Reluctant Gladiator

By Pete Brown

Published on Mar 8, 2023


RELUCTANT GLADIATOR - Part Thirty Nine A story by Pete Brown (petebrownuk @

Read all of Pete's stories at

I was really pleased when the guys got back from town late at night - not only had the break seemed to do them good, but I was glad that they were in such great condition that they could do the challenging hike there and back in one day. Mind you they were in no fit state to want to 'play' and so I had to jerk myself off as they were all soundly asleep as soon as they lay down.

The trouble began the next night, in spite of the fact that we had a proper meal of steak which they'd brought back. The good old US Post Office had managed to deliver the package of goods I'd told them to order - pretty amazing, given how isolated we were, but I guess they don't have a lot of other things to do as no-one really sends letters and stuff - and after we'd eaten we got the big tin bath in and heated up buckets of water on the stove and I said it was time to begin to prepare Luke.

He really didn't want to do it. He complained that the skin whitener stung as it was slathered over his face and neck, then he absolutely refused to get into the bath tub so that we could scrub him clean and shave him. Jamie didn't take any crap from his younger brother though and basically he and Darren forcibly stripped Luke and threw him into the tub. Then as he sat there grimacing, they rubbed the curling stuff into his head, laughing a lot about how lucky Luke was that they didn't fancy women as otherwise they'd want to fuck him when he was looking more like a bitch!

We made Luke stand in the bath as we shaved him so that his pubes and everything wouldn't fall on to the floor, and as we methodically scraped the hair from his pits, the wisps from his chest and belly, and then started to tackle his pubes, Luke's complaints went on and on until Jamie slapped his butt a couple of times 'to give him something to complain about'. When we'd finished he really did look astonishingly different - gone was the confident young guy well on the way from being a 'youth' towards being a real man, and standing there faintly shivering before us was a kid. Without any body hair, with his hair kind of wavy and his fair looks now even paler, he really did look about fourteen! As we lay in bed that night I felt a bit like some sort of pervert as I snuggled Luke close to me, and when I ran my hands over his smooth belly and reached for his dick, it was so different from the way he usually was. Still, it didn't affect his ability to

shoot a huge load of cum when I'd stimulated him a bit! And his butt, without any hair, also felt delightfully different as my dick lodged in the crack before we went to sleep.

Darren and Jamie went off to the woods the following morning, but I had Luke dress very casually in jeans and a kind of 'cute' sweater and took him in to work with me. I had him sitting with me at the entrance as the plant manager arrived, and I deliberately stopped him - he usually wanted to walk straight through without showing his badge, even though he insisted everyone else showed theirs - and really ingratiatingly asked him if I could possibly keep Luke with me that day. "He won't be any trouble, I promise, sir", I wheedled. "He'll sit quietly over there in the corner and work on his school assignment. I wouldn't ask but he's my nephew and my sister's sick and I can't leave a boy of his age to look after himself all day...."

The plant manager eyed Luke, then put his arm 'comfortingly' around Luke's shoulder. "There, young man, what a good uncle you have. I'm sure your mom will get better soon, and you can return home. Tell me, do you believe in the good lord? Shall we pray for your mom? The good lord can make her better..."

"If the good lord can make her better, why did he let her get sick in the first place?" Luke retorted, as you might expect having heard such rubbish.

"I'm sorry, sir...", I cut in, flashing Luke a furious glance to tell him to shut the fuck up. "He hasn't had a proper god-fearing education. He needs guidance, help.... You have heard him sin, questioning the lord's goodness. And I fear even worse - I think he is guilty of the sin of self abuse. I will of course chastise him, chastise him hard..."

"You are so right to be concerned. Lads of his age - how old is he, about thirteen?" I nodded and the plant manager continued "They need guidance. And they need chastising, so that the lessons we teach them sink in properly. I am a pastor, as you know, and I have guided many young boys of your nephew's age along the path of righteousness... Will you allow me to help him?"

"Oh yes, sir, please.... Having a pastor to help him understand the ways of the lord will be far more effective than if I simply chastise him."

"A boy may need chastisement anyway, though", the pastor countered.

"Please, sir, do whatever is necessary to bring him to the lord, to show him the lord's way, to show him how the love of a man for us can be good for young boys in our world today..."

The pastor was looking positively wolf like as he surveyed Luke as if he were prey - as I suppose he was, actually. "You may keep him with you today, Masters, then when it is time to leave he can come to the manse for his first lesson, with me."

