Remember Me

By Justin Luong

Published on May 7, 2021


Chapter 25: I Will Be Your Shield

"He's my dad."

As those three words passed his lips, I was dumbfounded. Did he just say his dad? How could that be his dad? But I thought this whole time he said his parents died in a car crash. Has he been lying to me this whole time? And why does Carver look so terrified? I don't understand what's going on.

"What? But how? You said your parents died in a car crash," I questioned, uneasy about the situation.

"Dead?" his ears perked up, tilting his head to the side. "I can promise you I'm one hundred percent alive and well. What other nonsense has my baby boy told you?"

He stepped towards us and the closer he got, Carver took my hand and we both stepped back in sync. We continued this song and dance until we were standing in the middle of there front lawn with Carver standing in front of me clearly blocking me away from his dad.

"H-How did you find me?" Carver asked shaky.

"Easy. Your Uncle Jack and Aunt May were very helpful when I asked them where I could find you. You see when it comes down to it, everyone has their price, even family. But you don't be mad at them, I gave them no choice. You won't be able to contact them again though, I made sure of it," he snickered.

"Wh-What d-d-did you do to them?"

"Don't worry about it. Just know that they're in much better place now," he said winking at me. It sent chills down my spine. "So how about it? I'm sure you're tired of playing house at the old folks' home. Why don't you come home, baby boy? We can be a family again. You can bring the girl too, my treat."

"Leave him out of this!" Carver barked.

"Him? You mean you're not a girl?" he asked as I could feel him undressing me with those piercing black hole eyes of his.

It made me so uncomfortable with the way he kept looking at me that I had to avoid looking directly at him, instead I kept my focus on Carver.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, boy!" he barked.

I refused, shaking my head profusely, cowering behind Carver. He stomped towards us faster than we could react. He shoved Carver out of the way and with his left hand, he aggressively grabbed my jaw and jerked it towards him so I had no choice but to look at him.

"It looks like my boy's rubbed off on you a little too much, you little shit. Carver, would you like to tell the he-she what happens when you disobey me?" he scoffed standing straight.

"Get your fucking hands off him!" he growled.

He turned his attention to Carver and let out a good belly laugh.

"You must really love him, you haven't had the balls to speak to me like this ever since your mother—."

"Fuck you!" he spat.

"Look at him, so sensitive. Gets it from his mother. Did he tell you she died in a car crash too? I bet he did. My baby boy has such a...vivid imagination. Another thing he got from her," he snickered. "How about you tell the he-she the truth, eh?"

He paused and looked at his son who was fuming, but unmoving. Gone were the tears, only to be replaced with a face flushed in anger and frustration.

"No? You never could man up and tell the truth. What kind of man are you? I'm starting to think you got nothing from your old man," he said shaking his head. He turned back to me, his hand still clamped onto my jaw. He gave me a once over and then without much thought, dropped me.

I hit the ground like a sack of bricks. As I lied there rubbing my sore jaw, he knelt down on his right knee grabbing my arm.

"The poor girl slit her wrists in the tub. At least she did it the right way, down the road, not across the street. You know what I'm saying right?" he said as he traced his finger across my arm. His eyes lit up as he reminisced about that day. His eyes rolled back almost like his was getting a visual high from the memory. Then he added, "So. Much. Blood. That was a bitch to clean, wasn't it boy?"

"I said shut up!" he cried crashing onto his knees, shoving his hands onto his ears. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"Heh, so dramatic."

"Please, whoever you are, just leave us alone," I begged. "We don't want any trouble."

"Trouble? Now who said anything about that? I'm only here to take back what's mine," he said as he eyed me again. With a firm yet rough motion, he pulled my arm closer to him and marveled at it. "Your skin is so soft and smooth. You sure you're not a girl?"

I shakily nodded.

"You wouldn't mind if I...made sure? You could be one of those trans whatever things. I know how trendy it is to be like that nowadays," he hissed.

