Rhys Rides

By Ray Writes

Published on Jun 21, 2014



This story contains sexually explicit content and is not intended for anyone under 18. If you are offended by gay male content, please redirect your attention elsewhere. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is unintended. This is a story about college students and professors, and in some chapters may contain urination, domination, or other fetishes. The characters portrayed in this story have unprotected sex, and in this fictional work, no diseases exist. Please remember to always use protection in real life sexual instances.

This is my first series of erotic fiction for Nifty. Please donate to Nifty to keep this wonderful site running. Comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated and you can contact me with feedback at raywrites@yahoo.com. I'd love to hear what you guys think!

Rhys Rides - 3

As Rhys sat in his afternoon Economics class, his thoughts went nowhere except to Parker. 'Why didn't he show up?' he thought. 'He's the one who wanted to wait to talk about us.' He was snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed the whole class turn and look at him.

"Do you know the answer, Mr...?" the instructor asked.

"Bowman. Rhys Bowman. Umm, can you repeat the question?" Rhys replied.

"Pay attention next time, Mr. Bowman," the instructor said, moving on to the next student. "What about you?" he said, looking at a guy in the second row with a buzzcut of dark brown hair. Rhys got so lost in the deep, almost sultry voice that he didn't even hear what it was saying. The instructor nodded, so assumably the correct answer was said, but Rhys was more concerned with the speaker than the words spoken.

After class ended, Rhys walked out of the lecture hall, catching a glimpse of the guy who put him to shame. He was of around the same height, maybe an inch shorter than Rhys, with brown eyes. A weird feeling came upon him. He hadn't spoken a word to this guy, but he felt attracted. Ever since last night, he knew he liked Parker, but he still thought that maybe it was just a one-person thing. An exception, not a rule. But with these feelings, Rhys started to accept that maybe he truly was gay, and that Parker just opened up a whole new world for him. Parker was still his main interest, but he couldn't deny that urge to get to know this new guy.

One more lecture until the first day of classes was over for Rhys, so one more hour until he'd see Parker again, assuming Parker would come back to the room at all. After a quick snack, Rhys headed towards the room for his last class, English Literature, and he noticed Kellam walking down the hall. "Hey, Kellam!" he said, ushering his friend over, but Kellam disregarded the summons and kept walking. 'Wonder what's up with him,' Rhys thought, entering his classroom.

As he sat through the lecture, he couldn't help but notice the instructor making passing glances at him, but thought he was just over-thinking it. Being an English major, Rhys found it a lot easier to pay attention in this class, although thoughts of Parker, and even the guy from Economics, still came and went. He looked at the instructor, who introduced himself as Mr. Kline, or Geoff, whichever the students preferred. He looked to be about 30, had reddish hair cut short, and looked pretty buff from Rhys' location. Handsome face, too. He got that feeling again that he was being checked out, but continued to brush it off until class was dismissed.

As Rhys was leaving the room, Mr. Kline was handing out cards to the students with his office phone number and email address on it if they ever needed him for anything. Rhys took a card, getting a closer look at the instructor who may or may not have been checking him out for the past hour. He really was quite handsome, a bit of stubble on the chin that Rhys hadn't noticed earlier made him look extinguished, and as Rhys was turning to head out the door, he received a sly wink from the man, which made his cock jump ever so slightly in his pants.

'What the hell?' Rhys thought. 'He's your teacher, keep it together,' he said to himself. Yet he couldn't help wondering what it would be like with a guy around a dozen years his senior. After that thought crossed his mind, he realized that that was the second time today that he felt attraction to a guy other than Parker. How could one make-out session with a guy make him turn like this in so short amount of time? He decided that he wouldn't tell Parker about it, not yet anyways. It'd be too much to deal with, on top of whatever was going on with the two of them.

He arrived back at the dorm and noticed it was empty. He assumed Parker was on his way. They were on the same time schedule, after all. He layed down on his bed and opened his laptop, and started a game of solitaire while he waited. Not long after, he heard footsteps arrive outside the door and then it opened to reveal Parker. "Hey," Rhys said as his roommate walked in and put his bag on the floor by his bed.

