Red Orb of Pern

By Corrinne S

Published on Dec 11, 2005


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Chapter 20

The situation on the southern continent was one of controlled chaos. Dragons blinked in and out of between depositing weyrfolk. Fire lizards swooped in and out of suitable caves, trying to show which were the most habitable. L'noth and Adelmisa directed their wingleaders to reunite families as best they could. D'vis and three other journeyman healers dispatched by the Masterhealer tended to minor scrapes and burns.

Lurah located several of the women from the lower caverns and commandeered the first dragon rider available, F'rness. "We need cook-fires as soon as possible," she told the green rider. "The dragon riders will need hot klah, and everyone needs food. I don't know what you can find here, but even wild wherries will make a nourishing meal."

F'rness and Dagenth were both tired, almost to the point of exhaustion. But the green rider knew that Lurah's word was law so the two set about to gather dry driftwood to start the cooking fires she wanted. That done F'rness located two of his closest friends, B'mel and K'neth, and the three went in search of meat. They didn't find any wherries, but did find a large group of herdbeasts, something they didn't expect.

"Shards! Look at the size of their horns!" B'mel exclaimed. "I'll bet nobody ever saw anything that big!"

And it was almost true, because no one alive on Pern had ever seen herdbeasts like those who existed on the southern continent. The beasts were massive, nearly twice the size of northern herdbeasts. Their colors ranged from light tawny to deep red. Their horn-span was further across than the height of the tallest known man on Pern and the ends of the horns curved forward.

"I wouldn't want to make one mad at me," K'neth said. "A person could get gored to death!"

"Then we'll just have to stay away from the horns," F'rness declared. "We should be able to get two of them with the dragons help, and they sure will make a good evening meal."

Two hours later the three dragon riders returned to the temporary refuge, one marvelous heardbeast dangling by a rope from each of the dragons. Lurah set the cooks to preparing two of the beasts for the evening meal and Adelmisa sent K'neth to Freepoin Weyr with the third in gratitude for the help with their severely injured.

. . .

D'vis sought F'rness out after everyone had eaten their fill of herdbeast and the tubers some of the children had found. "You and Dageth did a good job today," he told the green rider.

F'rness blushed under the praise, his pale skin turning deep red at D'vis words. The eighteen-year olds gray eyes held a wistful look that betrayed his heart. "We were only doing what had to be done," he replied.

"Did you bespeak Dageth to rescue Skye?"

"She did it on her own," F'rness answered.

"You should let L'noth know," D'vis said. "Greens don't usually show that much initiative."

"I know," F'rness replied. "I was surprised myself when she took off like she did." He thought his knees would collapse when D'vis threw an arm around his shoulders and led him toward the Weyrleader.

. . .

L'noth reluctantly left his most severly injure weyrfolk in the care of Freepointe's Weyrleader, M'tew.

"Thank you for all your help," L'Noth told his long time friend.

"You'd do the same for any other weyr," M'tew replied. "That's what dragontfolk do." He walked L'Noth to the center of the weyr where his own weyrlings were busy loading dragons with supplies. "We've packed as much food, clothing, and healer supplies as we can spare. The other weyrleaders and major holders sent word that they'll be sending more provisions soon. Freepointe and Western Weyrs will assume fighting Thread for you until your weyrfolk and dragons recover."

"I think we can cover threadfall," L'Noth said.

"You know what the Masterhealer told you earlier," M'tew replied for the head of the Healer Craft was personally supervising the care of the injured.

"All of you, dragons included, need time to recover from physical injuries and emotional shock," the Craftmaster had told Edmon's leader.

All of Pern had felt the shock of the loss of a weyr, weyrfolk, and dragons as word spread. Holders immediately sent word to the Weyrleaders that they were prepared to offer any assistance needed. The Weyrleaders met and arranged to take turns ferrying supplies to the temporary weyr on the southern continent as well as assuming cover during threadfall.

Freepointe and Western, bordering Edmon, seemed the most logical.

Masterhealer Benalen and MasterHarper Tokan, summoned by Andren and Julani, were at Freepointe Weyr enroute to the southern continent. Both had had serious talks with M'chell about Skye. The Masterhealer accepted M'chell's responsibility for D'vis' failure to report the existence of the flyer to either Andren or himself with only a mind rebuke, reminding the golden rider that D'vis was a healer as well as a bronze rider.

Chapter 21

Three days later Master Benaren on Trelanth with D'vis, and Master Tokan on Raganth with M'chell emerged from between at the southern site. Skye, now fully recovered, joined them. The marvelous sight of Skye, his black wings in great contrast to the pale gold of the early morning sunrise, amazed them as much as his very existence. Even M'chell, who had seen his lover fly, was fascinated by the sight.

Both craftmasters were determined to go through ancient hides in search of answers once they were assured that Edmon would recover in the gentle southern air while a new site was located for a permanent home.

That evening, with everyone settled, L'Noth summoned M'chell and Skye. "Tarenth," he said to his great bronze, "please bespeak Skye for me." When the bronze dragon turned his rainbow eyes to the flyer L'Noth continued. "We are all grateful to you for your help in saving our children -- our hatchlings. We can't ever repay that debt. I'm told that you search for others of your kind, and we will help you in that search. But I want you to know this. Even if we never find other flyers, you have a family. We ask that you join us as part of Edmon Weyr and willingly accept you as M'chell's mate.

Tears filled Skye's great eyes as he suddenly found himself surrounded by weyrfolk all wanting to thank him and welcome him to the weyr. Several of those were the children who knew he had saved their lives. He was filled with wonder as he realized that he would never be alone again, that he could remain with his beloved and have many clutchmates.

Early the next morning, before dawn, M'chell and Skye walked along the sandy beach at the edge of the great ocean, their fingers twined together.

"Are you happy?" M'chell asked.

"I am filled with great happiness," Skye replied. "What more could I desire than to be accepted by your kind?"

"Well," M'chell began tentatively, "you know that I was foster father to D'vis and his brother. And too many foster parents were lost when the weyr was destroyed. L'Noth wants us to foster a pair of twins, four-year old brother and sister. I told him I would ask you."

"We are to have hatchlings?" Skye asked.

"Yes," M'chell answered, "but only if you agree."

Skye's answer was to take M'chell in his arms and envelope both of them in his wings. Their passionate kiss ended as they sank to the sandy shore and mated, solidifying their love, their joy in each other, and their dream of a future together.

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