Rich Boy Poor Boy

By Ryan White

Published on Apr 17, 2022



Well, I was bored this afternoon and just started typing random stuff on my laptop...when Im out of ideas, that's always what I do LOL and I ended up with what you see here.

Hope you enjoy, I certainly did in writing it.

If yall wanna email me about the story, of any of my other stories on Nifty, feel free xx

Peace and Love, Ryan


"Jesus dude, holy fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

Andy kept sucking Kieran's hard as nails six-inch teenage cock as the sixteen-year-old's thirsty gullet furiously went up and at it on the latter's king size bed. Kieran thrusted his hips at a furious pace, his entitled classic rich boy ass getting all the sexual pleasure that a teenager can get from another. His eyes near God damn rolled back in his head as the tongue licking and slurping on his dick kept lapping across his cock head over and over until he shuddered what felt for the hundredth fucking time.

Kieran reached down and wanted to caress his buddy's hair as somewhat of a reward for giving him so much pleasure but the sheer moment of weakness, passed, as he would call it. He wasn't gay. No. God no. He was merely getting his rocks off with a buddy that was more than willing and able to actually do it.

Urgh...who was he kidding?

His cock was adored and worshipped like it was a lemon flavoured lolly pop and he didn't wanna risk things getting weird between himself and Andy after being friends all these years. Best friends, ever since their mom's had met in the hospital when they were born on the same day, when at first, it was two infants getting used to the brand-new world that they were thrusted in upon, and later in life when they started to reach out to the other with their plumb baby like arms in recognition.

Andy had come out to Kieran a year or so ago, and whilst he didn't care or mind that his best friend was into guys instead of girls, he did admire his sheer guts and determination to actually do it...come out, that was. Because as Kieran laid there on his bed, his eyes closed in ecstasy as his teenage cock was pleasured every second, Andy's eager tongue piercing his piss slit in the desperate seeking of any more pre cum that just seemed to flow from the sixteen-year-old steel hard organ, he knew, oh Kieran knew, that he couldn't have done with Andy did.

Never...Jesus, just imagine...Kieran Smith, star soccer player of Freedom Highschool's first string team, was actually homosexual himself...that shit would just never fly in such a conservative town such as Freedom. Ironically, though, that the name of the small town was completely the opposite of what the word actually meant...if the sheer idiotic persons living here had any, and I mean ANY kind of sense that you were DIFFERENT that what society demanded, they made god damn sure that you knew it, and they treated you like complete and utter shit.

And the best of all...they felt that you DESERVED all that you were getting...because they fully believed that you CHOSE this kind of lifestyle, as they were calling it.

Bullshit...but that's why Kieran felt he couldn't ever be who he really was. All the boys on the soccer team were the sons of very religious and once more unfortunately, conservative families, so...Kieran closed his eyes as he felt Andy's tongue make what felt like love to his teenage dick and he sighed...this had to stay a secret...this couldn't ever come out...ever...

"Andy...oh geez..."

Kieran doubled over in sheer sexual exhaustion as he felt his cum spurt out of his throbbing teenage penis with the velocity of a thunderbolt, straight in the mouth and throat of his best friend in the world. Andy doubled up on his efforts to get every single drop of teen boy sperm that he could possibly muster, and knowing Kieran, he came a fucking lot, but he loved and respected the challenge. Kieran Smith could literally have his dick sucked by every girl in the fucking entire Freedom High school, but he was kind enough to allow his buddy to do it...why, Andy didn't know and to be honest, he really didn't actually care. He didn't for one second think Kieran might be just didn't seem possible.

Kieran sunk back onto his bed, his by now sweaty hands tightly clenched in fists as he enjoyed the after glow of his glorious orgasm, whilst Andy made sure that his pal was clean as a whistle down there in every sense of the word. Kieran's breathing eventually returned to normal as Andy reached up and slumped his own body next to that of Kieran.