"Thank you, sir, I will come with him to...."

"There will be no need for that, Masters. I can teach him the way of the lord better when it is simply the two of us, teacher and acolyte", and with that the plant manager swept past us.

"Fuck me, what a creep!", Luke exclaimed. "All that pawing at me."

"He only had his arm around your shoulders..."

"And then he stroked my ass with his other hand when he thought you were not looking. And did you see his pants tenting? Fuck me, he's a pervert..."

"Yes, Luke, he is. And that's how we're going to ensnare him, to trap him to make him help us rescue Mike. So you're going to have to go along with it - no questioning the good lord or any of that crap..."

"That's stupid, Steve! Anyone can see that it's stupid to believe the ju-ju can cure you but not that it must be the ju-ju who made you ill in the first place if he's really in control of the world..."

"Yes, of course, Luke. And all the other rubbish as well - virgin births, walking on water, raising the dead... But that's not the point. He and all the other church people use that crap, always have, for centuries, to keep the superstitious and gullible under control. Men like us know it's stupid, of course, but you're going to have to go along with it for a couple of days - if you don't want even more 'chastisement' than you're going to get anyway..."

"What do you mean?"

"Luke, for someone who's supposed to be grown up, you can be remarkably naive. He clearly likes young boys, and I'm sure he'll need to 'chastise' you to teach you the ways of the lord - and that will almost certainly involve putting you across his knees and spanking your ass... A bare-ass spanking, that is! He's turned on by kids, and that's why we've shaved you so that your butt is as smooth as a kid's."

"No way..."

"Are you telling me you can't take it? A bit of punishment? I thought you admired your brother and Darren for the way they can take a real beating, the kind only one strong man can give to another? That fat un-fit guy won't be able to spank you really hard - sure it might hurt a bit, but it will only be a temporary stinging, no real damage. Not like getting beaten up in the arena! And when he fucks you it won't be the kind of virile fucking Darren and Jamie do..."

"So you're going to let him fuck me..?"

"No, Luke. You're going to let him fuck you! You've got to go along with this, got to let him spank you, then he'll say you're wicked as your dick will almost certainly go hard after it, so he'll demand to jerk you off to prevent you from committing the 'sin' of self abuse..."

"Steve, if it's a sin to jerk off, isn't it a sin for him to jerk me off?"

"Look, we already know the guy's completely irrational to believe in all the ju-ju in the sky stuff. So why is it any more irrational to have strange views about jerking off? After all, as everyone knows it's perfectly normal and it keeps you healthy. But you've got to go along with it - we need to catch him doing it to you, get photographs and stuff..."

"But two guys jerking off - who cares?"

"He does, Luke! But more importantly, all the idiots who go to his church every Sunday, they care. Especially when it's their pastor jerking off someone who looks like a young kid! He's been preaching to them about 'sin' all these years, and now here he is, actually engaging in it. And if we're really lucky, we'll get even more - when he fucks you..."

"No way! Some old, fat, flabby guy like that? I won't let him..."

"You will, Luke! You'll encourage him, even. We need to have him totally compromised, so we can blackmail him."

Luke looked at me and said quietly "You know, Steve, I did go to school before I was enslaved. And I was a pretty good student. And we did classes in stuff like morals and ethics, and it seems to me that what we're doing isn't quite in accord with all of that..."

"You may be right in some absolute sense, but let's be a bit pragmatic about this, shall we? If he didn't have an unhealthy desire to play with young boys, then whatever we did wouldn't tempt him. And then if he wasn't such a hypocrite, preaching against 'sin' whilst sinning himself, it wouldn't be quite as bad. And the rest follows from that, doesn't it - if he did nothing wrong, then he wouldn't be open to blackmail. And on a broader scale - if society didn't treat guys like Mike so fucking badly, sending them to die down the mine, then we wouldn't need to be doing this at all."

"I suppose you could say they don't send guys down the mine, Steve - only slaves."

"Slaves like your brother, and Darren - do you want to think about them ending their days like that? As a gladiator, they might well have done if I hadn't rescued them. So shall we have no more of this? It's simple enough: you'll go home with him, he'll spank you, he'll probably jerk you off, and he might fuck you. And you'll go along with it, you'll even encourage him - so if there's no time for fucking tonight, you'll offer to go back tomorrow!"

