Ricky in Amsterdam

Published on Jun 23, 2005



This is a story. None of the characters in the story exist and the events that take place are purely imaginary.


Do not read this story if you are in any way offended by acts of a homosexual nature.

Do not read this if you are under the legal age for accessing adult sites.

Always indulge in safe sex.

Ricky in Amsterdam

For his eighteenth birthday, Ricky Brown's parents had bought their son a Euro Rail holiday to Amsterdam. Ricky's mother and father had chosen the venue carefully having in mind the fact that the teenager was a promising artist, who had already had some of his work shown in regional and national exhibitions. Following his A-levels, Ricky would be going to university to study Art and the opportunity to go to Amsterdam and visit the excellent Art Galleries there had been the main reason Mr and Mrs Brown, who quite rightly took enormous pride in their only child's achievements, had given for choosing Amsterdam. They had considered Paris but concluded that the city was probably too big and difficult for their sensitive son to manage without being accompanied. Although they would have liked to travel with Ricky, neither of the older Browns, who had not had their child until they were both getting on and who were now both in their sixties, was well enough to make the journey and so, after discussion, Amsterdam was decided upon and Ricky had agreed to travel on his own, even though the journey required a change of trains in Brussels.

It was a set of proud parents that took his teenage son to Waterloo and dropped Ricky off at the entrance to the Euro Star terminal. Ricky's mother, having checked for the umpteenth time that her son had his tickets, passport, money, hotel address and mobile phone finally allowed the teenager out of the car and kissed him goodbye. Ricky's father shook the young man by the hand and gave him some last minute manly' advice to be careful and not to tangle with strange' women. Ricky took all the fussing and advice in good part, thanked his parents yet again and then disappeared to join the queue waiting to pass through the security and passport controls and into the waiting area. Checking the time, the teenager noted that there was still a good fifty minutes before his train was due to depart so he looked round the shops, bought a book and some food and settled down in the comfortable chairs to wait for the summons to board the train to Brussels.

The time went rapidly and soon the announcement came that passengers could now board the train, so Ricky joined the throng of passengers passing through to the escalators and the platform to board the train. The teenager found his seat easily enough and was pleased to note that eh had a single seat by the window and that the seat opposite appeared to be unoccupied. This situation remained the case until a few moments before the train was due to depart when a flustered middle-aged woman sat down in the seat opposite Ricky and smiled in a slightly embarrassed way at him, before exclaiming in a heavily European accent,

"Gosh, I almost missed it!!"

Ricky looked up from his book and acknowledged the remark with a smile. After that the couple did not exchange another word for some time. As the train left Waterloo and made its rather stately way through south London at a very slow pace, Ricky looked out at the sights, noting the Palace of Westminster and the Clock Face of the Tower of Big Ben, before the scenery changed to rather dull suburban housing that lined the railway tracks. Expectation that the train might speed up once it was clear of the first few miles out of London proved a forlorn one as the train maintained a slow but steady speed as it passed through the Kent countryside on its way to the Channel Tunnel.

The approach to the Channel crossing was heralded, however, by a sudden increase in speed and the conductor announced that they would soon be entering the Tunnel and that in just over twenty minutes they would emerge in France. This was the signal for the lady sitting opposite Ricky to announce that she was going to the buffet car for a drink and invited the teenager to accompany her. Ricky was slightly embarrassed by the offer but accepted all the same and during this visit to the bar learned that his travelling companion was returning from a business meeting in London to her home in Belgium. The teenager explained that he was on his way to Amsterdam, news which brought a raised eyebrow from the older lady and a hurried explanation from Ricky that he was going to visit the Art galleries. The lady smiled a knowing smile and then said that she understood and, if Ricky wanted, she would show him how to find out where the train to Amsterdam left from when they got to Brussels, an offer which the teenager accepted gratefully.

Ricky had his glass of beer and then he and the lady who was called Johanna followed him a few minutes later. By now the train was moving at a much faster speed than it had done in England and Johanna pointed out some of the interesting feature that they passed on their way to Brussels. Time seemed to fly by and it was not long before the older lady announced that they were already in the outskirts of Brussels and that it would not be long before they arrived at the terminal. Ricky looked out as the city centre came into view and Johanna told him that if he had time he might like to visit some of the more interesting parts of the city, particularly the old centre around the Grand Place, but after thanking her, the teenager explained that he really needed to catch his connection to Amsterdam. Johanna nodded that she understood but expressed the hope that Ricky might return to Belgium one day and see the city.