"We gotta do that more, Jesus Christ..." the latter said, once more smacking his lips, wanting to keep the flavour and texture of the buddy's cum on his tastebuds a little longer.

Kieran smirked and sighed. If only. If bloody only.

"Andy, you know you ain't gonna tell a soul about any of this, please, buddy...I allow you to do this because you're my best friend, okay? Ain't no one else's business what we do."

Kieran saw Andy nod out of the corner of his eye and he immediately felt crap as hell.

There was no way he could come out to anyone, not even to Andy. He knew the latter would never breath a soul to anyone, but in just actually SAYING those two little words...I'm gay...was something he near damn got panic attacks about when he thought about it. If everything worked out like it was supposed to, he could perhaps be playing soccer professionally one day, and God knows, while the world was a little more relaxed about homosexuality in sport than it once was, it still wasn't universally accepted...and Kieran knew his parents and his family would never, but never, accept him if they knew who he really was.

He also felt crap in the sense because he knew how Andy felt about him. They have done more than enough sleepovers through out the years, which came to an abrupt end of course, when the news about Andy's coming out had spread through town. His parents, and especially his dad, wasn't having his son being friends with "one of them."

There were more than enough times in the past few years that Kieran woke up during a sleepover and had heard Andy whisper and moan his name in his was a pity, because Kieran just DIDN'T feel about Andy the same way that the latter clearly did. It was nothing personal, but he knew he could never see Andy as anything else as a lifelong best friend. Life would have been easier if he did.

Kieran's parents, strict as a bun as they were, ordered him to immediately stop seeing Andy as the news broke, to break off all ties with him, and have nothing more to do with him in every way, and what's worse, his mother actually went to Freedom High school and forbid Kieran's teachers with threats of boycotting if they would EVER place Andy in a group task with Kieran or even paired the two together for tasks...this from a woman who had been friends with Andy's mother for as long as the boys were on this green earth...if she knew what had happened mere minutes before on this bed, she and his dad would most likely kick him out of the house. And that wasn't even a joke.

It was insane...Kieran remembered suddenly how devastated Mrs Harding, Andy's mother, looked when his own literally chased her away from their home, when she innocently came over and tried to smooth things over and rescue whatever friendship there was left...his mom simply refused to talk out any issues, and rejected her own best friend simply because she didn't throw her gay son out on the street. In her eyes, Mrs Harding was equally as appalling as her homosexual deviant of a spawn...

No way...there was no way, no how...he'd probably have to stay in the fucking closet forever, because there was no way he could take THAT kind of a rejection...ever!


It was Friday night and it was the fucking weekend, a day before one of the biggest soccer games of the school season, but you would never have said it, if you considered almost every kid in school that mattered or who was popular enough was at Lucy Rae Jennings's birthday party that night.

Lucy Rae was the current girl that Kieran was seeing and therefore her popularity had sky rocketed the moment the two of them started dating. That was the reward for being Kieran Smith's girlfriend and Lucy Rae damn well knew it. The party was in full swing and there were literally beer bottles EVERYWHERE you looked. Music pumped throughout the house and the neighbourhood, with about thirty or so teenagers did what teenagers did on a Friday night. Most of those kids were too drunk to even function as the time neared twelve a clock, when the most of them had to be home for their curfew.

Kieran could hardly even walk straight any more, what with all the vodka he had inside his system, and he was desperately looking for Lucy Rae at that moment and time. He was horny as hell, his cock had been rock hard ever since she had fondled him in the jacuzzi earlier, well, fully fledged jacked his six inches off, more like, and even though she was a GIRL...he couldn't very well cop off with a boy of his choice, now could he?

All of his so-called teammates were straight as arrows anyway and it looked like he was going to drive home on his own, because he couldn't see Andy anywhere either. Luckily, he could use the age-old excuse to bring Andy along because everyone knew the latter didn't drink alcohol, so it made perfect sense for Kieran to invite the local gay boy as his designated driver and because he was Kieran's best friend, no one DARED say or do anything to Andy...Kieran winced when those words rocked his alcohol infused brain...

