Revenge of a Disrobed Pal

By Sameer N

Published on Jun 9, 2007


There was an uneasy pause between us. It then dawned on me that he hadn't said 'when'. He wanted to enter my the house and I was in his way. I turned a bit and allowed him to come in. I was somewhat petrified of him walking behind me and forgetting to lock the door. That's the first thing I attended to.

As I led the way to my room, I was going crazy. I was numb with excitement but at the same time I was at a complete loss as to what I should do next. Should I just begin to remove my clothes? Should I get my jeans off first...or would it look as if I wanted it bad. Or should I take off my T-shirt first? Did he have it in him to make me undress all the way or would he chicken out? Each question brought on only more. Before I knew it, we were THERE.

I was standing at the side of my bed and facing him. He stood uncomfortably far to really do anything at all. He was leaning against the window that was thankfully closed.

"OK so, take off your pants and all". SO IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! And he had said the jeans was first. He hadn't changed his style in so many years. The "OK so" was a sign of irritation...the "and all" gave away his discomfort of having to make the first move. I had 0 intentions of waiting.

But I had to do this right. I unbuckled my belt and undid the button on my jeans. I was unsure of whether his courage would last through the next 3 minutes, so I got the belt off completely and laid it on the bed.

I unzipped my jeans and pushed them a tad bit over my hips. Gravity took care of the rest and they ended up resting a little under my knees. There were good reasons I hadn't done away with both my jeans and underwear at the same time. That would be too much of a rush. But I did not want to stretch my luck. There was a damn good chance he could chicken out and call the whole thing off. So I slid my thumbs into the elastic band on either side of my underwear and bent forward as I slid the thing down my things. I was luckily, way to numb to have an erection. But now that the worst was over. There was no going back at least for some time. I was avoiding looking into his eyes, mostly because if I did, he would almost certainly have stopped looking at my groin. I went about taking off my T-shirt. Then there was nothing more to do. My predictions were right. The moment I looked up, his eyes moved up to meet mine.

He was still too far away from the bed. I badly wanted to lead him on, but I held back. Both of us seemed tongue tied to proceed to the next step and his eyes never left mine. He seemed too ashamed to take a look at me naked. There had to be a `freakin' way out of this impasse.

"You have exactly 1/2 an hour from now"... I heard myself say. I had adopted a strange sort of voice...and my heart beat was thumping in my ears.

"You can't get me to bleed and you can only whip me here"...I made a perfunctory sideways motion with my right hand in showing the general area of my hips. His eyes had lowered for the first time since taking off my shirt.

There was an awkward moment again. I was unsure of what he wanted me to do next. "Take off the jeans". For a moment I did not understand. I had them off. Oh wait, the jeans were still at my ankles. I stepped out of them, sweeping the pile of jeans and underwear to my left.

When I looked up, I was pleasantly surprised to see his eyes clearly directed .. where I'd wanted them to be looking at.

"You are going to allow me to belt you everywhere right?" Man! I thought I had explained ..wait... everywhere...he was tongue-tied....I think he was meaning my dick and my ass! Everywhere around the area I had pointed to.

"Except my balls". That seemed to satisfy him.

"I'll start with your back first". I think I was beginning to get the drift. It's my ass he was talking about! I turned around and bent forward on the bed a bit supported by my hands.

But I quickly realized that it was not going to work well. He too had sensed that. "Lie down on the bed" he told me.

I lay down. My thighs were still extending out and my dick was somewhat a bit inside from the edge of the bed. That's when I got a bit of a brain wave. I put both my hands under my stomach covering my pubic hair and with my fingers I adjusted my dick so that it was pointing downwards. I hadn't got a full fledged erection yet, so it was not that difficult. I also parted my legs in the hope that Atul could see at least the tip of my dick poking out between my legs.

In the mean time, he had come closer and retrieved the belt. But once he positioned himself in between my legs, he seemed to like what he was seeing.

"50 you said"...was how he started it.

"Yeah... but not on my balls"

"No balls. But I am going to hit you on your 1 and 2."

First I thought penis and bum...but he had said 2 and I just couldn't help myself leading him. "you're going to hit me on my hole?"

