Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 14, 2023


Folks, a lot is gonna happen in this chapter, so sit back. We may very well be finishing up. Let's see how folks respond.

"Hey Cam, good to hear from you." Ben picked up the phone and checked to make sure that hank was firmly positioned on the dildo. He was, and his wrists were secured behind his back, a big piece of duct tape over his mouth, and the tiniest, meanest nipple clamps he had in his toy chest were attached to hank's tits. He couldn't push him that hard. They had a date, and he was gonna push him hard there.

"Just checking in, wonder if I'll get to see you boys at the club tonight?"

"Yeah, we might have, but we have a date. Ya never know where you're gonna meet people. Remember when I bought studboy all those clothes? Well, it turns out that our salesman is a really serious Dom. He figured us out, and took an interest in hanky panky here." Ben laughed. "No, you have competition for a night. He's got a full dungeon. Lotsa stuff I don't have and..." the thing that sealed the deal: it's boy's night to get shaved and, well, Hal agreed to teach me how to do it with hot wax.' "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." hank's protest was so loud that Cam heard it and laughed. "I hope you're gonna let him know that response was not acceptable." "Damn right I will. No time to set up the walnut fucker, but a little ball hitachi may do the trick. Or extending the cage another day. Or both. " "Guy's name is Hal?" Cam asked. "Yeah. He works at that big department store. Had a sub for years: a straight guy no less, who got transferred to another state for work. He's been, "lonely" for a while. "Well... " Cam laughed. "Guess my invite was lost in the mail." "Ha ha. Don't worry. If we work out, I'll be inviting you over. " "Where is he? Is he local?" "It's about a half hour drive. Let me see..." He gave Cam the address. "Promise me you're not gonna show up." "I promise. No worries. Remember, you promised I could be there when you give hank his piercing. " Ben laughed. "He doesn't even know about that yet." He walked over and twisted the clamp on hank's right nipple. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Anyhow, I want to get the boy ready. I'll let you know how it goes. You take care."

After he got off the phone, Cam began to think. He had never heard of a guy named Hal before, and he knew just about all the really serious Doms in the area. He checked his watch. Store would be opened for a little while longer. He called their information number. "Hi. I used a salesman there in the past. He took such good care of me, I wanted to see if I could order more shirts from him by giving him an order over the phone?" "Certainly Sir. And what would that salesman's name be." "Well, he didn't give me his last name, but he told me to call him Hal." The secretary on the other end of the line laughed. "Oh, you mean Melvin. He hates that name. That's why he uses Hal. " "Oh, OF COURSE. I'm sorry. May I speak to him?" "Unfortunately not today Sir. From what I can tell, he took a day off. But he'll be back tomorrow. If you leave information, I'll make sure he gets it. " "Oh, no problem. I'll call again tomorrow. But thank you. You've been very helpful."

After he got off the phone, Cam began thinking again. "Melvin... Mel... THAT name sounded familiar. And with a straight sub." He began doing some research, and emailing some of his buds. Information came back. "STAY AWAY FROM HIM. " Hasn't been the same since brad moved. " "I think he's nuts. There is no safe word. " "Fire. He doesn't care if he burns his sub severely. Should be in jail." "FUCK." Cam thought. "Ben and hank are walking into this. SHIT."

Ben and hank weren't WALKING into it, but they WERE driving into it. Ben made sure that hank was very well bound, in the back seat of his car, gagged with an extra strip of tape. "Can't believe you've never had a wax depil, stud muffin. Shame on Cam. Well.... I said just your chest, but, who knows. Maybe we'll do your pubes too. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." the sound was a mix of a scream and pleading. Ben just laughed. He had worn full leather for the night, and put hank in a harness as well as very short leather shorts. He had tied his ankles together, and he planned to just haul him into the house over his shoulder. The ground rules he had established with Hal were clear: Hal could have as much of hank's mouth as he wanted, and he could torture hank's tits too. He could do the wax job, but he could NOT do anything with hank's ass.

While they were driving, Hal was preparing the dungeon. He made sure that there were plenty of candles, and that the bondage tables were clean. Ben had asked if he had a small round stool: he had seen a video where someone had bent his boy over a kitchen stool, exposing his ass for spanking, fucking, whatever he wanted. That was what he had in mind for hank before the wax job. Ben had one of those. And in his pocket, was a small brown bottle of chloroform - hard fought for - and a cloth. hank wasn't leaving that dungeon that night, and neither was Ben.

