Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 21, 2023


How did hank's first weekend as a sub go? Ben was prepared to take drastic steps if he needed to. He had increased the charge on the door by a factor of 3 in case hank tried to get away, and he had lined each pair of hank's shoes with fibre glass. hank learned how things were going to be that first friday night. Ben trusted hank to not try anything, and he didn't tie hank's hands. hank didn't. Of course, with Ben keeping his legs pinned, and his hand directly on hank's more sensitive nipple - his left one - there wasn't much that hank could do. If he shifted in his sleep, Ben's fingers closed on his nip and squeezed. It happened enough that hank had a raging hard on on Saturday morning when he woke up. He woke up before Ben, and his shifting around, woke Ben.

"Heh heh. How's my hot slave. You get enough sleep, boy?" Now Ben consciously worked hank's nip. "Yes sir. Plenty of sleep." "Good. Cause I have a FULL day planned for you. " He chuckled. "Just thing about this studmuffin. Had I played with your nipples at the bar, every single guy would know how to take you down. You'd be on your back forever." hank winced. "I think that's what you have planned Sir. Only with one topman." "Damn right I do. I won, I get my prize." hank sucked in his breath to keep from moaning. "That you do Sir." "Roll over hankboi. I got a hard on that only your sweet ass can relieve." hank sighed, and rolled on his back. He felt Ben's hands press down into his wrists. He didn't struggle. In hank's mind, he had been defeated by the superior man. Now, Ben was in charge. "Shall I lift my legs Sir?" "GOOD BOY. Asking me if you should. Yes. One over each shoulder. The way you made so many boys do it. Now, it's your turn. " Ben wasn't fooling when he said he had a huge hard on. hank felt him entering, steadily and not slow. hank didn't want to be gagged, so he bit down on his tongue to keep from moaning. Ben looked at him and sneered. "That's ok bottom. I promise you: by the end of this weekend, you'll have moaned more than you have in your whole life." He began to slide his cock back and forth in hank's hole. "DAMN it feels so good. And it's all mine. ALL MINE. " He started playing games with hank: pushing in, stopping, pulling out, pushing back in again. "You know, I think it's a pretty safe bet that Cam would love to have another shot at your ass." He paused, pushed hard, and yelled. "HE'S NOT GETTING IT. IT'S MINE!!!!" and he shot into hank. While it was happening, hank closed his eyes. He thought back to all the guys' asses he had taken in his life. Would he ever take one again?

