Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 26, 2023


Ben wasn't kidding about going shopping with hank. On Sunday morning, after he had pushed hank's head down to his cock to give him a morning blow job, and had shot a medium sized load into "hunky hank" as he called him during the session, Ben played with hank's hair. "So, we're gonna go and get some breakfast, then get you some new clothes. A little play this afternoon and we'll end the weekend with...." He yanked hank's head up by the hair so he could see his face.

"You ever hear of a club called "The Udder?" hank winced a little from the hair pull as he answered "no Sir. I've never heard of it. Never been there." "GOOD. I think you might be able to figure it out. 'Udder?' It's a milking club. I'm gonna have SO much fun. Sunday's their quiet day too, so we won't have to wait for a booth... if I decide we should go private." hank didn't know what milking meant. He was sure he wasn't going to like it. He felt Ben's hand come down with a hard smack on his ass. "How's about you get in there and shower? Lemme see if I can find anything I deem suitable for you to wear today.' A big sigh was followed by "yes sir," as hank got up and headed to the bathroom. "You hard in your cage, hunky hank?" hank stopped. "Yes sir. So hard it hurts." "GOOD. You'll be thanking me after tonight."

hank washed thoroughly and he used the shower head as a douche, both for his ass, and his mouth. He was trying to get as much of Ben's cum out of him as possible. He wanted out of this: why had he given up so easily? He didn't like breaking his word, but the more he thought about it, the more he thought that it hadn't been a fair fight, so his surrender wasn't valid. That meant he COULD escape if he wanted to. He wanted to.

When he came out of the shower, he found a pair of the tight jeans Ben made him wear just about always, and a blue and white striped shirt, button down, and the size Ben liked but hank hated. How did he find all these shirts? They must have been gifts when he was younger, that hank had just put in the back of his closet. He squeezed into it, buttoned it. He called into the bathroom where Ben was showering. "Excuse me SIr. Tuck the shirt in?" "Yeah, today you gotta look good. Tuck it in. Sleeves up. Buttons opened so everyone can see your lock collar. " "FUCK. He's gonna make me wear that too." hank was getting very, very frustrated. How could he get out? HOW could he get away from this man? He slipped on the shoes Ben had chosen: that meant there was no fiber glass in them. "It's that fucking door handle," hank thought . "IF it weren't fucking charged. Maybe, just maybe I can buffer it enough..." He looked around, found napkins on the dining room table. Would four of them be enough? He hoped so. He wrapped them around his hand, like a big thick glove and moved surreptitiously over to the door. As he reached for the handle, he heard Ben's voice. "I haven't kept the charge on the door for three days, hankster." And he started laughing. "WHAT THE FUCK? " slipped out of hank's mouth. "You mean, you mean ..." "I mean I don't need it stud. You're not going anywhere?" "You think so?" "Yeah, I do. Because, first of all, I think I could take you now. I know your weak spots. Second of all, I've got Cam on my side, and I've got all those guys at the bar. They'd bring you back. Or, of course, I could just let them know, "get his nipples" and someone else would have you . But...." and Ben began to laugh. "I can't believe you didn't notice this. Take out your wallet." hank gave him a look of total hate, as he pulled the wallet out. His ID was gone. So were his credit cards. In fact, there was nothing in the wallet but 20 dollars. "YOU FUCK! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING!" "Ben folded his arms. "Your cell phone too. You'll never find it. And why does my sub need money? I take care of everything." "I AM NOT YOUR SUB. YOU TRICKED ME INTO SURRENDERING. I DIDN'T DO IT WILLINGLY. " "Where you gonna go hank? How you gonna get anywhere?" "GIMME MY FUCKING CARDS, MY MONEY, EVERYTHING. " hank charged at Ben, but as he learned, Ben expected it. He stepped out of the way and held out a foot, tripping hank. hank went down, and Ben was sitting on his back, facing hank's feet. He grabbed his ankles, and pulled them back. "Now hankster, you just better start getting used to things." He pulled hank's ankles back. "You my sub?" "FUCK NO." Ben pulled back harder. "You know, there IS gonna be punishment for this. You my sub." "OW#WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. FUCK NO. FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Ben let go of hank's ankles and flipped around. His hand went under hank, and while hank struggled, he couldn't stop Ben from getting a nip. He began to squeeze. "How'd you like it if you were tied up, and ten guys worked these tits, one after the other? Their own toys? Their own fingers? Their teeth? Imagine giving in and having to give EACH of them a blow job. " hank began to whine as Ben worked that spot. "DAMN, I WISH YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM." hank moaned some more. Ben laughed. "But I do. You my sub?" This time there was no answer. He deftly flipped hank over. The fabric on the oxford shirt was rough, and it added to the agony of the tit torture. hank was quiet as long as he could be. He tried to keep still, but he began to squirm . And moan. "You my sub?" Ben asked again. Breathing hard, hank answered "yes sir. yes sir. I'm your sub. I'm your sub bitch. " Ben laughed. "See what I mean studmuffin? Your fate is sealed. " He stopped working hank's nips, but he held him down. "Now you're gonna get up, straighten yourself up and we're going out to eat, and then shop. " He smiled. "I was just gonna leave you tied up this afternoon and watch you squirm but now.... I think I have another game in mind." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"You see hank, what I think you don't understand is... I'm a schemer, and a plotter, and you're not. You ever notice the chessboards in my apartment?" Ben was speaking through a mouthful of eggs and sausage. "I never noticed them Sir" hank was having the same thing, only he'd be eating less because Ben had ordered him to suck in his stomach while they ate. "Ha ha. And you probably don't play." "No Sir. I'm not smart enough for chess." "Oh, you're smart enough stud. You're just not crafty enough. You're too straight forward. And that's why I'll take you down every single time. Because I KNOW how to get to you. I now JUST how tight to 'turn the screws' so to speak. And you, my handsome bottom, can't do anything about it." hank realized Ben was right. There was no way he could outsmart Ben. Ben had been planning this for some time. He seemed to have every angle covered, every possible contingency... "You're letting your stomach drop hank. Got to tighten up those muscles. Point those tits out." Ben spoke just a little bit too loud. The gay couple at the table next to them looked and one smiled. "Oh yeah. Keep them pointed baby. Everyone here is gonna have better sex because of that chest of yours." As hank blushed, Ben laughed. "You see? Doing good for the cause. EVERYONE should have the best sex possible. I know I am." He ran his foot up hank's calf. "And I have to think you are too." Ben was right about that. hank didn't like the idea of belonging to Ben, but the sex... the man knew how to fuck. The tit play - it always seemed to be too much until hank realized how hard he was. The other games, the gagging, the bondage... He was getting hard thinking about it, and he couldn't get any harder in that cage. He winced, and Ben laughed. "Oh, I'm making my boy hurt. Let's go muffin. Get the shopping done, and get home. "