Before I could answer or even process what he asked, he had pushed me down and hopped on top of me, pinning me against the ground staring into my eyes with those sinister black holes. Choked up, I turned my head looking at Carver who was still knelt down, eyes closed, muttering to himself in tears. I bit my bottom lip as I could feel his hands on my jeans and then under my waistband, and then...feeling me up, all while I was silently crying to myself.

"Heh, guess he wasn't lying...for once. You really are a boy," he said as he pulled his hand out of my pants only to hold his hand to his face, inhaling as his eyes rolled back again. "You're not a virgin are you? Baby boy beat me to the punch. He show you a good time? I bet you I'm better. How about it?"

"Get off of him!" Carver roared tackling his dad down.

I was hoping that that would knock him out or something but he just pushed Carver off with ease and laughed it off. Carver eventually staggered back to me.

"A-Are you okay? Did he—?"

He looked so worried, concerned about me, more than usual. It broke my heart.

"H-H-He touched m-me...d-d-down th-there," I stuttered looking away, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"He did wh—I-I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," he said punching the ground. "I'll take care of this. Run home."

I shook my head. Even with everything that's happened so far, I can't just leave him. Especially not alone with him.

"No, I need you to go," he said as calmly as he could muster. "I don't want you to get anymore involved than you already are."

"Bu-but, I-I-I can't just leave you."

"Oh let the boy stay Carver. If he wants to stay, let him. I have no objections. This is the most fun I've had in a long time."

"Fuck off!"

"There you go, mouthing off again. You have no idea, what a fucking hassle it was just to find you again. You never should have left me all alone."

Carver gulped as his dad rolled his head around causing his bones to crack. I tried to get his attention by tugging on his hand. He was so scared—no, frightened, but a regular person wouldn't have been able to tell just by looking at him. Both of his hands were balled up into fists as they shook towards the ground. His dad dusted himself off and then continued to slowly step closer to us and with each step he would reach for his belt, slowly loosening it around his waist. I knew I should have called the cops but it's too late now. I have to do something. I can tell just by looking at them that they were about to break out into a fist fight and I know this is a fight that Carver can't win. Without thinking much about it, I shot forward and blocked his dad from getting closer to Carver.

"How cute. You gonna let your woman fight for you? Is the he-she more of a man than you?" he laughed antagonizing Carver.

"Babe, don't."

"N-No," I stuttered. "I-I won't let him hurt you."

"I won't ask again. Step aside girly."

I shook my head as I stood firm, my chest puffed out. I stood there defiant and confident, even though on the inside I was so scared. There's no way I can take this guy head on solo. What the hell am I thinking? But I can't let him get to Carver. I'll stop him no matter what.

"I don't need you fighting my demons," Carver said trying to push his way past me.

"No. You're always there for me. Protecting me when I can't. Well I'm returning the favor. I will be your shield," I said swallowing hard.

"No wonder your parents abandoned you Fang, you're so naive. Just like my baby boy."

"H-How d-do you know my n-n-name?" I asked.

"You mean to tell me you forgot all those times we spent together?" he pouted taking another step.

"Wh-What are you talking about? I would never hang out with a psycho like you!"

"Ouch! You're so mean, but I guess you're right. We never really did spend much time together. No, I merely watched from afar. But just because we didn't officially spend time together doesn't make our time together any less special. You know, you're cute when you're scared, even cuter when you're running away with your tail between your legs. But you won't be doing much running today."

In a flash, he moved swiftly grabbing me by the front of my shirt, lifting me above his head, and then slamming me against ground. I don't care how soft the soil was, the sheer power of him slamming me down knocked the wind right out of me.

"Fang!" was all I heard as I looked up into the clear skies dazed and confused. I heard what sounded like a hard slap against skin and then felt the vibration of something hit the ground hard not too far away from me.