There was a pause

"You said everywhere, except your balls"

I was beginning to get a hard on. I was really beginning to get worried. I had never exposed a hard on and despite the madness of this morning, I realized that neither had I seen his. My legs pulled a bit closer.

He wasn't day dreaming. "Push your legs apart so I can see your hole".

For the first time I reluctantly fidgeted. Then I spread my legs as far wide as I could. My penis would have most probably shown itself in very reasonable view.

"Wider" he said.

"I can't. It wont go more than that." I began to get his point of view. He was not able to see the hole he was desperately trying to get to. I didn't think he was serious about hitting me there. But he was persistent.

"Part your bum with your hands then". I was a bit disappointed to let go of holding my dick in position. The good thing is that the pressure of my dick on the bed seemed to keep it pointing straight downwards. So nothing much changed for Atul. I parted by bum and exposed my bud.

I was thrilled that he had dared to go this far. Even in my wildest dreams with or without Atul, something like this was unthinkable.

I heard him toying with the belt. "If you move, your fingers are going to get hurt."

"OK I said"

"And I will not count that"


More pause.

The sound came first. But for all the anticipation, it was a wimpy hit. It had squarely missed my hole but got me between the cheeks of my bum. I did not even flinch / moan or move. What a let down!

He also probably knew that it did not do much. The second one came slightly heavier...but nothing hit the hole. It also came down somewhere a tad bit right of the first.

He seemed to pause in between each if he was planning where to let it go. The third one was around the same place as the second and as light.

Then he paused some more. "You're not holding it apart".

"Come on man! It's the most it can go." I stretched it as hard as I could keeping enough space so that the belt would miss my fingers.

I felt the belt being put down. The next thing I felt sent shivers down every nerve cell I had. His fingers dug real close to my hole and parted it real hard. THAT HURT! "Aww" I groaned. My dick was way too stressed out with the erection especially because I had it pointing downwards rather than upwards where it would have been normally touching my belly button.

"Hold it like that".

I brought my fingers closer. It gave me a much better grip to expose my bud. I also carefully scooted up so that I could position my hole slightly better for the whip.

Then I suddenly found him up on my bed and he placed his knees down on either side of me. He was facing my legs. And if he sat down, it would have been over my shoulders.

Then I felt the twak of the belt. WOWWWW. That felt something. I lifted my bum a bit but kept my hole stretched as far as it could. I could still feel the smarting of the right side of my hole where the edge of the belt had just scraped.

The fifth one was even harder. Although nothing fell right on my hole, the belt was slicing one or the other edge of the hole and completing it's swat somewhere below my tail bone. I now understood what was going on. When he had been standing, I think my balls may have been getting in the way. But this way, he could land real hard blows and if he maintained the right length of the belt, the tip of the belt would never go below my hole.

With each blow, his aim, intensity and perfection increased. The next few ones were really hard, but nothing to make me cry. I would occasionally do an "Aw" and squirm my ass a bit.

But the 9th one was a killer. The belt had not just grazed my hole. Because he had flicked it real hard, it had actually ripped the left side. It almost felt as if a piece of flesh had been torn out.

The instinct of pain can make you do things you don't want to. My legs came together, my ass arched way up and released the straining dick to slam into my stomach. And my fingers closed in on my hole. I was hoping against hope that I wasn't bleeding. That would be a complete put off for Atul more than me.

I had no plans for stopping him. My dick had softened up a bit though because of the pain. I pushed my hands under my stomach and repositioned my dick downwards with some difficulty, the way it had been. The thoughts around all this was beginning to have a great effect on my erection again.

I spread my thighs again and parted my hole with renewed vigor. The pain was nice. The 11th one changed that again. "aaahhhhh". this time I hadn't arched my bum. On the contrary, I had dug the base of my dick deeper into the bed. But the pain caused me to cover my hole. It stung so bad that I had to push and pull my was like trying to fan my hole with some wind.

"Please Atul...I need a timeout" Timeout? Where the heck did that word make its way here. We used to use it when we were kids.

There was an uncomfortable pause. Then I heard him move off me and out of the bed. "OK then lie on your back". Just what was he planning to do. I didn't have to wait long.

