craig said, "You are suuch a faggot..."

Yeah, I was, 'cause my dick gave a lurch in my boardies and almost made me cream. First he'd bitch me out then show me off to the rest of the wrestling team... Offerin' to rent me out for a couple'a joints or a little blow, dressin' me up like a cheerleader for him, and makin' me do a dirty strip-show. "Well?" He slacked his arm a bit, then pumped it slowly up again: I could see a highway map of faint blue veins beneath his skin. There was one hypnotic junction, where the blood all pooled and pulsed, an' I twitched from the over-excitement and felt my neurons all implode and convulse. I felt short of breath, like his arm was a magnet, and pullin' out all of the air from my lungs. His other hand balled itself into a fist. "And I wanna feel LOTS of tongue..." Fuck, you'd'a thought I was six years old, and takin' big licks on an ice-cream cone. Slate had broke me in real good. "You like that, pup?" I moaned...

More than that. I drug my tongue the length of Craigger's muscled bicep, feeling the heat like a steamroom and wettin' my lips in the drops of his trickling sweat. Feelin' queered-out an' brought-down and exposed, which magnified the electric tension, makin' my dirty mouth do things it would rather have died than ever mention. "THERE ya go! Damn... Whoooaa! LOOK at that vein, bro. Junkies would PAY ya for veins like this!" And it throbbed full of blood and the faggot inside me leaned in just to give it another small kiss. "Damn! An' I thought that I'd hafta get rough with ya! Coop! You've been queer for awhile now, huh?" "Is that what chu think? I'm a fruitcake or somethin' now?" Craig was articulate. "Duh!" He unclenched his fingers and said, "Here... and here," pointing out the few places my bad tongue had missed.... "Thaat's right, bitch. --You just do what I tell ya. You DON'T wanna see me get pissed..."

After that, when he had me all docile, he made me lean over and lick his broad chest, standin' there smirkin' and talkin' romantic. "Aw yeah, you fuck. LICK up my sweat!" Every so often he'd flex his big muscles and give me a couple of fingers to lick. He reached out and squeezed both my nipples and tugged them, and triggered those nerves that ran straight to my dick. He made me learn quick what my proper position was, kneelin' an' hard like a bitch-broken jock. Craig was in charge now, an' both of us knew it. "You ready to beg for my juicy COCK?" I mewed like a kitten. "You say somethin' ass-wipe?" "Yeah Craig. Fuck I want it, man. Pleease let me suck it?" He spat in my face again. "Wait till you see it up close, Coop! Yer gonna LOVE it..." He rose to his feet like a golden Adonis, divinely surveying a still pagan world. His bulge was so close to my face I could smell it. "Oh yeah, you like that, huh girl..."

Unnh, my hands reached out to stroke Craig's chiselled abs and matted trail, readin' every patch of skin and vein like it was homo Braille. Helpless in front of his hard muscled torso I felt like a whore who had just learned her place. I asked him real nice and he laughed, and I knelt while he rubbed the hard mass of his bulge on my face. His speedos were stretched out so tightly I saw the thick vein that ran under the shaft of his prick. I guess I was starin' too long 'cause he slapped me and muttered, "Come on, bitch. LICK..." Dudes, I worked those old white speedos until they were soaked and quite nearly transparent, rootin' around with my nose in the fringe of his bush and unhinged from the powerful scent. "Fuuck..." He pushed my face away. "DAMN, girl. You got a nasty mouth." I blushed and said "Pleease can I suck it now, Craig?" "You bitch. Yeah, take it out..."

My fingers were tremblin', my heart was explodin', my little fag tongue wet my little fag lips. Oh and the shivers that ran up my spine when I grabbed at those speedos and heard them rip.... Craig started laughin'. He knew what I wanted. "God-DAMN!! Bitch don't know her own strength!" My eyes turned to sluts at the sight of it, all its incredible thickness and length. It throbbed in the sunlight, as thick as my wrist and all wet from the precum that leaked from its tip. I wanted it worse than I'd wanted an iPod. "Pleease Craig, let me kiss it?" "Yeah? You wanna kiss up on my junk, bro? Treat it real sweet like a little girl should?" "Yeah Craig, I want you to make me your bitch, man." He scratched at his six-pack. "Good..." Smiling, he told me to puss up my lips and then laughed when I whimpered and did what he told me. I was like one of those dudes in the Bible in front of that Holy of Holies. "Well? You havin' second thoughts, bro? What the FUCK

you WAITIN' for?" I planted my lips on the head of his jockmeat and moaned like his personal whore.

