Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Feb 2, 2002


Chapter 1: "A Very Long Weekend".

This is my first attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Turning you on of course! The very first story I wrote was published a few weeks ago. It was called "Joan and I "

That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. It's very much taken from life. I guess you might say it's mostly a true story. If this kind of story is problem for you go no further.

Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, the friend and mother she baby sits for. Other friends and lovers.

Leila Benson


After the lights of the kitchen had been off, the living room seemed very dark but after little while I could see just fine and the level of light was perfect. They must have had a dimmer system, because it was almost impossible to say where the light was coming from, but yet the overall effect was perfect. It was very soft, and I guessed the word would be "mellow".

Mark appeared as though he hadn't moved. Except now the hassock was back and his feet were on it rather than the couch. He took and hungrily drank the juice with obvious relish and thanked Allison. Only then do I thought he really became aware of us, or the way we had changed our clothing.

"Boy when you said lets get more comfortable I never thought you would bring back such a nice treat for my eyes." He then looked at us both more directly and continued. "You both look absolutely marvelous. Allison, I have hardly ever seen you look so fantastic, so, I guess you have to say hot, and you Molly, well I've never seen you like this, so for me it's a first. You're stunning. Seeing you in a bathing suit was not bad, but this is another you, altogether. I'm absolutely knocked out."

I must admit I was very flattered. Allison was giving Mark such a loving look it was clear that his words had affected her. She walked over and gave him a long deep kiss.

She said, "That's only a taste of your reward for being such a darling, and I mean it."

Mark smiled, turned to me and asked me how I was doing.

"Just great. Especially after that compliment. My ears are red."

He laughed and said. "Well I meant it, all of it. Allison, Why don't you put on some music to match the mood, ok?"

Allison put on some really nice; I think slow Brazilian music. It was perfect. Mark lit up another joint and began to pass it around. Allison had climbed into her corner of the couch and I climbed in next to her. Mark was relaxed with his bare feet up, his head back, looking completely at peace. As we passed the joint around he looked at us with half closed eyed. I was aware that he was very much with us, though he may have seemed quite stoned.

I asked Mark if he had continued his relationship with Nora. He told me that the following morning other than a hand squeeze, you would never know anything. The following year he told us. "We did go all the way, as they say. Nora was a wonderful introduction to sexuality. I'll always remember those two times and be grateful for the simple giving and the lack of any guilt. The year after that she went to college and even though I see her occasionally at family things that was the only two times."

This time I was able to really let the grass do its work in a completely relaxed atmosphere. Marks story and it's ending and my short experience with Allison at the Bidet and changing into the Peignoir had opened me up to what might come with complete calm. Anticipation, but inner calm that it was going to be all right. That I was in safe hands, literally and figuratively.

Lying down next to Allison, I again had my head against her neck. I could look down between her breasts but not see the ends. The fabric of the gown interrupted the curves of her naked breasts. I could partially see to where her nipples pressed against the sheer silk. She looked down and saw where I was looking. She reached down and took my hand and brought it to her breast. She gently took my fingers and stroked her nipple with them. She was showing me exactly what she desired, and after but a moment I knew how she wanted me to do it.

I was powerfully aware of my own body heat. I could almost see it radiating from my body. Allison's skin also felt marvelously warm. I knew it was the pot that was causing this phenomenon, but non-the less, it felt so delicious. It was as though the heat from her body was directing me there.

I looked up to her face from stroking her nipple. Her eyes were shut and her lips were slightly parted. Each time I ran my finger across her hardened nipple I could see and hear her suck in air. She kept wetting her lips as though the sucking in of the air was drying them. The tip of her tongue began to transfix me. I was very focused on it. Each time I touched her nipple she would pull in air followed by her tongue wetting her lips.

She then reached over and took my fingers and moved them to the other nipple. I continued and the same thing took place. My cheek was against her chest and I could swear I could feel the heat pouring from her breasts on to them. I looked up again and she was looking at me with partly closed lids. She then reached down and undid her gown and exposed her breasts. Her nipples were by now so very erect that I could almost taste them in my mouth.

Allison shifted slightly and her left nipple was almost at my mouth. With her left hand she cupped the back of my head and brought my lips to her waiting nipple. I licked it a few times. I could hear Allison panting to each lick. I then gently bit into the turgid flesh. She gasped out loud. I thought I might have hurt her when she almost yelled, "again". I nipped and I sucked. Allison moved me from breast to breast. I loved the idea that each action of my mouth, lips and tongue brought a cry a gasp or shudder from her. At one point I sort of became aware of Mark. I had completely dropped him out of my field of vision and consciousness. His face was in partial shadow, but I could tell he was watching intently.