His body was no longer until its own control, but more by the vodka he had consumed. He wobbled outside and tried to walk in a straight line to where he thought he must have parked his almost brand new sportscar. The keys fell out of his hand as he tripped and fell onto the tarred road, but he simply choked with drunk laughter and tried again. He actually managed to get inside the car, but when he chuckled and tried to start the damn thing, it wouldn't go. He smirked and turned on the engine one more time, same result. Still laughing manically, he spat out some pent-up saliva and dragged his drunken ass out of the car, when he saw what looked like Andy running towards him.

"Oh wow, really, Kieran? You're just gonna leave me here? Driving drunk, wow, that's new, even for you. Geez dude, look at you!"

Kieran smiled and pointed Andy towards the headlights of the car. Andy frowned and checked what Kieran was showing him but he didn't quite understand.

"They were ON...the whole fucking time...battery's dead, pal..." Kieran managed to get out before he doubled over and vomited violently, his body shaking with the motions, with Andy just about managing to get his feet out of the way before it was covered in his best friend's sick.

"You wanna tell me your fancy ass expensive BMW won't start? Jesus, Kieran! You were supposed to sleep over at mine tonight, your dad is gonna FREAK when he sees you!"

Kieran wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smiled wryly. He knew perfectly well what his dad was capable of if he turned up home in THIS state. He told him he was sleeping over at Lucy Rae's when in fact it was going to be at Andy's...he totally forgot about that. That comes from lying to see pride in your own father's eyes!

His knee was now bleeding profusely from where he had tripped and fell over earlier, to make things even worse.

"Can't you call your mom to come and get us?" he managed to croak out before the sick overtook him one more time.

"With what? My bike? You know my dad has the car; he's working the fucking night shift! We can't all be millionaires like you guys...geez..."

Kieran groggily stood upwards and lifted up his t-shirt to wipe his face clean, exposing his six pack abs and his treasure trail leading down to his groin. When he was done, he could have sworn that Andy was diverting his eyes back upwards, as if he had just been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. He blinked a few times and suddenly he snapped his fingers.

"Jessie and Dylan are here together and they came in separate cars...I'll just borrow Dylan's car so we can get home and I'll explain everything in the morning. He's a cool dude, he'll understand."

Andy ran his fingers through his hair in sheer frustration.

"You want me to drive that thing? Dylan is your soccer teammate, not mine!"

"Yeah well, I can't drive like this!" Kieran belted out, even barely audible over the music which was still bombarding out from Lucy Rae's living room and the multitude of kids still dancing and having a good time.

"Yeah, who's fault is that, Jackass?" Andy yelled back, but he took Kieran's arm and dragged him to where the almost brand-new Toyota Etios was parked, which belonged to Dylan Lambert, the centre forward on the soccer team. Andy's eyes and ears were all over the place, but he knew why Kieran chose Dylan's car...more often than not, the dude forgot to lock it, happened more than once during games and practices.

Andy reached out and send a quick prayer upstairs...the door clicked open with the first attempt, and the latter had never been so happy in realising how desperate someone was to get to a party and alcohol that he was so stupid as to not lock his damn car, and even being so naïve to as to leave the keys inside the kids have no worries...because Daddy will simply buy his darling boy a new car if this one get stolen, right? Small change to them!

He quickly ran towards the other side and open the passenger door as well, signalling for Kieran to come over and get the hell in, which the latter did.

"Dude, I'm seriously gonna puke on the dashboard if you don't hurry the fuck up!" Kieran yelled out and bent forward to try and stop the nausea he was feeling, and got a smack on the head from his bestie for his trouble.


They were half way towards Andy's home when they saw the police car following them. That same police car was soon joined by a motorbike with the same exact classic red and blue lights flashing every fucking where you looked. The sound of the sirens blinded Kieran and his alcohol infused brain in an instant.