I stuck out my tongue and lapped full on his piss-slit, suckin' the juice from the head as it leaked. Craigger encouraged me. "Yeah... Keep it up, girl. You got an AWESOME technique!" I opened up wider and let my warm mouth sink down slowly to nurse on the head of his cock, sniffin' up close the same humid aroma I'd smell back in gym when he peeled off his jock. "There ya go, girl! Yeah you're lovin' this NOW, huh? Thaat's right ---aw yeah, faggot ---FRENCH-kiss my dick!" Another warm glob of his precum drooled out and I smeared it like lipstick all over my lips. I sucked and I slurped and I licked his sweet cockhead, I worked it real slowly deep into my mouth, grippin' his hard muscled legs for support when he slapped me and pulled it out. "What's yer damn hurry girl?" Nnnh, how it glistened. I looked at him meekly and said, "It's so fat..." "Sure as fuck is, bro. I got me a whopper! Cocksuckers really like that. 'Course," he grabbed it by the base,

"what's not ta fuckin' love, ya know? Plus, I got impressive nuts." I shivered. "DON'T I, homo?"

"Yeah Craig, fuck..." He lifted his cock up and let his wet ball-sac hang right in my face. His nads were as big as dark plums or ripe peaches. "Imagine how GOOD they'd taste..." I swallowed insanely, I gripped his strong thighs, ---even made myself breathe so I wouldn't pass out. "Whaddya think, girl? Think we can get both these babies in your fuckin' mouth?" Think? Oh my god, might as well ask a frat-boy if he's gonna flirt with some chicks when he's drunk. I leaned up and licked them. "They ripe enough for ya?" "Nnnxx... aww fucxx..." "You cunt..." He grabbed his hard fuckpole and slapped my queer face with it, leavin' wet dick-slime all over my cheeks. My tongue kept on lappin' his nads as they jiggled. He sighed. "Aww yeah girl, sweeet... Yeah, that's right --now open your mouth, bitch. STRETCH your lips an' take this cock..." I opened up wide like a slot-machine. He spat. "You football jocks..."

Coyly, obscenely, Craig started to tease me, wiping his nuts on my lips and wet chin. He tickled my nose with his dark sweaty dick-hair. "Now, girl. Suck 'em in..." The first one dropped into my mouth like a meatball, juicy with marinara sauce. I was the queer who was down on my knees like a pussy, lickin' it off. "Jesus, yeah ---that's awesome, girl! You're better than half a' the chicks I've boned! Come on. Wider... Thaat's right bitch. Aw yeah! ---you're aalmost home..." With a soft little slurp it pushed right past my lips till my cheeks were puffed out like a little gray squirrel's. My hands were still kneeding his powerful thighs. "Aw yeah... They're big, huh girl..." I couldn't've talked if I'd wanted to, so I just nodded and that made Craig snigger and laugh. I started workin' my cheeks and slutty tongue around his sweaty nut-sac. It was like mouthin' two soft-boiled eggs, firm and yet spongey and all steamin' hot, There was a pressure so

strong in my dick that, I swear, I almost shot...

Slowly I worshipped Craig's over-sized jocknuts, I sniffed 'em and kissed 'em as long as he let me. "Like 'em, bitch?" "Nnnh." "Got you hard?" "Nnnh nnnh." "Yeah..." I moaned and licked them wetly. Craig started slappin' my face with his cock again, splashin' his juice on my cheeks an' damp eyebrows. "Girl, we could do this the whole afternoon, but I'm ready for you ta blow me now." Fuck, who'd'a thought I could get any harder? Both o' my knees an' my jaws were on sore. He saw how my eyes lit up and asked, "You gonna be my little whore?" "Nnnh." "Suck cock when I tell ya to? Lick up the crack of my hairy BUTT?" I panted. "I got a two-day load built up. You want it, slut?" ---"Yeah Craig, pleeease? It's so fuckin' big, man. Let me take care of your fuckin' cock..." He grinned and then held it in front of my face. "Go on girl. Kiss the Rock..."

