
By Whipped

Published on Apr 27, 2020


This story is a work of fiction. All characters are over eighteen and you must be eighteen to read this. Never do stuff like this in real life. If you enjoy the story, consider donating to Nifty.

Feedback is always welcome.

This chapter doesn't include sex between Mr. Williams and Colby and only includes one sex scene. It's mostly setup for part 5.


Chapter 4


When I finally made it home, my mom freaked out about my face. Mr. Williams had busted my lip pretty badly when I collapsed in the garden. I had been pissed and exhausted and didn't think I could do anything else, but I worked for two more hours after he did it.

I was just glad she couldn't see the whip marks on my back.

The guys at school the next day were impressed with my face when I told them I had started boxing and martial arts. Nobody guessed what was really going.

After school, I drove to Mr. Williams' house. I sat in my car for five minutes trying to get up the guts to go in and tell him it was over and that I couldn't do this.

Then I pulled the big thick collar from my backpack, wrapped it around my neck, stripped naked as he had instructed, and knelt before his front door.

I gulped as I rang the bell.

Kenny's dad answered the door.

Kenny had been my best friend since I was six. His dad had taught me to play football, coached our little league team, and even took me on their family vacation to a water park once.

I froze.

Kenny's dad was in his fifties and about 5'10 and 200 pounds. He was mostly bald and I think they were part Italian or something because he was super hairy.

He had always been nice to me before.

This was different.

He pulled me up by the shoulders and shoved me up against the wall.

Then he half-growled, "Next time I see you, you're mine."

His hands caressed my stomach before reaching down to my balls and squeezing.

I collapsed to the ground from the pain.

He spit on my face and said, "Faggot."

Then he walked away.


I hadn't expected the difficulty I'd have getting business done in this town. Kenny Logerman had been a huge barrier. He ran the town more than even the mayor.

Everytime I needed a construction permit or to get a union job done or assemble a crew, Kenny was there with an ask or wanting a handout.

And everything stopped until he got it.

It took Darren a while to figure it out, but apparently Kenny led some local lodge. They met up once a week and everyone who was anyone in this town was in it.

And they all reported to Kenny.

When Kenny showed up at the house today letting Darren know building would stop yet again, Darren took a new tact.

He offered Kenny the boy.

At first, Kenny clearly thought he was bullshitting him. He showed Kenny the garden, the whips, the handcuffs, and then he even showed Kenny the video from the bedroom. Colby hadn't realized he was being recorded, but every bit of him calling Darren master and licking Darren's ass and drinking his piss and getting fucked was on tape.

Darren knew there was a risk he would get lynched or killed, but the interest Kenny had been showing made him realize what was more likely.

Kenny was into it.

The deal they struck was pretty simple. The boy would be Kenny's property twice a week. No limits. Anytime they were alone, Kenny could discipline and use him anyway he wanted.

If other people were present, the boy would be in a gimp suit or hooded so he couldn't be identified.

Kenny wouldn't have to use condoms, but anyone else getting more than head would use protection.

They shook on it minutes before the doorbell rang.


I had knelt in shock as Mr. Williams explained the deal he made. I was Kenny's dad's property twice a week. I would have to serve him and whomever he wanted.

Then Mr. Williams attached a leash to my collar, had me put on a jockstrap, and led me to the trunk of his car.

I lay in the trunk for what had to be an hour.

When it opened, he lifted me out and led me into a dark building.

Inside, it was clearly a porn store.

There were about five men browsing shelves of movies. Mr. Williams ignored all them and pulled me by the leash to the front counter.


I had had a fucking shitty day. My girlfriend broke up with me last week after she caught me nailing one of her friends. Today, she finally kicked me out of her place.

Work had been a fucking drone too. A bunch of middle-aged guys buying porn and dildos.

Then, this huge ass nigger walked in leading a collared white boy on a leash.

The kid looked about 14.

I'm no slouch. I play rugby at my college and you can fucking tell. I'm 5'8 and 180 pounds of muscles. But this black dude was intimidating as fuck.

He came straight to the counter, looked me in the eyes, and said, "I'm Darren. My slave needs a gimp suit."

I about bust out laughing. The kid looked mortified too.

The next ten minutes were sorting through gimp suits like this kid was goldilocks.

"This one is too small...this one is too loose...this one doesn't have fuck holes for his throat and ass..."

The guy finally settled on a patent leather catsuit type thing with zippers where the boy's mouth and ass were in the suit. The zippers came undone and then folded and buttoned back so they couldn't cut anyone's dick.

With it fully zipped up, the kid just had eyeslits to see out of and no other openings.

I boxed it up, along with a hood, and the kid was back to standing naked except for his collar and the jockstrap.

The suit came out to 552.43.

But I had to do my part to make sure the kid was alright.

I asked, "Can I use it's mouth? We got porno in the stalls back there. I'm clean and can cut a 100 off the price."

Darren nodded and handed me the leash.

I dragged the boy to one of the booths and put on a blowjob porn.

Then I asked him, "Do you need help? Is he holding you against your will? Are you eighteen?"

The kid nodded and said, "I'm eighteen. He's my master. I chose this."

I couldn't imagine how fucked up this kid's life must have been to bring him to this point.

Slave to a nigger.

But I guess it didn't matter.

I unzipped my pants, pulled my dick out, shoved him to his knees, and said, "Then suck it, you worthless piece of shit."

I knew how to treat slaves.

I couldn't help but think how much he looked like my little brother as I fucked and then jizzed his throat.


I could still taste the salesman's jizz in my mouth as I laid in the trunk.

It had been so different with him. He had tried to rescue me from Mr. Williams and then when I said what happened, he just transformed too.

He took out his smelly dick, pushed me to my knees, gripped the back of my head, and just jacked off with my mouth.

Like I wasn't even human anymore to him.

Maybe I wasn't.

After that, I figured we must be heading back to Mr. Williams' house.

But we weren't.

A minute after the car stopped, Mr. Williams opened the trunk and just said, "Out."

I looked around and didn't recognize the lot we were in. All I could see was the back of a building, the door to it, and a huge fence around the property.

Mr. Williams handed me the bags from the store, attached the leash to my collar, and led me to the door.

Mr. Logerman opened the door wide, grabbed the leash, and started to pull me in.

Mr Williams stopped him and said, "Construction starts tomorrow. We good? "

Kenny's dad nodded.

Then Mr. Williams gripped my face by the chin and said, "This is business for me. You obey him and be a good slave or I'm going to lash that back until you ain't half as pretty."

Then he shoved me inside and left.

Next: Chapter 5

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