Repost Majoring in Premed

By if.tenep.nona@121642na

Published on May 5, 1995





It was the beginning of the fall semester at the University and we were all getting ready for classes. In order to participate in sports, a physical was necessary. A local doc posted a notice on the bulletin board offering free sports physicals for students. He did physicals in groups, so that many could be done in a short time, after his usual office hours. I always hated group physicals, but the price was right and I did not want to spend a lot of money to assure my privacy. I called for an appointment and hoped that I would not know any of the other guys in the group. The following week, I arrived for the appointment and found the office, which was near the campus. Knowing that it was going to be a group physical, I was relieved that I did not know the four other guys in the waiting area. At the appointment time, the doc's assistant, a young man about my age, came in and gave us each a paper cup, which we were to write our name on and give a urine sample. He then told us to strip to our shorts and wait for the doctor in a small room directly ahead. I expected this, provided the urine sample, and waited with the others in the small examination room. It was very crowded, awkward, smelled bad, and I hoped that the physical would be quick and very superficial. The doc's assistant came in and carefully measured blood presure, height and weight on each of us. In a few minutes, the doc, a man about my father's age came in and told us to line up shoulder to shoulder in front of his exam table. I am sort of modest and self conscious so I found a spot at the end of the line. In turn, the doc checked eyes, ears, nose, listened to the heart and lungs, felt for lumps in the abdomen and did all the usual poking and proding. Finally, he said, "drop the shorts to your ankles boys". We all kind of grumbled, and one by one the shorts dropped. He started with the first guy and probed his penis and scrotum and finally commanded "cough". He followed the same procedure with each guy, and I was the last. I tried to keep my mind off what was happening because as he was examining me, I could feel myself getting half erect. The doc's assistant was standing in the doorway, watching the procedure on everyone very carefully and taking notes on a clipboard as the doc called off instructions. The assistant looked familiar, but by now, all I wanted was for this to be over, and be out of there. With complete disinterest, the doc squeezed my cock, rolled each testicle in his fingers, and finally gave the command to cough. I was relieved when that was over and expected to be able to dress and leave. The doc then told us all to turn around and bend over the table. I thought I knew what he was going to do, but I never had that done before and I was scared to death. My cock became hard as a board and I tried to hide it. I could hear the rubber glove snap on his hand and he told each guy to "spread them" so that he could insert his finger into the virgin ass and poke around. In turn, each guy, grunted and growled and when it was over, hastilly pulled up his shorts. When it was my turn, as soon as he inserted his finger, I came all over his exam table. He silently tossed me a paper towel to clean up and I hoped that no one had seen what happened. I dressed and left, without saying a word to anyone.

The next day, at school, I saw the doc's assistant in one of my classes, and realized that he was the doc's son because they had the same last name. He came up to me and smiled and told me that additional tests needed to be done and that if I wanted the physical form signed, I had to return to the office later that evening. I did not want to go through another physical, so I agreed to return for an additional test. When I got to the office, I was relieved that there were no other guys there for physicals. The doc's assistant greeted me and told me to go back to the same room as before and to strip to the shorts. He went through the same procedure, with the pressure, weight, height measurements with me standing just in shorts. Finally, he said that the doc would not be in and that he was going to finish the tests. I started to protest, but I had gone this far, and I just wanted it to be finished. Besides, what kind of tests could this young guy do? He was not a doc... The doc's assistant told me to sit on the exam table and he looked in eyes, ears, mouth, and pushed and prodded in different areas. He worked very slowly and methodically, and in some ways seemed more thorough than the doc. As he worked slowly, he told me what he was doing, which I found interesting and reassuring because he knew a lot. He layed me on my back and checked pulse, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and seemed to touch me all over. Finally, he told me to drop the shorts. I hesitated. He was insistent, and I figured that he had seen everything the day before anyway and at least we were alone this time so it should be less embarrassing. I did as I was told and he took his time feeling every contour of my penis and scrotum. He told me that he was checking for lumps in the testicles which could be cancerous - not an uncommon problem in young men. He took a high intensity light and illuminated my scrotum which made it look like a lite pumpkin. It was neat to see. The more he stroked, the harder I got, but now I was beginning to enjoy the new experience. With one hand on my backside and the other cupping my balls, he ran his finger up and down the cords in the scrotum. A drop of precum was starting to appear as I got harder and harder. He ran his finger over it, smiled and said "nice". He turned me around, gently pushed me into a bent position over the examination table, rolled his cum covered finger around my anus and inserted it into my rectum. As soon as he touched a certain spot, I came again, with incredible force. He laughed and pulled his finger out and told me that he could not complete the examination because the bowel was full and that I needed an enema. He said " no problem - we can take care of that too!". Within seconds, I felt a large tube being pushed inside me and a warm liquid begin to fill my insides. I had not had an enema since I was a little kid, but I found this situation strangely erotic. He filled my bowels with a liquid,stuck his finger into me, and squeezed the cheeks shut to prevent any fluid from leaking out. We waited for awhile and when I could not stand the pressure any more, he told me to go to the bathroom to clean myelf out. When I got back to the room, I was harder than ever and he told me that he was going to scope me. I did not know what that meant, but at this point I did not care. He pulled a long silver tube out of a drawer and bent me over the table again. He lubricated it and slowly pushed it in, turning and threading it through my bowels. He was looking through an eyepiece, just inches from my bare butt, and I could feel him breathing on my skin. It did not hurt, but it was a weird sensation to have to have this done. Suddenly I came again with an incredible force and I was afraid that the scope that was still in me, would tear me apart. He pulled the scope out of me slowly, and he told me to be still for a moment while he reached around me to squeeze the last cum out of my throbbing cock. He put it on a slide and said "do you want to see something ?" We looked at the swimming sperm on a microscope. I could not believe what I was seeing - thousands of my tiny cells swimming in a little puddle on the slide. He patted me on the butt and told me that I had passed the physical. Smiling he told me that I could do a physical on him the next time.