"Kieran..." Andy said, getting more and more nervous as the cops approached them.

"Keep fucking driving!" Kieran hissed, his nausea by now completely out of control and made even worse by being inside of a moving car.

"Kieran, there are police dudes behind us..."

"Man, fuck the police!" Kieran shouted just as the motorbike swerved in front of the car and came to a halt, forcing Andy to hit the brakes at lightning speed to stop before the expensive Toyota collided with it.

Both boys looked at each other with fear in their eyes, and Kieran knew his last day on earth had arrived...surely...had to be...


Dylan's car had a tracker inside it. His dad wasn't stupid, he knew his son. By some miracle, and because Andy was driving mega slowly to avoid doing damage to said expensive car, Dylan and his buddies realised his car was missing, and knowing he did neither lock the car not take the keys with him, he panicked and called his father, who in turn called the tracking company and well...the rest is history.

"What on earth were you even thinking? And what were you doing with that faggot boy? Did he make you do this?" Kieran's father Gordon shouted and yelled once they were inside their own car, having had to fetch Kieran from the police station. Thank God Mrs Harding had already picked up Andy because if his parents would have seen them together, his father might just have been facing murder charges right now.

"For God's sake, Dad!"

"Watch your mouth!"

"Dad, please just listen! Okay? Andy was giving me a ride home form the party, my car's battery was dead and I had no other choice! I didn't thing it would be suck a big deal, I know Dylan from school, Jesus, we are on the same soccer team!"

"If you use the Lord's name in blasphemy one more time...and here I thought you were sleeping at your girlfriend's place? HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for being such a fucking screw up! I'm sorry for not being perfect! There, now you happy?"

Afterwards, Kieran would have thought about and wondered if he had time, or if time had stood still, if he would have been able to duck the murderous punch that his dad had given him right that moment in retaliation.

As he laid on the floor, his eye quickly swelling from the attack his own father had just landed on him, listening to his mother screaming, begging and yelling at his dad to stop hurting their son, seeing out of his healthy eye how Gordon took his mom, Mary at her shoulders and shoved her onto the couch saying HE was the man of the house and his word was the law...

More now so than ever, Kieran knew that...I mean, as insane and CRUEL as it sounded, his father, could literally, quite literally, KILL him if he knew he had a gay son. It wasn't a question of "if he would" any more.

If he could shove his wife violently onto a couch, the same wife that he had been married to for over twenty years, then Kieran didn't wanna even IMAGINE what he would to do his own child...just because said child was different than others.


"My dad did WHAT?"

Andy refused to come closer to Kieran as they were switching classes three days after the events. Kieran had Biology next whilst Andy had P.E. Dylan's dad had gone to the police and had made a law suit against both Kieran and Andy for stealing Dylan's car and therefore had a court date now to look forward to. That, and considering that Andy hasn't spoken a single word to him, either in person or over WhatsApp in all that time, and now Kieran finally discovered why.

"Dude, I don't wanna talk about this! Your dad got a restraining order against me and my mom. I can't be near you right now. Just please get away from me. I'm in enough crap because of what we did."

Kieran closed his eyes and tried to make sense of what he was hearing. A restraining Just bloody wow. Obviously, Gordon wanted to force them apart as friends and by doing this, he made sure that legally, Andy can get into loads of trouble if they didn't honour that.

"Andy, you're my best fr..."

"I'm really sorry, dude. Im in enough trouble. Im sorry."

Kieran watched in heartbreak as his life literally fell apart with Andy now also rejecting him. His fists were clenched, his chest was aching and burning with pent up anger that he couldn't take out on school property.

FUCK YOU DAD! Kieran sat down on a nearby bench...he couldn't remember when was the last time he actually cried, but today was an exception. He just lost the best friend he ever had and he still had a court case to look forward to. Every time he tried to speak to Dylan about what his dad was doing, Dylan simply said he wasn't allowed to talk about it.

Yeah right, and the earth was flat.