"I don't want a big fat old guy like that to fuck me..."

"Well it's not up to you, is it? You need to remember you're my slave, and you'll do what I tell you." I saw Luke looking pretty pissed off, and I went on "Look, we're only doing this for Mike, and you know that Jamie and Darren think he's a great guy... And you know how much I need to rescue him... So where's the harm in just going along with all of this? It's not as if taking a dick up your ass is any kind of problem, after all - and, as you say, he's old and fat so it won't be a ruthless, hard fuck." He seemed to be wavering so I continued "And of course I'll be very grateful to you, even though it's your 'duty' as my slave - I'll make a bargain with you..."

"Oh yes?" Luke looked keenly interested.

"You let the pastor fuck you, and I'll let you fuck Darren. I know you want to - I've seen you watching him and Jamie together... But he won't let you 'play', will he? And you want to do what your brother does..."

"He'll never agree..."

"That's not the issue, Luke. Firstly, Darren's my slave. And secondly I'm bigger and tougher than he is, so if necessary I can force him."

"Jamie reckons you're past it, Steve. He thinks he or Darren would come out on top in a fight with you... In any case, I don't want to fuck Darren..."

"Look, Luke, I know I shouldn't bargain with a slave. But any reasonable request you make, and I'll try to do it."

"I want to fuck Steve. To fuck you again as we did the other night. I'm tired of us just jerking off, and you spooning up and resting your dick in my ass crack. I want to fuck you, fuck you properly..."

"No way!"

"See, I knew you didn't mean it! You said 'any reasonable request', and what's unreasonable about a guy who's gone a long way towards having proper sex with you wanting to go the whole way? And you said 'I'll try and do it' - so it's all down to you, there's no-one else involved! Jamie's told me that this Mike used to fuck you, so it's not as if you're not used to taking dick... And the other night...."

"But you're a kid..."

"No I'm not, Steve! You've made me look like one, but you need to remember I'm sixteen, well on the way to seventeen, with a man's body and a man's needs." Luke looked determined as he added "So do we have a deal?"

Well, as I said, I know you shouldn't have to deal with slaves as it is really only necessary to order them to do stuff. But the circumstances were pretty unusual, after all, so we shook on it.

I'm told that there used to be a time when cameras and stuff like that used to be really expensive. But even on my meagre wages I could easily afford a couple of vidocams with night vision and huge storage capacity, and as soon as my shift ended and Luke had gone off with the pastor, I raced back to the cabin and told Jamie and Darren to get over to the pastor's house and record everything. "You've been doing all this stuff in the woods", I reminded them. "So you should be capable of sneaking up to the house undetected. Then all you need is to get one of the small flexible lenses to see into the room - any chink in the drapes, any crack in the door, anything.... But I want a proper recording of everything that goes on." I looked at Jamie and added "And even though Luke is your brother, I don't want any interference... Let whatever happens happen."

Jamie sniggered. "What makes you think I'd stop anything that fat fuck of a pastor does? My little brother's got it coming - he's always trying to mess around with Darren and me, and it will do him good to see a bit of the real world. After all, the men he'll meet throughout his life won't all be muscular studs like Darren and me, so it will help set his expectations properly!"

He and Darren 'high fived' each other, got soot out of the chimney and rubbed it in to their faces so they didn't stand out in the gloom, and then slipped out of the door in to the dusk.

It was about two hours before Luke came home, together with Jamie and Darren, and he stared at me and started to grin. "You'd better get cleaned out, Steve - I don't want shit all over my dick when I fuck you tonight..."

"You mean he went all the way?"

"Oh sure. He started to tell me all about the 'sin' that young boys could fall in to. Then he wanted me to sit on his lap so we 'could be more comfortable'. Once I put my arms around his neck, he carried on telling me all this rubbish about the good lord loving me so much that I needed to be protected from sin - and that the only way to do this was by 'chastising' me to show me the way of the lord! After he'd spanked me and had me sitting on his lap, he couldn't help it. I could feel his erection through his pants and I whispered in his ear that I thought he was uncomfortable.... Then I slipped off him and knelt between his legs, looking up at him, and said that I wanted him to teach me the way of the lord and show me the love of the lord.... And that was that! He unzipped and his dick shot out, and he told me to come back to sit on his lap as he needed to talk to me quietly.... And of course as soon as I was there, his dick was pressing my hole...."