After showers, and breakfast, Ben stood up. "Gonna have to make a trip to your place hankster. Take a look at what we're gonna bring back here." "My shoes Sir. I can't walk in the lined ones." "I know. I'm gonna unline your sneakers. Don't make me regret it ." "No Sir. I promise. I know my place." It sure seemed he did. Ben had an old model car that they drove to hank's apartment. When they were in the elevator, hank put his hands behind his back. He was wearing a tight white V neck t shirt, and his nipples were showing. "I could torture them right now, sweet stuff. They look so good." "Sir... if I could ask... when are you gonna uncage me again." "Three or four days." Ben laughed when he heard the groan from hank. "I hear that sound again, and I'm adding another day, stud. This is slave life." "I understand Sir." "Hmmm. You keep a clean place," Ben was impressed when they got in. He sat hank down on a chair, and hancuffed him to it. "I'm gonna take a look at what I like. That's what comes with us. " "Yes sir," hank answered meekly. As Ben left the room, he fumbled with the handcuffs behind his back. Maybe Ben hadn't closed them properly, maybe the metal was faulty. No such luck. He sighed, and just sat still. He thought he might try to fool Ben into thinking he was even more compliant, by pushing out his chest. When Ben came out of the bedroom, with a handful more clothes, he looked at hank and smiled. "Now THAT'S a good boy. In fact, it's perfect timing because..." He went back into the bedroom and came out with a box. "FUCK," thought hank. "He found the toybox." "Can't waste a time when you have a chance to use clamps..." He ran a set over hank's nipples, watching hank begin to sweat. "You want em bitchboi?" "Sir, what I want doesn't matter. You're the Master." hank winced as Ben pushed his knee into hank's crotch. "DAMN RIGHT I AM. AND IF YOU TRY TO GET AWAY FROM ME... I MAY THROW THE KEY AWAY ON THAT CAGE." He ripped two holes in hank's t shirt, and put hank's clamps on him. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. SIR. Please. Please don't make me wear this t shirt home. " "Oh, I hadn't thought about that, but you know... someone seeing a boy with two tit holes in his shirt... Sends a powerful message " "PLEASE SIR. I'LL DO WHAT YOU WANT. NO TROUBLE. I'VE BEHAVED." "Yeah, you have... And you're gonna behave some more. I thought I would wait to use t his until we got back to my place, but sonofabitch, you've got a ring gag. Open your mouth." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" came out of hank, as Ben locked the ring gag on. Now, handcuffed, clamped, and with a ring gag, he saw Ben dropping his pants. "This is a trainer for blow jobs I think . I saw the GOOD one you gave Cam the other night. Now, you're gonna give me a daytime suckoff." He rammed his cock into hank's mouth. The ring kept him from forming a lip seal around Ben's cock, but his tongue.. his tongue was active, and Ben was enjoying it. "Oh yeah. OH FUCKING YEAH. This is just gonna be a GREAT RELATIONSHIP." Ben hadn't fully recovered from the morning fuck, but there was enough jizz in him to send a steady but light stream down hank's throat. "Heh heh. Now I've taken BOTH of my boy's holes. Gonna make a habit of that. " He yanked the clamps. "YOU GONNA BEHAVE IF I LET YOU CHANGE YOUR SHIRT?" "YES SIR. YES SIR I PROMISE. YES SIR..." "I found this in there. Perfect for you. Pale green. Gonna suit you just fine.." Ben handed hank a button down shirt that hank knew was too tight. Just like the blue one he made him wear to the bar. What choice did he have? He squeezed into it , to Ben's amusement, before they each took a box to go down to the car. "When we get home, hankster, I got an interesting game to play with you. I'm gonna win, but... heh heh. "

Back at Ben's apartment, hank was on his back on Ben's bed. His green shirt was opened, and Ben was straddling him. He was fully clothed, in tight jeans and a white t shirt. "We're gonna play the nipple game hank. It's pretty simple. See, I'm not gonna tie you down for this, but.... I'm gonna work your nipples until either.. you buck me off, or, you beg me to tie you down. And if I tie you down, I get to do anything I want to you for , oh.... as long as I want. You're my sub now. So.... let's start. " hank bucked to try to push Ben off him with one motion, but Ben grabbed his nips so hard, they hurt. "OUCH. FUCK." hank fell backwards, and Ben, grinning like a cat, began slowly twisting them, like he was tuning in a radio "why are you DOING this to me?" hank whined. "I don't need to answer that, especially since you forgot a VERY important word.." Ben went on twisting. "why are you DOING this to me, Sir?" "AH, that's better. I'm doing it because I know how to keep you in line. And I have a feeling hankster, you're not completely broken yet. You've still got fight in you." "YOU'RE DAMNED RIGHT I'VE GOT FIGHT ON ME AND YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR BUDDY NOW." hank bucked up again, and again, he got his tits smashed. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. FUCK. I forgot about the clamps at my place. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Yeay. Sure seems to have made them MORE sensitive if that were possible. hank was flat on his back now. The combination of the failed pushes, and the tormenting on his nipples, was draining all his strength. His head was thrashing back and forth. NO, he was NOT going to lose this one. NO WAY. NO WAY.