Kieran angrily wiped a tear away that rolled down his cheek and stood up, toughening his himself up like his father had taught him ever since he was old enough to understand what it meant. He was Kieran Smith. He was one of the, if not, the most popular kid in school, captain of the soccer team and everyone wanted to be like him...he could do this...he CAN do this!


"You're extremely lucky the judge only gave you and that blasted homo community service for stealing that car, because I swear..."

"Dad, can you stop calling Andy a homo?" Kieran said desperately, his head was pounding from all the anxious worry about the court case and if he was going to be sent to some juvenile institution...yeah, it was finally over and they probably got off easily, but now all the tension had seemed to lodge itself inside his brain...mega migraine happening and he just wanted to get home and sleep.

Gordon stared at his son in the review mirror with absolutely no emotion on his face whilst he was driving to the speed limit.

"Kieran Anthony Smith...Im gonna ask you one question and I want you to tell me the God's honest truth. Are you a homo? Yes or no, what's your choice?"

Fucking hell, as if it was a choice.

Kieran sunk back pathetically into car the seat and his eyes quickly scouted over to that of his mother. Mary Smith was looking out of the window at the time, so that her husband couldn't see her, but Kieran could...and her eyes were closed, and for some reason here lips were slightly if she was talking to herself...or maybe...maybe, to a higher power, begging Kieran, begging her son silently to just say the RIGHT thing.

No matter how much of a lie it was...Jesus, could his mother know that he was secretly gay? He was always so worried and concerned that Gordon might have one day figured it out but he completely forgot that his mother had eyes, ears and most importantly, a brain and a heart...

"NO, dad! I'm NOT gay!" Kieran said loudly with defiance, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw his mother sniff softly, as if in relief.

"Good. You stay away from that faggot boy. Once and for all!" Gordon nattered on, as they drove home the rest of the way in complete and utter silence.


"Here we are. This must be the place according to the GPS," Mary said quietly as she drove Kieran to his first shift of community service at a local soup kitchen just outside of town.

Kieran glanced at the name of the of miracles translated from Zulu in the South African context.

" sure THIS is it? But it's like...well..."

His eyes flickered over what he saw...the extreme poverty in this small homeless community that he was sent to, the roughness of it all, the rawness and earthy pictures that made up what these people have gone through all their lives. This was a community that had forgotten how to live, forgot how to do the basic things...survival from one day to the next was all that mattered to them. People like Kieran and his mother didn't belong here.

Not here.

Mary Smith touched her son's hand and stared straight before her into nothingness.

"I know, honey. People here are not as well off as we are, yes. And I think that's why the judge sent you here, to make a sort of example of you. Your dad is not gonna like this one little bit, you know how he feels about people of colour. You have your phone, right? You let me know when to come and fetch you."

"Can't I do my community service some place else? Geez Mom, look at this place, its like, gonna cave any second!"

Mary patted her son on his shoulder and squeezed gently.

"Maybe a little coming down to earth, is exactly what you need."


About an hour into his first few hours that he needed to do, and Kieran was trying very hard not to actually drop everything and call his mom to come and pick him up.

He didn't wanna be everything a spoilt rich boy was, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't used to poverty, let alone seeing and experiencing it. The Styrofoam plastic cups of soup that they handed out along with two slices bread for each of the homeless folk wouldn't even come close to what he ate at home for breakfast, not even to mention lunch and dinner. He very quickly realised that for majority of these people, this itty-bitty soup and bread was All they actually ate for the day.

They had to money, no work, no where to go, other than the streets. People in school wouldn't be wanna seen dead here...but Kieran being the trooper he was, clenched his teeth, tried his best to forget the smells and sights of the afternoon, and just simply focussed on doing his job properly so that he can finish his hours and never sit foot here again.

It was near the end of his four-hour shift that he as taking a break, management said they were happy with his contribution for the day, but if he thought he would get off early, he could think again. They had sat aside some soup and slices of bread for him, but he politely declined...getting stares from his fellow colleagues as if they had one thought in their little white boy pulling his nose at plain and common food.

