Religion Class

By Tempus

Published on Jun 28, 2023


Um.. disclaimers. Yeah, don't read it if you aren't supposed to. This depicts acts of sexual intercourse between two males, both consenting. Blah blah blah. Don't read it if you don't like it.

Everything in here is based off of true events that are happening in my life, except for the names, I've gotta change those for obvious reasons.

The next morning I told Debbie what I sent him, and she started laughing. We both got thrown out of class, what a shame. We sat outside of the classroom in the crisp morning chill shooting the shit. Eventually, she asked me what I saw attractive in Mr. Melancon.

I blushed and replied, "Well, he's got chest hair, I can see it through his shirt sometimes. He's got a hot ass and body. Have you seen those muscles? His hair is just the right shade of black..."

"Mhmm, how nice for you. I can't get over the fact that he sold me out." she said dejectedly.

"Sorry hun, I'm shallow, what can I say?"

"You could at least act like you were astonished." Debbie joked

The bell to go to the next period rang, so we walked back into Chemistry, got our stuff, and walked to the next class with each other. Math was next, we talked with the other Nicole about different stuff. She and I started a conversation about anime, Japanese cartoons, and Debbie rolled her eyes and looked away. That occupied us for all of Math class.

Debbie and I walked across the street to the band hall. We couldn't really talk there, because she had her flute in her face, and I was playing my trombone. We were getting ready for this year's marching season. After class, we rejoined and went to Latin together. This was our worst class.

Let me explain last year to you: We sat there and twiddled our thumbs while our teacher blabbered on about how it's not dead and stuff. We didn't need to pay attention because our tests were open book, and those of us that had to take the exam had it open book. Basically, we didn't learn anything.

This year we had an ACE teacher. Basically, they were teachers from Notre Dame that were sent here to teach. They were all young because they were fresh out of college, and looking for some on hands experience. They know what they're doing. Debbie and I were screwed.

Lunch time is normally my favorite time of the day, no such luck today. Mr. Melancon was walking towards me, uh oh. "Do you have an email address?" He inquired.

I was getting nervous, he obviously got my email.

"I've only got one, it's for the myspace that I have. Why? Trying to hook up with me?" I nervously joked.

"No reason. I just got a suspicious email."

"What a shame, if you want I can help you track it.." A plan was forming in my mind, this probably won't end well.

"I guess, come by my class tomorrow during lunch."

Debbie snorted and wished me luck at seducing him. Lunch ended and we walked to Religion class together.

Mr. Melancon blabbered on about the Bible or something, I was preoccupied with is crotch. Through his slacks I could see that he was wearing either a jock or whitey-tighties. Either one worked with me. I think he noticed though, because he started to have to adjust himself. Apparently I made him hot, or he was a typical male and randomly got erections in the worst time. I hoped that it was the former. Debbie caught me looking, and smacked me in the head. It went unnoticed by everyone because they're used to us two beating each other up or horsing around. Besides that, the whole class was rowdy. I thanked whatever was up there, if anything, that I had the power to go unnoticed by everyone.

I went to Photoshop class and talked with Nicole while doing our assignment. She laughed when I pulled up the email that I sent to Melancon. I told her about our lunchtime conversation and she snorted and messed up her picture a little. She said that it was worth it. I finished my picture towards the end of class and Nicole pointed something out. Apparently when you look at it with squinted eyes sideways it sort of maybe looked like a penis. With my luck I'd get docked for that. I checked my email and myspace during class and waited for the rest of them to finish.

I went home with Jimmy, my brother, and sat there in anticipation of tomorrow's lunch. Jimmy wanted to do something, so we played Mario Kart for Game Cube. Of course, me being the coolest person ever, I kicked his ass. This continued in a similar fashion for a few more hours until dinner. We walked into the kitchen to get our pizza and went back into the den. I only had one hand, the other was holding the pizza for me, so I lost. Oh well, losing is well worth the pizza.

I called it quits and went to my room. I read a few heated stories and looked at some porn. I finished my business and went to sleep content.

End Part 2

Sorry for reusing the disclaimers and stuff. But honestly, who reads those? You'll get over me reusing this too. Oh well. Sorry stuff is so short right now, I just don't have time to devote to this. I'm going on vacation for a week or so. I'm sorry. :[

Please don't stone me for my random spacing and whatnot. I don't have anyone editing this, except for myself. So, it's probably riddled with grammar, typing, and spelling errors.

Don't worry, as all good things do, this story is taking its time. I promise that it'll heat up eventually.

Send all emails and inquiries to Feedback and criticism is my lifeline! Please send some!

P.S. I like to talk to people. Mail me.

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