About three weeks later I saw the doc's "assistant" at school and he told me that he had something special to tell me. Since I was such a good patient, he wanted me to help him with a job. At one of the fraternities, there was an epidemic of burning, dripping dicks - probably gonorrhea, and now these fine boys needed a quick, discrete cure without their mommies knowing what they had been up to. Since there were five patients, who all needed careful examinations and of course shots, an assistant would be necessary. Besides it would be fun, as just the two of us would be "handling everything". I was to meet him at the office at nine that night and we would take care of our patients.

At nine that night, a car drove up, with five very serious looking young men. They entered the office and were told to take off all their clothing and wait in one of the examination rooms. We decided that we would work together because we needed to get a history and examine each young man, get a specimen of infected fluid to culture, and finally provide the cure in the form of a shot of penicillin in each cheek. Special needles were selected so that the thick, glue like antibiotic could be administered. One at a time, we selected our patient from the other exam room and layed him the table. After getting preliminary information such as medical history, we asked how he got his disease, exactly what he did and with whom. We checked each body part for lumps, bumps, drips or pain. My job was to express some fluid out of the infected penis. This was not particularly difficult as most of the guys had at least a half erection just from being touched all over. I also

had to inspect the anus for signs of disease. With a gloved hand, I pushed my finger through the anus onto the prostate and combined with gentle penile pressure - more than enough fluid was quickly generated. I was surprised at how cooperative our patients were, but of course they did not have a lot of choices. When all our patients had been examined, it was time for the injections. For this, we lined them up five abreast against exam table. They saw the needles that we were going to use on a tray and there was pure terror in the air. We decided that it would be better to give the shots in both cheeks simultaneously. With a cotton ball, we rubbed alcohol on the site of the injection to clean the skin. The smell of rubbing alcohol, hormones, fear and the situation would have stimulated the dead. With our patient bent over the table with his butt in the air, and one of us on each side, we unsheathed our needles and deeply penetrated quivering muscles with a single stab. The antibiotic was the consistency of glue and hurt a lot while it was being administered and had to be administered slowly. When all the antibiotic was administered, the needle was withdrawn and a single bead of blood appeared where it was inserted. Some of the guys yelled, some were stoic, and some wimpered. When that was over, they found their clothes, paid us, and prepared to leave. They were told that they symptoms should be gone in a few days, to refrain from sex with anyone else and to return for their follow up appointment in ten days. They pulled their pants on very gingerly and left.

Ten days later, we again met our patients at the office. This time they seemed to be a lot happier. They were joking together and were bound in friendship having survived an ordeal together. When they got to the office, we told them that we needed to make sure that the antibiotic worked and if it didn't, they would need a booster shot. They groaned at the thought of another shot, but started to take off their pants and underpants so that they could be reexamined. We needed to make sure that everything was normal and we had to culture the contents of their urethras to make sure that it was free of germs. One by one, they complied with our requests and with a gloved hand, the organ was examined. The antibiotic had obviously done the job because there was no discharge, but it was still important to get an internal sample. This time it was going to be a little different. With our patients seated, with their knees pulled to their chests and their dicks sticking straight out, we passed a lubricated catheter with a tiny brush on the end, into them to gather a sample. We held the penis with one hand and gently pushed it in about three inches with the other- before withdrawing it. It only took a few minutes, but considering the cries and moans, I think that they would rather have had booster shots. We told them that if the culture was clear, then they were cured! They dressed quickly, probably thinking that if they stayed any longer we were going to come up with some other diabolical test. After enduring the disease, the examination, diagnostic tests and treatment, I doubt if any of the guys will ever engage in unprotected sex again!

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