I could feel more vibrations hit the ground but they felt closer, almost like someone was marching towards me with their large, beastly sized feet. All of a sudden I felt these large, dry hands clutching my throat. It was him again. He smirked as he leaned in and took a big lick across my face.

"...op it!" I heard a familiar voice cry out.

"You like that? I can smell the fear coming off of you. It's intoxicating," he chuckled winking at me. He was so close to me, I could smell the faintest scent of tobacco hidden underneath all of that cologne. "I like you. You remind me of my boy when he was a little more obedient."

I could the hear the sound of a zipper unzipping.

"Do you like it rough? I bet you do if you're with my boy. He can only get off when it's rough."

"F-F-Fuck you!" I stuttered as I clawed at his arms. It was getting harder to breathe as he continued to crush my windpipe and my struggles to get him to release his grip seemed futile as I lied there thrashing my legs and my vision slowly fading.

"Heh, you've got quite a pretty mouth on you. I can think of a much better use for that, isn't that right Carver?"

"Stop! You're killing him!" the voice cried again.

"I can see why you love him so much," he said eyeing me down with those black holes. It felt like it was sucking the life out of me. "I change my mind. I don't need you anymore baby boy. You're coming home with Daddy."

I could feel myself right at the edge of the void as my vision was slowly but surely turning black. Suddenly like a jolt of lightning, I could feel the mechanical device in my chest activate as it shot electricity through my body. My chest pushed forward as my implanted fail safe pulled me out of the void.

"What the fu—?"


Next thing I knew, I see a fist hit his dad square in the face. The amount of force that was in that punch must have been immense as it reminded me of those slow motion effects as the skin around his face clumped together like a viscous blob of goo. The man toppled over next to me, hitting the ground hard, I could feel the vibrations reverberate against my backside. With my airway now free, I gasped for air, coughing at inhalation.

"Fang? Fang!" Carver cried again as he slid next to me. "Oh fuck! Please say something!"

"I'm...fine. Say thanks to my robo-heart," I said softly, pointing at my device. My throat felt hoarse. The vibrations from my voice alone hurt my throat. "D-Did I do a good job? A-Am I...a good shield?"

No response. I still couldn't make out much, just blurred images. I could feel him embrace me tightly. I didn't need to see his face. I knew his touch. I know him.

"Y-Yes, you're the best shield I could have ever asked for," he cried. I could hear him sniffling right up against my ear as he held me close to him. "I-I thought I lost you. I'm so sorry."

"That wasn't very nice, baby boy."

My vision was clearing up as I looked towards the direction of that voice. He wiped what looked like blood off his cut lip with the back of his hand.

"Someone's been such a naughty boy."

That's when I heard a loud bang nearby that sounded like a gunshot.

"You leave my boys alone!" Grandma Aggie said standing at the front porch with a revolver in hand. She looked visibly shaken. Her hair was strewn up in every direction possible. She was wearing a long, snow white robe with a furry collared hood and a pair of fuzzy, pink bunny slippers that looked like they've seen better days. It looked a little big for her as it bunched up against the floor and trailed behind her.

"Well if it isn't the old bat. Come to save the day?" He asked as he stood up to face her. "From what I hear, you're going blind. I bet you couldn't hit me even if you tried."

"If she can't, I will," Grandpa George said stepping out with a brown and black pump-action single barrel shotgun. His worn classic blue jeans, stained with greasy, black oil, were just barely zipped up teasing those classic white briefs most commonly known as tighty whities, and for once he didn't have a shirt on, which was unusual for him. Without a shirt I could clearly see that he was covered in tattoos even though I couldn't make out what any of them were, but I had a sense they were from his military days. His chest glistened in sweat which only emphasized his very prominent silvery gray chest hair, it's roots spread from his chest to his abs. I think it's safe to say these two were up to something naughty which would probably explain why they only now showed up to save the day. "I don't know if you remember, but I'm a great shot. I won't miss scum like you."

"Bringing out the big guns Dad? Maybe someone's overcompensating? What do you think Mom?"