The train came to a stop and the passengers made their way slowly to the barrier and out into the main concourse of the busy main line station. Johanna pointed Ricky towards the large information board, which indicated that the train to Amsterdam would leave from a platform at the other end of the station in about twenty minutes. Ricky thanked Johanna for her help and the middle-aged lady gave him a quick kiss on the cheek which made the teenager blush deeply and then she turned on her heels and left. Ricky walked quickly to the place where his train was due to leave and walked up the slope and found the compartment where his assigned seat was and sat down. Unlike the cross-Channel train, this express was due to stop at several places on the way to Amsterdam and was filling up with a mixture of local people and long distance travellers. Unable to understand much of what was being said, Ricky decided to read his book. A few of the passengers made stilted efforts to chat to the teenager in English but often they left the train just as things got going. Nevertheless, the three hours of the journey passed quite quickly and the train was soon pulling in to the Central Station in Amsterdam.

Ricky got off the train and found his way to the exit and emerged into the sunlit afternoon and stood in front of the station. The teenager found himself looking at the tram station directly in front of him and trying to figure out where he had to go to get to his hotel. To his surprise, the hotel was only a stone's throw from where he was standing. His parents had booked him into a `floating' hotel which was a ship anchored only a couple of blocks away from the station. Having found his bearings, Ricky walked quickly to his hotel and checked in. The hotel was far from luxurious but was quite adequate for a young traveller who was unlikely to spend mush time in his room. There were a few people of varying ages hanging around the bar and reception area and a receptionist, who spoke fluent English, directed the youngster to his room.

The bedroom was small but functional and had, in a previous existence been a cabin. There was a small single bed and a combined toilet and shower and a porthole window, which gave the occupant of the room a view onto the quayside. The bed was comfortable and the en suite was a welcome luxury, although Ricky did not anticipate that he would be spending much time in the room at all except when he wanted to go to sleep. Ricky decided to take a shower before going out to explore the city and find his way around to where the local galleries were located. Refreshed and in clean clothes, Ricky asked at reception the direction he should go to find the main parts of the city centre. Leaving the hotel, the teenager crossed the short distance back to the station and then decided to walk rather than take the tram into the centre. Carefully crossing the roads, avoiding both cars and bicycles, Ricky found himself at the top of a long wide street and walked down it. Looking to his left and right, the teenager could see light bouncing off several canals and decided to move away from the main road and take one of the side streets to a canal.

As he walked towards the canal, Ricky was shocked to see women of varying ages sitting in the windows of the shops that he passed and realised, blushing, that he had somehow strayed into the red light' district. What was even more shocking was that even the side streets all around him seemed to be filled with similar shop fronts, as well as sex shops selling books and videos. Ricky had never seen anything like it in his relatively short and sheltered life and found himself tempted to go in to see what lay inside some of these shops with their bright lights and bead curtain doorways. Looking casually around to make sure that eh was not being observed, Ricky went into the first shop he thought looked safe'.

Once inside the bead curtain, Ricky found himself confronted by a full array of sexual aids, books, magazines and videos portraying every act from straight sex to animal sex and lots of gay porn as well. The sight of such a range of sexual material made Ricky feel strange, half-embarrassed and half excited. In one corner there was a large glass fronted showcase with the covers of a wide range of videos on display. Ricky found his attention drawn to the covers that portrayed large erections and especially those involving gay sex. The teenager had never thought much about his sexuality; he had not had a girlfriend, but then a number of his fellow schoolmates hadn't either, and indulged in nightly and sometime more frequent masturbation to relieve his aching balls and raging hormones. The sight of men and women indulging in so many different sex acts made his cock go hard and the teenager plunged his hand into his trouser pocket in a desperate effort to hide the fact. What made Ricky feel even more uncomfortable was that the shop seemed to be full of people, mainly men and teenagers like himself, all prowling around, browsing the materials available in the shop.

After only a few minutes Ricky made his way as quickly and discreetly to the exit and tumbled out into the bright afternoon light. The teenager walked semi-blinded by the sunshine and sat down on a wall by the side of the canal. As he recovered his sight and his sense of equilibrium, Ricky was unaware that another youth had sat down close by him and was surprised when he heard a voice talking to him in good but obviously accented English,

"It is a bit overwhelming the first time you see it, is it not? It is difficult to know where to look and what to look at next, eh?"

