Renes Dominant Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 9, 2021


Even though they had not worked out, Monte and frank had broken up amicably, and frank had a soft spot in his heart for Monte. The superhero thing that frank had, was a deal breaker for Monte, although he tried. frank remembered just how hard Monte had tried to get his head into the scenes that frank had suggested, and he just couldn't do it. The sex had been great, and so had the bondage: it was hard to tell which was better. The tickling had been best of all. Other breakups had not been so "clean," and Monte had told frank he didn't even think of it as a breakup, but as an "experiment which failed." frank kinda liked that: it was very "Monte" : quantitative, organized, and positive. He smiled when he thought about their times together: he would never leave Clay - that was for sure - Clay had actually come home the other night with a new costume for frank and they had had a wild night. Now, seeing Monte more "into" someone than he had seen since the breakup, he was somewhat concerned. Who, after all, WAS this rene guy? Monte normally had a very level head, and didn't rush into things quickly; but the other night, when they were chatting, he had said something that concerned frank. "furter" (Monte was the ONLY person other than Clay who got to call frank that), " he wants to move in. I'm thinking about it" Frank used all of his attorney skills to keep balanced, and non judgemental "Hmmm. Congratulations. How long have you known each other?" "Three months." frank paused and didn't answer. Monte filled in the space. "I know, I know. I'm acting like a lovesick teenager, aren't I?" frank laughed. "A little. No, a lot." Monte laughed "Don't hold back furter," "No Monte, seriously. NO ONE deserves to be happy more than you. It's just... 3 months. I'm suspicious." Monte sighed "I know. I know. I mean, he's been very honest about being broke all the time, and it is just a short time, but... you know, I don't get the feeling that he's using me." "Tell me more Monte. I've never heard you say that before." "Well, yeah, he gives up control. They all do. But I always feel like it's sincere, that... if he could surrender more, he would. He's INTO our sex, I mean he's REALLY into it. And he tries to please me. I told you the story about the belly shirt, didn't I?" "You did. That didn't strike me as something really all that amazing, since he already knew how good your cock was. And your amazing thumbs." As he talked, frank thought back to when Monte's cock had been in HIM, and when his thumbs were tickling HIS pits, and the memories were... good." "When was the last time someone lived with you Monte? I mean, as your boy?" "OH GOD. It was before you frank. Geez, maybe 8 years ago. Gene. We were together for about six months." "You're really new to this Monte. Tell you what. Can you maybe let me talk to rene, see what's going on in HIS head? Then I'll tell you what I think." "Sure furt. You know, I trust your legal counsel (frank had been Monte's lawyer since they broke up), and I value your friendship." "I just don't want you hurt Monte. I've seen you hurt. It hurts me." Monte's voice dropped. "I really wish I could've gotten into the superhero thing, frank. I'm sorry I couldn't." frank felt his emotions welling up. "Things happen for a reason Monte Sir. Who knows? If we ever bring back the tickle orgies." "OH, those were FUN. Gotta give that a try furter." "Let me talk to my man. Maybe it'll happen" Two old friends and former lovers got off the phone, realizing that while they weren't a couple anymore, they hadn't ever stopped feeling something for the other guy.

Three days later, frank was sitting down at the burger place he had sat down at with Clay for their first date. He was sipping a soda while he waited for rene to arrive. He looked at his watch. Five minutes late. Hmmm. That wasn't good." Then he saw a red faced, concerned looking rene dash into the restaurant. "FRANK. I'M SO SORRY. I've never been here before and... well, I took the wrong street. I took 3rd street not third avenue, and... Frank smiled. "You wondered why you were in Chinatown." "YES! I didn't even know there was one." Frank passed his soda over to rene while they waited for the waitress. "Get some liquid in you rene. It's ok. And lunch is on me so... treat yourself." rene blushed "Thank you. It's been a tough week." "Get the bacon cheeseburger if you can handle it. I think you can. Hockey players never lose their appetite." He looked over rene at close range. He wasn't Frank's type, physically, but he saw the appeal. rene moved in his body easily and he had a really killer smile. He had long arms, and he knew Monte was a sucker for that in a man. After they had placed their orders, Frank cut to the chase. "rene, I think you probably know why I asked you to lunch." rene's face got serious. "Monte told you I asked if I could move in, didn't he?" "He did." rene sighed. Their food came, and he pushed his away. "I wondered if I was too soon. I did it because... well, Frank, I don't want him to get away." Frank smiled. "Just between us rene, I don't think that should be a worry of yours." "REALLY? I mean, a hot guy like Monte... and, you know... well, I don't have to tell you... one roll in the hay with him and you want to go back." Frank didn't say anything but he was thinking "yeah, he's right." "I mean, listen, I've had great sex before, not often, but some. Monte's better. But besides that... I always feel like he wants to make sure I'm enjoying myself and..." "He takes care of you." "THAT'S EXACTLY IT FRANK!" Frank laughed. "You know, maybe it's because he's always taking care of people's money, but it kind of wears off other places. Did he tell you he was an elementary school teacher first? He taught Math." "I did NOT know that." "Yeah, he's been taking care of people all his life. " rene was silent for a minute. "I guess I come across as someone who needs to be taken care of." "A little rene. Not like someone looking for a sugar daddy, no. Not at all. You just seem, well, a little lost." Again there was a pause. "You're right. I AM a little lost. I was hot shit at school in Canada. Then... BOOM. This life. This life has kind of caught me unprepared." "Monte grounds you." "He does. He told you about the belly shirt, didn't he?" Frank sighed He thought "yeah he did" and said "tell me about it" to rene. When rene was finished he said "No one has ever told me they wanted a man, not a boy. I... I never thought of myself that way." "Tell you what, rene? First, let's eat before these burgers get cold. They're good cold, but they're better hot. And let's make a deal. I'm gonna be checking in on Monte. If I hear you're hurting him in any way... I come over and cut off your tits." "MY TITS? Why those?" "Because I know they're sensitive and getting them played with turns you on. If I cut them off... that's gone." "MONTE TOLD YOU ABOUT MY NIPS?" Frank laughed. "relax young'un. Remember. I was in that bed with him once. I know what Monte likes. If you had dead nipples, we wouldn't be having this chat." rene looked at him. "Frank, I'm not sure what I can do, but I PROMISE you. Not only won't I hurt him, but I'll do anything I can to protect him." Frank thought for a minute. "Could you call your office and say you're not feeling well? Take the next couple of hours off?" "I think so. Why?" "Because we're gonna go and visit Monte at work. " rene smiled. "WE CAN?" "I'm his lawyer. Let's finish up and go."

