Rhys Rides

By Ray Writes

Published on Jun 7, 2014



This story contains sexually explicit content and is not intended for anyone under 18. If you are offended by gay male content, please redirect your attention elsewhere. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is unintended. This story may, at any time, contain urination, domination, or other fetishes. The characters portrayed in this story have unprotected sex, and in this fictional work, no diseases exist. Please remember to always use protection in real life sexual instances.

This is my first work of erotic fiction for Nifty. The first chapter was mainly story buildup, but in this second chapter you'll see some action, I promise! Please donate to Nifty to keep this wonderful site running. Comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated and you can contact me with feedback at raywrites@yahoo.com. I'd love to hear what you guys think!

Rhys Rides - 2

Not wanting to break away from the first kiss of his life (and with a guy no less!), Rhys continued to kiss Parker incessantly for a period of time that neither of them could ascertain. When they first locked lips, they were standing inbetween their beds, but by the time they finally pulled away from each other, they were entwined on Parker's bed, with Rhys on top of Parker.

"That was...fantastic!" Parker exclaimed. "You're a way better kisser than Emily was. Are you sure you've never done anything with anyone before?"

They were looking deep into each other's eyes, Rhys absolutely lost in the beautiful gray tones of his roommate's irises. "I'm sure," he said, as an uncontrollable smile reached his lips. He leaned back down to Parker and slipped his tongue gingerly inside Parker's mouth. Their tongues seemed to be wrestling for control, and Parker let out a moan. Rhys decided right then that it was the most cute, sexy, fun sound he'd ever heard. They broke the kiss and Rhys pulled up slightly and said, "Who's Emily?"

"The girl I was telling you about before...well, before this!" Parker said, and he wrapped his hand around Rhys' head and pulled him back down for another beautiful kiss. He let out another moan as Rhys moved a hand up his leg towards his growing bulge. He broke away just long enough to say "Well for your first time, you sure seem to know what you're doing."

"I'm just doing what comes to mind. So many images and thoughts have raced through my head since you told me you were curious about what it's like with a guy. I think deep down I was always curious too, but I just never really gave it any thought. Laying here, with you...it feels natural. So I'm just doing what comes naturally," Rhys replied as he leaned in and kissed Parker's neck gently while giving his bulge a squeeze. Parker let out another one of those beautiful moans, louder than any before, and that was when Rhys thought he heard footsteps outside their door. "Did you hear that?" he asked Parker.

"Hmm? I didn't hear anything," his roommate replied, reaching back in for more lip action.

"Hold on a sec," Rhys said as he got up, making sure to give Parker a view of his full-grown bulge in his pants.

Parker sighed and said "Just come kiss me more, there's nothing there," but Rhys continued to the door. He slipped it open, taking care not to expose his bulge to whoever, if anyone, might be waiting on the other side. He didn't see anyone except for a few guys standing around at the end of the hall and another group near the stairwell, both engaged in conversation. He was sure he didn't just imagine it, though. By the lack of many occupants in the hallway, he judged it was pretty late.

Rhys warily shut the door and turned to see Parker taking his shirt off and unbuttoning his pants. "What are you doing?" he asked his now almost-naked roommate. His bulge grew to full-mast once again at the sight of Parker's body. He didn't really pay attention in the shower, so it was like seeing it for the first time. A nice patch of fur on his chest with a little trail leading down, around his belly button, and down again to the crotch, where a bit of Parker's thick bush was sticking out of his briefs at the top. Amidst all the hair, he noticed a nice, toned stomach, not quite a 6-pack but near enough, and lean. The bulge in his briefs was mesmerizing, it looked about 7 inches and thick, but it was hard to really tell through the linen. Rhys basked in the vision of beauty before him and missed half of what Parker said to him. "Um, I'm sorry, what? I was a bit...distracted," he said with a sly smile, still eyeing the figure before him up and down.

"I said," Parker replied with a smile of his own, "that it's like 3 a.m. We have our first classes in 5 hours. Were we really kissing that long? I completely lost track of time. You're really something else, Rhys." A slight blush appeared on Parker's face, and Rhys thought it was adorable and wanted to kiss him again, but he saw Parker's point. As amazing and strange and wonderful and confusing as the day had been, he would need good sleep for his first class in the morning, and 4 1/2 hours was already too short of time. He knew if he kissed Parker again, he wouldn't stop this time until it was time for class, and that wouldn't be a great academic start to his college career.

"I know, I know. Now that I've gotten a taste of what it's like being...intimate with someone, I feel like I'm insatiable, but better judgement points to sleep. I hope you realize, though, that you're gonna curl up beside me in my bed tonight, and every night from now on. I want you close to me in sleep," Rhys said. Parker flashed another of his trademark grins and walked over to Rhys and undressed him, taking note of the huge bulge in Rhys' boxers. Closer now than they were in the shower, he noticed that it looked like it was about 10 inches.

