Ricks Diary

By Ben Ng

Published on Jun 4, 2012


A Whole New Ballgame

I've grown comfortable with Ben. He knows I'm gay and that I love him, and he's ok with that. Although he avoided the topic of my love for him, he must know. Yet, he made it very clear that he didn't want kissing or fucking, which I respected. In fact, I think one day I can get him to fuck me, but he's adamant about not putting things up his ass besides a finger. However, try as I may, for the next couple of years I couldn't get him to do anything more. Yet, our friendship has grown stronger than ever. It's not perfect but as good as I could make it.

Things changed during our senior year. Since it was our final year, we really wanted to win. Our football team has been in the best shape ever, thanks to Ben being the quarterback and me being the receiver. We make a very good duo and the fact that we are such good friends only adds to our success. We have a real chance at winning the national championship. Everyone is excited. However, there is one major roadblock. Only one team will be selected in each state and our rival school is every bit as strong as us. It is a strange situation where the best two teams in the country happen to be in the same state. As you can imagine, competition and rivalry are intense.

It doesn't help that the two schools are physically close to each other, relatively speaking. The Bruins are near the west coast while we, the Trojans, are in the down town area, separated only by a 20 minute drive. As rivalry week approaches, everyone goes crazy. There is a tradition whereby someone from each school would try to sabotage the other, usually by pouring paint over the mascot. The Bruin's mascot is, of course, a bear, which is located in an open area pretty close to the entrance, making it susceptible to attacks. For many years we Trojans have sneaked in at night and poured red paint over the bear. They have since increased security, but somehow we always manage to overcome it.

This year, it's our turn to do it. I have warned Ben not to do it himself and risk getting caught, but he wouldn't listen. He said as the quarterback, he's the leader and has to perform this important task himself. HehhHe's all hyped about it, talking excitedly over dinner his plan to sabotage our enemy, and how he's going to catch them off guard, how funny it would be to see their faces the next day. It got our team excited and the conversation continued in his room till late at night, when his roommate returned and we finally disbanded. I knew it was pointless to convince him not to go, but I did suggest that he should go with our two running backs, our fastest runners, in case anything happens.

Personally, I wasn't interested in all the rivalry stuff. I thought it was a juvenile prank, but somehow it's an important tradition. So, that fateful night, I watched as Ben left with our two running backs, paint in hand, like heroes. Little did I know at the time, he embarked on a journey which totally changed his life, and mine.

I was woken up from my sleep by the two running backs, who barged into my room yelling. I asked them what happened, and they told me that someone was expecting them, and that Ben was caught. My heart sank. Who would be expecting them in the middle of the night? What happened to Ben? I asked them to describe everything to me in detail. It seemed that the whole Bruin team waited in the dark to catch us, and the two only got away because they were fast runners. I shook my head. Although Ben was a great quarterback, he wasn't the fastest. I've told him to stay behind but he didn't listen. And now... wait... why would the entire Bruin team be expecting us? Who leaked the information? I considered each possibility and there was only one conclusion. The only person in our circle who is not also on the football team: Ben's roommate. Despite my anger towards him, my priority was to ensure Ben's safety. Yet, it was four in the morning and I had no idea where he might be. God knows what our entire enemy team could do to him, and all this happening right before our big game!

Although I was worried about him, I had no idea where to start looking for him. I'm not that familiar with their campus and God knows where they could have taken him. I decided it was useless wandering around aimlessly. I decided to question the bastard who leaked the information. I barged into Ben's room and pulled the guy out of bed.

"What the hell?" The guy asked groggily.

"You told them our plans, didn't you?"

"What?" He was still halfway in dreamland. I went to the bathroom, grabbed a cup of cold water and threw it on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"You told the Bruins we'd be going tonight, didn't you?" He paused for a while, and from the look on his face, I knew I was right.

"Ben is being held captive, thanks to you!" I yelled, surprised at how mad I was.

"I... I didn't know... I only mentioned it casually to my friend..."

"Well, your FRIEND must have told their football team and now they are torturing Ben!"

"I... I really didn't know!" Looking at his face pissed me off. Without thinking I threw a punch at him, knocking him out cold. I have never been this mad before. I have never punched anyone. Despite what people say about football players being aggressive jerks, I have never started fights. I didn't know what got into me. Thinking back, it was my deep concern for Ben. The thought of losing him, or that he was in harm's way, was unbearable.

I had intended to find some clues out of this guy as to where Ben might be, but it seemed that he knew nothing. He simply mentioned our plan to his friend at our rival school, without realizing the consequences. In short, he's a jerk, but not a schemer. He had no reason to harm Ben and sabotage his own school anyway.

I went back to my room, unable to sleep. The team has gathered but no one knew what to do. Calling the cops was one option, but we didn't want to raise this to another level. After all, what we intended to do was a federal crime, and we have no proof that anything was done to Ben at all. Reluctantly, I disbanded the team and told them to get some sleep. If Ben didn't return in the morning we would take further action.

There was a commotion when Ben returned. We immediately noticed he wasn't in his own clothes, and there was something wrong. He smelled like locker room and cum, lots of cum. Everyone asked him what happened but he didn't answer. He just limped to his room and collapsed on his bed. He went into deep sleep immediately and was unresponsive. I know how he is; when he sleeps nothing can wake him. I asked the other guys to back off and let him rest.