"Hey..." Parker replied, his face turning red. "Sorry about earlier. Something...came up. I didn't mean to ditch you, I hope you're not mad at me."

"It's fine. We're both here now," Rhys said, trying to ease the tension showing in Parker's stance. He slid his laptop over and got up from the bed and walked over to Parker, cupping his hand on the back of Parker's head and bringing him in for a kiss. As their tongues wrestled, he tasted something unfamiliar in Parker's mouth. Pulling away, he noticed Parker looking down at the floor and turning red again. "What's wrong?" Rhys asked.

"Nothing, just...I'm really sorry about earlier. I was on my way here and then I ran into Kellam and kind of lost track of time."

At the mention of Kellam, Rhys remembered the weird way their friend was acting earlier. "I saw him as I was heading to my last class. I said hey, but he just kept walking. Maybe he didn't notice me, but I thought it was kind of strange." Parker looked Rhys in the eye for a moment and then looked back to the floor, turning even more red. Noticing Parker's reaction, Rhys pressed the query further. "Did something happen with you too?" he asked.

"Umm..." Parker stammered, "kind of. I don't know how to explain what happened, honestly. It was so unexpected and it's not like I wanted it, but it just...happened."

"What happened?" Rhys asked with concern in his voice. "Did you get in an argument? Did he hurt you?"

"No...and yes. Well...I saw him in Psychology, and sat next to him and said hey but he didn't pay me any mind. Then after class he..." Parker started to explain, as tears welled up in his beautiful gray eyes. "He confronted me after the room was empty and said some awful things. He saw us, Rhys. Last night, through the window. He saw us kissing and was coming up to our room to check if he really saw what he saw, and he heard us. Well, me...moaning. That was him that you heard last night outside the door. Anyways, after class he called me a fag and was harrassing me, and then on the way here I ran into him again, and he was acting friendly again, but kind of scary, too. He led me down the hall on the bottom floor to a janitor's closet. Told me to get inside, so I did. Then..." Parker trailed off.

"Then what?" Rhys asked, anger showing on his face. "What did the bastard do to you?!"

"He told me to get on my knees, then he pulled out his cock and told me to suck him..." Parker said, looking up into Rhys' eyes once again for only a moment. "And I did..."

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Rhys said as he was making his way towards the door, fists curled and a look of angry determination on his face. But Parker grabbed him on his way to the door and pulled him back. "Why are you stopping me? He can't get away with that, Parker! It's rape!"

"But...Oh God, Rhys. I don't know how to say this. I...I liked it. At first I was still scared, but after a minute I got into the rhythm of it and...he didn't have to force me anymore...I just kept going. I couldn't get enough of it. So please, don't be angry with him, be angry with me if you want to. Looking back, I think I knew from the time he started leading me down the hallway where the situation would end up going. I could've run at any time if I really wanted to. But deep down, I wanted it. I didn't know I did, but I did. I wish my first time sucking a cock would have been with you, but I don't regret what happened. It gave me experience, so I could be better when...when we did it for the first time," Parker took a deep breath and pulled Rhys into him, "Please, forgive me. And Kellam, too. I'm sorry."

Rhys didn't honestly know what to do at that point. He was still really angry with Kellam, but Parker's honesty about the situation calmed him enough to where he was no longer in a rage. He kissed Parker again, realizing what the unfamiliar taste on his partner's mouth must be. The thought of kissing Parker with Kellam's cum still in his mouth turned Rhys on more than he realized it would have. Soon, he was full mast in his pants and pushed Parker down onto the bed, facing up at him. He could see that Parker was hard too, and started to unzip his own pants, but Parker leaned up and started unzipping for him.

Parker pulled Rhys' pants down and looked up into his eyes before tracing the outline of his cock through his boxers with his tongue. Rhys pushed Parker back down onto the bed and climbed on top of him, kissing him passionately as they continued to undress each other. Once they were down to just their underwear, Rhys got up and locked their bedroom door. When he turned back around, he found Parker in an extremely provactive postion, laying on the bed with one arm resting above his head and the other gliding down his lean, hairy chest and into his briefs, licking his tongue and slowly grinding his hips. It was the single most sexy thing that Rhys had ever seen, and he knew right then that they wouldn't stop at just a blowjob.