My dick was in full erection. For whatever reason, it no longer seemed to bother me. And nor did Atul feel uncomfortable. All the action had caused my dick head to swell up enough to push the foreskin behind a bit. My pee slit was in good view.

Then I saw the belt rise. I was scared how it would feel. The 12th twak landed below my knob. Strangely I had no great pain. But Atul had learned quickly from his experience on my hole. The 13th one swished it's tip right at the tip of my foreskin. "Haahhhh....." I pushed my dick way up in the air, both my hands tightly clutching the base. My penis was on fire. I rolled over to one side, groaning "aawww".

Atul had learnt the ropes of being my tormentor. And he was good. "Come can either take it on your hole or on your penis". I loved the way we said penis then. It was bad pronunciation, but it had a ring that you typically don't hear these days. We said it more like "pen"-"issss'

"Atul, come on man. give me a timeout" There it was again.

"We have 37 more to go"

"Hey please man"

"You must keep it."

All this had taken a good 22 minutes. There was no way 50 was ever going to be reached.

"You purposely kept wasting time"

"Come on really hurt."

I had to keep thinking of something that could work. "OK I have a deal..." he didn't seem to want to protest..."You can strip me 3 more times for half an hour and hit me 10 times"

"That does not add up. Who knows when we can get time like today. It might take a whole year."

"Ok then what's your deal?" I knew he was coming up with one.

"10 days 10 times". Wait a minute. 10 times 10. Now that definitely was not 50. And if 3 times 10 was 1 year, I was going to be a bonded slave for 3 years. Was I going to protest?


"And since it can take a whole year anyway, I can keep you naked for as much time as I like"

"Come on Atul....".

"Deal or no deal?"


"And it starts now. Sleep on your stomach." It was more like an order.

My dick had become way too swollen to point it downward so I let it be. Atul had become much bolder. He spread my legs apart himself. He then did something I had never dreamt he would.

I felt his hand crawl from under my balls. I pulled up my hip a bit so that he could get access to whatever it was he was looking for. It wasn't just anything. The next thing I knew, his fingers had locked themselves around my dick and he was pulling it downward.

My hard dick had a real problem doing that, but his pull was hard and all I could do was groan. He got what he wanted.

"I'm done with belting today" he announced.

"So are you going to stare at me like this for another 2 hours?"

"I will fuck you for what you did to me." Wow, I knew he did not mean penile penetration, he just meant I was going to pay for it.

But I wasn't going to leave him without work. "you're going to have a lot of shit up your prick"

"I can fuck you with anything". Was this getting somewhere?

Then I felt him push my foreskin down. It stung a bit as it rolled over the edge of my knob.

"How many times a day do you shag?"

"Atul, go to hell"

He pushed my foreskin real hard. My knob might have turned deep red and my foreskin was really beginning to hurt. "awwwwwwww"

He pushed even harder..."aaaahhhhhhhhhhh"

"So! How many times a day do you shag?"

"Fuck you!" I yelled back. Don't know what irritated me. Him holding my dick or his pushing my foreskin with no mercy. It was mostly the latter.

"Who's fucking whom now? May be you need to be fucked until you answer me". He pushed real hard. "Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" and then he abruptly let go of my penis.

The pain left almost instantaneously.

"I can fuck you with this, right?" What the hell was he talking about? I turned my head to see what he had. I was part hoping to get a glimpse of his dick...all over again. The morning show had done little to satisfy my appetite.

But it turned out to be a pen. "No you can't" It has sharp edges and I'll bleed. I told you nothing sharp" I was shit scared of bleeding all over and having to rush to the hospital or something.

"OK then this should do right?" My eyes popped out. He was very creative. In his hand was a white candle, around 10" long but around 1" in diameter. It had just been lit for a very little while during a black out the previous night. So the tip looked no different than a dick, except that it had no dick head. It tapered into what ended up as the wick. It had no sharp edges. "You cannot make me bleed"...but I had really was screaming to say "Do it it!"

As expected, he took it as a yes. I saw fingers from one hand parting my hole. He tended to do it more rougher than I did, partly because he wasn't the one feeling the pain. When the tip started putting pressure on my hole, I chickened out. "Atul..stop!!!" He was visibly irritated.