"How could you keep that beast out of sight for 20 years? Even in boxers it looks huge!" Parker said as he led Rhys to where they'd both be sleeping from now on. Parker loved the sight of Rhys' body. Kind of pale, a little fuller in the chest and legs than his own, with just a little patch of fur right inbetween his quarter-sized nipples. Parker felt immense attraction to Rhys, and knew sleep would come hard with that sexy body pressed up against his own. They layed down in bed, entwined once again, and stared into each other's eyes. Rhys gave a light smack on Parker's ass and they both chuckled as Parker said "You wound me, darling," in that same melodramatic tone from when they were shopping. They fell asleep the happiest either of them had been in a long time. ---------

They awoke to the alarm clock signaling them that it was time to get ready for the first day of classes. They rolled around in bed a bit, neither wanting to leave the other, and kissed lightly at first and then passionately.

"Okay, we've got to get up," Parker said, but right after that he gave Rhys another peck. They begrudgingly got out of bed and went to their respective closets to grab some fresh clothes.

"About last night..." Rhys began to say, but Parker pressed a finger to his mouth before he could finish.

"We both have the same two hours inbetween our class blocks. Save that talk for then. We can meet back up here and try to get exactly what it is that we've got going on figured out," Parker said with a smile. Rhys loved how carefree Parker seemed to be about the situation. With a final kiss, they both left their room and headed for the bathroom where they brushed their teeth, did their morning business and brushed their hair. As they exited their dorm, they headed their separate ways towards their first classes of their first semester at college, with the promise to see each other soon back at their room.

When Parker entered the lecture room for his Psychology 101 class, he noticed Kellam already seated near the back of the room and was relieved to see a friendly face. He decided he'd go say hi and grab the seat next to him.

"Hey man," Parker said as he sat down, "I'm glad I don't have to spend my first class in a room full of total strangers. I wouldn't have pegged you for a Psychology guy, honestly." Kellam just looked at him like he didn't recognize him. After an awkward silence, the instructor entered and class began. The whole time, Parker felt uncomfortable at the fact that Kellam hadn't said a single word to him.

Once class was dismissed, Parker made his way for the door, but Kellam pulled him aside. "Just let me ask you one thing, fag. Were you and your little boyfriend eyeing me yesterday while we were together?" Kellam said, with a tinge of contempt in his voice.

Parker was absolutely taken aback by the question, and offended at the derogatory term. "What the hell are you talking about, man?" he said back to Kellam, defensively.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. I was outside the dorm last night and saw you and Rhys kissing through the window! So I went up to see what you were up to, making sure my eyes weren't playing a trick on me, and when I got to the door I heard you moaning like a little bitch!" Kellam said angrily. Luckily the room had been completely evacuated by then, or else there might have been some trouble.

"I..." Parker mumbled, "I swear, it was the first time either of us had done anything like that. Rhys has never been with anyone, and I've only been with one girl before. We were just talking and one thing lead to another and before we knew it we were kissing! It's not like we planned it, and neither of us were looking at you in that way yesterday, honestly!"

Kellam grabbed Parker and shoved him against the wall. "So you don't want this cock, you little fag?"

"What?" Parker managered to stammer, completely unbelieving how quickly things escalated in such a short amount of time. "I don't know, I never thought about it! You're gonna make me late for my next class. Let go!"

Kellam dropped him and pushed him away and towards the door. "Go on then, bitch. Run off to class, I'll see you later." Parker got a bad feeling from the way Kellam said that and the look on his face when he did, and ran off towards his next class, completely shaken up.

The next class seemed to go by fast with the thoughts of what had just happened occupying his mind. What made Kellam get so angry? So what if he and Rhys were kissing, what's that to him? And that look that flashed on Kellam's face as he left the room wouldn't soon be forgotten. Parker was anxious to get back to his and Rhys' room and unload about the situation. Class was released and Parker made his way for the dorms. On the way, he caught sight of Kellam walking over towards him...with a friendly smile. What the hell?

"Hey buddy," Kellam said, as though he'd completely forgotten what had happened just an hour ago. "Walk with me for a minute." Parker cautiously walked alongside Kellam towards the dorms, but Kellam made a turn right before the stairwell down a hallway on the bottom floor. Parker was confused, and a little scared to be perfectly honest. Farther down, Kellam leaned up against the wall next to a utility closet and folded his arms. "Inside," was all he said.

Not knowing what would happen if he didn't do as he was told, Parker turned the doorknob and stepped inside, with Kellam, who looked around to make sure nobody saw, immediately behind him. Once inside, Kellam shut the door and propped a mop up against it to make sure it couldn't be opened from the outside. Parker was more scared than ever now, thinking that Kellam was going to beat him up. "On your knees," was all that could be heard, save for Parker's ragged breathing. "On your knees, I said! Don't make me say it a third time." Parker, shaking uncontrollably, went to his knees in front of the man he called a friend yesterday. "I thought the three of us could've gotten along swell," Kellam said, "but now that I know that you're both fags, I think I'll toy with you a little," he said as he unzipped his pants and pulled out a cock even bigger than Rhys'. "Suck."