The more Kieran tried to explain that he simply hated soup, and not where it had come form, the less they listened, so he just kept to himself. He couldn't wait until this was over. Four hours gone, another ninety-six to go.

He told his mother via WhatsApp that she can slowly drive there so long, he would be done in about fifteen minutes, when a scuffle and some loud voices were heard outside of the kitchen. Kieran saw multiple of his colleagues rush outside and so did he, curious as he was. What he did see, shocked him straight into his soul, and beyond.

A white boy, more or less his age, was getting kicked and punched by two caramel skinned teenagers who clearly had it in for the former. The grabbed at his hands which the boy had tightly held to his chest, and for a second Kieran wondered why that was, but then he realised...the white boy was holding to slices of bread in that grip, and he wasn't about to let go that easily.

"Give that here! You don't belong here! Go home!" the attackers shouted in turn whilst kicking and hitting the boy on the dirty, muddy soil. Kieran felt like he had to do something, but he wasn't USED to violence like this...sure, he had seen horror movies and he adored thrillers and slashers but he had NEVER seen anything like THIS up closer before. His legs were like jelly, he didn't know what to make of it, and he couldn't look away either. This was so far removed from the peaceful and rich elite spoilt life he had been living, it wasn't even remotely funny.

Eventually the attackers got what they wanted, the white boy getting up furiously and grabbing it back, only to be dealt another blow and this time, he didn't get up from the ground. The two bastards ran away laughing and taunting the boy, who lied so still on the dirty exterior, that Kieran's heart beat a thousand miles a minute, and before the boy groaned, he could have sworn he was dead. A couple of women joined forces to help the boy upwards and Kieran heard something about them promising him more soup and bread.

"You! New boy! Another cup of soup and put three slices of bread with it, there is enough to spare!" one of the ladies shouted straight in Kieran's direction, and it was THEN...that exact motoric moment...that the boy looked upwards...straight into Kieran's eyes.

His heart fluttered, his insides turned into jelly...his eyes weakened and his brain shut down...and even worse, the longer he stared at the boy, the more he could feel his teenage dick swelling...getting stiffer by the second.

Kieran quickly turned around to avoid utter and total humiliation, before he almost fell over his feet on the slippery kitchen floor. He grabbed an empty, clean cup and reached for the ladle to pour some of the warm soup into it...but then he looked back at where the boy was.

Jesus...Kieran swallowed slowly as he poured the soup into the cup and neatly as possible placed the three slices of bread next to it on a paper plate. Wow...oh wow...that boy was the most beautiful person he had ever seen...male or female...Jesus!

With shaking hands, he carried the modest amount of food over to where the boy was sitting with the two ladies trying their best to undo the damage with cottonwool and antiseptic. Blood as seeping from his nose and he was going to have one major black eye in the morning, that was for sure. Kieran wasn't exactly sure what to do or say, so he simply STOOD there...feeling so pathetic and lame, but he didn't know what to do or say...fucking hell, the boy looked even more sexy up close.

"There, that will have to do until I can afford more time. Kieran, isn't that your mom's car out there?" the one lady asked as she held her hand above her eyes to see against the sun that was streaming in through the window.

Kieran quickly placed the food down and turned around, and sure as Sam, it was his mom...and suddenly he felt sick to his stomach...just the mere fact that their car...the newest Hyundai model on the market, was standing out like a sore thumb between all this poverty that was surrounding it.

"Dude! That your car? For real?"

Kieran turned around...the boy was looking at him as if seeing him for the very first time. It was almost as if he was daring Kieran silently to say no...

" parents' car, definitely not mine..." he stumbled and quickly removed the apron that he had wearing all afternoon.

"Better take that with you, Kieran, we can't afford to wash it every day you're here!" he heard one of his fellow colleagues say across the room, just when he was looking for a bin to throw it away. The shocked look on his face must have showed because the boy stood up, still holding his sore ribs and smirked towards Kieran.

