Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Jan 30, 2002


Chapter 1: "A Very Long Weekend".

This is my first attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Turning you on of course! The very first story I wrote was published a few weeks ago. It was called "Joan and I "

That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. It's very much taken from life. I guess you might say it's mostly a true story. If this kind of story is problem for you go no further.

Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, the friend and mother she baby sits for. Other friends and lovers.

Leila Benson.

Chapter 2

A Very Long Weekend.

Leila Benson.

Part - I.

I tried hard not to focus on the coming weekend. It was not easy. The days passed quickly. The Bogarts would pick me up at about ten in the morning. Mark was taking Friday off. I was delighted with an extra day. I also found that Allison's friend Lin is coming up Saturday evening for the night. I admitted to a small buzz of apprehension. I had not seen Mark since June and I didn't really know what Allison had told him. I have to admit to myself that having him known was both exciting and it also made me feel sort of awkward. I did remember that when I began to develop, Mark became less playful, certainly less physical. I became also more self-conscious around him. Aware of him as a sexual person. I now understood that he was feeling at least unconsciously the same thing. I also realized that that was one of the many ways that marks the end of childhood.

They arrived promptly at ten. Kisses and hugs all around. Off we went. It took about an hour and a half to drive there and we arrived just before twelve. We threw the stuff in the house. I saw my room. The Bogarts went to shop for groceries while Cindy and I shared camp stories. The Bogarts returned. We had lunch. I lay around for awhile when the Bogarts took Cindy to visit her friend from last summer on the other side of the lake.

Nothing that Mark or for that mater Allison said or did indicated anything had been said to Mark. When they returned, having left Cindy at her friends for the afternoon, we all changed for a swim. The lake was at a perfect temperature. Warmed by the summer, but still refreshing. The Bogarts had a small float just after the lake deepened. I swam out to it and climbed up. The sun was hot but the air was delightful. A mild breeze blew across the lake causing little waves to break on the side of the float. I loved the sound.

I was almost drifting off to sleep when I heard and felt someone climbing onto the float. It was Mark. The wet hair makes him look like a Roman soldier I had once seen illustrated in a book. He was in great shape with curly black hair on his chest. He asked me if it was ok for him to be there or would I rather be alone?

"Oh no" I replied, "come sit down. It's perfect here".

He sat down next to me. "Look Molly, I want to quickly break the ice. Allison has told me about your spring and summer experiences, and of course what happened between the two of you this past week. I want to be as clear as I can. I think it's great. All of it. I've watched you develop the past few years, and at the risk of embarrassing you, I want you to know how desirable you've become. You were always a great kid. But this was a dimension of you that was great to see blossom. Allison and I were very aware of it happening. Nothing that can or will happen between us all will ever happen without your wish. I wanted to assure you of that. It's very important for you to understand that. I hope this hasn't sounded like a speech. I must admit I did practice just a little bit. I thought it was important to get in right. Is there anything that you want to know? You've been completely open with us and we owe you at least that. So ask away."

I had listened carefully and I was very taken with his thoughtfulness and earnestness, and I told him so. He seemed relieved. I then asked him something that had been on my mind all week. Something that I admitted I was having a hard time with, so I decided that now was a good time to screw up my courage and ask. So I did.

"Mark, look this is a hard one for me, but both of you, I really feel are being open with me so here it goes. Are you gay or bi-sexual yourself?"

He laughed in a kind way. Amused but not a put down of my question. "Now that's a good question, and it makes perfect sense. I'm not, but as you can well understand, I respect every sexual expression. For me the only thing that really counts is that people consent and agree to a relationship and that it's free. I guess what I mean is that there's no forcing anyone to do anything either by physical or psychological threats of any kind. I think you know what I mean. People must be free to have the relationship they agree to. You understand that?"

I assured him I understood and agreed. He nodded. "Look Molly it's important that you know that Allison's relationships are her own. I introduced her to her Lin at college. I knew that Allison was BI-sexual. She was very clear about that. I never found it threatening. It was a part of her that I could never fully satisfy. She's had that friendship since college, and others, and I think it's great. I also think it's terrific that you and Allison have found each other that way. I find it exciting really, and I want to assure you that whatever happens between all of us will be of your own choice. Ok?"

I thanked him for his explaining all this to me, and that I completely understood. In being honest at least to myself, I wasn't completely sure at this point, what all of this meant or how all of this would unfold and affect me. One thing was certain; talking to Mark made me feel better. I told Mark that I had met Lin briefly before, and thought she was beautiful.