"Don't you dare call me that. I am not your mother, Declan," she said pointing her gun at him. "Are you boys alright?"

"I'm fi—."

"He touched Fang and almost killed him," Carver said through gritted teeth.

Grandma Aggie stepped closer to us, not once taking her aim off of him. She quickly glanced at us and then back at him.

"What did you do to them?"

"What? We were only having a little fun," he shrugged unbothered.

"How dare you! They're just boys! You had no right!"

"Don't blame me. They asked for it."


He nodded.

"Leave, now," he demanded pumping his shotgun.

"You think shooting me is going to make your problems go away? I think shooting me in front of these kids will traumatize them. Do you want them to go through therapy because of your itchy trigger finger? I don't think you want that. Besides it's illegal to just shoot someone."

"Last I checked, Missouri has a stand your ground law. You're endangering my kids, I can shoot you all I want. The choice is yours, Dec. Leave now or I'll splatter your brains."

"Hmph, fine. Have it your way," he said bowing as if he had just performed in some fucked up theater play. "But you can't keep me away from my son and his little friend forever. I'll be back when you least expect it."

"Go ahead and try. I'll be waiting with my shotgun!"

Declan shook his head and walked away. Grandpa George marched towards us, shotgun in hand, and stood firm as he watched Carver's dad leave. He stood there silent for a few more minutes to make sure that that man was truly gone and then asked, "Are you two alright?"

"I-I'm fine," I lied wincing as I held my throat with both hands. Fuck it even hurt to breathe. Note to self, retire from being a shield. You can't handle it. You're far too fragile for this bullshit.

"You're not fine! Stop saying that," Carver said. "He's hurt pretty bad. We have to take him to the hospital."

"Honey wait a second. Your lip, it's bleeding," Grandma Aggie said holding his face in her hands.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, it's only a cut. Please just help Fang," he begged. He stood up and kicked at the ground in frustration. "This is all my fault!"

"No, it's no one's fault. Declan's a bad seed. I never should have let him leave with her all those years ago. I should have taken him out when I had the chance. Then my daughter would have been—."

"George, there's no time for that," she said. "Fang, we're going to take you to the hospital okay? Make sure he didn't leave anything nasty, okay?"

"N-No, I-I'm fine. Really. It's too much trouble," I refused rubbing my throat. Honestly, I just didn't want to go back there. I went there once before at brink of death and I'm not exactly too thrilled to step in there again.

"Nonsense! It's no trouble at all. Come now," she pleaded as she lead us to the car. "George, you finally fixed that old girl right?"

"Yes dear. I finished the repairs just before we...ran those errands."

Grandma Aggie turned slightly, flushed in the face.

"O-Oh, th-that's right," she said wide eyed.

"Before we go, we should probably change first," Grandpa George suggested.

Grandma Aggie looked down at herself with a puzzled look and then asked, "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

As if she didn't know she was prancing around in some frilly robe. He paused for a moment, possibly to think of how to respond, then said, "Nothing Dear, but I'm not stepping foot anywhere off my own property with no shirt. I don't particularly want to be the talk of the town."

"What are you talking about? You look magnificent for a man of your age."

"That's not what I meant, but thank you darling," he said eyeing his own tattoos. It wasn't a look of shame but more just concerned. I don't think he wants anyone to know that the old mayor of Haven is covered in tattoos from the glory days.

"Hm, I suppose you do have a point," she said, her right hand gently placed under her cheek. "Can't have everyone thinking that you're inked from head to toe, now can we? Much less anyone else you're associated with."

Grandpa George jogged ahead with Grandma Aggie closely following beside him. She took unusually long strides as headed back inside. In the corner of my eye, I could see what looked like a tail of some kind etched into her lower right calf. As I squinted a little more, I could just barely see an image of a snake, maybe a cobra or a rattlesnake tattooed onto Grandma Aggie's right calf. For all the years I've known her I've never seen that on her before, and I think this was her way of showing us that she too was secretly inked like her husband.