I did not feel the least self-conscious, quite the contrary, having Mark they're made me feel even more excited. I knew that he was also enjoying the pleasure I was giving Allison. I felt tremendously connected to both.

I heard Allison's whispered voice. "Oh Molly, that is so good, so good. Come up here to me." I lifted up. She bent down, and our mouth's met. We sucked each other's lips and tongues. Explored and tasted each other. I was gasping for air. I was so very excited I needed to stop for a moment. I gently pulled away while putting little kisses on her parted lips. Allison's lips were puffy from the kissing and my heart was pounding.

I realized that from where Mark was sitting he could see my ass and everything. The peignoir, which was not that long to begin with, had pulled up to my waist. I not only didn't care; I rather liked the idea. I now realized that knowing Mark was watching was strongly enhancing the whole experience. Mark had slightly moved up in the chair, and indeed, was watching very intently.

He looked at me directly and said lovingly, "Molly, you have the most beautifully shaped ass I think of ever seen other than," and with that he reached over and gently pulled Allison's gown apart to reveal her beautiful bottom. "This sweet ass."

As he said that he bent over and planted a series of kisses on Allison's butt. Each time he kissed her I felt Allison shudder a little. As he did that, Allison turned on her stomach, then moved her knee's under herself to present her ass more directly to Mark. She pulled her gown up to fully expose her bottom to him.

She had her head in her folded arms, Her breasts were free and her nipples were pointed straight down. They had grown even more erect. Her head was turned towards me. She looked at me directly through her half closed eyes and smiled. I smiled back. Mark stroked her ass, then moved back on to his chair. He gestured to me, as though he was presenting her butt to me, or at least that's the way I took it.

I kind of slid down the couch until I was next to her feet. She did have a most beautiful ass. It was trim yet it had the loveliest swelling by her cheeks. I reached over and lovingly began to stroke the skin. I bent down and also began to kiss her at the very bottom of her spine. By now I was also on my knees between her legs. As I kissed her she moved her legs apart slightly. I ran my fingers along the cheeks of her ass while I kissed the other cheek.

As I looked down I could see the slightly darker pink skin of her anus which was like a little wrinkled star. The same coloring led to her pussy. The labia were slightly apart and I could see a brighter pink inside. I could tell from the glisten of the inner labia that she was quite wet. I continued to plant little kisses inside her cheeks. I could her Allison almost gasp each time a kissed her. I then began to lick her around her little star. With that she moaned and whimpered. "Oh Molly, Molly. Oh my God! Oh my God. Yes right there ..."

She continued saying words encouraging me. She then reached behind to grasp the side of my head and held me there. I then thrust my tongue into her little star. A muffled scream came from the front of the couch. Allison was biting on the cushion. I continued to lick around this sensitive spot, as it was obviously giving her great pleasure.

As I pulled back a little to catch my breath, I glanced over at Mark. He looked at me directly and quietly said, "That's the way girl".

When I turned around, Allison was turning on her back and pulling the cushion under her ass. She was looking at me through lowered eyelids. Her gown by now had completely opened and there was sheen of perspiration over her face and body. It gave her a golden glow. Her legs were now wide apart revealing her completely. I never felt or saw anyone so wide open.

I felt touched by her trust and my eyes filled with tears. I looked without guilt at her beautiful mound. I bent down and looked even closer. There was a little tuft of reddish blonde hair on her Mon. Her Clitoral hood and Labia were the same color of her little star, her Nipples and Aureole. A lovely pinkish tan.

I could see her clitoris peeking out of her hood, it was much lighter and had a bead of moisture at its tip. Within her lips the flesh was a bright wet pink. I could distinctly see the opening of her vagina. From the corner of my eye I saw Marks hand reach over to Allison's inner thigh. He began to stroke it ever so gently. Her legs parted even more. I thought I heard Allison say something. She was softly saying, "please, please, please Molly."

I began to lick along her labia. First one side and then the other, then further in to her inner lips. The aroma of her moist cunt was delicious. So different than Joan or Lila's. It had a salty musky smell, like the edge of the sea with notes from the forest floor and Allison's own perfume all mixed together in a powerful erotic scent. I found myself sucking the air into myself like sexual oxygen.

Her aroma and pleading sent me into an even higher and more excited state. I began to lick at her clitoral hood. I wet the tip of my index finger in her vagina. She gasped. I began to move my finger in and out. She was whimpering. I moved away a little, just enough to look at her pussy with my finger in it. The sight of that was almost all I could bare. She was so very wet. I leaned over slightly to see her better. Her clitoris was now quite clearly peeking out.