They went shirt shopping first. Ben led hank away from the rougher, work shirts he preferred, and brought him over to dress shirts. "OOOOH. They have pink. I bet you look great in pink." Ben pulled out three of them: one in the size hank always bought for himself, then the size Ben was making him wear, and then the size down. "I hate pink" hank was thinking as he changed. "Makes me look like a pussy." Then he laughed. "Who am I kidding? I AM a pussy. A pussy with a moustache." "Nah, too big. Next size." hank wanted to say something but he knew better. He was already in trouble, and if he embarrassed Ben in public..." He squeezed into the size down, and when he came out, he saw Ben smile. "MUCH better. Put your hands behind your back. Let's see how it looks when you.. OH YES. OH YES. " He dropped his voice. "I just wanna tie you up and work you over right here and now. But try on the smaller one." hank sighed, and tried. He tried. He couldn't close the shirt. He came out with it opened. "Sir, I can't get the buttons closed. I just can't. "AND WHY SHOULD HE?" A queen sneered as he walked by, fanning himself. "I think we'll get it anyway. Sort of a target if you go to the gym.. yeah, I'm working on it hank. You may have your partner tonight." Ben went through the shirt section, pulling out pink, yellow, light blue, white, and lavender shirts. He found an orange one too. Then they went to polos shirts, and then slacks. Again, he made hank try on slacks until he found a size that, in his words, "showed off that honey dew of an ass of yours." It was a sizeable load that they brought to the cashier. "Can we take some of them, and have the rest sent?" Ben asked the cashier, who was staring at hank, standing there with his hands behind his back, his head down. The cashier saw the slave collar. "Of course Sir. And if I may, you're a very lucky man." Ben smiled. "Luck DID have something to do with it. So did skill. C'mon studsub. Time to go back ." "Studsub. DAMN. I wish I had one of those," the cashier thought. He looked at the signature on the credit card receipt. Hmmm. I wonder." He made a copy of the receipt, and put it in his coat for "further investigation when he got home. Hal had lived with his own slave: a straight guy named brad, whom he had flipped. He had abused him for about ten years, before brad's job forced him to move. Hal wanted brad to just quit, and that was what a PROPER sub should have done: he shouldn't have been working at all. Still, Hal learned that, while he had broken brad of sleeping with women, he hadn't succeeded in divorcing him from his job. From what he knew, brad was off in the midwest now, probably sucking cock in some pit like the one where he found him. His wife and kids had gone with him, so maybe Lyn had broken him of that. Who knows? He shrugged his shoulders. "Time to move on. That one's hot. I wonder...."

