Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on Feb 20, 2006



**************************************************************************** Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, swearing, and graphic violence.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe, created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Conversations in the [ ] boxes are communicated through the headsets.


Mark was snapped out of his dream as Jake cleared his throat. He didn't realize at first, but the elevator door was open on his floor. Holding his coke, he stepped out of the elevator and slowly moved to the flat door. Mark heard the elevator doors close behind him. Sighing, he slapped himself.

"Keep yourself together Mark... (Small laugh) daydreaming... Poor Jake; must have thought that I was drugged, and-" Mark stared at the floor for a moment before he dropped his face in his left hand.

"-and I forgot to thank him for the ride..." Sighing deeply, Mark took one last sip from his nearly empty cup and decided to thank the guy later. At the moment, Mark's only concern was to get some sleep.

Fumbling with his black backpack, Mark managed to slip out his flat card and slide it through the card slip by the door handle. The light flashed green and a small click could be heard within the door mechanics. He placed the card in his pockets and lifted up his bag from the floor, opening the door. The place was dark, but Mark managed to find his way to the metallic stairs. The only source of light was from the captivating and gothic skyscrapers that stood by the huge window. As Mark slowly climbed the stairs, he noticed that the dark shade of clouds had not changed since he had arrived in L.A.

Mark reached the top of the stairs, after what seemed to feel like a hike up Mt. Everest. He nearly tripped over, but his left hand grabbed the metal railing.

"Ouch!" Mark stopped for a moment and tried to figure where the slight pain was coming from. His left hand. He brought his hand to his face and could see the cut in the middle of his hand.

Sighing, Mark sat down on the top step and opened his backpack. He looked for something within the jungle of stuff in his bag and found it. Applying the bandage to his hand, Mark thought if he had been infected with the T-Virus.

"Impossible. If the area had been infected, it would have been closed down for good and would have eyes watching it 24/7" He thought to himself.

Ignoring this scary thought, Mark looked at his watch: 4:45 AM. Hopefully the gang won't wake him up for breakfast. Mark really wanted to take a hot shower, but couldn't find the urge to move to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. Instead, he stood up and walked to his left, reaching the third door. He slowly turned the door handle and peeked in. Carlos was still asleep. Mark closed the door and gently threw his bag next to his bed. Walking over to his luxurious single waterbed on the left side of the room, Mark took off his military belt and made sure that his Magnum was on the safety lock. The teen jumped onto his bed with joy and lost himself within the thick blanket.

A small whisper made its way to Mark.

"Mark" The boy ignored it and stuck his head under the blanket.

"Mark" Again, Mark moaned in protest.

"... Mark" He lazily opened his eyes and saw darkness as he breathed in the heavy air under the blanket. Again the whisper came; only this time, it was closer.

"Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark M-M-M-M-M-M-M-A-A-A-R-R-R-R-K Marcus Mark"

A moment of silence assed and Mark nearly fell asleep.


"Alright alright!" Mark sat up in defeat and looked at his wake up call.

"What do you want Angie" The girl stood there, with her puppy eyes and gleaming smile.

"Can I use your Ipod Mark"

The boy eyed her for a second in disbelief.

"It's on the counter in the kitchen"

"Yes!" She jumped in victory and left the room to Mark.

Dropping himself back onto the bed, Mark rubbed his eyes and yawned. Looking over to Carlos's bed on the other side of the room, he saw that it was empty, and neatly cleaned into its original position.

"Uuugh... (Yawn) I need a hot shower..."

Mark sighed. He looked at the counter next to his bed and saw that it was 1:14 PM. He smiled to himself. At least he got 8 hours of sleep. The rest probably think that he was sick or something. He got up and slowly climbed out of his soft bed, his feet making contact with the black fuzzy carpet. Yawning again, he walked over to the dresser and grabbed some new clothes. He picked out a pair of dark blue jeans and a black Nike long sleeved shirt. Making his way out of the room, he grabbed a towel as well. The small hallway was empty, but the sound of the television could be heard. Walking over to the banister, he gently leaned over and looked down at the living room. To his surprise, a few lights had been turned on, as the weather was dark and grim. Angie sat on the black leather couch; watching Desperate Housewives and listening to music at the same time. Mark smiled and left the balcony area and returned to the hallway, making his way to the bathroom at the very end. As he reached the door, someone behind him spoke.