"Come on, Steve, you know me! I can get older men really turned on - as you'll know from your own experience! So I wriggled about a bit and threw my arms around his neck and blew in his ear and did all the sort of stuff like that, and soon he was fucking me. Not hard or anything - it seemed a lot of effort to keep raising himself up so his dick could slide in and out - but the more I wriggled and threw myself about a bit, the more excited he became.... And then he shot his load, and I knew it was about to happen so I kind of stood up so it went all over me, rather than in to me, as I thought that would be a better shot for the pictures!"

I didn't quite like being called an 'older man' in the same way that the pastor was, but Luke had done a good job, and I told him so. Jamie and Darren were laughing now as Luke had related the story. But then Luke went on "Of course we're all going to burn in the fires of hell, I suppose you know that?"

"How so?", his brother demanded.

"The pastor told me that him showing me the way of the lord was very holy, and that it must be kept a secret, even from my family and friends. And he said that the lord could be vengeful, and that if I told anyone my soul would go to hell, be cast into the fiery pit... And so would all the people I told it to. So I had to be quiet about it, keep it a secret, if I didn't want to suffer eternal damnation along with my family."

We all laughed at this of course, but the pastor was clever, no doubt about that - I wondered how many other kids around the town were living in fear and dread of eternal damnation! Jamie handed me the camera then. "Here, Steve - I hope it's OK as we were laughing so much - or trying to stop ourselves laughing so that we didn't disturb the two love birds - that it was hard to hold it steady. Seeing that fat old guy with his giant belly trying to fuck Luke properly was a real joke - the way his huge flabby tits bounced up and down as he was trying to do it...."

"...and the fact that his dick looked so tiny compared with his great belly. It's a wonder he managed to get it in Luke at all, considering how much that belly got in the way", Darren added.

We sat down to watch the video then, and I have to admit that it was pretty comical, although rather sad. I found myself unconsciously rubbing at my belly as I watched it, and I made a mental note to keep check on what I was eating as it's so easy for the extra pounds to slide on, isn't it?

That night in bed I felt really strange about having Luke snuggling up against me. What did he really think about older guys, I wondered. And was he comparing my body to the pastor's? He'd been used to always having strong hard men around him so it must have been a real shock to see the pastor naked, and as we lay there I congratulated him on keeping his cool and for doing his job really well.

"OK, Steve. So it's my turn now. Shall we do it now?"

"Do what?"

"Fuck. You said that if I did the job well you'd let me fuck you..."

"Well we'll see...."

"No, Steve. What's 'to see'? Why not now? You've just told me that I did a good job. And you promised that if I did you'd let me fuck you, and I'm horny as hell...."

As he said this Luke took my hand that had been resting on his belly and pushed it on to his dick - which was rock hard.

"Luke, I'm not ready right now...."

"I don't care. I'll wash the shit off my dick afterwards. Now, roll over as I want to slide my dick up and down your ass crack a bit to really get me going...."

"Luke, no. I'm not in the mood."

"So what? All you've got to do is lie there, and I'll do the rest."

"No, I said!"

"That's so fucking typical of you, Steve! Talk's cheap, isn't it? When you wanted me to do something you were prepared to promise me I could fuck you if it all went well. Then when you say you're really pleased with the movie, you won't make good on your promise."

"Well I don't have to bargain with slaves..."

"Steve, there you go again! We're all supposed to be buddies. That's what you said when we started this whole thing to rescue Mike. No owners, no slaves, just four guys who were going to work together to get Mike out of that place. Now, because it doesn't suit you and you don't want to look like someone who's welching on a bet, you're starting the 'owner' thing again and me and Jamie and Darren are just slaves. Well it's not good enough, Steve..."

"No, it isn't!" Jamie added, and I saw that he and Darren had got up and were standing by the bed. "We all heard you make the bargain with Luke, and there was no 'not bargaining with a slave' then! You needed our help, Steve, and you've had it, so now's the time to pay up."

I was pissed off now, or, I suppose, I was a bit scared. I didn't like being fucked all that much and I had to tolerate it when Mike made up his mind to use me, and the experience when the three of them had effectively raped me was still on my mind. And I was kind of out of practice. And I knew that a young guy like Luke would be so vigorous and it would hurt. Not that I'm worried about a bit of pain, but that pain you get in your ass is different, isn't it? It's really hard not to cry out when the other guy's body slams in to you, and I didn't want them to think that I was a wimp. What's more, I was supposed to be in charge - I could 'survive' losing my authority once, just about, but if it became a habit that the three of them could make the running.... So I decided to bluff it out.