Parker was frozen, not knowing what he should do. He thought of Rhys and how he wanted his first time for everything with a guy to be with him, and it made him sad. But Kellam looked serious, and Parker didn't want to show just how afraid he really was. He decided he wasn't getting out of this without giving Kellam what he wanted, and he resigned himself to the thought that at least when he did the same for Rhys, he'd have a little experience, albeit experience that he didn't necessarily ask for.

He took Kellam's behemoth circumsized cock in his hand and started to stroke it, and when he noticed it growing bigger, he felt his own grow bigger too, despite the situation. When Kellam was at full-mast, his cock was almost as thick as Parker's wrist, and looked about 11 inches. He leaned his head closer to the huge cock in front of him and licked the head lightly. He heard a breath of air escape Kellam's mouth, and as he started to fit the cock through his own mouth, Kellam gave a slight moan. Not very loud, but still noticeable. As Parker slid the huge member back and forth in his mouth, he felt Kellam starting to rock his hips, getting it deeper and deeper.

Parker's own cock was fully grown by now and bulging in his pants so big that it hurt, but he didn't care. He was completely overtaken by the feeling of having a cock in his mouth that he could hardly feel or think about anything else. He released Kellam's cock from his mouth and continued jerking it as he took each huge ball one by one and sucked them gently. Kellam was moaning louder at this point, so Parker knew he was doing good. He started stroking faster and faster, licking all around the cock. Base to tip and back down, every part of Kellam's cock had Parker's saliva on it. He knew he wouldn't be able to fully take it all down, so when he felt Kellam's cock begin to pulse, he just took the head into his mouth.

Kellam lifted Parker's head slightly up so that they were looking into each other's eyes and he released rope after rope of warm cum down Parker's throat. Parker began to gag and some jism even leaked out of his mouth down onto Kellam's shaft. Kellam gave a hearty moan as the final spurt shot from his cock, and Parker swallowed all that he could. He loved the taste of cock, and cum even more. He licked the escaped drops from Kellam's softening member and from his own lips. He looked up to see Kellam's face staring back down at him, smiling.

"Not quite done yet," Kellam said with a huge grin. "Gotta wash all that yummy jizz down, right?" He grabbed a bucket from the corner and placed it in front of Parker. Having an idea of what might happen next, Parker began to shake his head, but he knew it couldn't be stopped. As Kellam pushed his head over the bucket, the cock was inserted back into his mouth. As the first drops of piss started to fill Parker's mouth, he couldn't help but choke slightly, and just decided to swallow instead of gag. The taste wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Actually...he kind of enjoyed it. What the hell was Parker doing? Yesterday he never would have thought this was what he'd be doing on his first day. But as the piss stream kept flooding into his stomach, he loved it more and more. As the last few drops leaked from Kellam's soft cock, he looked down and noticed that hardly any landed in the bucket. He had just swallowed loads of cum followed by almost a full stream of piss.

Kellam finally pulled Parker to his feet and said, "Now you're a bonafide cockboy. How's that feel?"

"...Kind of great actually," he replied, "but still, I wish my first time was with Rhys."

"You two didn't fuck last night? With all that moaning I could've swore you were getting your pretty little ass pounded into next week," Kellam said, in a way that wasn't as rough as he was being earlier.

"No...we were just kissing. We haven't done anything else, and we we're supposed to talk during our break between classes." Just as he said that, he realized where he was supposed to be. "Shit! He's waiting for me in our room. What time is it?" he asked Kellam, who was releasing the mop from the doorhandle.

Kellam pulled out his cell phone and checked the time. "Almost 11," he said.

Parker's eyes got wide, and in a frantic voice he said "I'm late! We were supposed to talk about what happened! It was my idea to wait till lunch and he's been sitting up there for almost an hour waiting on me!"

"Sorry 'bout that," Kellam said, and it almost seemed like he actually did feel bad. He didn't know where that situation would lead in the future, but right now the only thing on his mind was getting back to the one he truly wanted to be with. He ran up the stairs to the third floor and entered the room.

When he got in, he noticed it was empty, but a note was sitting on Rhys' desk saying:

"Waited for you. Got hungry. See you after classes. Maybe you'll actually want to talk then."

"Shit, shit, shit," was all Parker could say.

Well guys, there's part 2. I told you we'd see some action this time! I've got big plans for our boys Rhys and Parker's first love scene, which will probably show up next chapter. I really appreciate your feedback and I hope I've kept you interested enough to come back for more! Thank you!

Next: Chapter 3

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