"W .. What do you mean?" Ricky replied in a rather flustered voice.

"The sex shop, I saw you in there. It is a bit overwhelming, the first time you see one like that, isn't it?"

Ricky had by now recovered his composure and was able to take a closer look at the person talking to him. Sitting on the wall a few feet away from him was a young man with blond hair, blue eyes and a thin body. The obviously local youngster was wearing a T-shirt and the tightest pair of jeans Ricky had ever seen a male wearing. The tight jeans bulged nicely in all the right places and he smiled at his new companion as he replied,

"Yes, it is, isn't it? I've never seen anything quite like it before, certainly not in my hometown. I assume you are from Holland and that live here in Amsterdam, is that right? If it is then I must say you speak English very well indeed."

"Ja, I mean yes, I am student here in Amsterdam at the university and I live out of the city centre where many students also live. I know the centrum very well, however, and I would be glad to show you around. Where are you staying in the city and how long will you be here? Thank you for saying I speak good English, perhaps if I spend some time with you showing you my city in exchange I will learn to speak it more well."

"Better", Ricky said, unable to stop himself correcting his friend's error, "I would be delighted to spend some time with you. I'm staying close to the Central Station and I am staying here for three days. By the way, my name is Richard, but all my friends call me Ricky."

The Dutch teenager smiled warmly at Ricky and replied,

"Thank you for the correction, Ricky, my name is Ruud, but my friends all call me Rudi. So, then, Ricky, where would you like to go first, shall we perhaps go and get something to eat and drink?"

Ricky nodded enthusiastically,

"Good idea, Rudi. I expect you know good, cheap places even in the centre, don't you?"

Rudi led his new English friend away from the canal side and down a couple of short streets. The two teenagers crossed the busy main road leading down to the Dam, walked down a couple more streets and over a couple of canal bridges until Rudi eventually found the place he was looking for. Standing outside a rather run-down looking shop front, the Dutch teenager said,

"Here we are! It may not look much from the outside but here you will get the best food in this part of the town and the beer is cheap too!!"

Rudi was, of course, quite correct and the teenagers enjoyed a hearty and cheap meal, washed down with several bottles of the local brew. Ricky was not a great drinker and the effect of the alcohol was to make the teenager very relaxed. Noting that his friend seemed to be less up-tight, the Dutch youth suggested that it might be a good idea to show Ricky round some of the more interesting parts of the city. Rudi steered his friend down some side streets and stopped outside a brightly lit sex shop tucked down a quiet little street some distance away from the main centre,

"I think you ought to have another look in a sex shop. This one is more specialised and has fewer people in it and we won't stand out so much in here as you do in a big shop. There's still plenty to see and there are video booths and a cinema, if you want to try it."

Ricky looked a little uncertain but decided to take the plunge. As his Dutch companion had predicted, the shop was not crowded and the small number of people inside glanced at them but then resumed their own browsing. The shop was quite small, but there was a lot of material and Ricky's eyes nearly popped out of his head and blood rushed to his dick as he viewed some of the pictures on the covers of the magazines. The English teenager's excitement was not lost on Rudi, who said quietly,

"There's more to see towards the back of the shop, and it's less busy there usually, except for people going to the video booths or cinema. Have you ever been to a porno movie, Ricky?"

Feeling very self-conscious, the English teen shook his head and was about to say something when his companion spoke again,

"Well I think it's about time you did. Come on, let's buy some tickets and we can watch the film together. I think that would be good."

Unable to resist his new friend's enthusiasm, Ricky followed the local teenager to the counter and watched as Rudi bought two cinema tickets. On rejoining his friend, the Dutchman gave Ricky a ticket and the British lad asked how much he owed but was dismissed with a wave of the hand,

"Don't worry about it, my treat. Maybe tomorrow you will pay for something, it's not that much anyways."

It was obviously not Rudi's first visit to the cinema because he knew the quickest way to the entrance and led the pair straight there. There was a small stairway down to a door, at which stood a young man who smiled knowingly at the teenage couple as he took their tickets. Through the door the cinema was completely black and it took a moment for the teenagers' eyes to adjust. Rudi had spotted a place for them to sit together and led Ricky to it and they had just settled down when the screen lit up and a new film began. As was to be expected, there was little plot but the movie started with two sets of teenagers setting off in different directions into a wood. It too Ricky a few moments to realise that this was no ordinary porno movie but was in fact a gay porno movie. The sight of the handsome young men had caused a further embarrassing stirring in the English youth's groin. Fortunately for Ricky the developing erection was hidden from Rudi's view by the darkness.