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"OK stud, let's see what you're gonna wear today before we go out... Hmmm. I loved the pink, wear the pink shirt. And the khakis. Light colored ones. Oh, last thing: " hank saw the glee on Ben's face. "The black sneakers. The ones with fiber glass in them." hank figured something was up, because Ben was aware that hank knew how to avoid the aggravation from the fiberglass. "Like you're going to a fancy dinner.. as a BITCH." "yes sir," was hank's defeated answer. The shoes hurt like hell, and the clothes were tight. Ben inspected him, squeezing his ass, flicking his nipples and then had him sit. He tied hank's hands behind him, and he saw where hank was resting his feet on the chair. "NOPE. Unless you want the fishing weights on the clamps, boy, feet flat on the floor. " hank hesitated and he saw the look on Ben's face. He tried to hide the aggravation when his feet touched the floor, but he couldn't. His moaning was muffled, as Ben wrapped tape around his mouth. "This is gonna be FUN, stud. See, I need your nips sensitive, and your cock charged when we get to Udder tonight, so I gotta find another place to make you pay. It's gonna start now. And I got something else in mind too." Ben pulled out his cell phone. "CAM! What's up? Oh, things are good. You were right: he tried an escape attempt today, for all the good it did. Now he's in the chair, the fiber glass shoes, and there's more to come. But that's not why I'm calling. I'm wondering... we're going to Udder tonight. You wanna join us? Yeah, OF COURSE you can get another blow job. Ok. see ya there around 6. Yeah, it's early, but I got a booth for the whole evening. It's quiet on Sunday night. See ya there." hank was trying to deal with how the soles of his feet felt, as Ben explained. "Now, sweetheart, this is what happens at Udder. I'm gonna take you into a private room and I'm gonna milk you. I'm gonna milk you until I've got every drop of cum I can get outta you in five hours. And then... we measure yours against everyone else being milked. Winner gets a trophy. Know what that is?" "mmmph mmmmph" hank shook his head no. "the prize, stud, is having everyone watch your Dom FUCK you in public. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " hank shook his head no, vigorously, and Ben crouched down, running his hand down the inside of hank's legs. "Now, now, just better calm down there stud. This is what a manbitch has to do. And you're a manbitch. " He laughed. "And know what? I came up with an idea for next weekend, you're gonna love it. We're gonna go hunting." hank looked puzzled. "Yeah, I know, I should explain. We're going up to my friend's country place. And you're gonna be the prey. If you can avoid capture for 12 hours, then you WILL have escaped. If not... well.. hunters get to ... oh, I'm not gonna tell you. Now you just be still. Maybe 3 hours until we head out and meet Cam."