I started real slow at the base, workin' up while my tongue traced the ridge of that throbbin' vein, crawled up the shaft with my mouth, reached the head, opened up and went down like a plane in flames. Half of his meat was all stuffed in my hole when the head hit the back of my throat and I gagged. He grabbed my ears and pushed it further in. "You havin' a PROBlem, fag?" "Ggggh." It was thick. It was thicker than Slate's, like those pictures of cocks I would pull off the net. "Good. 'Cause let me tell ya, girl. We're barely halfway there yet..." He put his strong hands on the back of my head and pressed in with his hips till my throat muscles broke. My fists started pounding his powerful thighs like maracas. "Aw yeah bitch ---fuckin' CHOKE!" Jesus, like he had to tell me! Dudes, I was doin' just fine on my own. I was like a dog who'd learned too late he'd bit off too much bone. I could feel my battered throat collapse around the spongey knob, till he

had me skewered and speared real good, like I was freakin' shish kebab. And still ---I swear, don't ask me how, I took each fat and throbbin' inch, and even when my epiglottis spasmed, dudes, I barely flinched. My nose was pressed in his thicket of pubes, my face was wet with snot and spit, my tongue kept lappin' the base of his shaft like it wasn't cock but swollen clit.

Then Craig started to work my mouth. He laughed and ground it in real slow. He made my throat his little fuck-tube, boxed my head and called me homo. I could feel his heavy nuts like wreckin' balls against my chin, his massive cock like a battering ram that was pushin' an' forcin' relentlessly in. "Aw yeah, fuck! ---you got it all, girl! TELL me you ain't sucked a dude off before! ---Bet chu even swallowed their loads, huh, bitch?" "Nnngh nngh..." "You fuckin' whore!... Well, get ready, 'cause I'm about to blast my jizz right down your HOLE!..." an' he swore and grabbed my head and bounced it up and down his leakin' fuckpole. I could feel his precum tricklin' slowly down into my gut, an' smelled his fuckin' balls and knew that Craig was truly gonna nut. I could see the film of sweat that glistened on his golden skin, and loosened my throat like a starvin' snake, the better to take that monster in.

Then Craig started to thrust, he started to pound and use my mouth like cunt. I could feel his sweat drip on my forehead, I could hear him grunt. I could feel that turgid vein that slid along my slutty tongue and breathed his stinkin' manly smell real deep into my achin' lungs. "Fuck! you got a mouth like velvet, girl! You're gonna make me blow! ...AW yeah, THAT'S right... In and out, bitch ---just like a fuckin' yo-yo!" Then he'd stop and watch me nurse the head and lick up all his drool and push it in again and mash my chin against his family jewels. I could feel him start to shake, I felt his knees begin to buck. "You READY, bitch? Aw jeez, yer gonna ---jeezus, gonna... fuuuckkk..." His balls pulled up, he clenched his fists, he smashed my mouth against his pubes... an' started to whimper, as tough as he was, when I showed that Craig Mott what a CHAMPION could do. "Aw jeeeez, yer fuckin' incredible, girl... Yer milkin' my fuckin' COCK, you slut!" I

moaned. "Aw fuck yeah ---Bitch is gonna make me blow my fuckin' nut! ---Nnnh! Aw SHIT, yer gonna make me cuuuum... I'm gonna ---NNNNH! ---godDAMN!!" ---And his cock went off sharp, buried deep in my throat, like a cannon releasin' his pent-up jock jam.