We both dove into the lake and raced each other to the shore. It was a tie. Allison was lying in the hammock reading. She told us that Cindy was going to have a sleepover at her friends that night. I must admit now I had mixed feelings about that. Other than a few days before with Allison, I had really never been with the Bogard's without it being about or around Cindy so I felt some, I guess you might call it apprehension.

I needn't have. The afternoon went pleasantly enough. Sometime after lunch, Mark went into the den to work on his editorial for next week's newspaper. Allison and I prepared to paint an old chair she picked up at a tag sale a while ago. She wanted to paint it many different colors. We looked in the cellar and garage and collected a surprising number of different paints and colors. We planned what colors we would use where, then prep and sand the chair and get to work. We chatted about everything and nothing, and the time fled.

At one point she asked a number of personal questions but I guessed at this point I felt so close to her I found her asking quite all right. She asked me if I used birth control. I explain how my pediatrician last spring thought I should have my own gynecologist. My mom and I thought that was a good idea so we went. It was in many ways the first time I saw a doctor of my own privately. I was pleased that she was a woman. After the examination, she asked me point blank if I was getting sexually active. I told her I really wasn't particularly, but that I might be, of course not promiscuously, or words to that effect. She wanted to know if I wanted to use birth control. I thought I did so we talked about it awhile and we both decided on Norplant.

A week latter I went back and she did this little thing on my arm and that was it. Another week and you couldn't even see where it was. Allison was also interested if I had fooled around with drugs. I thought that was a fair question, considering I took care of Cindy. I told her that I had once tried sniffing cocaine, and even though I think I had a reaction, I sneezed so many times and my nose ran so much I felt pretty certain it was not for me, and to tell her the truth, the little effect it had, actually frightened me. I found the small effect a little too good.

She understood. She told me that she had also tried it. She however put some behind her lip. She said that the effect was much like mine except that her lip became numb and she could hardly talk. We both laughed over that. Had I tried anything else? She wanted to know. I told her about trying grass a few times, but only coughing my brains out with no effect at all and how frustrated I was. She told me the same thing happened to her, but Mark had taught her how to inhale without coughing and with some practice she had managed to get high. She said that they smoked grass once in a while or took some hash. She liked the feeling a lot, but certainly was no "pothead". They liked to do it only in a relaxed atmosphere, either alone or with very close friends. She was very relaxed about telling me all this. I told her I was jealous. She laughed. I asked her if she had tried anything else? She said they had tried Ecstasy a few times. "It was so good", she said that they found it, " almost too good", and also that you really could never be sure what you were getting and it was sort of dangerous. We continued to work on the chair until it was almost finished. We were very pleased with the way it was turning out. It was time to wash up and think about supper.

Mark appeared, and admired our work. I shucked the corn and put up a pot of water, while Mark got the grill going. Allison prepared a salad. Mark put the steaks on the grill. The smell was wonderful. The Steaks where big thick ones. They were going to take a bit of time. I was hungry beyond belief. Allison opened a bottle of white wine. One glass and I realized I was actually slightly light headed. We tore into the steak and corn. I was as happy as could be. The talk was relaxed, funny and just plain easy going. We threw the dishes into the washer and staggered on to the screened porch and watched a great sunset over the lake. I could not have been happier.

It got a bit chilly on the porch so we went into the living room. The house itself was a wonderful old stone building that had been added on too over the years. It was built by Mark's Great Grandfather at the turn of the century, then it was Mark's Uncle's and Aunt's until he retired and they moved to be near their daughter in California. Mark and Allison, I understand, in some complex family understanding, got the house about five years ago. The house was a great combination of the old and the new. Some walls of stone, but many of glass, looking out across the screened porch-veranda on three sides. Big comfortable couches and chairs looking at a huge stone fireplace. A beautiful big old Turkish Kilim pulled it all together. They called it their cottage. This cottage had four bedrooms and a guest wing so while not grand, it was certainly extremely comfortable, as I was sure the Bogard's were.

Part - II

We sort of all collapsed on the couch and chair. We exchanged small talk. Mark was interested in what I was thinking about in so far as colleges and majors were concerned. That kind of talk. Allison put on some music. We all became kind of quiet. Allison mentioned to Mark about my non-grass experience.

