Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Jun 2, 2000


Hey Everybody. It's time for part 5! This story probably won't end for a while, unless you guys want it to. I'll try not to do too much talking and a lot more writing. This part is going to be the starting point for some action in the story. I would to say thanks to Jason(author of "Taken For Granted"), Lauren(author of Waking Up With Vengeance), Rick(author of "The One" and "This I Promise You") and Myka Holly@aol.com(author of NSYNC and the Vamps) for being an inspiration and loads of advice that I couldn't do this without. Their stories are great. Check them out if you haven't. Another great story is "Intimate Stranger". It's probably the best posted so far. Please send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com.

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 or are homophobic, do not read this! This is not meant to suggest anything about the sexuality of the members of NSYNC, Brittany Spears, or Christina Aguilera. This is completely fiction and probably will not take place.

Last time on Right and Wrong:

'Christina hasn't changed one bit,' Justin thought to himself. 'It's just as if things are exactly as they always have been, which was exactly how Justin wanted it. He wanted to be able to forget about the hassle of being a professional singer and forget about JC for once. Not that he didn't like JC anymore. He just didn't want to be bothered with the stress of telling him how he felt right now. He wanted to forget about everything.

Finally the two singers arrived at Christina's apartment. Justin quickly got out and ran up to her door before she could even get the keys out of the car. He knocked on her door like a child would, knowing that nobody was in there, when to his surprise, the door opened. What he saw next really shocked him. Standing behind the door was...


And now:

Right and Wrong Part 5

Justin turned and was about to leave when Christina stopped him. "And where do you think you're going," she questioned playfully. Justin just frowned and tried to walk past her, but she wouldn't let him. "Sorry Justin, but this has to be done! You owe it to him and yourself!" Christina obviously wasn't going to budge, and it did need to be said. Hell, it might even bring him out of this depression. At least him and Josh might be able to get back to how they used to be, but Justin didn't want that. He wanted them to be a couple.

"Look, you don't understand. If he ended up hating me, there would be no way I would be able to live with myself. At least now we can be somewhat of friends," Justin said hoping Christina would move. She obviously wasn't going to.

"Justin, are you coming or what," JC asked from behind him. He was now more confused than ever. He thought Justin wanted to talk to him, but it definitely seemed different now.

Justin turned around slowly, not knowing why he was agreeing to this, and then he made a mistake. He looked up at JC, into those loving eyes that told him that whatever it was, JC didn't care-those eyes that made him forget all the logical reasons of why not to and told him to follow his heart. "Yeah JC. I'm coming," Justin said knowing that he had to do this or he would never forgive himself.

"Well come on," JC said anxiously, grabbing Justin by the arm. Not only did he want to hear what Justin had to say, but he now knew it was time for him to reveal his feelings for his best friend too. Justin slowly followed JC into the house, his doubts starting to come back. JC sensed this gave his hand a short squeeze. This had become a tradition for them. In press conferences, every time JC could tell Justin was getting nervous, he would reach under the table and grab Justin's hand and give it a squeeze. Although one time by accident he accidentally grabbed Justin's-well you know, but that's a different story.

"You guys can go into the den for some privacy," Christina said, "and you're not coming out until you get everything worked out...Everything!" She quickly threw a glance at JC and went off into the kitchen

Lance was about to go check on JC when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and answered it "Hello," Lance said.

"Hey Lance! This is Christina."

"Oh, Christina! How have you been," Lance asked glad to hear from an old friend.

"I've been better, but I don't really have to chat. I just called to tell you that Justin and JC won't be in till the morning." This threw Lance off completely.

"What," he shouted, almost causing Christina to go deaf. 'What could Justin and JC be doing at Christina's house, " he thought, "unless... No it couldn't be. Lance you're just overreacting.'

"Lance are you there, " Christina asked, a little worried due to Lance's latest reaction. "Lance?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Sorry, I just spilt something on me. Can I let you go?"

"Sure. I'll talk to you later"

"OK. Bye Christina!"

"Bye Lance." Christina hung up the phone. 'Something didn't seem right about Lance,' she thought to herself. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but something definitely wasn't right.

'Someone didn't do their job,' Lance thought. He quickly hung up his phone and dialed a new number rather quickly. It rang a couple of times before anyone answered.

"Hello," a voice finally said.