On the screen the two sets of teenagers were now naked and exploring each other's bodies and Ricky was following the on-screen activity with great intent. Suddenly, the English teenager felt a hand moving up the inside of his leg and gave a little cry of surprise. Looking at Rudi, Ricky realised that it was certainly not his friend's hand that was exploring the top of his leg and coming close to touching the rock hard cock concealed under his clothing. Looking the other way, the teenager saw that a man in his forties was seated next to him and, although he was looking straight at the screen, Ricky knew that it was clearly this man's hand that was touching him. A moment later a second hand, this time obviously Rudi's touched Ricky's other leg and began to slowly feel its way towards his crotch. Ricky was tempted to ask them both to stop but he was enjoying the sensation too much to do so and gave out a second slight gasp as the two hands finally met either side of his hard-on, which was being gently squeezed as both exploring hands felt the length of it.

The action of the film was getting hotter but Ricky's concentration was divided between the sights on screen and the sensations racing through his own body. Before he knew what was happening one of the hands had unzipped his trousers and pulled down his underwear so that his straining cock was now fully available to the hands that were exploring it. Fingers brushed against the soft velvet head of Ricky's cut cock and down the short fat shaft to his balls before travelling slowly back up again. Rudi and the stranger sitting either side of him were giving off all but imperceptible sounds of satisfaction as they examined every inch of the British teenager's rampant dick and bulging balls. In addition, Ricky's two companions were trying to persuade him to lean back into a more comfortable position, but the teenager was concerned that others would be able to see what they were up to. Rudi sensed the reason for his friend's reluctance and whispered,

"Don't worry, Ricky, your cock is great, nothing to be ashamed of at all and in any case everyone here is doing something either by themselves or with someone else, that's what most people come here for, to have fun and to shoot some jizz!"

The older man on the other side of his reaffirmed the message and gently pushed Ricky's legs wider and forced him to lean back so that he and Rudi could have better access to the British teen's cock. As soon as he was lying back, Rudi moved quickly to get his mouth in a position to suck his new friend's waiting cock. Ricky felt a warm wet sensation on his exposed glans and then a tongue teased his piss slit as the older man fed the English teenager's rampant tool into the waiting mouth of the Dutch youth. To Ricky's amazement it was only a few moments before he felt Rudi's breath on his balls and pubic hair and the teenager realised that his cock was lodged in his partner's throat. Slowly the experienced Dutch teen allowed his lips and tongue to work their way back up the turgid cock and, as Rudi's lips cleared the tip of the penis, the older man's lips took their place and he repeated the process. Ricky had never had his cock sucked before and clear pre-cum was streaming out of his piss slit and his balls were churning. The older man slid his tongue up and off the throbbing shaft and then he and Rudi licked down either side to the shaft and sucked the British teenager's balls. It was all too much for Ricky and just as the tongues had reached the top of his shaft his piss slit widened, his cock throbbed and a fountain of teen spunk showered out covering the faces and lips of the two sucking men as well as Ricky's own cock shaft and balls. Ricky's orgasm had been timed to perfection as it replicated in the auditorium what was happening on screen, not that all that many of the audience were watching the film any more. Somehow the antics of the threesome had become the centre of attention and several people were gathered around watching Ricky's climax and happily wanking their cocks as they did so.

Ricky slumped back further, temporarily unaware of the stir he had caused among the others in the cinema until he overheard a couple of voices saying something like great show' and fantastic cum'. Rudi and the stranger on the other side were smiling warmly at the British teenager who became slightly flushed when he realised that the comments were directed at him rather than the movie. Rudi nursed Ricky's fast deflating dick and said,

"They are quite right, you cock and balls are beautiful and tasty and so is your cream!! It was worth paying for the cinema to have the chance to suck you off!!"

The older man nodded and said gruffly,

"Yes, but I'm still hungry for more." Then looking straight at the Dutch boy said,

"You didn't cum as well, did you?"

Rudi shook his head and the man said,

"Swap places with your friend and I can work on you, and so can he once he's ready to resume."