"Whoa, she has a tattoo too?" I said aloud.

"What? Who?" Carver asked.

"You mean you didn't see it?"

"See what?"

I sighed and said, "Never mind."

"Come on boys, it's time to come inside," Grandpa George said standing in the doorway.

As soon as we both walked inside, Grandpa George shut the door and locked it behind him. He took a quick peek out of the peephole and then turned to us.

"You two wait here. We'll only be just a moment," he said motioning us to the nearby bar stools. "I already feel better knowing you two are safe inside with us."

Without saying much else, he nodded and headed towards his room. Sighing I stood by one of the bar stools and leaned into the kitchen counter. Carver, on the other hand, walked towards the refrigerator and pulled out a bag of peas from the freezer drawer. Without a word, he shoved it against his jaw and stood with his back turned to me. I'm sure he has a lot on his mind. I don't think this was something he'd have to deal with today.

"Could I have a glass of water?" I asked, my voice still hoarse.

His ears perked up almost as if he was snapping back into reality. He turned his head slightly looking back at me, the bag of frozen peas still flush against his cheek.

"Shit, of course. I'm so stupid!" he grunted smacking himself hard on his forehead. Grabbing a large clean glass from the nearby white dish drying rack, he pressed it up against the fridge's dispenser. I heard a couple of beeps followed my the sound of ice clinking in the glass, and to finish it off the whirring of the water dispenser filling up the glass. He looked so out of it during the whole thing that I thought it'd be a good idea just to walk up to him instead of having him come to me. Bad idea. As soon as I reached him, he turned bumping into me, spilling part of the content's of the glass onto me. "Fuck! I can't do anything right."

"Carver, i-it's fine. It's only water," I reassured him.

"Fine? It's not fucking fine! Nothing about this is fine!" He barked seething with rage. "Why are you even here? Just go home already and leave me alone."

"Wh-What?" I asked confused and hurt. He's never ever spoken to me like this and I know exactly why he is now. I know he's not mad at me. I know exactly what this is. He's pushing me away. I sorta think of myself as an expert in that...that is until he showed up and single-handedly tore down all of my defense mechanisms purely by showing up. And now that I'm on the other side, I can't let him do this to himself. It's heart breaking already as it is. "Maybe we should sit down? Talk this out? Make sense of everything?"

"Talk? Are you stupid or something? I don't want to talk! I want you out of my life! Just leave me alone!" he said with such conviction, trying to pick me apart like some ravenous beast. If I didn't know what he was trying to pull, I'd probably cry right now. I kinda already want to but I have to hold my ground and stay strong. I can't let him know that it's working. I want to help him. I don't want to give up so easily especially when I know that everything he's saying is a lie. It's so obvious, it's written all over his face.

"Carver, please? Let's just sit," I said motioning over to the nearby bar stools. I took the glass out of his hand, setting it down gently onto the counter. There were beads of water that clung onto the glass and I didn't want to make even more of a mess than there was already.

He gulped unwavering from his stance. When I reached out to grab his shoulder, he pulled back and stood there glowering.

"Please? I just want to help," I pleaded. Hopefully using the same tactics my mom used to use on me will work on him.

"You want to help? Don't you think you've helped enough? Fuck Fang, you almost died trying to help me! I don't want you to help me if that's what you mean! I can't be the reason someone dies again. I can't! So please, I'm begging you," he begged with tears in his eyes. "Leave me alone and go home."

"But I can't," I said shaking my head. "I won't leave you."

He slammed his fists down against the counter in frustration. The mere force could be seen through the spotless marble counter as the water in the glass rippled in conjunction like we were in some kind of earthquake like in those terrible disaster movies.

"If you stay with me, you will die. Do you want to die?!" he barked grabbing both of my arms and pinning me against the pantry door. For some reason, he kept eyeing the glass of water. I'm not sure why until he pushed off of me, clumsily staggering over, and throwing it in my direction. It just barely missed me but I flinched and squeaked as I cowered behind my arms, feeling the ice cold water splash against my side.

