Richard and Jennifers Love Story

By Laura Strange

Published on Jun 5, 2012


Chapter 7

Weekend getaway-

I heard the car pull up into the driveway and checked myself once more in the mirror, satisfied that he would find me adorable and hopefully irresistible. I heard the knock on the front door and went to let him in.

The door swung open and I my heartbeat quickened as I gazed into his handsome face.

"My God" he exclaimed, "you are so beautiful!"

"thank you, I stammered, feeling myself blush, a little flustered by the way he undressed me with his eyes. He stepped forward and took me in his arms, right there in our open doorway, and gave me a deep, hungry, soulful kiss.

Immediately I yielded to his probing tongue and welcomed his advancing passion. I wanted to let him take me right there and if he had I wouldn't have stopped him. It was meant for he and I to be together. I was getting completely wrapped up in the moment and it was a delight. My body tingled with excitement. My senses were heightened to the point I could feel every sensation adding to my pleasure, his strong arms wrapped around my waist and mine clinging to him. After a wonderful long kiss we parted lips and I was looked up into his smiling face, smiled and took his hand in mine, kicked the front door shut and led him inside. I thought about jumping him right there but self control finally kicked in and I led him instead to my three suitcases, smiled a please at him and without another word he carried them to put them in the trunk. I checked myself out once more in the mirror and grabbed my purse and went out to join Richard. As he opened the car door for me I made sure to brush against him and smiled up at him as I turned and sat on the edge of the seat and keeping my knees together to keep from exposing my delicate undies, I pivoted into the bucket seat and Richard closed my door. I wish he had a car with a big bench seat so I could slide right up next to him and the whole world could see that I'm his girl.

It was a glorious spring day, the sky was clear and the sun shining. We had the sunroof open and sang along with the radio as we left behind the congestion of city traffic and wound our way into the mountains. I hadn't a care in the world right now, I was loving life. As Rich drove I reached out and put my hand over his and smiled at him. In that moment I made a promise to him silently. "I am yours darling, to take as you wish this weekend and forever. My vow of chastity is secondary to your wishes. I love you. "

It was an epiphany. I was in heaven. I felt a warm feeling of love spreading over me like a comforting blanket.

I was placed in the position of navigator and I'm afraid I was hopeless! We ended up backtracking a couple of times and taking quite longer than necessary to get to the Grey Bear Lodge but eventually we made it. It was quite out of the way that's for sure, up a series of steep climbs but it was really magnificent! A huge meadow opened out upon a pristine alpine lake with snow covered peaks in the distance, it was still pretty warm even up here in the mountains.

The lodge was an old hunting lodge built in the thirties with a big fireplace and timber everywhere. It was very woodsy and a little manly I guess. Not my style but I wasn't there to decorate. There were also cabins on the property and we had one of those reserved. We signed the registrar and they gave us directions to our cabin.

Turns out it was down a road, over a rise and nestled in a clearing next to its own pretty little mountain lake. It was obviously newer than the lodge but still pretty rustic except it had a great redesigned bathroom with a huge whirlpool bath and a great big canopy bed. There was a little kitchen with small fridge and stovetop, coffeemaker, toaster and small sink, with all the plates, cups and silverware we would need.

I helped Rich unpack the car in spite of his admonishment for me not to. He brought a ton of stuff too but of a far more practical nature than all that I had packed.

Once we had gotten settled in Rich told me to dress to go for a walk around and see things. I chose some denim shorts and a rich blue, plaid, linen, lumberjack shirt layered over a sky blue cotton tank top. I laced up my hiking boots and turned down my socks and pulled my hair into two little pigtails. I looked at myself in the mirror. Adorable! I looked like a woodsy girl now, very cute if I do say!

Rich was surprised at the look but pleasantly so. Once again I melted into his embrace and we kissed in a soft, tender and very loving way. We parted lips with a smile and Richard took my hand and we went to explore.

There was a trail that led around the lake that didn't look too challenging and we gave it a go. It was beautiful! Nice and quiet, just the birds singing, the breeze rustling the leaves in the trees and no other people around. Richard held my hand while we walked and once he actually kept me from falling when I stumbled. I'm such a klutz! Thankfully he didn't chide me for being clumsy.

There were fabulous vistas everywhere we looked. Richard had to help me across a little brook that fed the lake and as we ducked into a verdant green clearing we spotted a family of deer grazing. This was nature in the raw to this city girl!

At this point Richard cradled me from behind with his arms wrapped all around me. I tilted my head back and found his cheek to kiss. Mmmm he cuddled against me as we stood there quietly taking in the gorgeous view. After a moment I felt myself being turned in Richards arms so that I was facing him. I smiled and tilted my head, closing my eyes and felt his lips covering mine. I nibbled his lower lip and started to suck it then released it and it was replaced immediately by his insistent probing tongue which I eagerly accepted into my yielding mouth. His arms circled my waist and mine wrapped around his shoulders as he hungrily kissed me for all I was worth. My heart raced as I moaned audibly. Our kisses became intense and more passionate and finally as we parted just for breath I asked if we could find someplace to sit down. My knees were weak!

Rich found a nice spot where a tree had fallen and we sat together on the log then continued to make out some more. I felt him getting hard and moved my hand over the front of his jeans as we continued to kiss. I rubbed and squeezed him and he moaned into my mouth. He liked it!

I continued to squeeze his erection through his pants as I parted my lips from his and looked right up into those sexy eyes and slid down to my knees never once taking my gaze, or my hand away. Once I was down on my knees smiling up at him I began to nibble at his swollen cock, still in his jeans, straining the seams. I unbuckled his leather belt, unbuttoned his Levi's, then reached inside and pulled the waistband of his white, cotton jockey shorts down just so that the moist, reddish underside of his cock head was exposed. As I smiled right at him and caressed it gently between my thumb and first two fingers there was a droplet of precum at the tip and I bent over and licked it right up and looked up smiling at him and licked my lips. His face was beaming. I then tugged his pants and shorts down to his ankles and sucked his wonderful cock lustily, until he shuddered and came in my mouth. I smiled right at his satisfied eyes and I opened my mouth wide to show him his wonderful sperm coating my mouth, tongue and lips. I closed my eyes and my mouth and swallowed then looked back up at him and licked my lips lasciviously. I found myself being lifted into his arms for another mind melting kiss. I cleaned my man up, licking up any errant drips and then lovingly pulling up his underpants and jeans, fastening them and buckling his belt. We stood up, kissed and walked arm in arm the rest of the way around the lake back to our cabin. I was so happy! I knew what this feeling of absolute bliss was but I was a little afraid to admit it.

I was in love!

Next: Chapter 8

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