Ben untied hank with enough time for him to begin to get the feeling back in his soles. The tingling was going to last for a while. "Don't worry bitch boy. You're gonna be on your back for most of tonight. Let's get you into something a bit more comfortable." Ben pulled out the old jeans he had hank wear earlier in the day, and then one of his older shirts: a white chambray workshirt. "You know, you look good in just about anything, stud. Except for those oversized things you insisted on wearing. Now, gimme a kiss before I let Cam befoul your mouth." hank thought back to his earlier thoughts about sex with Ben. The kisses.... the way his tongue worked the nerve endings in hank's mouth. hank always wanted more. "MMMM. That's nice, isn't it hankster?" "Yes sir. it is. " "AWWWWW. In your heart of hearts, you really LIKE me dominating you. I know that." He kissed the tip of hank's nose. "Now let me grab just a few things and then we'll go." hank didn't see what Ben had put in the bag, but he had a small one. "Let's go stud. I don't wanna lose a minute." There was a line at Udder: couples, where one was clearly in charge and the other was the sub. "That's the competition, stud." hank saw that he was bigger than the other guys by far. He recognized one as someone he had fucked in the past. He hoped the guy didn't see him. It didn't happen. "SIR. SIR. " the brown haired boy was trying to get his Dom's attention. "That guy... That guy... He used to be a Dom. Now...." THAT interested brownie's Dom, and he turned from his phone. He smiled. "BEN. YOU OLD BASTARD. How long has it been?" "A while Cyrus. A while. More than a minute for sure, ha ha. Anyhow, hey, I see you've still got lance. I got a new boy.. This is hank. " A BOY? That's more like a monster. GEEZ. How much gizz he have?" "I dunno. He's been caged for a few days, so we'll see. "It's been a week," hank muttered. "OH. I forgot. One second.." Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out a big gray bandana, which he tied around hank's mouth. "He's new. Still a little lippy. " As the doors opened, Ben showed the clerk registration and they were brought to a room, sort of like a music studio. "Ok, stud. Now take off your shoes, drop your pants, and get on the table. ' "mmmmmmmmmph." hank answered, and did what he was told. Once he did, he felt Ben lock the leather restraints on his wrists, and then he felt him pull his legs apart, roughly: wider than he did at home. When he looked up, hank saw what looked like a medical device in front of the table where he was restrained. "Got a very descriptive name, hank-o. We call it a fucking machine. And I'm gonna attach this... to it." hank saw a 5 or 6 inch metal rod, with a small ball at the end. "Once I turn it on, the ball is gonna vibrate. It's a prostate massager. Gets some GOOD prostate fluid produced. Betcha ya never saw one." hank shook his head no. "Now... we also gotta use this..." Ben pulled out a flesh light. "This is the newest model. Keyed into an app on my phone, so I can control how it strokes you. But first things first. We gotta find that prostate." He smiled, and rubbed some lube (also in his bag, on his finger. Then he began slowly probing hank. "Look for the walnut.. .Pick the walnut off the tree.... " 'mmmmmmmmmmph...." hank was reacting to the finger and then... Ben found it. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." hank saw the big smile on Ben's face. "THAT wasn't so hard. Now, we know exactly where to put the thing..." He slid the fucking machine over, and hank felt the lubricated ball line up right on that prostate gland. Then Ben unlocked his cage, and replaced it with the fleshlight. "Ok, stud. First load should be the biggest, but we're gonna go for every drop. Let's start at lowest settings. There was a low humming sound in the room, as both toys got to work. "MMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH.... the stimulation was new to hank. It was like the edging he had endured the first time he surrendered, only more intense. After five minutes Ben stopped the machines. "How did that feel? Need more stimulation." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!! " hank shook his head NO. "Yeah, I think a little more. Maybe with some tit play." Ben turned on the devices at a level higher, and moved up to start toying with hank's nipples. "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggg" 'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng." "Now, you see, hankster, I've been paying attention to ya, and I KNOW when you're about to shoot. There's a sound to your moans, and you ain't there yet. So... let's kick it up. By the way, how many levels are there? 20. On each. And they're calibrated. " At the third level, hank began to pump his hips up, trying to push his cock further into the fleshlight. This time, Ben didn't use the prostate stimulator. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" was what he heard from hank. "I think level four is what's gonna put you over the edge hankie pankie. So let's get a catcher on that cockhead." The machines went back on. hank thought he was going to pass out the stimulation was so strong. When Ben bit one of his nipples, well. "mmmmmmmph. MMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" and after the longest one, the jizz started shooting out of hank. He thrust his hips forward, and the jizz just kept on coming. "HOLY SHIT. That's more than I thought you'd produce. GEEZ. Good load. Most I've ever seen is 6ml or so, but I bet you gave me.... WOW. 8.2 ml. I gotta hand this in to the contest. Stay cool, hank. I may be back with Cam."