As I bent further down to taste her again, I became aware from the movement on the couch that Mark was now just sitting behind me. My tongue reached down and flicked Allison's clit while I moved my finger in and out of her. She was moaning quite loudly to each thrust of my tongue and finger. She was thrusting herself onto my finger and tongue with almost convulsive spasms, when I heard her yell, "Wait! Wait! Please wait, not yet, please, not yet. I don't want to cum yet, not yet!"

I immediately stopped. I slowly withdrew my finger. I lay my head down on her stomach. "Molly, Molly, oh my God. That was so good, so good. I just didn't want it to end. You're so sensitive. So giving. What an extraordinary lover you are."

I heard all this with my head on her belly. I moved just a little, and kissed her belly button. I could feel her heat and wetness on my breasts and cheek.

I looked behind me and Mark was watching us intently. He was now seated on the couch with his bare feet drawn under him. He clearly had an erection. I could see the way the front of his shorts were raised.

He spoke to me calmly. "That was almost more than either one of us could bare, it was so hot." I shook my head yes. I needed him to know that I agreed. My butt was almost on the same level as Mark's head.

I lay my cheek back down when I felt Marks hands on my ass. "Is that ok?" He asked. "You have the second sweetest ass I think I've ever seen."

I answered by moving my butt around a little. He gently stroked just outside the crack. He was so concentrated and focused on that area, that even though I moved my ass indicating I wanted him to touch me in other places also, he continued just along the outside. I relaxed a little and tried to enjoy what he was doing. It wasn't that hard.

The tips of his fingers were amazingly gentle and sensitive. I actually thought I could feel heat coming from the tips. He also would use his nails a little. I could never anticipate when he would change. When he did, It made me draw in my breath. I realized after a while that he was very, very slowly increasing the length of his strokes.

Allison had reached down and was playing with my hair and then around my ears. I loved what she was doing. She was gently touching the little piece of flesh on my ear, then around the opening as though it was my clit and vaginal opening. It was wild! Mark was by now in that tender place where the thighs end. I knew he was sort of teasing me, but I love that place. It is one of my favorite spots and he had found it.

I told him so, "Yes Mark, yes, right there. That's my secret place. Yes! I love it."

Allison was now playing with my lips. She would put her finger in my mouth. Wet it, then play with my lips and the corner of my mouth. I would suck on her finger when it was in my mouth. Mark began to very slowly move closer to my little anus. I was dying for him to touch me. I could feel it contract by itself.

Mark asked me to wait a moment. He reached over and put some of the Patchouli massage oil on his hands and rubbed them together. Time seemed to last forever. My head was resting on Allison's stomach. I could feel her heart beating strongly. I was also very aware of the heat rising from her on my left cheek. I could smell her perfume and the wonderful rich musky odor from her pussy. The Patchouli oil smell added to the rich powerful aroma. I of course was aware that I was as they say "wasted", yet I loved the feeling of the heightened senses.

I became aware of Mark moving on the couch as he was rubbing his hand together. I felt the cooler air on my ass. I could barely wait for his gentle warm hands to touch me. I moved my knee's slightly, parting my legs and ass even more. Hinting to Mark that I was ready, very ready. I was very conscious of Allison's deep breathing.

My breasts were hanging down and I was aware of their weight. Every sense was so heightened. My mind was also racing ahead as to what might happen. I had to make a conscious effort to bring my self back to the present. Just as I did so, I felt the exquisite touch of Mark's fingers along my inner upper thighs.

He was stroking that hollow inside the thigh just before the thigh joined the crack. He moved the tips of his fingers just at the edge of the crack. I think it's called the perineum. It's that place between your anus and your pussy. Anyway that's where Mark was stroking with his one finger. From my little ass hole to my pussy. He never touched either. That's what made it so exciting. I wanted him to, and I was moving to try to have him touch me in either place but he stayed in that spot. It was driving me crazy.

Allison then reached forward, under my arms and began to gently pull my nipples. I heard myself scream out. The pleasure was so intense. I felt if Mark touched my pussy anywhere at that moment, I would have had an orgasm right then and there.

Both Mark and Allison stopped when I screamed. I was shaking I was so excited. Allison asked if I was ok? I told her it was so fantastic that I needed to just catch my breath or "I was going to go over the top, and I wanted to wait". I moved off Allison and sat at the edge of the couch. I felt no embarrassment only great contentment and love washed over me with this powerful sexual excitement. I had never felt so expectant and excited.