"Are you interested in trying again? Mark asked. "Have something called "Burmese Red", it's supposed to be very smooth with a very sweet affect. I was sort of saving it for a kind of special occasion." He and Allison looked at each other and smiled. "I think this qualifies as a very special occasion."

I agreed to give it a try, and told him that I hoped he was as successful with me as he had been with Allison. He left the room for a few minutes, and came back with a plastic bag with the grass and a package of cigarette papers. He expertly rolled a joint, then another. He told me that the secret was to relax and how I should take in as much air as possible. He took a big hassock and moved it to the couch so he was in front of me.

Allison was sort of wedged in the corner of the couch. He put all the stuff on the coffee table and asked if everyone was comfortable Allison asked him to lower the lights, which he did and came back and lit up the joint. "Ok Molly watch what I do. I'll guide you through it. Remember lots of air and not much smoke. Alright here we go." He took a drag lightly with his lips sort of open taking in air at the same time. "Ok give it a try. If you feel like coughing, that's ok it just means you've taken in to much smoke and not enough air. Alright go ahead."

He handed me the joint and I tried the way he told me. I sputtered a little. I tried again, a little cough, but not bad. The taste was very pleasant. Not at all what I had expected.

Marc said, "One more time. Go ahead. Try to take in just a little more this time and try to hold it in your lungs as long as you can."

He handed me back the burning joint and I tried it the way he suggested. It was not easy. I want to cough it out but I hang in for sometime, then exhale with a sort of gush. "Terrific. Very good. Ok pass it to Allison." Which I did.

Allison took a deep drag and held it then passed it to Mark, and around it went. The next few times were much easier, although I did cough when I took in too much. For the most part, I was rather pleased with myself. My problem now was I have absolutely no idea what the effect should feel like and I didn't seem to feel anything much. At some point I told them that maybe I'm immune to the effect. They both laughed, not at me, but sympathetically.

Allison reassured me and told me to relax and it would happen. I was relaxed, I least I thought so. I was looking down at the rug on the floor and I became very aware how beautiful the rug was. I love the way the patterns were designed in. I was struck with how the colors worked so well together. I mentioned this to both of them. They smiled at me and agree.

The joint was passed around. I now became aware of my increased heartbeat and a flushed feeling. Odd but ok. The music was very nice. I was not sure, what it was but I loved the intricate way it was arranged. Allison's voice startled me back from my reverie.

"How you doing? You ok?"

I assured her that I was feeling great. Mark handed me the joint again and I sucked in the smoke rather greedily. I coughed some but not too bad. I took in some more and tried to see how long I could hold it in. I passed the joint to Allison. I watched her carefully. A few strands of her hair were beside her ears. I could see a slight shine of perspiration on her face. I looked at her legs. She had her legs sort of tucked up under herself on the couch. She was wearing a yellow short jumper over a kind of cotton short sleeve pullover. I could see the blonde downy hair on her thighs. I was almost overcome with tender feelings for her. I heard myself telling her how much I loved and cared about her.

I was not embarrassed. It hit me suddenly that this was it! I was stoned. I looked at Mark and Allison and laughed. They laughed with me. I told them that I was feeling great. They assured me they were too. I loved the way I felt. Allison asked me if I wanted to talk about it, or if I had any questions, anything at all. I told them that I was just fine, in fact more than fine, wonderful. We all laughed.

I looked at Mark. He was wearing old chino's a baggy blue polo shirt and he had no shoes. I loved the way he looked. I told him so. He told me that he had found me very attractive for at least the last six months. He told me he loved my wide mouth and full lips. All of this was said with such warm feelings that I was almost overcome with joy. I realized it was the grass but it felt so good. I mentioned this to both of them and Mark said that one of the nice things about grass was that it lowered ones defensives, so some very warm feeling could just flow out so nicely.

I couldn't agree more, and said so. Mark said that Allison's description of my first sexual made his first pale by comparison. My interest was aroused. I told them, "It's not fair, you both have had the advantage of hearing mine. Now it's should be my turn. Come on Mark let me hear it, please."

Allison piped in and agreed, "Go ahead Mark lets hear it. I've heard it before but I would love to hear it again, come on. Then I'll tell you mine I promise, ok?"

Mark agreed. Allison puts a few CDs in the changer. She started some old Bert Bachrach records and put out a few more lights. Mark got out of the hassock, dragged over the big club chair, put his feet up on the couch between Allison and myself and leaned back and began. He was partially in shadow and I could just barely see his face.

End of Part-2

A Very Long Weekend.

Next: Chapter 3

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