"Rich boy, you are...what the hell are you doing in a place like this? Huh?"

Kieran swallowed...if someone from school would have spoken to him like that, they would have been pinned up against the lockers by now...but here...amongst all of THIS...he couldn't...and it totally had NOTHING to do with the fact that the boy's eyes were blue...royal blue as the living, breathing ocean...his blond hair was beginning to grow out from his previous buzz cut, with the leanest of teenage chest and what looked like flat stomach underneath the old, dirty t-shirt that he was wearing...full of holes...

Kieran couldn't take his eyes away from him. God...he was breath-taking.

"Caviar got your tongue, dude? Go on, Momma is waiting!" he sneered Kieran coldly once again, but there was a level of amusement inside those eyes.

"Oh Gizmo, go easy on him, its his first day, he's not used to seeing all of this!" the old lady with the first aid box complained as she rushed towards the boy, complete with a few band aids clenched inside her fist.

Gizmo...that couldn't possibly be his real name, could it?

Gizmo turned around and winked at Kieran, so that only the two of them could see it, and Kieran had a sudden rush of warmth that seemed to appear from nowhere...he had to get OUT of there before his hormones did something he was going to fucking regret.

"Thank you, Kieran, my boy, you did well for your first day. I'll write that in your report for the court as well, we'll see you in two days then!" the old lady smiled at him and signalled Gizmo to sit down so that she could tend to his injuries.

"Oooh, rich boy gone bad! Tell me, what ya do? Knife somebody?"

Kieran frowned...okay, this kid was fucking Romeo Beckham incarnate but this "rich boy" crap was working on his nerves.

"Hell no, I stole a car! I mean, borrowed, I didn't ste..."

"Sure, rich boy. Sure as. And I'm totally straight and I don't get beat up for it," said Gizmo, with another wink.



Later that night Kieran tried to send a WhatsApp message to Andy but it didn't even go through. When he checked, he realised that he couldn't see Andy's profile picture and he couldn't see when last Andy had been online either. Wow...when it eventually sunk in that his best friend of sixteen years had literally BLOCKED him from social media. He never, ever knew a time when Andy wasn't in his life, in some form or another.

Damn you, Dad. DAMN YOU!

Kieran flopped down on his bed and turned off the lights. He forced himself not to cry, because that rule had been drilled into his brain ever since he could remember...boys don't cry, and if they do, it was a sign of weakness.


Not for the first time since he and his mother came home that he had thought of him. Kieran closed his eyes and allowed his mind to wander...he tried his best to remember what the boy looked like...those blue eyes...those strong and muscled biceps that made even his look lame, that cheeky chappy grin he possessed, his obvious lust for adventure and for being sneaky...and he totally loved making jokes and playing around with people, especially Kieran himself.

What the hell happened to him? Why was he on the streets? Those last few words he said before Kieran left...was it a joke, saying he wasn't straight? Was that hot ass dude as gay as him? Just like Kieran?

In the background, on the first floor of their double story home, he could faintly hear his dad ranting and raving once more...he knew it was coming and he pulled the pillow over his head. He didn't wanna warn his mother that her new favourite TV Show had gay scenes in them. And all of this out of a sheer desperate need not to seem that he cared about it...anything to make sure they didn't suspect a thing. If he had mentioned it, his mother might wonder why. FUCK!

Kieran turned around and hugged his pillow to his body. How he craved to be held, and to hold another boy in his arms like he did said he longed, craved, YEARNED to have a boy love him for who he was, to kiss him, to tell him they loved him, to make sure he was okay and cared for...just someone to be with.

A tear rolled down Kieran's cheek as he fell asleep, with image of a blond, dirty boy with a buzz cut and a cheeky smile, hampering himself inside his dreams.



If by any chance, you liked what you just read and wanna read some more, to see how this all turns out, please feel free to email me xx

Next: Chapter 2

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