He walked over to the bed and stood on the edge, looking down at the beauty laying there. Parker moved the hand resting above his head and grabbed Rhys' cock through his underwear, giving it a few slows jerks in rhythm with the jerks he was giving his own cock. He rolled onto his side and slid Rhys' boxers revealing the monster that he had only caught glimpses of so far. He saw that Rhys was uncircumsized, the foreskin rolling up and down the shaft as he jerked his partner's cock. He removed his own underwear, so they were both completely naked, man scent filling the air, as he looked Rhys' cock square in the eye and took the head into his mouth.

Rhys moaned as Parker slid his lips up and down the shaft, putting to use the experience that Kellam had given him earlier. Rhys started grinding his hips in sequence with Parker's traveling mouth and soon his cock was more than halfway enveloped. He noticed Parker's cock twitching in excitement as his own was being sucked, and pushed Parker back down flat on the bed again. He crawled on top of Parker, with his cock in Parker's face and Parker's cock looking right at him. 7 inches of circumsized cock was staring Rhys in the face and Parker once again began to swallow him. He gribbed Parker's cock and started jerking it up and down before licking the very tip of the head. A moan escaped Parker's cock-filled mouth as they began to 69 each other. For what seemed an eternity, they lay in bed swallowing each other's cocks and balls, alternating speed and intensity.

Rhys rolled them over so now Parker was on top and Rhys was back-down on the bed. Still swallowing each other, Rhys moved his hands up Parker's leg starting at the feet and all the way up to his hairy ass. Rhys massaged Parker's cheeks as he took all 7 inches into his mouth. He spread the cheeks apart, and with his mouth full of cock, looked straight into Parker's tight hole, surrounded by a circle of thick hair. As if sensing what Rhys had in mind, Parker nodded his head with Rhys' cock still in his mouth. Rhys slowly led his hands to the epicenter of Parker's ass and spread again, gently stretching the beautiful hole slightly.

He released Parker's cock from his mouth just long enough to suck a few of his own fingers, getting them wet with his saliva. He returned to Parker's ass and ran the tip of his index finger in a circular motion on the rim of the hole staring at him, eliciting an incredibly sexy moan from Parker. He slowly started to slide his finger in, moving in and out gently to stretch it. Parker's moans began to have a note of pain in them, so Rhys eased up.

"No, don't stop," Parker said, "It hurts but it feels amazing too. Keep going." Rhys did. He fingered Parker's hole, getting his entire index finger deep in, then moved his middle finger to the area and slowly pushed it in as well. Parker winced and twitched off the fingers slightly, then pushed his ass back down again. Rhys was eventually working both fingers in and out of Parker's hole easily, and all sounds of pain were gone from his moans. Rhys decided to try his ring finger too. He knew his cock was above average, and he didn't want to hurt Parker too much on their first fuck. But Parker pulled away and turned to face him, taking both the fingers that were in his ass into his mouth and sucking tight, then kissing Rhys.

He lay on his back, with Rhys seated between his legs, and started sucking his own fingers. He then moved them slowly down his body, past his cock, and pulled his legs up, so Rhys was looking straight into his now stretched hole. Then he inserted his own three middle fingers into his hole as Rhys watched. Rhys couldn't believe what he was seeing. This incredibly sexy guy laying in front of him fingering himself, getting himself ready to take his cock. Precum dripped from Rhys' cock as he leaned down and kissed Parker, the head of his throbbing monster touching the knuckles of Parker's hiding fingers and making them sticky. Then suddenly Parker pulled his fingers out, sucked them, wrapped his legs around Rhys' lower back and pushed the huge cock into him. He screamed out at first, but wouldn't released the grip he had on Rhys. Rhys could feel at least 5 of his 10 inches buried inside the first hole he ever fucked, and there was no possible way to describe the sensation. He was in love. In love with fucking, in love with Parker, and in love with fucking Parker.