"I give. Tie me up Sir. Please. Tie me up." He couldn't believe he said that, but he did. "Well, if you insist big man." Ben grabbed each of hank's wrists, and tied them to the bed post restraints. "Now... what sounds like a FUN thing to do, when your cock isn't fully charged yet. Hmmmmm." Ben slid to hank's left slide. "Know what? I haven't edged you since you surrendered. That's an oversight on my part. He pulled out the key and after he slid down hank's jeans, he unlocked the cage. "One thing stud.. You shoot, it goes back on for an extra week. " "NNNNG. DAMN.. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE LET ME CUM." "We'll see. After fifteen minutes of edging. IF you last that long. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." For the first 5 minutes, Ben slowly, and methodically, moved the back of his index finger up and down the bottom of hank's shaft. hank moaned through the whole five minutes. "Please Sir. Please stop torturing me. I do everything you want. " "You do. And you'll keep doing it. Now, take a one minute break. Think you're gonna make it? " "No, Sir." "OH well..." Ben switched to the front of hank's cock and started teasing that. hank was almost crying, begging. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE SHOVE A DILDO UP MY ASS OR SOMETHING, BUT... PLEASE. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE." "Hey, stud, look at it this way. You've only got five minutes to go. YES, it's going to be the hardest five, but...." Ben began using a slow pincer movement over hank's cockhead. hank was ok for the first minute, but then... his hips began to buck. He was losing it. Ben saw it. "Another week in the cage... Gee.. Too bad you're so fucking horny..." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG." Then, Ben stopped. "Just needed to make sure you understood who's in charge hank. You want your DOM, your MASTER to jerk you?" "OH YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU..." He started to breathe heavily, because Ben had stopped teasing his cock, and now had it in his hand, stroking slowly, up and down. "This cock belongs to ME hank. You better remember that." "YES SIR. YES SIR." "So if I lock it up again , no protests?" Ben was sliding faster and faster, and hank was trying to answer through his moans. NONE SIR. I gave it up to you. It's yours... Oooooooooooooh. OH SIR. I'm gonna shoot. I'm gonna. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Ben chuckled as the jizz began spilling out of hank. "My God. You're like a milk cow. LOOK at all that jizz. " He smiled. "I have an idea. I'm not gonna share it, but..." He began slowly stroking hank's belly. "Ever been to a 'milk bar' hank-o?" "No Sir. I don't know what it is." "Oh, you're gonna find out. But for now.... I'm gonna untie you. I showed you off at the bar, now, time to show you off to 'civilized' people." "I don't understand Sir." Ben went on stroking his belly. "I'm taking you out to dinner tonight. Some of my classy friends, who wouldn't be caught dead in a bar, will get to see my new prize. You gotta get cleaned up first. Lemme see what you're wearing, mancunt." In the shower, hank's mind started working again. How could he get out of this? It felt almost as if Ben had an implant in his head, and had "checkmated" him every time. The fiber glass in the shoes: who would think of that? Blackmailing him about showing off his nipple weakness in a bar. DAMN! Would he ever top again? And he had Cam's support. And why was he enjoying a LOT of this? Was he, as Cam said, REALLY and TRULY a sub? As he came out of the shower, he saw what Ben had chosen, and it was what he feared: hank owned ONE lavender shirt. He had worn it to a wedding once. Also button down, also tight, and if he had ONE shirt that said "bottom" this one was it. Had Cam bought it for him? And worse: his pale pants. The ones that always got people to stare at his ass. FUCK.

As he came out of the shower, Ben smiled. "You look SO HOT shaved. I'm still wondering about your moustache. I mean, once everyone knows what you are, what does it matter?" "Yes sir," he answered sheepishly. He wondered, for a second, if he touched the door handle while he was wet, could he electrocute himself and end this? He got dressed under Ben's supervision. First he squeezed into the shirt, rolling his sleeves like Ben indicated, left the second button opened, and then started putting on the slacks. "One second big man. Gotta get you ready for your milk bar debut, and that means...." Ben brought over the cock cage. He was about to lock it on hank and then an evil thought crossed his mind. "NO. You lock it on YOURSELF. Then hand the key to me. It'll be good practice for when I make you do it in public." "Yes sir. You're the boss." hank was trying not to cry as he locked himself up again, then handed ben the key. "Now, gonna have to keep you nice and pretty while I get cleaned up. CHAIR." Ben snapped his fingers and pointed to the play chair. The dildo wasn't there anymore. hank didn't know where it was. "Behind your back, please." hank did as he was told, and he heard Ben rip off a piece of duct tape, and then bind his wrists. Then another piece went on his mouth, before Ben popped into the shower. "And.... know what we're gonna start doing? The degree you get punished, is gonna be determined by how much excess motion you make." Ben picked up a container of talcum powder, and sprinkled a small circle around hank's chair. "The more you mess up this circle, the more punishment you're gonna get." He smiled. "Got it bottom boy?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." hank nodded.