It spewed out like paintballs or milk of magnesia, all heavy and viscous; I sucked it all down, so much friggin' cum that in spite of my faggiest efforts I thought I would surely drown. I felt my battered hole balloon from the force of the load he shot right down my throat, till my reflexes finally kicked in and I tried to disgorge him but couldn't, and almost choked. The first two thick volleys shot right down my gullet, then backed up and flooded my mouth and my tongue. I felt it seep up through my nostrils and coughed and it leaked out my lips and my eyeballs stung. It drooled out my mouth when I gagged and I tasted Craig's steamin' hot load for the very first time, like a rapper whose tongue'd been searchin' for years, and had finally found the exact perfect rhyme. He pulled halfway out so the next couple shots filled my mouth up again just as fast as I swallowed. "FUCK yeah!! Suck that scuzz out GOOD, bitch!! TAKE my fuckin' jockload!"

Then Craig's fuckin' knee gave way, and he swore as he climaxed and almost fell; his cock popped out of my mouth still spewin' and creamed my face to holy hell. It kept on sprayin' an' squirtin', all over my forehead, my eyebrows, my cheeks... aww fuck... cum ran down my face like I was a canvas and Craigger was Jackson Pollock. I panted and licked at my lips like a dog; I was already hooked on the taste of his cum. He laughed and inserted it back in my mouth and the last couple squirts leaked all over my tongue. I sucked, I nursed, I cleaned Craig's cock like I was afraid I would never get more. I pulled at the front of my boardies and let my hard dick wriggle out like a throbbin' whore. I shot like a pistol all over his leg with his fat meaty cock still real deep in my mouth... Suddenly, there was only the sound of panting. Then Craig pulled it out. I knelt there exposed for the faggot I was while his dick slowly softened in front of my face. "Coop..." "Nh

hnn?" He laughed while he watched me swallow. "How's it TASTE?"

"Fuuckk... way better than Slate's," I slipped. Craig narrowed his eyes. "You blowin' him too, bro?" ..."Just like every... now and then," I said. "You stinkin' homo..." He spat. "You should see yourself! Drippin' with jizz, girl! 'Bout fuckin' TIME I got in on your action... Yeah, go on, bitch. Kiss it again, yeah... Be my little fag, man..." I did, I kissed it full right on the crown, and a last pearly drop oozed up out of his piss-slit. Fuck, I had to have that too... "That's right, girl, aaall of it..." I didn't stop till that fucker was gleamin', an' got every drop of his leftover cum. I ached and then started to try to get up; my knees were scraped and my jaw was numb. He put his big hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "What's your fuckin' hurry, bitch? I just had me a SWEET-ass nut, girl! Now I wanna piss..."

I looked at his dick like the world's biggest perv, and zoned as I sniffed at Craig's cock again: lockerrooms full o' smart-assed jocks, all drainin' their veins in the can after gym... I watched Craig spread his legs and give his stinkin' tool a couple shakes; he spat and aimed his beer-can tube of meat directly at my face. There was nothin' I could do but squint my eyes and lick my lips ---football jock on his knees like a hungry bitch-boy, waitin' for Craigger's piss. I heard him sigh, "Oh yeah, goddamn... I've wanted to do this shit for YEARS... NOTHin' like showin' some big tough STUD... he's just another hungry queer..." I watched Craig slowly fist his rod till his slit opened up and his piss leaked out. "AW yah, fuuck..." and he tensed his cock and it bobbed and it all came streamin' out. Splashin' all over my cheeks and chin, drippin' down over my chest and abs, soakin' my boardies and wettin' my pubes and cock and stinkin' up my 'nads. Dudes, I

fuckin' came again, when he drenched my hard meat with the force of his piss. I slumped in the sand and Craig towered above me. "What a fuck-in' bitch..."

He picked up his speedos and walked to the lake and I stood up and waded in slowly behind him. Craig looked me over and gave me his famous grin. "So how was yer first day fishin'?" I could see his buoyant cock half-floatin' in the cooling water. I was speechless; that made Craigger laugh. "Not bad for starters?..." He gave me this lazy-ass yawn and said, "Couple of hours, I want my pits ate out..." Then he swam off and I swallowed the last of his jizz that was still in my sticky mouth...

That was the end of my days as a straight boy. After that day I belonged to Craig. He taught me the way that he wanted his cock sucked, laughed when I came on his powerful legs. It made me bone hard when I swallowed his cum and he said it was Slate who should be so lucky. I was his bitch and his queered-out punk, and Craig was the stud who fucked me.

to be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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