At his desk, Monte picked up the phone. Priscilla was working reception today. "Monte, your attorney is here." "FRANK?" He heard her asking. "Yes. He told me he was Mr. Furter. That's cute . He's.." Frank put his finger to his lip and said 'it's a surprise." Priscilla nodded. "Strange for an attorney to be wearing a bun for a jacket. " "Ok, let me come out and get him."

When he walked out to the reception, Monte was smiling. "Frank, this is such a surprise." Then he looked at rene, and smiled more. "A really BIG surprise." rene looked at Monte and he was having trouble not running over and hugging him. Monte had a client meeting that morning, and he was in a suit, his tie loosened, sleeves pushed back. He hadn't put on his jacket but rene could imagine it. "Come on back guys." "Actually, I know my way back there Monte. I have to use the men's room. I'll come back when I'm done." Frank then ducked out , got in the elevator, and left Monte and rene alone. It took about ten minutes for Monte to figure out what Frank had done. "He's a scalliwag, that one. Good clever mind. " He looked at rene. "So, don't just sit there. Close the door then get under the desk. I've been hard since I saw you." "Uh, yes Daddy. It's ok?" "It's required. Especially if you want me to buy you dinner." "Oh, I don't need dinner to.." "GET UNDER THE DESK AND START SUCKING." Monte hadn't had a blow job at the office since he had identified as straight. That was... oh geez, AT LEAST 25 years ago. And if that woman had done as good a job as rene was doing right now, he might still be straight. He wanted so much to shoot, but then.. he pulled rene off him. "You have clothes at my house to change to tomorrow? "Uh, yes sir. I do." "GOOD. Then let's get the hell outta here. I've been here since fucking 7 in the morning. The world's not gonna end if I leave at 3:30." He got up and put on his jacket. rene nearly melted. "Daddy!... you look so fucking hot..." He came over and hugged Monte, who ran his hand through rene's curls. "You want me to fuck you in my suit?"' "GOD SIR. You would?" He whispered into rene's ear. "I'm gonna take you home, tie you nice and tight, and after I tickle you for... oh, a good half hour... I'm gonna split that ass like it's a ripe peach." "Can we go Daddy? PLEASE?"

It's 30 minutes later, and rene is lying on his side, on Monte's bed. His wrists are tied behind him and his ankles are tied together. Monte's also shoved a penis gag in his mouth. His shoes are lying on the floor as is one sock, while Monte slowly pulls off the other one. Monte still has on his suit pants, his dress shirt, and his necktie. The sweat that's beginning to seep out of him and color the light blue shirt, is making rene even hornier. "Where these feet gonna take you rene? Hmmmmmmmmmm? You thinking of trying to run away?" Monte ran a nail up and down one of rene's soles. rene yelped the best he could, but the gag was big and he chewed on the projection from the gag. Not as good as Monte, but still. "MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Monte's fingers were curled and he was running them back and forth on rene's feet, like he were playing an instrument. "Your feet are SO responsive rene. SO responsive . But your body is like an orchestra, and I'm gonna play each instrument. Lemme get those pits. "MMPH" rene tried to twist away, and lay on his belly. "Now THAT was a mistake you silly nit." Monte's thumbs and forefingers dove into rene's pits, and the laughter began again. Since he couldn't get the sounds out completely, rene was struggling as he laughed harder, and his face was getting red. "I got so much more to do to you sweetcakes, so I'm gonna take that gag off. " Once he did, Monte growled like a bear, and went back to rene's pits. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. OH DADDY STOP STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "You mean it when you call me daddy, rene?" "OH GOD SIR YES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. " "Does Daddy's boy do what he's told?" "Yes sir. YES. What do you want me to do Sir? " We'll get to that. For now...." He opened rene's shirt, and began running his hand slowly across rene's belly. It wasn't tickling and it didn't feel at all like tickling , but it felt good, and rene moaned.