Allison also sat up on her elbows. We both were looking now at Mark. He was sitting cross-legged on the couch with his hands shinning from the oil. Even in that position you could see his erection.

I heard myself boldly asking him, "Mark, why don't you slip off those shorts and shirt. Is that ok Allison? It doesn't seem fair."

They both smiled and Allison nodded yes. She got up and walked over to where he was seated. She looked delicious. Her body had a slight sheen from perspiration and her nipples were very erect. Her deep tan made her look golden in the soft diffused light. It had taken just seconds for Mark to takeoff his shirt. He had unbuttoned his shorts just as Allison stood before him. She reached down and helped him remove them. He sure did have an erection.

He was then seated at the edge of the couch. He looked so boyish. His hair was tousled. He has a slight sweet lopsided smile. Allison gently pushed his chest and he lay back on the couch. She bent over and gently kissed the end of his penis. She wiped her hand together as though she was warming them, reached for the oil, squeezed a few drops on her hands and rubbed them again.

He was looking up at her with such a loving expression that I found myself also looking at Allison. I also felt a swell of loving feelings rise up in me. Allison sat down on the couch and reached over and began to gently rub the oil all over his penis. Mark lay back sighed, and closed his eyes.

I leaned over to watch Allison place the oil on Mark's rigid penis. I had only looked that closely at a penis once before. I was simply amazed at everything about it. I loved the head. It looked so smooth, so shiny. It was like a beautiful cap. I was curious that the color of his penis head was similar to the color of my nipples, aureole and vaginal lips. I loved the way you could see the veins on his shaft so clearly. As I looked closely I could see his penis move slightly to his heartbeat.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Allison said. I agreed. "Go ahead and touch it if you'd like." She said.

I gently touched the head with my fingertips. It was incredibly soft, like velvet, even finer. Mark made a sweet contented sound. With his eyes closed I felt a bit bolder and held the shaft in my hand. I could feel his pulse in my fingertips. I found it extremely exciting.

Allison turned to me and with her mouth parted moved to my lips and kissed me deeply, licking and sucking my tongue. She pulled away and told me to try that on Mark. She whispered to me to run the tip of my tongue around the rim of the head and then the little pee hole. When I did that Mark groaned and his hips arched moving him further into my mouth.

The smooth feel of the head was very sensuous on my mouth and tongue. It also had a curious slightly sweet salty taste, which was unexpected. Allison whispered again in my ear. "Be careful. Don't make him cum. I want to save him." She said with a breathless little laugh.

I moved back from Mark, but still held his very erect penis in my hand. Allison stood up at this point and climbed on the couch and straddled Mark. I could see what she had in mind immediately. She was crouched with her feet on either side of him and her shaved pussy was within inches of his penis head. I had never seen anything like this before.

She bent forward and kissed him. He reached for her and pulled her to him but her pussy did not come down to meet him. I could not help myself. I felt like I was being teased. I placed my other hand on Allison's ass and moved her down to Mark while I rubbed his cock along Allison's by now moist outer lips.

I aimed his very erect cock at her pink vagina. I could feel Allison actually shaking from the effort of not being penetrated by Mark. I gently reached up with my hand and moved her down on Mark. I guided him into her. His cock entered into her without effort, lubricated by her by now wet pussy and the film of oil. They both let out a gasp of air, as though a great effort had ended.

Neither moved for a few long moments. My hand was now caught between her pussy and Marks buried penis. I felt Allison moved herself up and I withdrew my hand. It was wet from her juices.

I moved off to the side a bit to watch. Mark had bent over and he was sucking on Allison's nipple. Allison with her eyes closed was moving slowly up and down on his cock. Both were groaning in time to her movements.

At that moment I felt so very aroused and also very lonely. Neither I'm sure was at all aware of my presence. I realized that without even being aware I had begun to play with myself. I was so stimulated that my own juices were flowing and my fingers were wet from the flow. I found myself moving with the same rhythm as they were. Without realizing it, I had begun to whimper in time with their lovemaking sounds. As Allison's rising and falling became quicker so did my stroking of myself.

With my eyes closed I was moving towards an orgasm when I heard Allison say, "Oh, this isn't fair. We've left Molly all alone."

I stopped my masturbating and looked at her. Both were looking at me. I was slouched back on the couch with my legs wide open and my pussy completely exposed. I stopped immediately. I felt a little self-conscious but I was also just on the edge of climaxing. It was an odd feeling. Allison looked down at Mark and asked him if he was ok and if he could wait?