"Good morning sexy" Mark didn't turn around. He didn't recognize the voice as he was yawning as he heard it. He stood still for a moment before he finally gave in. Giving up, he spun around and saw-

Giovanni, Russel, and C.Jay standing in the hallway looking at him.

Mark's eyes immediately fell upon Giovanni with a 'ha ha, very funny you prick' kind of look. But Giovanni had no expression. Frowning, Mark looked over at Russel. Same: blank expression. He then looked at C.Jay. Same same. Mark stood there, dumbfounded.

"What did you say?" He asked, looking at all three of their expressions. None of them cracked. A moment of silence passed as Mark anticipated his answer. But none came.

"... Okay..." Frowning, Mark slowly turned away from the boys and opened the bathroom door. When he closed the door, he quickly locked it and stood in silence as he tried to hear any convo.


"Probably some dumb joke" He thought to himself. He shook his thoughts off and placed his clothes on the marble counter. Turning the bath tap on, Mark began to strip.

******************************************************************************** Umbrella Headquarters, Austria_

"Sir, where shall we test out your latest achievement?"


"Los Angeles" His voice was firm, and sure.

The guy smiled.

"We will begin in 3 days"

"Get to it"

It had been 15 minutes since Mark had sunk into the huge bathtub; the water remained hot so far. Mark dozed off a couple of times, thinking of his long gone past.

"(Smiling) No school" Thinking for a little bit, he sighed. Mark bit his lower lip, remembering that he would have to give thanks to Jake later on.

Mark took a deep breath and totally sunk himself in the water. A few seconds later, the noise of ripples had subsided. Holding his breath, Mark closed his eyes as he enjoyed the strange feeling of being underwater. But Mark immediately opened his eyes as he felt a chilling wave of water touch him. It was ice cold, and Mark had to surface to check what it was. In shock, Mark found nothing. The strange sensation had disappeared as Mark looked around in the tub, searching for the ghastly origin. Mark scratched his head and then ignored the weird incident. He lied back down, head resting on the edge of the tub, and closed his eyes.

2 minutes later.

Mark opened his eyes and looked around the bathroom for something he didn't know. A strange feeling had formed in Mark's stomach. He couldn't tell what this feeling was, but it felt foreboding. Just then, for no apparent reason, Mark fixed his eyes at the door. It was like as if he knew something was going to happen. But nothing did.

Mark ignored it, rolling his eyes. He closed his eyes again as a moment of silence passed. An eerie ambience had now settled in the air. Frowning with his eyes closed, Mark hugged himself as he suddenly felt the water become chilly. He slowly opened his eyes. He kept on looking at the wall in front of him as he endured the strange coolness that now shook his bones. Again, the strange feeling had created a knot within him self. Mark listened to the creepy atmosphere. Turning his head slowly, Mark looked at the door. But when he looked at it, something was now different.

It was unlocked.

Mark stared at it in shock as the water became colder and colder every moment. He didn't realize it, but his teeth began clattering. Again, he looked at the door in disbelief. And just before Mark could think any further, the door slowly opened.

Mark's eyes grew wider and the door opened. He was ready to shout at whoever was standing on the other side. But as the door opened to its widest, no one was there. Mark could see the entire hallway, as the bathroom was at the end, and in the center. The hallway itself, was strangely dark. Mark continued looking in horror. If this was some joke that was supposed to scare Mark, they were doing an excellent job at it. Mark was about to lift himself up when his clothes on the counter dropped.

He froze.