"You two, get back to bed!", I snapped. "And Luke, shut the fuck up. I may let you fuck me, when I'm good and ready..."

"No, Steve. I want to do it now", Luke countered. "I'm all ready for it. I've had to endure being fucked by that vile old fat guy, and now I want a bit of fun, a bit of proper, real, man on man sex with a guy with a good body."

"It's not fun if the other guy doesn't agree to it....", I said, knowing that this argument doesn't really hold a lot of weight as making a guy have sex with you can actually add to the excitement, as we all knew from being gladiators.

"Well it will be fun for me, Steve". Jamie and Darren stood there as Luke said this, and Jamie snapped "Yes, Steve - come on, you made a deal, now pay up, or we'll make you."

"Are you threatening me, Jamie?" Even a said this, I knew that being confrontational with him was stupid as Jamie's not the kind of guy to back down, either by disposition and then as a result of all the training he'd had as a gladiator.

"Yes, Steve. I am. It's time you learned that you're not the top dog here. Darren and me are. So do as you agreed, or else we'll have to make you."

"You can't both be top dogs, Jamie...." There I was, being stupid again, arguing with him about a stupid point.

"Shut the fuck up, Steve. Or get out of bed and let's go outside and settle this...". Jamie was almost shouting now, and he'd assumed the classic 'fight' stance, I could see his breathing had quickened, his balls had retracted to hang tight behind his dick instead of swinging freely, and a sheen of sweat was breaking out all over his naked flesh as his body prepared itself for a fight. What the fuck could I do now? If I gave in, I'd never have any authority again. But on the other hand I didn't want to have to hurt Jamie as we fought - or have him hurt me, I suppose.

"Look, let's settle this like buddies...", I started. "Let's all sit down and talk about it..."

"What's to talk about, Steve?" I knew I'd lost it as Darren spoke so quietly. "You made a deal. Luke did his part of the bargain. And now you won't carry out yours. And when his buddies - your buddies too, Steve - try to reason with you, you won't discuss it and only bluster and threaten. So how is it going to be different if we talk about it? Nothing's changed - you owe Luke, and you need to pay up."

I decided to ignore them, and rolled over on to my belly to pretend I was going to sleep. The next moment someone had pulled the blanket off me and slapped me hard on the butt. "He's all yours, Luke - look, he's ready for you..." Jamie said in a sneering tone. I could tell my tactic had not worked. "Do you want me and Darren to wait to make sure he lets you go ahead?"

It was Luke who saved the day. He threw himself down on top of me, put his head next to mine and whispered quietly "It's OK, Steve. I can see the problem..." Then in a louder voice said to his brother and Darren "No, you guys, get back to bed. I reckon it'll be OK now as Steve's a reasonable guy...." I knew he was ready to fuck as in addition to the sensation of Luke's hot body lying all along mine I could feel his hard dick stabbing at my butt as if it was desperate for entry. And as he moved, I felt certain that as his dick slid across the small of my back as it was because it was so liberally lubed with pre-cum.

Luke pulled the blanked blanket back over us and carried on quietly into my ear "Those idiots.... If they' have left us alone, I reckon we'd have sorted something out. But once Jamie challenged you, you couldn't back down, could you, Steve? You couldn't let me fuck you, and you didn't want to fight Jamie, or Darren."

I turned my face sideways to look at him as he lay there on me. "Yes...."

"So thanks, Steve..."

"For what?"

"For not fighting Jamie. I reckon he might have beaten you, actually, but whatever the outcome you'd have both hurt each other, badly I reckon, as it was a real challenge not just one of those arranged gladiator fights where you try to do well but don't go to the limit.... One of other of you would have pushed and pushed as you both needed to win, and that's when guys get hurt. And I didn't want my brother hurt, Steve..." He paused for a moment, then added "...or you", and reached forward and kissed me and his hands scrabbled around to get under my body and started to tease my nips. I could feel my own dick trying to force itself into the bed as he did this as I'm so sensitive to that kind of stimulation.

I half rolled to my side, cupping my arm around Luke to pull us close together facing each other. Our dicks were trapped between our bodies, and I could feel that exquisite sensation of a hot sweaty body against my raw dick as we lay there kissing and panting with excitement. Then, of course, it happened - suddenly Luke started to moan and groan.... And I smelled and felt his cum as it soaked our bodies.