"Why is he not in his own clothes?"

"What the hell did they do to him?"

The team had lots of questions, and so did I. But it wasn't the time. At least I knew Ben was safe and he wasn't hurt. That's what's important. The rest can wait. Ben came back in early morning but slept until noon. I was by his side the whole time. Looking at his innocent face, I finally relaxed. I've been deeply worried the entire night. I resisted the urge to caress his face.

When he woke up, he smiled at me. "Hey!" I imagined living with him, being in the same bed, watching him wake up every day and seeing that smile. It would be heaven.

"What happened, Ben?" I asked softly.

"A lot." He paused, as if in deep thought. "Too much, actually." I've known him for a long time. Nothing spooked him. What could it be?

He suddenly looked me straight in the eyes. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, but I felt myself shook all over. It was like he suddenly saw me in a different light. It was gentler, kinder. It was almost love, but not quite. And then it changed; it changed to guilt. He immediately broke eye contact and shook his head.

"What is it? You can tell me." I said softly, almost pleadingly.

He shut his eyes tightly and frowned, as if wanting to get rid of his memory. And yet, when he opened his eyes, he looked at the ceiling and there was the expression of yearning.

"If I told you," he paused, sounding very uncertain, "would you forgive me?"

I have never seen him behave like this. He has never asked me for forgiveness. Even when he did something wrong, he would just throw his arm around my shoulder and punch me softly in the chest. His mischievous grin and apologetic eyes would have been enough. Hell, I could never stay angry with him.

"Of course. What are best friends for?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but no word came out. He sighed deeply. "May be another time. I have a lot to think about."

I was dying to know what happened, but I didn't want to push him. What has he done that would need my forgiveness? He was caught and tortured, probably made to do sexual things, from the smell of cum on his body. Why did he need to apologize to me? Oh my God, did he...?

I reeled back from the realization of what it could be, but I knew it's no use pressing him. No one can make Ben do something he didn't want to. I said softly, "You better see a doctor first. I want to make sure you are ok."

He assured me he was, but agreed to visit the doctor. As expected, the doctor told us he was all right, except for a few minor bruises. But what caught his attention were the bruises on his cheeks and jaw.

"It looks like he may have been... sexually assaulted."

"What?" The entire football team was outraged. They swore revenge and cursed the other team with every vulgar word they could find.

We discussed whether we should report it to the police, but Ben insisted he was all right and just needed rest. When asked what happened, he just said he didn't want to talk about it. We let Ben rest in his room, and the rest of the team gathered in mine. We talked about what we should do. Some guys suggested we should just find them and beat them up. I called for a more involved plan, something to catch the whole team off guard and do unto them what they did to Ben. Unlike the rest, I was a schemer. I shall concoct the perfect plan to exact revenge.

The first thing I did, after finalizing the plan with the guys, was to kick out Ben's roommate. He dared not utter one word for he would have the wrath of the entire team on him if he dared protest. I have yet to bring to the team's attention our little snitch. His life would be miserable had the other guys found out his involvement. In no time I moved in. I practically lived here anyway. Let the snitch live with Mike, I didn't care. When I finally moved everything, I sat on my bed and smiled. Finally, after all these years, I'm rooming with Ben again. I thought about the time I moved out in misery, after he discovered I sucked his cock while he was drunk. It seemed ages ago. Now everything is back to where it should be, me and him. Now, if only he would tell me what happened, why he needed my forgiveness? There was a dark cloud looming over me. I had a hunch of what might have happened, but I didn't want to face it. When we were finally settled down and alone, I just looked him in the eyes and waited for him to talk. I wanted to give him space, but I also needed to know.

"Rick," he paused again, so uncharacteristic of him. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"They made me do things..."

"What things?"

He sighed. "Sexual things."

"They made you suck them?" He nodded slowly.

"What else?" He looked at me, and there was that apologetic expression again.

"What is it? Please tell me!"

"One guy... sat on my cock." He said softly.

I was expecting something along those lines, so hearing it made me feel relieved, but there was also a surge of jealously. Who is that idiot who dared to force his ass on Ben?

"So he made you fuck him against your will?"

"Yeah." He answered, but it didn't sound convincing.

"But you liked it."

"How can I not like it? It's fucking. I love to fuck."

"And yet, you said you don't fuck guys... or kiss them."

"It's not like I had any choice. He just sat on it."

"But you didn't resist?"

"I was in a room with eleven guys from the Bruin team. You think I can resist?"

"So that's what you are apologizing for?"

"Kind of." He sounded evasive.

"What else?" I heard my own voice rising.

"I... uh... kind of... made an agreement to see him again."

"To see him? Like what? Date him?"

"To repeat what we did... you know... it was a good fuck."

"So what are you two now? Fuck buddies? Boyfriends?"

"I don't know, Rick. I don't know what to think."

"So you have your cock thinking for you. You fucked a guy and you liked it, so you will do it again."

"Is that wrong?" He looked at me innocently. I was at a loss. I dreamed day and night that he would get into fucking with me, and now he is into fucking guys, but not me! I suddenly felt like losing it. I stormed out of the room.

"Rick, wait!" I didn't turn around. I couldn't. I didn't even know why, but tears started running down my face.

Next: Chapter 26: Disaster

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