He thought for a moment. It didn't drop by accident. His clothes were not by the edge of the counter. Mark swallowed his throat and could feel his heart beat faster than usual. He gathered all his strength and pulled himself out of the icy water. He grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist.

Mark stood in the middle of the bathroom.

"You guys, this isn't funny."


"I'm serious" Mark's voice had now become shaky. Mark didn't believe in ghosts and such, but that didn't mean that they didn't exist.

Mark mentally slapped himself for thinking about ghosts. He took a deep breath and then walked forward into the hallway.

As soon as he stepped out of the bathroom, a chill had hit Mark straight on. His teeth began clattering again. Folding his arms, Mark slowly walked down the dark hallway.

Mark froze in his place as the door of the first room he had passed had slowly opened, creaking on the way. He looked over his shoulder and looked into the room. It was all-dark. He took another deep breath and then moved forward again, passing the second room. Again, shivers ran down his spine as the door creaked open. When he looked, it was also too dark to see anything. Now, Mark's heart had reached a high level as he continued moving down the hallway. When he passed the third room, he shut his eyes and prayed that it would not open.

To his surprise, it didn't.

But as Mark opened his eyes and took another step, he heard the door swing open. He tried to ignore it, moving again. Now, he was passing his room. But Mark frowned as he noticed that the door was shut. He remembered that he had not closed the door when he left to the bathroom.

When he reached the flight of stairs, he heard his door open. Mark leaned over the banister and looked down. The T.V had been switched off and all the lights, but one, were off as well. So the entire flat was shrouded in strange darkness. Mark frowned. He looked to a hanging clock next to the giant aquarium (Which, the lights, were off as well). Mark's mouth hung open as he read the clock.

It was 7:03 PM.

Mark stood in shock as he looked at the clock over and over again. Did he fall asleep for 6 hours?? Was the clock wrong??? Mark didn't know, but the foreboding feeling he had in the bathroom remained with him.

He looked away from the clock in defeat and decided to go downstairs. Step by step, Mark made his way down the flight of stairs, noticing the skyscrapers and their pretty lights out the window. When he laid foot on the bottom of the steps, the one light that was one flickered. Mark stood still for a moment as the flickering subsided. Whatever was happening, Mark didn't like it one bit. He decided to get the kitchen lights. But the kitchen was in complete darkness.

Making his way to the kitchen with his arms outstretched for safety, Mark moved slowly. When he reached the kitchen, he heard a noise behind him. When he turned and felt in front of him, Mark's heart stopped dead in its tracks. His eyes grew wide in horror as he felt someone's figure in front of him.

A zombie.

Mark took his hands off and was about to run when the thing grabbed Mark on the hips. Its touch was icy cold.

"Hey! Woah! Stop there!" Mark struggled to break free. And in self-defense, he randomly kicked his attacker. The hands around him had let go as Mark heard a groan of pain and heard a thump. Mark spun in circles, looking for the light switch in the dark. When he found it, he turned it on and was prepared to look for any weapons around him.

Instead, Mark sees his 'zombie' lying on the floor. Jake; the receptionist.

"Oh my god" Mark dropped to the floor.

"I'm sooo sorry Jake, I didn't know. A-Are you okay??? Oh my god, your not bleeding are you??" Jake looked up at the boy and Mark could see the strain on his face.

"I'm fine... Nice aim you got there"

"What?" Mark was still in shock.

"You kicked me in the balls kid" Mark's eyes widened in more shock as this detail was revealed to him. Jake was trying to stand up, Mark helped him.

"(Uneasy laugh) Oh... uh... I"

"It's ok"

Mark sighed and looked away in shame. A moment of silence passed and Mark looked back at Jake to find him-


Mark raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at Jake's face, which was analyzing every part of his body. Mark forgot that he was only wearing a towel around his waist.

"(Clearing his throat) I'm up here" Came Mark. And Jake looked up at him in surprise as he was caught in the act.

"Oh uh... nice abs and chest...?" Mark could feel his embarrassment burn in his cheeks.