"Carver!" Grandpa George growled as he stepped into the kitchen. "What the hell are you trying to do?"

He looked at me in horror. I don't think he meant to be so rough with me. It was almost like something else took over him. He immediately stepped backwards until he hit one of the kitchen counters, his hands a trembling mess. He mouthed the words, "I'm sorry" as he couldn't focus on anything, surely not me. I think he was afraid himself, afraid of what he became. He was shutting down again, turning into a hollow husk of himself.

"I-I," he paused, wide eyed, hands just barely gripping the edge of the counter. With tears rushing down his cheeks, he slammed his palms against his temples, and then pushed his way past the both of them only to disappear down the hallway.

They both exchanged looks, lots of nodding and inaudible words shared between them.

"Go on, I'll take care of this," Grandpa George said. "You're better at talking the boy down. We'll reconvene when everyone's calmed down alright?"

She nodded eyeing me with a half smile before turning around, disappearing into the hallway too. Grandpa George carefully walked towards me, eyeing the mess. Between the me, the water, ice, and glass, there was just a lot to worry about.

"Here, grab my hand and be careful not to touch the glass. It'll cut you up real good if you're not careful," he instructed as he held his right hand in front of me. His hands were especially large, maybe even larger than both Carver and Declan. They looked rough with dirt under his fingernails and cut-like scars from who knows what. He was definitely a man who uses his hands on the daily. As he pulled me up, I could tell he was paying close attention to my current well-being. I think he was just being extra vigilant about injuries and whatnot.

"Thank you," I mumbled, biting at the inside of my lip.

"Happy to help! Now why don't you take a seat over here while I get this cleaned up," he said motioning me over to the bar stools again. He walked around the corner and grabbed a broom and mop. Very carefully, he tiptoed around the mess and started to clean. "So why don't you tell me what happened?"

"I-I-I don't know. We started talking an-and I said some things that I probably shouldn't have. It's my fault," I admitted it. "I-I just wanna help, but I think I'm only making it worse. I-Is he going to be okay? Maybe I should check on him."

"I don't think that's a good idea," he said as he sopped up the water with the mop. "He's going to need a little time to clear his head. You don't need to worry, Carver's in good hands. Aggie's a lot better at talking him out of this sort of thing than I am."

He continued to sweep while I stared into the hallway. I so wanted to chase after him, apologize for everything. Anything to see him smile again. I must have lost myself staring off into the distance because the next thing I knew Grandpa George placed his hand on my shoulder and I jumped.

"Sorry about that kiddo."

"N-No, you're fine. I'm just a little jumpy still...considering," I said looking over my shoulder. The mess had been cleared. It looked like nothing destructive had ever happened over.

"Still worried about him?" he asked handing me a new glass of water. "Something tells me you need this. I suggest taking small sips, it won't hurt as much."

"Th-thanks...and yeah, still worried," I said doing as instructed, taking small sips. It felt like I was sipping on tiny shards of glass. It stung going down but I imagine it would hurt a lot more if I tried to drink normally.

"Listen Fang, he's going to be just fine. Have a little faith," he reassured me.

"But why?"


"Why did this have to happen?" I asked turning to face him. "Why isn't that asshole in prison? There's no way a guy like that should be free to roam the streets."

"I have to agree with you there, Fang. We put him in prison the last time we saw him. I don't know how the hell he got out, but I promise you I'm going to find out. I promise I'm going to put him back behind bars even if it kills me," he said through gritted teeth. "It's my job to keep you kids safe. If you see him again, call me. You know what? It doesn't even have to be him, if you ever feel like you're in danger, call me. I don't care, I just want to keep you boys safe."

"Is-Isn't that something you should tell Carver?" I asked.