"Hey pal, I've gotta question for you," Lance said in a psychotic voice, exactly like earlier. He was definitely pissed.

"Oh Lance, it's you! I was just..."

"Shut Up! You talk when I want you to talk," Lance yelled through the phone. "You were supposed to be with Justin by now. What the hell happened?" Lance was like a madman possessed. He couldn't stand the thought of losing JC- not when he'd done so much to prevent it.

"Lance, what has gotten into you? Have you gone mad," the voice on the other end questioned, a sense of worry and sting in her voice. "I mean, first you yell at me, which I didn't know you had in you, but then you have the nerve to blame me for Justin getting away. How did you even know he wasn't with me," the voice questioned curiously, also trying to get Lance off her back.

"Let's just say when I got a call from the Bitch in the bottle saying that JC and Justin were staying over at her house, I took a hint." There was a slight thud sounding through the phone, as if the person on the other end had dropped it. "Hey, you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here," the other person replied. "Are you sure? I mean I know you're sure. I thought she was on tour." The person was obviously confused by all of this.

"That's what I thought too, but evidently not. This throws all of our plans way off. If they're both together, it would be almost impossible to break them up." Lance was now going into hysterics as the person on the other line tried to calm him down.

"Lance," she yelled as loud as she could, getting his attention. "We have to stay calm. We can't do anything right now, so let's just sit back and wait to see what happens."


"We're going to wait and see what happens. Goodbye now." She quickly hung up the phone. This threw everything off. She wasn't expecting this. Now there was a chance that Justin and JC would get together. This couldn't happen, not after all the precautions she had taken. It just couldn't. "You'll be mine before you know it Justin. All mine." She kept repeating this over and over, almost hysterically.

JC and Justin both sat in the den on opposite sides of the main couch, both looking at the ground. Neither of them knew what to say. They both had waited for this moment for so long but had never bothered to plan a speech or anything. Finally, JC mustered up enough courage to speak.

"Well, I guess I'll start," JC said shyly, still looking at the ground. "Justin I know you have some things to tell me, but just wait until I'm finished, please!" Justin nodded, looking up to see JC. "Well, here it goes. Justin, somewhere down the road, a person finds another person that he/she wants to spend the rest of their life with, and no matter what you do you can't get that person out of your mind. They're with you before you go to sleep at night, whenever you wake up, and you can't get them out of your mind. Do you understand what I'm talking about?" JC looked at his friend questioningly.

"Yeah JC. I know exactly what you're talking about," Justin replied. 'More than you could ever no.'

"Well Justin, I guess I'll stop beating around the bush and just say it. I love you Justin Randall Timberlake. If I was to lose you I don't know what I would do. You are my every reason for being. You are my strength when I am weak. You are my faith when I've lost all hope. And to lose what we have would kill me. I'm sorry I feel the way that I do, but I can't change that.

I just hope you can look past my feelings and see me, your best friend, and that we can go on and continue our friendship." JC looked up at Justin hopefully but saw exactly what he was afraid of seeing. Justin was facing him, his mouth hung down in awe due to what he had just heard. JC shook his head slowly and started to get up, knowing that he had truly lost everything he had.

"Josh wait!"

Had JC heard right? Had Justin spoken to him? He slowly turned around and faced Justin scared of what might happen. Justin was smiling and looking JC straight in the eyes. He could barely control his feelings. Everything he had ever wanted to say to JC had just been said to him. It was finally time for him to tell JC how he felt, and hopefully for the start of their life together.

"Joshua Scott Chasez, I have only one word to say to you about your feelings for me. Ditto," Justin said copying a line from Ghost. With that said, he got up and pulled Josh into a warm embrace as tears filled his eyes. They just stood there, crying tears of happiness on each other's shoulder. There was no need for a kiss or words. They both finally had what they had been wanting for so long. They were together and had finally expressed their deep passion-filled feelings for one another.

JC backed out of the embrace, leaving Justin a little confused. "So I guess this brings me to my next question." JC smiled. "Justin, you would make me the happiest man alive if you would be my boyfriend."

This made Justin beam. He was so overcome with joy that his whole body practically went numb. Those were the words he had wanted to hear for years, and now that he had, it was like a dream come true. "Josh, I would be more than honored to be your boyfriend." Justin immediately pulled JC towards him, catching him off guard, into one of the most passionate kisses this world has ever seen. Time itself seemed to stop as the two locked lips for what could have been hours. They didn't hear Christina come in.