He had shut his eyes, and he didn't see Monte reach for the electric toothbrush that was now probing his navel. "YOWCH. AAAAAAAAAAAa. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. DADDY STOP. STOP. PLEASE.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " Monte did stop and he pressed his lips to rene's. "MMMMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Monte whispered "Oh boy. Those kisses. They're sweeter than those donuts you love. " "Daddy. Daddy.... Please.. please FUCK ME. PLEASE..." "NOT until I do THIS..." Monte pushed his chin into rene's neck and began "farting' raspberries on him. "AAAAACK AAAAAAAAAAACK . DADDY. DADDY PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. " "You really wanna get fucked gingerboy?" "Daddy, please. FUCK ME till I'm soaked with your milk." "I'm gonna have to take my suit pants off. You good with that?" "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE PLEASE... PLEASE.... " Monte untied rene's ankles, and then he spread his legs. He pushed his thumb to rene's butt. "You seem very dry, rene. Not drinking enough water. Gotta get some moisture up there." Then he shoved rene's legs in the air, and rene felt Monte's tongue probing him. He had NEVER liked getting his ass eaten before, it had always hurt. Not with Monte. He made him moan more, and since he grabbed renes balls and pulled them when he did, rene felt totally, and completely at Monte's mercy. "Not gonna be anything subtle or sweet about this one rene. Cause I'm thinking REALLY evil thoughts. "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" rene breathed out, before he felt Monte's cock charge in, perhaps harder than he ever had. "This boy is gonna live with me. FUCK.." Monte was thinking , but he said nothing "You shoot this week, gingerbrat?" "Yes Daddy. I did. " "WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?" "I was thinking of YOU sir..." "Hmmmm . You still need permission. "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. OH FUCK you're so deep." "Gonna get deeper morsel. Gonna split you in half. " rene didn't doubt it. Monte had NEVER gone after his ass this hard. He saw the smile play over Monte's face. It was... complex. There was lust. And there was real feeling . And there was something else that rene couldn't read, as Monte pounded faster, and faster. "OH FUCK YES. OH YES. MY FUCKING GINGERSNAP IS GETTING DUNKED IN MILK." By now, Monte knew that if he squeezed rene's balls in just the right way, he could get a scream and then an orgasm. He got that now. He smiled as he traced his fignger in the boy's jizz. He moved his finger over rene's lips. "This was such a great surprise sweetie. I was caught completely by surprise." "Good Daddy. I wanna keep surprising you." Monte smiled. "You maybe wanna get cleaned up and let Daddy get changed for dinner?" "You're not gonna wear your suit, Sir?" Monte shook his head. He couldn't believe he was going to do this. "OK, sure. If it makes you happy." "I've just never seen you dressed up Daddy. I wish I were too. We could... well, we'd have every eye looking at us." Monte smiled. "Soon."

After rene had cleaned himself up and got as presentable as they could, they headed out to Monte's car (Frank had driven to Monte's office, and rene's car was back at his place. rene had walked to the restaurant with frank). There was a brief wait for their table and while they waited, Monte draped his arm around rene's shoulder. rene responded by putting his arm around Monte's waist. He just whispered. "I keep saying this Daddy. You're so HOT." Monte blushed. "Keep saying it baby. Makes me happy." As they sat down and Monte ordered his usual martini, and rene asked for white wine, Monte spoke. "Ok, I think we gotta get something out in the air. " rene gulped. He knew what this is about. "You wanna move in?" rene blushed. "Yes sir. I do. I promise you I won't be any trouble." "Oh you won't. If you are I'll kick you out like last week's trash. But yeah, let's move you in this weekend. " He saw the smile on rene's face. "You mean that Daddy?" "April fool was three months ago." "I CAN MOVE IN? REALLY? " "Yeah, you can. But you gotta remember: my place, my rules. " "OH DADDY. I wouldn't think of anything else. " Monte felt rene's foot curl around his ankle. "Thank you daddy. I promise. You won't ever regret this." Monte smiled. "No, I don't think I will. Now, let's get some dinner. And let me ask you something: you think Clay is hot?" rene didn't know what the right answer was. He hesitated. "Just tell the truth." "Not as hot as you daddy. But hot. Yes. " Monte smiled. "We may be bringing something back, rene . Clay, frank and I . I'll tell you more about it as we eat."

When they got back home that night, exhausted, rene went to pull off his blue speedos. Monte stopped him. "No. That's gonna be me from now on, rene. I wanna be the one who takes your last article of clothing off. Always." He pulled the speedos off rene, and held them to his mouth. He smelled them, tasted them. "These are my ginger man's clothes. " He smiled. "You ain't getting these back." "I don't care Sir. If you tell me not to wear underwear, I'll throw it all out tomorrow. " "Let's think about that as we go along. " He pulled rene into his body and kissed his forehead. "G'night roomie." There was a big smile on rene's face as he went to sleep . Monte too.

Next: Chapter 6

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