"Well I guess that means you won't be fucking me tonight...", I whispered.

"Well not for half an hour at least.... Us young guys recover fast..." But he didn't, of course - like a lot of guys his age he needs his sleep, and you know how it is once you've shot a load: the urge to drift off is almost impossible to resist. So he was soon deep in sleep, occasionally moving his body sensuously against mine as he dreamed.

The next morning I got up first and showered and dressed before the three of them were even awake - that at least postponed the need to think about being fucked at that time. Then I cooked eggs for breakfast as a treat, and roused them and told them to sit down immediately else the eggs would spoil. Jamie and Darren at there looking kind of expectantly at Luke, but they were all pretty sleepy as unlike me they were not particularly 'morning people'.

"So, little brother, how did it go...?" Jamie stopped shovelling eggs into himself to ask lazily, idly scratching at himself as he did so.

"Me and Steve? Oh.... Pretty well...." Luke said quietly. I got up to fetch them some toast that had been in front of the stove. And as I went past, he slapped my butt, playfully. And that seemed to be that as far as the three of them were concerned. But he smiled quietly at me, and I knew there was unfinished business there.

They all three went off in to the woods after that, and I walked in to town to the public library and sat down at one of the free 'net terminals. I loaded the movie and sent it to Jon, then we engaged in a 'chat' as I explained that I needed it kept safe, and that if anything happened to any of us, he was to make it public. "But don't tell me why, Steve", he added. "I'm just doing for a client what any attorney would, and I do not want to know the reasons."

I went off to the plant after than, and there was trouble as they told me I was late for duty and would be fined a day's pay. "Fuck that", I told them. "I've quit." Then I brushed past the secretaries and went in to the plant manager's office where he was having a meeting. There was a lot of bluster about ordering me out, until I shouted "nephew'", and then it was the employees who were ordered out. I tossed the movie onto his desk, and said quietly "Before we talk, I think you'd better see this...."

His face went pale as he reviewed it at speed. Then he dropped the movie on the floor, and stamped on it, looking triumphant.

"Do you think that's the only copy?", I asked. "For if so, you're even more stupid than you seem with all this religious crap! My attorney has a copy together with instructions to release it to the public - and I guess the company here, and the church - if anything happens to me and my nephew."

"What do you want? Money...?" He asked, looking utterly defeated.

"Yes, some of that. Two thousand should do. And..."

"Two thousand? That's all the church has...."

"So? Who cares? I don't. And I expect you can fool your congregation by telling them it's been spent on doing the lord's work! They're gullible enough or they wouldn't be in the place anyway. I'll take collection this time tomorrow, then we're heading out of town."

"So how do I know....?"

"You don't, you fat fuck. My nephew isn't scared of all that fire and brimstone rubbish, and neither am I. And we know you can't go to the cops, as apart from having the movie released publicly if anything happens to me, I don't think they'll take kindly to you messing with an underage kid. So you've just got to hope we've got more morals than you have."

He looked utterly defeated. "And one more thing...", I tossed a photo of Mike on to his desk which I'd printed off from some old advertising material from Philips' Fighters. "There's this slave down your mine. I want him back up here on the surface, released to me."

"Impossible. Once a slave is down the mine, he's there until he dies."

"Nothing is impossible... If you believe in the lord..", I sneered. "Or if you believe in the retribution that the lord can hand out... Or even if you don't, if you believe in the havoc that can be caused to your life if it's known that you're a child molester. How do you fancy being a slave? Perhaps even being a slave in your own mine?"

"There's no mechanism..."

"Yes there is. There's an elevator that takes slaves down. Send down some guards, heavily armed. And brink this slave back up."

"We couldn't identify him..."

"Yes you can. Look at the photo. See his name, right across his back? Well it's on his dick, too. All the slaves down there are naked so it shouldn't be too difficult for your guards to locate one with 'Mike' on his dick - but, in any case, in the extremely unlikely event that there's more than one, bring them all up!"

"I can't...."

"Listen, as perhaps you don't understand yet. You have until this time tomorrow to produce the money and the slave Mike. Fail to do that, and your life is over."

He went to say something else, but I turned and walked out of the office - he knew what he had to do.

End Of Part Thirty Nine

Next: Chapter 40

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