Reunion Series

By Wrestlestud

Published on Aug 2, 2005


This story is erotic fiction. If you read it you will be exposing yourself to depictions of homosexual acts and thoughts intended to arouse the reader. Don't read it if such literature is illegal for you to read in your state or country or if such literature is offensive to you.

Shane and Bob had been best friends since 7th grade baseball. They went through high school together, worked together at the same summer jobs, were in the same sports and even worked together now at the same factory. Bob worked the assembly line and Shane worked in the production offices. They had even just started renting an apartment together, near work and town so they wouldn't have to drive so far.

In spite of their close friendship they were physical opposites. Bob was a 6' 1" tall blonde with a long, smooth, lean build; while, Shane was 5' 7" tall, dark hair and very muscular with a hairy chest. Bob wore his hair buzzed and Shane wore his fashionably long. Still they were always seen together.

Growing up, these two were in and out of trouble (scrapes, all minor) with the neighborhood. They always bet on sports and their abilities. Both of them thought that they were the best at any sport that they tried and they were fearless about betting at cards or games. Shane's Dad kept telling him that this would get the two of them in trouble one day, but they knew better.

Bob kept trying to hurry Shane out the door from work this Friday. The guys were coming over. Their old buddies from school were coming to see the apartment and to play some poker. It had been a few months since they last saw Mike. He had just finished college and had gone off to travel the Northwest. Steve and Jim were both coming in to town from their hometown (about a 30 minute ride). The five of them were going to be together for the evening for the first time in 4 years, since the summer after graduation.

"Why are you so hyper?" Shane asked.

Bob replied, "We have to get the beer and food and get home to get the room cleared so we can set up the table. The guys will be there in about an hour."

"Cool your jets, man!" Shane said. "We'll make it. With my driving we'll have plenty of time."

"Bet me!" Bob declared.

"What bet?"

"Loser serves everyone food and drinks or whatever all night."


After having been stopped for an accident and an ambulance, Bob and Shane arrived at the apartment to see Mike, Steve and Jim shooting hoops in the driveway.

"Get busy, loser!!!" Bob laughed as they stopped the car in the drive and began to get out the food.

Bob sat down the beer to slap Jim on the bare back with an ice-cold hand and then cup checked Steve and Mike at the same time. Shane took the food into the kitchen then came back out to shoot a few hoops. As he loosened his tie and threw the first shot, Bob was laughing and telling the guys about the bet. After taking a lot of abuse, Shane was making 4 out of his last 5 shots.

"Double or nothing?" Shane asked Bob.

"On what?"

"If I make the next shot, we both serve the guys."

"And if you lose?" Mike asked.

"You three name it!" Shane said.

Mike and the guys got together with Bob in a huddle. There was a lot of laughing and then they broke up and said we're ready.

"If you miss ..... every hand you lose at poker tonight, you lose one piece of clothes (shoes and socks count as one piece) and can't replace them till we say you can."

"FUUUUCK! You guys have a bet. I'm not going to lose!"

Three minutes later the guys were inside and Shane was still saying, "FUUUUUCK!"

Jim said, "Let's play some cards. This should be an interesting game."

Six hands and three beers each later, Shane was missing his shoes, socks and shirt. Bob had the shirt hanging from the light and Steve had the shoes and socks sitting next to his chair.

The hand was dealt and Mike asked for some pretzels and another round of beer. Shane got up to get them from the kitchen and the guys stole a look at his hand, a pair of fours and nothing else. When Shane returned, betting began and the pot soon had $30 in it. Cards were discarded and drawn and now the pot was $65. A 3, 5 and 7 joined Shane's pair of fours. This was not enough and Steve won that hand and Shane's pants. Shane handed them over then remembered that his money was in the pocket so he asked for it back.

"Nope, remember the bet. You can only get them back when we say. You will just have to think of something else to bet with." Steve and the guys were holding their sides at Shane's predicament.

"FUCK!" Shane declared.

"Your deal, Mike" Bob said.

"Ante up!" Mike declared and threw in the dollar, as did the rest till it got to Shane.

"Lend me a buck, Bob." Shane said.

"No way! Figure out something else to bet."

"FUCK!" Shane fumed.

"Underwear?" Jim suggested.

"OK, underwear." Shane agreed.

After a short wait, "Well, throw them in!" Steve laughed.

"FUCK! Now? How about if I lose the hand?" Shane pleaded.

"You'll have to come up with something else if you lose. Hmmmm, cum up?" Jim laughed.

"Strip!" Steve and Mike ordered.

"FUCK! Fags!" Shane said turning red as he pulled down his boxers and threw them on the table.

Cards were dealt and Bob asked for another beer for everyone.

Shane sat there looking at his cards and the guys said, "Well?"

"Get the beers, Shane!"

"FUCK!" Shane muttered

Holding one hand over his dick, Shane got up and went into the kitchen and the guys looked at the pair of tens that were in Shane's hand.

When Shane came back in and got settled the betting started and reached $19 each to Shane. He had nothing to bet, even with a good hand.

"Can I owe it?" Shane pleaded.

"Nope, One round of cup check's, no protection can be bet!" Steve suggested.

"FUCK! OK" Shane reluctantly agreed.

"Cards?" Steve asked and began to deal to the discards.

"Get us some chips, Shane." Mike said.

"FUCK! Now? In a minute." Shane said.

"I believe the bet was 'serve'." Bob said.

As soon as Shane was gone the guys looked and saw only the tens in the hand and knew that Steve had him beat with Kings.

"$20" Mike bet

Bob matched the bet and Jim raised it to 30 to Shane.

"I don't have anything else to bet" Shane said.

"You jack off and eat it for $30." Jim said.

"FUCK! What will raise it to $50?" Shane said cockily.

"You will have to be our slave for the weekend, doing everything that we say." Jim declared

"You will stay naked all weekend." Bob said.

"You will jerk each of us off and eat that." Mike said, laughing.

"You will let us smack you in the nuts each time you say 'Fuck!'" Steve demanded.

"FUCK! I don't have any choice, you queers!"

"$60" Steve raised.

"FUCK!!!!" Shane declared.

The other three said, "I'm out."

"Just you and me, Shane! Bet's to you." Steve said.

"I'll call." Shane said, quietly

"With what?" Steve asked.

"FUCK! You name it!"

"If you lose, every time you say, 'Bet me' or hear the word bet, you have to suck all four of us, all weekend."

"FUCK!!! I'm not going to lose."

Show your cards then.

Shane was dumbfounded to see the Kings and tried to bolt for the bathroom, but was wrestled to the floor by four studs intent on slapping his nuts.

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