"So I guess you too got everything taken care of, " she smirked, happy for what she had helped bring along.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that, " JC replied separating his lips from Justin's. All Justin could do was smile.

"Well good. I was beginning to wonder when you guys would realize that you two were perfect for each other," she said, at the same time pulling them into a group hug.

"You knew all along, didn't you," Justin asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yup, but I couldn't spoil the fun for you guys. You had to both figure it out on your own." They both smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanx," they both said.

"Don't mention it. That's what genies are for. Now you two go on up to the guest room. It's getting late and you have an interview tomorrow."

"Yes mom," Justin replied and avoided a backhand from Christina. JC just laughed and started to drag Justin upstairs. They yelled goodnight and made their way to the guest room.

"We have got to do something really nice for Chrissy, "said JC while stripping down to his boxers.

"Yeah, to think she knew all along. She's a great friend." Justin also stripped down to his boxers and got into bed as JC climbed in on the other side. They met in the middle and just stared at each other lovingly for a while. "Hey JC, I know we're going to be together till the end, but do you mind if we just held each other tonight?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" JC smiled at Justin kissed him lightly on the forehead as Justin curled up into a ball and lay his head on JC's chest.

"I love you Josh!"

"I love you too Curly!" They were soon fast asleep, content in each other's arms.

Christina was sleeping soundly in her bedroom. It was dark and peaceful, a little too peaceful. The only noise that could be heard was a faint hissing in Christina's room. Christina didn't stir, not until she felt something moving under covers. It started at the foot of her bed but slowly made its way up Christina's body. Christina started to stir more as it tickled her body climbing up it. As it made its way across her stomach, she opened her eyes and looked down. Something was under the blankets! The faint hissing noise had grown louder, letting Christina no it was a snake. Christina made no sudden movement in her body and took in her surroundings. She knew what she had to do. In one quick motion, she threw covers off, grabbed the snake by the neck, and threw it as far as she could towards the window. It flew out the window, never to return. Christina let herself calm down, still confused about how a snake could get into her room. She didn't even think she left the window open. 'Oh well," she thought. "I probably did and just forgot about it.' With that thought, she took in a deep breath and turned over on the side of the bed. She was almost asleep when the phone rang. She jumped out of bed almost instantly to catch it before it woke Justin and JC up. Christina reached the phone and answered it.

"Hello," she said, wondering who could be calling at 3 in the morning.

"Hello," a muffled voice said.

"Um, hi... Who is this?"

"I don't know. Who do you want it to be?"

"Justin… JC… if this is one of you two I swear I'll kick your ass," Christina replied getting freaked out and pissed off at the same time.

"This isn't Justin, but I'll be nice and tell you who I could be. I could some fan just wanting to get to hear your voice over telephone, but no… wait… that's not it. I could be an NSYNC guy that just wants to freak you out, but wait… no, that isn't it either." This person was obviously a psycho. "Wait, I've got it! I think I'm person that was responsible for that snake being in your room. Ah yes, that's it!" The person chuckled to herself.

"What... but… why?" Christina was very confused. She couldn't think of why anyone would want to kill her or who this person even was.

"Ah, isn't that cute. The genie wants a motive," the person smirked. "Let's just say you stuck your nose in where it didn't belong. Do it again and something else might happen," the person snickered. "Just stay away from what's rightfully mine and no one gets hurt." With that, the person hung up the phone and left Christina standing as she was, motionless, the phone still in her hand. 'What is going on.' She kept repeating slowly over and over again in her head. Who could that person have been, and what did they mean by telling her to stay away from what was rightfully theirs. Christina didn't understand that at all. Eventually the busy signal got her attention and she hung up the phone. She looked over at the clock '3:30, Damn girl, how long have you been standing here," she said as she laughed to herself, trying to relieve some stress. She went back to bed, convincing herself that it was probably some psycho-fan of hers, and nothing was going to happen-hopefully. She lay in bed for several hours before finally drifting off into a very uncomfortable sleep.

Well, that's it! I hoped you liked it! Now that you've had a little taste of what the conspirators will do, how far will they go? What will they do to try and break JC and Justin up. Will Christina get involved? All this and more in the chapters to come from "Right and Wrong". Please send all feedback to YIMTWBS2000@aol.com. Thanx!

Next: Chapter 5

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