He grinded his cock in and out of Parker's stretched yet still tight hole, getting his cock a little deeper each time. They kissed and shared moans and both reveled in the feeling of the fuck. Soon Rhys was almost bottoming out in his partner's hole, feeling the hair around the rim starting to mix with his own bush. He was starting to fuck more quickly and intensely at this point, and soon had Parker gasping and moaning non-stop. "Take my fucking cock in your ass, baby. Take it all the way in," he moaned in Parker's ear.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! I'm gonna cum, baby!" Parker replied, his cock beginning to twitch to the drum of the pounds in his ass. He reached up and took Rhys' face to his and kissed him deeply as he shot the biggest load of his life inbetween their stomachs, mixing it in his chest hair. Rhys showed no sign of slowing down in the slightest, however. He continued to pound Parker's sweet hole as he ran his finger through Parker's chest hair, collecting cum, and shoving it in Parker's mouth.

Rhys destroyed Parker's hole for another 15 minutes before he showed signs of nearing his orgasm, by which point Parker's own cock had reloaded and was fully hard again. Rhys pushed Parker's head down into the pillow and spit into his mouth before kissing him. His hips were starting to shake and Parker could feel the huge cock starting to pulsate deep in his hole. "Give me your hot load, baby. Cum deep in my ass," he said to his lover, "I want to feel you swimming inside me."

"Here it comes, baby," Rhys moaned as he shot the first rope of cum deep into Parker's ass. Shot after shot after shot he blew, feeling his cum seeping back down onto his cock. It was the hottest feeling Rhys had ever known in his life, and when Parker came for a second time, he wished he could stay in this moment forever.

He slowly eased out of Parker's ass, cum dripping from the gaped hole and covering his cock. Parker took Rhys' cock in his hand and brought it to his face, taking it in his mouth and licking every drop of cum from it's perimeter. Rhys brought Parker's mouth to his own, tasting the mixture of his cum, Kellam's cum from earlier, and Parker's ass. It was the most delicious cocktail he'd ever had, and flipped Parker over onto his stomach and lifted his ass in the air. He once again fingered Parker's ass, making droplets of cum escape with each thrust, and licking them up as they spilled out and dripped down Parker's balls. After there was not a drop of cum left on, or in, either of them, they layed in bed, still stark naked, and stared into each other's eyes.

"That was fucking amazing," they both said simultaneously, and laughed afterwards. They kissed and rolled in bed until Parker brought up the idea of taking a shower.

"Yeah, we definitely need one," Rhys said with a wink, "but first..." He grabbed his cock and jerked it, getting it hard once more, "I need you again."

They fucked for a second time, for a shorter duration, until they both came again and repeated the cum eating process once more. Rhys decided that he would eat his seed from Parker's ass everytime they fucked from now on, and when he voiced this, Parker smiled and said, "I love your tongue on my ass, baby. Even more when it's sucking your seed from my hole. Do whatever you want to me. I love you." Not realizing he said those three words until after they were already out, Parker turned red. "I mean, um..." he frantically grasped for an explanation in his head. They had literally just met yesterday. He thought Rhys would think he was crazy for saying he loved him.

Rhys took Parker's head in his hands, looked right into his eyes, and uttered, "I love you, too, Parker." Parker smiled his trademark grin, and Rhys knew then that he truly meant what he said. They kissed again, and there was something changed about the way they did. The physicality of this particular kiss was just like any other, but the emotion behind it was stronger than either of them could describe.

They got up from bed, slipped on some shorts, and headed to the shower. When they got there, they discovered it was empty, save for one guy in the far corner. As they grabbed a towel and got undressed, they headed towards empty spots, but both of them froze when they saw who the person was.

"Kellam," they both muttered.

Well guys, there's chapter 3! I hope you enjoyed Rhys and Parker's first love scene! We'll be seeing more of mysterious Economics guy, as well as Mr. Kline in later chapters! But for now, look out for chapter 4 to find out what happens between Rhys, Parker and Kellam in the shower! I've received some very inspiring feedback from you guys, and I love hearing your opinions! Thanks, and see you next time! ;)

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