"Of course I can." He said. "This is called coitus interruptis." He said with a smile. "I kind of like the idea of postponing and stretching the pleasure out." He gave Allison a big hug and a kiss. "You just get off very carefully. I don't want to have an accident."

She raised herself slowly from his lap and revealed his very erect wet cock. Allison moved to sit down cross-legged between us. Mark was so stimulated from the screwing that his cock was thickened and livid with color. I could see it move in time with his beating heart. We were quite a trio.

Mark and I slouched back on the couch with our legs splayed out. Allison sitting cross-legged between us. The air smelled of sex. A combination of patchouli oil and our own juices. I found the odor intoxicating. Allison was covered in sheen of perspiration. I reached over and ran my finger over her face. She looked at me and smiled.

She said she was sorry to be so selfish. "Do you want him inside you?"

She reached over and touched my pussy lips. I shuddered and nodded. "Oh yes Allison, yes please. I would love that very much. I can't wait anymore. What should I do?" She quickly reached down and spun my legs onto the couch. "Bend over on your knee's. Put your head on the pillow. That's it. What a wonderful ass you have. God your cunt is so wet, swollen and open. It's so inviting."

With that she ran her fingers along my pussy lips and put two fingers inside me. I felt my vagina contract on her fingers. It felt great. She withdrew her fingers slowly, then moved to be by my head at the pillow. I could feel Mark moved also. I was aware of his knees between mine. His hands gently played with my ass. I opened myself even further to him.

Allison's hands were gently on my shoulders and then the nape of my neck. With one hand she reached under me to gently pinch my swollen nipples. I then realized Mark's cock was at the entrance of my vagina. I heard myself encouraging him to, "Go inside. Please go inside me. Please, I want you to."

With those words he pushed into me. I pushed back. I wanted him to go in as far as possible, and he did. We were moving in perfect rhythm. As I moved back into him, he thrust forward. We were moving faster and faster. I could tell from Mark's sound and the increasing speed that he was about to cum, and I was almost there myself. In a few more thrusts he held himself in me and pulled my shoulders down.

I heard him yell, "Oooh God!"

I felt the spasm inside me and the sperm hitting my womb. Again and again he convulsed inside me. Then another deep thrust. I was not quite there, just on the very edge, when Allison reached under me and pinched my nipple and quickly stroked my clit. I exploded. I was screaming.

"Don't stop, don't stop. Yes, yes. Stay in me."

I was somehow terrified Mark was going to withdraw and I was having wave after wave of orgasms. Allison never stopped and Mark was now pumping again. I was moving my ass back and forth and could feel my vagina contract again and again on his still erect penis. I started to sob. I was completely spent.

Allison's finger's gently petted my vaginal lips then moved to my forehead and stroked my temples. Mark was lying across my back kissing my shoulders. He slowly withdrew himself from inside me. I was sorry to have him out. It was a real empty feeling. I heard Allison reassure Mark that my sobs were just relief and he needn't worry. I was grateful I didn't need to talk. I didn't trust my voice.

I lay down on my side in a sort of fetal position with my head on Allison's lap. Mark continued to pet and stroke me. It felt very reassuring. I was still having little post climax shudders. It was then that it dawned on me that Allison had selflessly given me this wonderful experience and she was still unsatisfied.

While she was stroking my hair I could see that she had two fingers in her owns pussy and was trying to get herself off. I moved my head so my mouth was at her clitoral hood. I began to kiss and lap at her clit. I sucked it into my mouth and with the tip of my tongue began to move at the same speed as she was doing with her fingers. I could feel her hands on my head holding me on her. Her aroma was strong and delicious.

In a few moments her hips were thrusting her harder and harder onto my thrusting tongue. She began to cum. I could feel her convulsions through my tongue and cheeks. She was pulling my head back and forth, her hips were bucking her pubic bone into my nose and that made me sneeze again and again. She had begun to quiet down somewhat and I started to laugh through my sneezes. After a few seconds Allison was also laughing then Mark started.

I know some of the feelings I was experiencing was the grass, but the laughter and the unembarrassed good feelings I was having, maybe I should say we were having, gave me such a warm loving glow. My feelings for them both had, I guess you might say became love. We kissed and hugged each other, then staggered into the kitchen, where we ate up a half-gallon of chocolate ice cream. We climbed upstairs and I was heading for the guest bedroom when Allison said; " I can't let you sleep alone. Come with us." With that, she took me by the hand and we all went into their bedroom.

After we all peed, we washed up and fell into their huge California king size bed. Mark in the middle and Allison and I on each side. I fell asleep almost instantly.

End of Part - III

Next: Chapter 4

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