Right and Wrong

By Angelface 2000

Published on Jun 11, 2000


Hey Everybody! Sorry, I slacked off a little, but part 7 is finally here. If you're confused about the whole Britany-Christina thing, don't worry! A lot is revealed here. Thanks to all the people who have helped me in the past and are still helping me! I love you guys! Thanks for the poll responses too. Well, without further ado:

Recently on Right and Wrong:

Justin and JC picked Christina up and took her to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. It was very extravagant, and the chances of them getting mobbed there were slim to none.

JC approached the waiter and asked for a table for four. This confused Christina. She looked behind her but only saw Justin.

"Don't you mean three JC," she questioned.

"No, I mean four. I told you we had a surprise for you." He turned around and gave her wink. They followed the waiter and let themselves be seated, awaiting the unknown guest.

"So, come on. Tell me who it is before I figure it out for myself," Christina said, looking for any sign of who it could be.

"Actually, you might not have to wait for us to tell you. Just turn around and look at the person straight behind you.

Christina smiled the biggest smile she could and turned around to see who it could be, but when she looked up her smile faded completely. "Hello... Brittany."

OOH What's going to happen? Do I smell a cat fight? Let's see!

~~Right and Wrong 7~~

"Hello Christina! My, you haven't changed one bit," Britney smirked. "Same wrinkled face, same ratty hair, woah... and from the looks of it I can definitely assume that your still buying bras from Fischer Price." Britney smiled to herself. She knew she had just struck a nerve in Christina, which was exactly what she intended on doing.

Christina was furious. "Look, Bitchney, this wasn't the right place or the right time, but since you decided to make it the right time, I say we talk about that LITTLE boob job of yours."

"Why Christina, you know that's all a bunch of rumors. I would never do something like that, and you know it." Both girls were starting to get a little heated as the verbal assault continued. JC and Justin just watched the two with their mouths hung open, not knowing what had happened.

"No, I don't know Britney, but what I do know is that you walk into the doctor's office with a cold one day and come out with that pathetic excuse for a boob job. I mean if you were gonna get one, you should have at least told them to put more silicone in." That was the last straw. Both girls were obviously very angry with the other one, and Justin and JC knew that this was going to have to be stopped soon.

"Hey Chrissy," Justin pleaded. "Why don't you have a drink of water. It looks like you could use one. Christina turned around and her anger seemed to melt away as she saw Justin with pleading eyes begging for her to calm down.

"Sure Justin," she grabbed the glass next to her, and all of a sudden, a huge grin spread wide across her face. "But you know what, I think Britney could use it a lot more than me." With that she turned around and smiled at Britney.

"Why thank you Christy, I can now se..." Britney was cut off by Christina throwing the glass of water in her face.

"AAAAAHH, how could you have done that? This is a new dress too!" Britney was furious! "I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life!" The scene this was causing was obviously embarrassing Justin and JC- neither of them knowing what to do.

As Britney was yelling at the top of her lungs, Justin leaned over towards JC. "You think we should tell them that they're both going to be touring with us?" Justin smiled. JC just cast him an evil glare as Justin chuckled to himself.

Christina smiled to herself. She had wanted to do that for so long. "Now Britney, I just thought you needed something to cool down." Christina giggled to herself.

"Oh, I see! Well in that case I don't think you would mind if I were to take this apple pie here and smear it all over your face." Britney reached over and grabbed a peace of pie from the nearest table.

"You wouldn..." Christina was cut off as Britney took the piece of pie and smashed it into her face. Britney continued to rub it into Christina's face until she was cut off by someone grabbing her hand. She turned around, only to see the man she had taken the pie from with a very displeased look on his face.

"I believe you forgot this," he said, and with that, he took out a bowl of chocolate ice cream and dumped it down the front of Britney's dress. This made Britney fume as she grabbed the toupee the guy was wearing and threw it into a bowl of soup an old lady was eating out of.

Suddenly, a voice cried out, "FOOD FIGHT," and it was on. Pies, Steaks, and everything you can imagine started flying through the air. Justin and JC ducked and crawled over to Britney and Christina. Justin grabbed Britney and JC grabbed Christina, and they exited the place as fast as they could.