"HEY. OPEN THE DOOR. THIS SUB IS HEAVY." Ben was ringing the doorbell, with hank over his shoulder. hank was a solid man, so it was a challenge. "So good to see you." Hal opened the door, dressed in his own leather. "NICE. " Ben smiled with approval. "Let's get downstairs. No time like the present." He led them down a staircase to what was the best equipped private dungeon Ben had ever seen. "WOW. This is all sorts of awesome. How long did it take you to build it?" "Less time than you might think. It was pretty primitive before brad, and as we got more involved, I added things. See the fucking machine?" He pointed to what looked like a very elaborate walnut fucker. "And humblers in different sizes, a wall of clamps." He grinned. "And my work tray. Depending on the scene, I fill it with other things." He pointed to a rolling laboratory tray, stacked with candles, dry ice, all sorts of stuff. "So, tell you what. Can we start with the stool fucking? You take one end, I take the rear." Hal smiled. "Haven't had a good blowjob in a while. " "Get over here, boy." Ben untied hank's ankles, and dragged him over to the stool. "Get your belly on the seat. BEND." "mmmmmmmmmmmmph." hank knew what was happening. He also knew he had no choice. Ben tied hank's ankle to the stool, while Hal took care of his wrists. Hal seemed to take a fiendish kind of glee in tying his wrists exceptionally tight He laughed. "Oh, if you're complaining now, sub, you just wait." Ben started slipping hank's leather shorts down. He had nothing on underneath him, and his ass was completely exposed. Hal came over to take a look. "FUCK. That is ONE beautiful ass. Well used?" "At least once a day. RIGHT BOY?" Ben grabbed hank's hair and pulled his head up. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." he tried to shake his head yes. "Take turns?" "You bet?" Ben said to Hal. hank didn't know what that meant, until he felt the first WHACK. Ben had spanked him before, but never this hard. This paddle wasn't wood, it was... metal. And it hurt. "nmnagangagngnggnggg" hank could tell who was doing the spanking, because Hal was positively vicious. Ben saw the look on Hal's face. He thought about telling him to ease up, but... hank couldn't take it anymore. He broke, and began to cry. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Baby stud is hurting. Know what that means? Means it's time to take the tape off his lips." Ben came around and ripped it off. "Know what you're gonna do stud? You're gonna give Hal the best fucking blow job he has ever had, AFTER I get my cock in your ass. I don't want your teeth assaulting him." "yes sir. hank panted out. I'll do my best." He felt Ben's cockhead against his burning cheeks, and then he felt Ben's cock slipping in. "I'm in Hal. You take his mouth now. "ha ha. A true spit roast. With a TRUE pig." hank knew if he didn't do a good job, he was going to be in big trouble, so he used every technique he had learned. He recalled how Cam had been very demanding about the quality of his blow jobs, and he tried to tap into what he remembered from then. He thought about how he thought, when Cam was dominating him, it couldn't get any more severe. How wrong he had been." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGG" he moaned while he was blowing Hal. Ben was pounding him HARD. That made it difficult to make sure that his teeth didn't touch Hal's cock. "OH, you trained this boy well, Ben." He grabbed hank's hair and pulled his head forward. "ALL OF IT SUB BOY. ALL OF IT." Ben looked up. Hal was talking as if hank were HIS sub. Maybe that was just his manner. "I don't think I wanna shoot yet Hal. Do you?" "Nah. Gonna save it for later. More spanking?" "Hmmm. Not a bad idea. " He grabbed hank's hair. "Listen up bitch. If you don't say thank you after each whack, we're adding two more. " "yes sir. Thank you sir." The spanking resumed. After he had helped with ten whacks, Hal wandered off to make sure the equipment was ready. "I can start lighting the candles if you're ready for a little... hair removal." hank knew better than to beg for them not to do it, but he really , really didn't want it. He was already too weak to resist when they cut the bonds from the stool, and when they brought him over to a reconfigured pool table, set up with four restraints at the corners. They were locked onto him quickly, and Ben pulled out the cage lock. "Still wondering Hal... do his pubes too?" "Why would you not? One stop shopping. This is his first?" "It is." "Then we gotta gag him. Never know who's gonna be driving by. Take your pick." He pointed to a wall covered with different types of gags, and while Ben was checking, he began pouring chloroform into a cloth. "Hey, I smell something weird. What was?" Ben was returning with a large, black, penis gag. "Oh, I took the liberty of opening a bottle of poppers. Good quality too. Just in case we need to extend his "member." "GREAT IDEA. He's never had poppers from me either." Ben took the gag and tied it tightly on hank's mouth. hank saw the large, white candle, in Hal's hand. "Now , let me show you with JUST a little bit of it. You're gonna do the rest. Chest first. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." hank couldn't help himself: he shook his head no, which just made Hal laugh. He inverted a candle just a bit, and poured a few drops right on hank's left pec. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " The yells were punctuated with little sobs. "Ok, stud. You pour the rest. All over his chest. Anywhere you want hair to be removed because... when we whip the cold wax off, the hair will come along." He grinned. "And we'll help it if it doesn't." hank looked at Ben pleadingly. It only seemed to get Ben more excited. "THIS. is so fucking hot, sub boi." He began pouring candles. As hank tried desperately to scream, his chest was coated with melted wax.