After Ben came out of the shower, he changed into a black shirt, jeans, and a bolo tie. "LOOK AT THAT. My boi didn't disturb the powder circle at all. You're learning bitch." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." hank answered. "Now, before we go out... you need an accessory. I've been meaning to put this on you when we're out, and I keep forgetting. You're that intoxicating. " Ben brought over a chain with a lock at the end of it. "You know what that means, don't you?" hank shook his head yes. "Now, you know the drill. You walk with me, with your hands behind your back. Or else." "Yes sir." hank was just glad that the shoes Ben picked for him didn't have the fiber glass inside. Outside, Ben hailed a cab. "One of my favorite restaurants. And many of my friends are there. You'll see." "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOF" said the host when Ben and hank walked in. "Sir Ben. Is this your new..." "Sub, William. hank. hank, greet William. He's like you. A sub." "Pleased to meet you William." "Likewise.." William looked at him. "I know you. WAIT. hank. I know that name too." hank began to redden. "CUFFS. You used to be one of the primo tops. Everyone wanted to have you take them home. And you took most of them." hank tried to look away, but Ben, seeing more humiliation for his sub, wouldn't let him. "LOOK AT THE MAN. HE'S TALKING TO YOU. AND AS SENIOR SUB, HE TAKES PRECEDENT. " The look of glee on Ben's face was unbearable to hank. "Is he talking about youuuuuuuuuuuuuu, hankster? " "yes sir." He said in a soft voice. "HE DIDN'T HEAR YOU. SAY IT LOUDER." "YES SIR. HE IS. I used to go to Cuffs all the time. " "Good eye William." "Damn, he was a good top too." "Maybe. He's a superb sub."

Dinner couldn"t pass fast enough for hank. Ben was right: a number of his friends came by. At one point, Ben draped his arm around hank's shoulders, and he thought he was about to show someone how he had conquered hank. He just squeezed his shoulder. Ben whispered before he licked his ear. "You're behaving, which is a good thing. I don't need to show any discipline." "Thank you Sir. I'm trying not to disappoint you." The restaurant was one where, once they knew the roles, hank didn't get a menu. Ben ordered for both of them. "Got to make sure you get lots of high quality protein, and vegetables. " "Yes sir." hank was famished. He tried hard not to act like a pig. When he was finished. "Sir, is it ok if I ask you something?" "Depends. Let's hear it." "Sir, you talked about high protein and vegetables. I guess you want me to stay in shape." "DAMN RIGHT I do." "Well, Sir, would it be alright for me to go back to the gym?" "Hmmm. That's a good question. Let me think about it. Does Cam go to the gym?" "I don't know Sir. He didn't used to." "Maybe I need to sign up. I'm not sure if I trust you at the gym alone." "Sir, I may get myself in a lot of trouble here, but I've done everything you told me. I didn't misbehave with the powder circle, and I haven't fought once when you ... fucked me. And now, lots of people know my role. " Ben looked off in the distance. "I'm gonna see if I can find another sub for you to go with. We shall see." "Thank you sir. I'd appreciate it. " "And may I say... you look incredibly attractive in lavender. You need to wear more pastels." "Yes sir. If you say so Sir." "Kiss me. Show all these boys how much you like being my sub." The French kiss went on for about ten minutes. When he broke, Ben looked at hank. "You know, I think I've recovered enough to fuck you again. Let's get out of here." "Yes sir," said hank. " The fucking that night was face to face. And when they were done, Ben curled hank into him to sleep. "Tomorrow, we go shopping. More pastels for my pretty boy."

Next: Chapter 7

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