When they were finally out, Justin whispered something to JC and then grabbed Britney by the hand. JC did the same to Christina, and they both started walking opposite directions down the sidewalk.

"Now do I even need to ask what's going on or are you going to tell me," JC questioned. He was a little pissed after what had happened. Justin and he had both though it would be a good idea to put Christina and Britney back together. They always seemed like they were closer than sisters, but obviously that was not the case.

"JC, it wasn't my fault. I would have behaved if the walking boob job wouldn't have started something." Christina was steamed. She wasn't expecting Britney to be her surprise. This had been a very bad night.

"You know that's not what I'm wanting to know. Why were you like that in there? Just and I thought you two were as close as me and him, if not closer."

"Yeah, well things can change very fast JC. Let's just say she stuck her nose where it didn't belong." JC looked at Christina for a second and could tell she wasn't going to say anything else.

"OK, come on. We can go back now." Christina was a little relieved that JC didn't question her any further. It had been a wild night, and all she wanted to do was go home and get to bed.

JC and Christina met up with the other two and got into the car. No one said a word as they drove Christina and Britney home. After Britney exited the car, they both let out a loud sigh. They had both agreed not to tell them about the tour. That would only start things up again.

"That went well," JC said sarcastically. Justin laughed and shook his head a little. "So, what did Britney have to say," JC questioned.

"Not really anything. She just said that Christina stuck her nose where it didn't belong." This puzzled JC.

"That was exactly what Christina said." The two exchanged worried glances.

This was too weird. JC drove to their hotel, and they hurried up to their room as to not get mobbed.

"Hey babe, I'm going to go take a shower," JC said as he gave Justin a kiss on the forehead.

"Good, cause you all stinky," Justin said while laughing. "But I love you anyways." He quickly brushed his lips against JC and then ran into the bathroom.

"Hey Just, I said I was taking a shower." JC knocked on the door, but the only response he got was the water to the shower being turned on. All of a sudden, a smile crept on JC's face. 'If he wants to play that way, we'll just have to play that way,' JC though to himself. He removed all of his clothes, slowly opened the door, and made his way towards the shower. He opened the shower door only to find no one in their. Suddenly he felt to arms wrap around his waist.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long." Justin pushed JC into the shower and walked in himself, closing the door behind him.

"So, what did you have in mind," JC asked with a smile.

"This." With that Justin immediately grabbed JC's cock firmly in his hand.

JC moaned at the feeling of having a hand besides his on his cock. Justin started jerking slowly and moved up to kiss JC, which JC gradually accepted.

JC opened his mouth, and Justin shoved his tongue deep into his lover's throat. JC was going crazy, feeling his one true love explore his mouth while at the same time being jerked off- this was just too much.

JC was getting very close, and Justin sensed this. Immediately, Justin pulled back, causing JC to groan and open his eyes that had been sealed shut for the past minute. JC looked at his lover with questioning eyes as Justin started getting out of the shower.

"Sorry, babe. No sex after the first date. What kind of person do you take me for?" Justin ran out of the shower laughing hysterically, knowing what he had just done to JC.

"Tease," JC yelled out, only to be met by the sound of the door slamming shut. He looked down and realized his little friend wouldn't be going down for a while. JC laughed to himself, realizing it was going to be a long night. He shampooed and washed up quickly. He stepped out of the shower with a smile. "Time for some payback Curly!"

JC stepped out of the bathroom, only to find Justin curled up into a little ball on the bed, fast asleep. 'So much for that idea," JC thought to himself. He threw on a pair of boxers and quietly got into bed. He wrapped his arms around Justin and smiled to himself. 'I am so lucky,' JC thought. He quietly kissed Justin on the back of the neck and soon drifted off to sleep, happier than he had ever been in his life.

Well, I'm going to end there. I know it's not my best work, but I still want to know what you think. Write me at YIMTWBS2000@aol.com.

Next: Chapter 8

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