"He already knows, but he's too headstrong. He likes to handle stuff on his own terms and I get it, but I don't want something like this to happen again, alright? Hand me your phone," he said holding out his hand. I fished out my phone out of my pocket and gave it to him. As soon as my phone lit up in his face, he smiled and glanced over at me. He shown the screen back at me pointing at the screen, he was smiling at my lock screen. It was a picture of Carver in his knight costume from Halloween. He wanted to pose with his sword and shield. He had his shield close to him while his sword was held over his head, all with a huge toothy grin. "I remember this day. He was so excited to show you his costume, something about how he had to keep his word and be your knight in shining armor. It was cute. I'm glad it worked out."

"Y-Yeah, it was a fun night," I said solemnly. I know he was just trying to lighten the mood, but I don't think he could have said anything that would have that effect.

His eyes trailed on me for a moment. I didn't look at him but I could see him in the corner of my eye. I had a lot on my mind but the main thing was Carver. That's the only thing I cared about. I could hear him tapping away at the screen till he eventually slid the phone back to me.

"There, you're all set."

"Great," I said dismissive. "So I guess you're gonna take me to the hospital now?"

"If you really want to, I can, but I don't think that's necessary. If I really needed to take you, you would have already demonstrated it to me."


"Of course. I don't think you really wanted to go there, do you?"

I shook my head.

"That's what I thought. It was written all over your face," he smiled. "But if you feel like you need to later on, I'm more than happy to take you there."


"I feel like I should warn you though, Aggie thought you'd say that too so she did call your mom. She should be here any time now."

"What?!" I screeched, instantly regretting it as the pain surged through me that I had to clutch my throat. "Ow."

"I'm sorry, but it was out of my hands. Aggie was already halfway into the conversation by the time I caught on," he said with his hands up. "She's your mom though, she deserves to know what happened today."

Suddenly there was a barrage of knocks and an incessant amount of rings at the door.

"That must be her," he said walking over and opening the door. Before he could get out a word to greet her, she zoomed past him and came straight for me instead.

"Are you okay? I came as soon as I Aggie called. Oh my god you're face!" she said clutching my face. "Who touched my perfect little angel? I'll kill him!"

"M-Mom, I'm fine," I whined. "You're being a little overbearing right now."

"Fine? Fine?! You're not fine!" she huffed as she proceeded to open her camera app just so I could get a clear picture on how I looked. "Oh my god, your neck! Look at your neck! I-Is that a hand print?"

I turned away from her and rubbed at my neck.

"Tell me what happened, right now!" she demanded and when I refused to say anything she turned to Grandpa George and said, "George...what happened?"

"Mom, I'm fine. I swear. You're making too big a deal out of this," I blurted out. The situation was already grim as is. I didn't want anyone else dragged into this.

"I think you're downplaying it a little too much," Grandpa George added. "But I have to agree with Fang, Jackie. He's fine. It could have been a lot worse, but if it'll make you feel better, I can take him to the hospital and let them do thorough evaluation. I'll pay for the whole thing."

"Really? Oh I think that'll be really nice, thank you George," she said grateful for his offer.

"Mom! I don't want to go the hospital. Please don't make me."

"Honey, I know you don't like hospitals but you could be really hurt and not know it. I think it's a good idea just to check. It's better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure it'll be quick. Right George?"

He opened his mouth to answer but stopped himself. He glanced at me first before he said, "Yes, it should be quick. I know a guy. He'll see you real quick if I tell him it's for me. We don't have to go though, I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

I thought it over while I felt both of their eyes on me. I really don't want to go. My mom's not exactly right. I'm not really afraid of hospitals, I just don't like staying there. I heard a lot of weird things in the middle of the night the last time I was there. My mom said it was probably just other patients but I don't know. It freaked me out and I couldn't sleep when I was there. I'm afraid of staying in foreign places...especially if there are strange sounds that freak me out.

"C-Can I think about it? I just don't want to go today."