"I used to work out" Jake did a "Aah okay" face.

"Did you know that there is a gym on the third floor that you can use"

"Oh really? Okay then"

Mark was now feeling uncomfortable as he looked around. When he looked back at Jake, he caught him again.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh right, forgot, um. I came in to check if everything was alright."

A small smile came upon Mark's face "Aah really?"

Jake must have noticed how stupid his comment sounded as his gaze shifted to the floor.

He changed the conversation.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm in this flat." He came, looking around with his eyes.

"Why is that a good thing?"

"Nah, haven't you heard?"


"Well, four years ago, in this flat, at around 7:04 pm, the resident committed suicide in the bathroom." Mark didn't move as the foreboding feeling came again.

7:04... the time flashed in Mark's head a couple of times.

"And people say that this place is haunted. (Chuckle) Have you experienced anything weird let's say?" Jake fixed his gaze and slight smile on Mark.

Mark shifted his weight a little.

"No, none" He whispered.

Jake nodded his head.

"You look cold, I suggest getting changed"

Mark made his way to the stairs, but stopped on the first step. He looked up into the darkness on the second floor. His clothes were in the bathroom. Mark had never felt so unsure before. Shivers ran down his spine as he thought of going back up there.

"Something wrong?"

"Uhh... I-I-don" Mark cut off his sentence and looked at Jake.

"Can you come up with me?"


"It's just, I would like to show you something."


Jake stood behind Mark as they made their way up the stairs. When they got there, Mark turned on the lights in the hallway.

All the doors were closed. Including the bathroom.

Jake looked over the Mark a couple of times, wondering why he wasn't moving.

"Well, if there is nothing to show me, where are your clothes, sir?"

Mark didn't say anything but pointed a shaky finger at the bathroom.

"It's in there"

"I'll go get it" mark was about to pull him back but it was too late. Jake walked to the bathroom and opened it.

The lights were out.

He turned them on and grabbed the clothes that were-

On the counter.

He shut the lights and the bathroom door and walked over to Mark, who looked scared shitless.

"here you go"

Mark took his clothes and didn't know what to say. Jake stood in front of him and placed his hands on Mark's shoulders.

"Are you sure that there is nothing wrong?"

Mark slowly withdrew his eyes from the bathroom door and looked up at Jake.

"I-I haven't thanked you yet... for the ride"

"That's no problem sir"

A moment of silence.

"I have another confession"

Jake's eyes lit up.

"What is it" He was now whispering.

"I have to go" Mark knew that that wasn't the answer Jake was expecting, but he had to go see the Velvet Fox. Jake's eyes fell.

"Very well, my duty here is done as well"

"Umm, can you go in that room over there and grab the bag sitting next to the door please?" Mark wasn't taking any chances to see any ghosts.

"Sure" ********************************************************************************

"Well well well, if it isn't my dear wolf" Came the sultry voice.

"I'm here for the info"

"Aah. I'm afraid that's not possible my love"

Mark took another sip of his fruit punch and adjusted himself on the comfy seat in the booth.

"Why not?" Mark frowned.

"I have another mission for you my darling"

"What? But I just finished one."

"Yes, but this one involves the info I promised you"

"Go on'

"You see, a pesky reporter had snuck into my room and stole a clipboard with a sheet of valuable info on it involving Umbrella last night"

"And lemme guess, you want me to retrieve it?"

"Yes, and kill the reporter"

Mark choked on his drink.


"If he has read this paper, he would know too much. And if he has talked to people like... Umbrella, then they would send over people to kill us all you see"

Mark slowly nodded his head.

"How do I kill him?"

"Any way you like, just as long as no breath ever enters his precious little mouth again"

"Umm okay..."

"If you retrieve the info, you'll get $500, and if you kill the reporter and anyone else who has read the paper, you'll get more"

"And I'll get the info right?"

"Ofcourse" The Velvet Fox leaned against the back of the seat and folded her arms.