Ben put down the last candle, and turned to where he had last seen Hal. "I think I'm done. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Hal had slipped behind him. He covered Ben's mouth with the chloroform soaked rag. He struggled, but Hal was strong. He heard him whisper. "Neither one of you is gonna leave here. Why have one sub when you can have two?" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When Ben woke up, he had a splitting headache, and he couldn't move his arms. He felt cold. He felt cold because he was buck naked, gagged, and spread out, next to hank on a second platform. "NNNNNNNNNNNNGSBSRRRRRRRRD" he spat at Hal, who just laughed at him. "Never trust a free gift ben, never." ben cringed as he felt Hal's cold fingers touch his chest. "You're pretty hairy yourself. You could probably use a bit of this yourself." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." ben screamed as hot was splashed all over him. "And you've got a hairy cock too. A big one. But firsties go to hank. I found the key." He walked over and unlocked hank's cage. hank wasn't yelling, he was sobbing, as Hal picked up his cock, and holding it tightly, poured wax over it. hank may have passed out a little, because he didn't remember Hal walking over to ben, and starting to pour it over HIS cock. "GOD I'm getting SO hard. If your ass is as hot as your mouth hank, I'm gonna be a very happy person. Let's let ben's wax harden real good, before we denude you both. " Hal stood in front of hank and dropped his pants. hank hadn't been fucked by anyone but ben since this started, and he wasn't ready for Hal's assault. Hal was thicker, but shorter than ben. The sensation was very different. ben was torn between not wanting to see anything, and wanting to see everything, as his sub was taken by another man. He fought the restraints. He got nowhere. "Please let him shoot in hank. I don't wanna lose my ass." It didn't seem that was gonna be an issue as Hal began pumping, faster and harder. ben was familiar with the sound of hank's moans when he was being fucked. Listening to them was making him harder, and harder. As Hal was fucking hank, ben had a spontaneous orgasm, notwithstanding the wax.

"Ho ho. You're gonna regret that sub ben. After I finish doing sub hank." He took one last thrust, and buried his seed into hank. "Now... let's get this shit off of you. " Hal took out a small whip and began to crack the wax on hank's chest. "That didn't hurt much did it? " hank shook his head no, and then he saw the leer on Hal's face. "The next part.. will." He applied the whip to hank's cock, and this time, hank knew he DID pass out.

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The scene in the basement dungeon was so intense that no one heard Cam come in through the side window on the main floor. After he had gotten the feedback from other Doms, he got very, VERY worried. The fact that "Hal" was using a fake name got him even more concerned than the reports about abuse and fire and burning, etc. Once he had the name, however, he learned that "Hal" assumed that his fake name was enough to throw everyone off: his information as Melvin, was all out in the open, and it wasn't hard for Cam to track him down. Now, inside the house, he had the Tazer he had bought on the street a few months ago. He hoped it still worked because, given the sounds he was hearing, he figured he would need it. He recognized hank's moans, but the second set? Were those... BEN? " Cam took his shoes off so that he would make as little noise as possible and went down the stairs. He saw what was happening: he saw the wax all over both hank and ben, and he saw Hal's movement with the whip. No question: the look of the whip on hank's cock was giving him ideas, but not here. Not here, and not now.

"KNOCK IT OFF MELVIN." he yelled. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came from both platforms as hank and ben both saw Cam come down the stairs. Melvin? Who was Melvin? They saw Hal turn around and they heard his oily voice. "CAM. I should have planned for you getting involved in this. I have your little bitch, don't I? And the man who took the bitch from you. Couldn't take it could you? Hahahahahahahahahaha." "MELVIN. I'm warning you. You wanna make them your bitches? Your subs? Feel free. But DO NOT hurt hank for the sake of hurting him." ben heard the words. He had been specific about hank. "FUCK. He should've let Cam have hank's ass." "I'll do what I want Cam. You never had ben, and you let hank go. Now... THEY'RE MINE." That's when Cam picked up the tazer. "please work. please work. please work," and he pulled the trigger. It worked. The first one stopped Hal/Melvin in his tracks. The second one put him on the floor, shaking uncontrollably. He lost control of all of his muscles, and a wet spot formed around him. Cam didn't know how much time he had, so he hurried over to where hank was tied down.

"I could leave you here. I could leave you here, just the way things are. And I will, if that's what you want. Or... you can come with me. You were my sub before, and you've had some good sub training. You'll be my sub again. It's up to you. What do you want?" He took the gag out of hank's mouth. "Take me with you Sir Cam. Please . Get me the fuck away from these guys. " "It ain't gonna be easy hank. You think ben was rough on you? You wait... " He smiled. "Another chance. Me, or Mel?" "You Sir. Please Get me away from here. Finish the job. Get this wax shit off me. I'll be your sub. Just like before only better." Cam smiled.

When Hal got control of his body and stood up again, he saw the empty palette where hank had been. And he saw where ben was tied down, trying desperately to get free. He smiled . "Well, well, well. It isn't what I wanted, but I can concentrate my efforts on ONE sub." His grin was like a poisonous snake. While Hal was locking ben into his own chastity belt, hank was tied down to Cam's bed. Cam had pulled all the wax off of his body, leaving hank totally smooth. "DAMN. It's been WAY too long since I had that hot ass." hank moaned. This would be the third time he had been fucked tonight. He was sore. He bit his lip and got ready to take Cam's dick.

Folks, next time around, we're gonna end this tale. hank and Cam will show up in some other stories, but this one has a single chapter left. Hope you stick around for when I - pardon the pun - "tie" all the loose ends together.

Next: Chapter 10

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