I have a feeling that if I flat out denied going again, I'd get continuous badgering until I yield. At least now, she has this to hold her off. But I probably won't be able to avoid it for long, a doctor's visit is definitely in my foreseeable future.

"Okay, that's fine. But if I see you rub your neck again or if I hear you complain about pain, I'm taking you. No excuses."


"Okay well let's go home. You've had enough action for one day," she said pulling me towards the door.

"I can't. I have a shift tonight."

"I already called her. I explained to her that you won't be able to make it tonight. You're off tonight. You could use it."

"O-Oh, so she knows?"

"I didn't go into full detail but yeah, she knows."

"Great, everyone knows," I moped. "Can I at least say goodbye to Carver first?"

"Sure, but why isn't he out here with you?" she asked confused.

"It has to do with what transpired here today. Go on ahead, just knock first okay?" he said. "I'm sure he'd love to see you before you go though. That'd probably put on smile on his face."

"Make it quick though. If you're not out in five minutes, I'm coming to get you, okay?" she said.

I nodded and walked down the hallway. As I crept closer, I could hear both Carver and Grandma Aggie but their voices were muffled. Once at the door, I reached out to knock but I hesitated. Maybe I shouldn't say goodbye. He didn't seem to be in the mood to be around me and I don't really think wants to see me either. I started to back away from the door when it cracked open with Grandma Aggie on the other side.

"Oh Fang, did you want to talk to Carver?"

"Um I just wanted to say goodbye. My mom's here to take me home. B-But it's fine, he probably doesn't want to see me right now," I moped.

"Nonsense, come here," she said dragging me in. "Look who's here Carver."

Carver was standing in the middle of his room with a hurt look on his face. He could barely look at me. It was just altogether awkward and not the norm.

"I'm just going to leave you two alone," she said walking out the door.

"Can you close the door?" Carver asked looking down at this feet.

Reaching back, I gently pushed back at the door until I heard it shut.

"Your face," I said in horror. He had a black eye, a couple of scrapes, and a busted lip. I can't believe his own dad would do something like this to him. I stepped closer to him, caressing his cheek, only for him to swat my hand away.

"Stop, I don't want your pity," he said coldly.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I-I wasn't trying to—I just—I'm sorry," I apologized while awkwardly holding both of my elbows. "Um I'm sure you heard but my mom's here. She's taking me home. I just wanted to say goodbye to you first."

"Oh...okay," he said standoffish.

That's it? That's all he's gonna say to me? I could feel my heart breaking as I stood there staring at him. Taking one last heavy sigh, I turned around and grabbed the doorknob.

"Please don't go," he mumbled.

Turning back, I asked, "Carver?"

"I don't want you to go. I want you here with me," he said as he crashed onto his knees, his lip started to quiver, eyes welling up. "I'm sorry about the glass. I-I didn't mean to throw it at you. I-I was just so angry an-and now you're probably afraid of me. I'm afraid of who I'm turning into."

"Oh Carver, no," I said sliding towards him, holding him close.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry," he apologized crying into my shoulder, clinging onto me as all of his tightly kept emotions burst through. "It's all my fault. I never wanted to bring you into this. I'm so sorry!"

"H-Hey, i-it's okay. You don't have to worry about that," I said holding him, rubbing his back.

He was completely broken, crying his heart out in my arms. As uncomfortable as it was to hold him while knelt down, I couldn't just let him go. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I couldn't help but start crying too. I felt for him and I just wanted him to feel better but I just felt so bad. I was scared for him.

"Fang it's time to go—."

My mom walked in on us and stopped right when she saw what was going on. Her face looked almost apologetic. She lingered a bit by the door, a single tear trickled down her cheek, until she eventually faded into the hallway. Carver didn't notice, I don't think he heard her, maybe he did and he just ignored her. He continued to loudly weep, clutching onto me for dear life.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'm not leaving you," I whispered, rubbing his back, my eyes burning from all the tears.

Next: Chapter 26

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