"Tell me, is this bra alright, or is it too 'not-exposed'?"

Mark blinked a couple of times. The question had totally gotten him lost.

"It's fine"

"Mmm... I'd hate to tell you this but your gonna have to carry out this quest tonight, as the reporter is leaving town tomorrow"

"Where is he?"

"My personal driver and bodyguard will get you there, he's waiting outside the club right now. You won't miss him on your way out."

Mark nodded his head. The lady stood up and moved over to Mark in a seductive manner and kissed him on the forehead.

"Don't fail me now. Goodluck my wolf"

And for the third time, she disappeared within her undying domain. Mark sighed and stood up, carrying his bag as he left the club. When he got outside, a sexy built man approached Mark.

"Are you the assassin?"

Mark raised his eye brows.

"Umm, yes"

"Follow me"

Mark followed the guy out the club front and crossed the street. The guy motioned to the black jaguar and Mark obeyed. Mark sat in the back. He prayed to god that this wouldn't take long as the rest of the gang would return from their duties at around 10.

"So, my name is Kurt."


"Any stops before our final destination?"

"Umm yeah, the pawnshop" ********************************************************************************

"Good evening kid" Came Luigi, the owner of the pawnshop Mark had been to before only once.

"Do you have any latex gloves?"

"$5 a pack"

"I'll take one" Mark mentally congratulated himself for thinking of the gloves. If he were to kill someone, he didn't want to leave any evidence.

The car pulled up infront of an old apartment building. The red bricks and shabby design gave the place an old look. Mark stepped out of the car and made his way through the glass doors.

"Hi, I'm looking for a reporter, uhh, Mr. Gade"

The guy at the counter looked at a pice of paper and then back at Mark.

"4th floor"

Mark nodded and then looked around the room. There was no lift. Sighing, he took the stairs and made his way to the 4th floor.

When he reached his destination, the stench of coffee filled the heavy air as Mark stepped into the dimly lit hallway. There was only one door. Mark moved.

Knock Knock.

Mark stood infront of the door, holding something behind his back. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a man in his middle ages wearing a suite.


"Is this Mr. Gade?" said Mark with a pleasant smile.

"Yes, the reporter that is" He said proudly. Mark mentally rolled his eyes.

"I'm from maintainance, here to check your electricity and heating. Is anyone else here?"



"How is that good?"

A devilish smile came from Mark.

"You'll see"

Mark pulled the gun from behind him and shot Mr. Gade in the forehead.


Mark watched as Mr. Gade fell to the floor. He placed his silent gun in his belt and stepped inside the guys flat, shutting the door. He dragged the dead man to a corner and left him there.

Mark looked at the black expression of Mr. Gade. Mark had just killed somebody. And how did he feel?

"Good" he whispered to himself.

He spun around and began searching the small room. After 5 minutes of searching through piles of old clothes and pizza boxes, Mark's eyes fell upon a clipboard by the window. ********************************************************************************

Mark stepped into the black car.


And with that, the car moved. Mark took off his gloves and placed them in a plastic bag within his backpack. He would dispose of them later. ********************************************************************************

"Excellent" she said as she took the clipboard off of Mark.

"Did you do it"


"Oooh, my little wolf is growing strong I see..." She winked at him as Mark sipped on his second drink of the night.

"Here is $1000 my dear, don't lose it" Mark took the money and placed it in his bag.

"And now, your info"

"I gotta use the bathroom" Mark was urgent.

"Down the left, we have all night"

Mark gave thanks and made his way to the bathroom. When he got there, all the urinals were out of service, so he got into a stall.

He sighed in relief as he emptied himself. When he was done, he was about to get out of the stall when his eyes fell upon something on one of the stall walls. A hole. Mark thought for a moment...

A glory hole! He thought.