Rudi wasted no time in standing up and sliding in front of Ricky who shuffled along to the seat left empty by his friend's move. As they passed each other, the huge bulge in the Dutch boy's extraordinarily tight jeans was pressed hard against Ricky's face and he kissed it through the material. Once the Dutch teen was settled, the older man on the far side wasted little time in unzipping the tight jeans and pulling them open to reveal the teenager's rock hard erection. Rudi took Ricky's hand and guided it to the now uncovered cock encouraging his British friend to roll back the foreskin and expose the sensitive pink flesh of the Dutch youth's helmet, which glistened from the accumulation of pre-cum that was already coating the glans. As Ricky gently wanked the shaft, more of Rudi's pre-cum oozed out and was promptly licked up by the man on the other side who was devouring the head and shaft with relish. Ricky felt his fingers being sucked into the older man's mouth along with Rudi's cock and the sensation was amazing. Although he could not see clearly, the British teenager could hear the flapping sound as the older man masturbated his dick and sucked Rudi, who was now humming with pleasure. All pretence at watching the movie had gone and Rudi gave little thrusts upwards to meet the sucking mouth as it travelled down his cock towards his balls. The old man was sensuously licking the shaft of Rudi's cock and simultaneously slurping and licking Ricky's fingers. The British boy was aware that his young friend's cock was beginning to jerk and throb and knew that within moments Rudi would reach the point of no return. With just a slight sigh Rudi started to fire his load onto the older man's tongue and over Ricky's fingers. The stranger swallowed the creamy spunk that landed on his tongue and then licked the remainder of Rudi's offering off the British teen's hand. When he had hovered up all that there was to collect, the old man sat back and the two teenagers watched as the stranger brought himself to a climax. Spunk oozed from the piss slit and was gathered in the folds at the end of the man's foreskin, from where the stranger deftly scooped up his ball juice and slipped the sticky cum into his mouth.

The three sat quietly recovering from their exertions and the movie was reaching its own spunk-filled climax, after which the screen went dead and in the ensuing darkness, the stranger slipped away. The two teenagers peered around and noted that there were plenty of other people still in the cinema. The majority of the audience were in various stages of wanking and cumming, some of these were sitting in the seats, but Ricky noticed several that were standing in the aisles or leaning against the back wall. In the darkest parts of the cinema there were a few men actively engaged in oral and anal sex. Rudi waited a few moments and then dug his English friend in the ribs and whispered,

"Do you want to stay for another movie or shall we get dressed again and head out of here? We could go for another drink or maybe see more of the city. What do you say?"

Ricky had seen enough for one night and agreed with his friend that they should leave. After pulling their clothing back on and zipping themselves up, the two teenagers made their way to the exit and stepped back up into the main shop, which was still relatively empty. Rudi led the way out of the shop and into the streets. It had gone dark while they had been in the cinema, although Ricky was unsure exactly how long he and Rudi had been there but now the streets were brightly lit and busy with groups of people walking around taking in the sights. Once they were outside, Ricky exclaimed,

"That was amazing!! I've never been to a movie like that or had such an arousing time in a cinema before. The best I ever did was have a wank all alone at the back of the local fleapit one afternoon. Thanks for taking me, Rudi and for showing me how much I need to learn about myself and how to enjoy my sexuality."

Rudi looked back at his friend and replied quietly,

"No problem. I enjoyed it as much as you did. I love that dick of yours. We do not see all that many cut cocks here in Holland so it was a real treat to touch and taste it, especially one as delicious as yours!! So really it is me that should be thanking you!!"

This conversation had taken place in rather hushed tones as Rudi led the way down a series of short streets which led eventually to another bar. As they stood outside the door of a rather uninviting-looking bar, the Dutch teenager turned to his English friend and said,

"So, now, which is it to be, food or beer?"

Ricky looked at his friend and said in a sly tone,

"I'd like a beer, but I've just had a great idea. Let's go and get a beer at the hotel where I'm staying. The beer might be a little more expensive there but they are pretty lax about who come onto the hotel boat and about where they go. That would mean we could either drink our beers in the bar or take them down to my room."

Rudi grinned at the English teenager's suggestion and replied,

"I think I know which of those two choices I would want and you too I would think."

Ricky laughed and said,

"I'm sure you do!! Shall we go?"

The two teenagers walked together out of the side street and onto the main road. Chatting amiably and feeling the sexual tension rising with every step the horny teenagers headed back towards the boat where Ricky was staying, both aware that the night would not really begin until after they had downed that promised beer.

Hope you liked this story. Whether you did or not feedback is always welcome. Email me at cutrose40@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 2

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