I had no time to explain "Put oil on it!" I almost yelled. They did that in the dorms...a version of hazing called ragging. It made it much easier on both ends, for the tormentors and the ones being tormented. I had not yet told Atul about how I had been ragged...well sodomized the first week after I got into college.

"Where is oil?" He had been startled....but he too wanted this blood free as much as I did. I bolted from the bed, completely naked to the kitchen. I poured a few table spoons of oil in a small cup and bolted back.

He didn't have to give me hints. I went back to the way I was. He made it a point, though, to grab my erect penis from under my stomach to where it was pointing down between my legs.

This time I felt the oily tip touch the perimeter of my hole. His left hand still had fingers parting my cheeks apart quite mercilessly. He seemed to smear the oil all over my hole when I felt the pressure of the tip gradually entering my hole.

"awwwwwwww" I overemphasized the groan. I was feeling heavenly. The first penetration is usually painful. So was this one. But gradually I could feel the sphincter rearrange itself to accommodate the hard candle.

Atul had not been as bad as some of our seniors had been shoving things down our anal sphincters. He applied steady pressure and seemed somewhat unsure while pushing it through. But he was no saint. His curiosity over my most private organs had gotten him to a point of no return. He was probably thinking that the candle would stop at some point. But around 8 or 9 inches had already gone in and I could definitely feel the tip pushing the walls of my colon. But there was still place. Although I could not see how much had gone in, I groaned!

Then I felt him let go of the candle. His attention focused back to my penis and more so my foreskin. He once again peeled it down real hard. "Awwwwww"

"How many times do you shag in a day?"

"I can't tell you"

One hand on the foreskin pushed it in, while the other pulled hard at the knob of my dick. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh"

"Now do you want to tell?" For some reason from a simple punishment this was slowly leading to a torture cell.


He let go of my penis. Then I felt a tug on the candle. He was pulling it out. Those who have had anal penetration may know this too well. As long as it stayed in, the pulling and pushing did little to increase any pain. But the moment the candle's tip crossed the sphincter, the pain it shot through my hole was enough to make me scream. But before I could react, the pressure of the tip was pushing through my sphincter once again. "awwwww...ok every night"

"Hmph..." if i had to look back, i'd have seen a smirk.

"Do it now"

"Hey come on man....and besides I really have to pee"

"Ok you can pee, but then you will have to shag"

I got up with the candle still inside. That's when I realized how deep it had penetrated me. My dick was in the worst possible shape. I had a bad erection and a full bladder. As I headed to the bathroom, the situation became worse. Atul was right behind me.

"You will have to pee in front of me." He gloated.

I showed a face as if resigned. But it was the best moment, or so I thought. I stood there in front of the potty seat like a dodo. He stood sideways to me, so he was in full view of my stream. But what stream? Nothing came out. I tried and tried. Then I had to do something embarrassing that I'd never revealed even to myself. I started wiggling my foreskin and my pee-slit to give me the sensation of peeing. A sideways glance let me know that Atul's gaze was totally focused on my dick. First came a drop or two. then came a puny stream and stopped. But gradually the sensation became enough to let out the whole stream.

I intentionally constricted the base of my penis so that the stream came out slowly so that I could extend time like a chewing gum. Atul's face showed it all.

Once all the urine had taken it's course, I ended up doing a second embarrassing thing. I flicked my penis several times in full view of Atul to get rid of the last remaining drops of urine.

Both headed to my room for the rest of the torture. But it was never to happen. I heard the unmistakable sound of the gate. A signal that my brother would be inside in under 2 minutes. I had no time to get the candle out. So I scrambled to put on my underwear, jeans and shirt. We pushed the cup of oil under the bed and I did the fastest stint of putting on my belt.

Day 1 was considered over. But I had stripped completely naked in front of my best pal. He had violated my most private organs. He had actually fingered my foreskin and on more than one occasion, he had touched my anal ring. He had gone on to sodomize me and then I had peed for a whole minute with him staring down my penis. All that made the whipping and his seeing my boner nothing but trivial.

.. to be continued ...

Next: Chapter 3

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