He looked at it. He had never seen one before, only in his wildest fantasies. He bent down and peaked throu-

"Ow!" He whispered. He rubbed his left eye and looked at the p-

8" penis that had stuck through the hole and poked Mark in the eye as he was about to look at the hole! ********************************************************************************

Mark froze in his spot and covered his mouth, unsure of what to think of as the cock lazily swayed from side to side. Mark went rock hard as he kept on looking at the thing before him. Mark wasn't sure of what would happen if he just left. Would the guy beat him up??? Mark tossed that thought away. As much as he wanted to leave, Mark had been sexually inactive for two weeks. And now, all Mark could think of was-

"Eat the lollipop... Eat the lollipop..."

He was now biting his nails as he kept on thinking about what to do. The last time he gave a blowjob was when he was with Giovanni. And now, the opportunity to do so, not only a blowjob, but a glory hole experience, seemed like something Mark couldn't pass up on. And as the Velvet Fox had said,

"We have all night"

Mark didn't hesitate. He moved forward and stuck out his tongue. Slowly licking the cock from base to head and feeding on the pre cum, Mark could hear moans on the other side of the wall. Mark went slower now, and felt the strain in the person on the other side. This was too much for him. After 3 minutes, he decided to stop teasing and Mark began with the heavy stuff.

He engulfed the hot head into his moist mouth and sucked on it like there was no tomorrow. Swirling his tongue around this prized possession, Mark moaned as he did, sending vibrations and pleasure to this anonymous guy.

He removed his mouth from the head and licked the excess saliva away and gazed at the cock with a deep lust. If Mark were some animal, he would have eaten the thing by now. Mark took a deep breath and then plunged his mouth onto the penis; his nose touching the frizzy pubes. A loud moan had escaped from the other side as Mark made his way up, and then down again.

He sped up and began pumping his head onto the steel rod. And as he did, he pulled out his hard cock and began jerking it as well.

After a moment of hardcore sucking, Mark could feel the cock within his mouth start to thicken. He knew that he was about to get his protein for the day. After one bob, two bobs, three bobs, Mark felt the dick swell up and then finally, explode. One, two, three, four, five, six jets of hot white fluid came gushing out and into Mark's mouth as he continued bobbing up and down. And as the guy came, Mark also blew his load onto the wall.

Mark removed his mouth from the cock and licked the remaining cum as he squeezed more out of the guy's dick. He licked it clean with one final stroke and then he let go as the cock disappeared within the hole. Mark controlled his breathing and zipped his pants back up. He heard the stall next to him open and heard the main door close. Mark opened his door and stepped out into the bathroom. But the guy had not left as Mark had thought he did. Mark looked up at the man

"Oh my god"

Both Jake's and Mark's mouths hung open in disbelief.

"Uh, that was... uh.. great... probably the best blowjob I've ever had" Came Jake, uneasily.

Mark slowly frowned and nodded his head, unsure if that was a compliment or a joke.

"Well then, I guess I've thanked you for the ride huh?" Mark said.

Jake smiled back.

"I have to meet someone" Came Mark.

"Yeah, um, later"

"Yea" ********************************************************************************

Mark sat himself down at the table next to the Velvet Fox.

"Oooh, I saw you two go out at the same time, and it's been 15 minutes. Anything... saucy happened between you two?" She said smoothly.


Mark looked at her and saw that she was smiling. He rolled his eyes in defeat.

"Okay, yes, I-we've, yes we did okay?"

"(laughter) hmm... maybe you can work for me one day..."

"Shut up! (Chuckle) now, spill all the details"

"What, the job or your info?" She enthused.

Mark looked at her with a 'don't you fucking mess wit me gurl' look.

"I'll give you the paper and you can read it as your riding to your new mission"

Mark blinked.

"(Sigh) What now?"

"I've heard that Umbrella have come up with a new form of the T-Virus, and that they are stashing samples here in L.A"

"A new form...?"

"Yes, come with me, I'll explain further in the car."

******************************************************************************** So what ya think? Drop me any comments at or visit/join my group: ********************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 10

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