hank was exhausted. He felt like every drop of jizz had come out of him. He looked at the clock. They had only been there for an hour. Ben said it was a 6 hour tournament. OH SHIT. " "HEY. Look who's looking really, REALLY hot." Cam came into the room with Ben. He smiled. "How's it going work buddy? Can't wait to see you tomorrow." "SHIT." hank thought. That's right. He'd be at work the next day. He forgot that so would Cam. "Lemme get this gag off. He looked at hank. "I think Cam would rather feel your soft lips than fuck your face through a hole. You gonna behave?" "Yes sir. I understand my place. No trouble. "Good. Let's get you untied and on your knees. Pretend Cam is me. Maybe you'll be able to shoot some of HIS cum." Cam smiled. "GOD. I used to have to fight to get ONE blow job a week. Now, I'm getting two." He rammed his cock into hank's mouth and turned to Ben. "Wouldja film it, and send it to me? Good way to keep him in line at work too." "GOOD THOUGHT." Ben started filming with his phone. Cam was fucking hank's face hard, and hank was exhausted. He didn't know how much more he could take. Fortunately, at least on this, it wasn't much. Cam was loaded, and he shot. "DRINK EVERY DROP OF IT SUB BITCH" he yelled, and Ben shoved his head forward to make sure not a drop was lost. "WHEW. He was good before. You made him better, Ben." "Ha ha. Recognizing when you're beaten is good for subs. They respond better. " He looked at hank. "Get your clothes back on. We're going back out to the bar before round two." "Yes sir." Did it surprise anyone that they gave hank a glass of milk to drink? Milk with an egg yolk and a formula to increase sperm count. The blackboard had the numbers up. hank had produced about 3ml more than anyone else. He heard Cam tell Ben "gonna be hard to catch him with that lead." Ben smiled. "I know. Humiliation is gonna be sweet." They went back to the booth a second time, and again, the devices brought off hank, but of course, the levels were lower. They kept on decreasing, but they decreased for everyone else. At the end, there was no question: hank was the winner. As the crowd clapped, Ben smled. "Know what that means, hank-o?" "No sir." "It means.... see that skanky pool table?" "Yes sir." "See it's got restraints on it?" "OH SHIT. NO SIR. NO. PLEASE. NO.... " "Cam, gimme a hand." "NO SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE." hank's begging just seemed to be getting everyone in the room hotter.

Ben dropped his pants and his raging hard on came out. "Guys, tradition says... circle jerk." "WOOO HOOO" one of the other Doms yelled, as they circled hank's body. "Cam, you wanna do the honors?" He handed Cam the roll of duct tape he took with him, and Cam expertly applied a few strips. Then Ben lifted hank's ankles off the pool table. "Nice and lubed too. Lemme get MY rod near that prostate." hank felt Ben's cock touch the spot that the toy had been rubbing all night. The sensation was different, and better. Ben rubbed back and forth, not thrusting in further, until he did. And he thrust in HARD. Just as he did, the first Dom shot a wad over hank's chest. A second one followed. Then a third. "Come on guys. You can do it. Master jerks last." A fourth wad hit hank, this time getting his face. And then... the fifth.. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Here I cum.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Ben laughed, and then howled as he filled hank's ass. "OH FUCK. That may have been the best fuck since he came into my life." As Ben said that, a part of him was saying that he agreed. He was dog tired. More tired than he felt after a day working and at the gym. Ben stroked his belly. "You wanna go home, hanky panky? Get some sleep before work tomorrow?" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph..." hank's answer was weak. "I'll call you guys an uber. " Cam smiled. He looked down at hank. "See ya tomorrow. Get your strength up. You have a full day of clients to see." The other Doms helped Ben collect his stuff. hank could barely stand up, but Ben took him by the elbow, and led him out to the uber. "OH. I forgot to take off the gag. That's ok. You don't need to say anything. "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." If the uber driver minded, he didn't say anything. He took them back to Ben's apartment, where Ben ripped the tape off hank's mouth before they got out of the car. That way hank could say good night to the doorman, which he did. hank was asleep before Ben could finish brushing his teeth. He looked down at the sleeping Atlas "You're almost completely broken now, stud. Once I hunt you down, you'll give up completely." He got into bed next to hank.

Across town, Hal was on his computer, getting information on Ben. "Interesting. Very interesting. Hmmmmm." He looked around his house, with all the sex toys that hadn't been used in a while. "Maybe someone new soon."

Next: Chapter 8

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