Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Jan 9, 2019


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 56

My apologies to anyone who read Chapter 57 before Chapter 56. You must have been absolutely lost. I thought I had posted 56 a week ago.

If you can, push a couple of dollars toward Nifty. The manhours are donated but server space and band with can be expensive.


Chapter 56

After New Year's, Nigel, Jared and Drake packed the car for the trip to Berkeley. Nigel had the apartment beneath Jared and Drake. Grace had purchased a converted Victorian for her grandson. Nigel's car was waiting for him in Berkeley. Jared shook Mary's hand. He couldn't hug her. Jared had shown no signs of affection since declaring Mary was no longer his mother.

"Adam and I will stop by for a visit while we are attending a conference in two weeks. Try not to paint a target on yourself." Jerome hugged his brother, then waved as they drove away from the farm.

Jerome gathered his supplies and Marshall drove him to a small business college. An afternoon interning with Mick and Dan followed a morning of intense classes.

Julio arrived later in the day and would stay at the compound until the conference in San Francisco. Adam would work as hard as Jerome. Julio insisted his job had been harder than Grace's.

While Adam was learning from Julio, Jerome hugged Dan and Mick. They talked for a brief minute before Jerome found himself with other new employees in an orientation class.

Jerome arrived home just in time to change out of the suit and into work clothes. There were chores to do. How could Jerome expect others to do chores if he didn't set an example?

Jerome and Mike worked together cleaning the barn. "How are things working out?"

Jerome listened to the embarrassed silence. "If anyone will understand I will."

"We've done things I don't feel comfortable with."

Jerome understood better than Mike could ever know. "If you don't like it, don't do it."

"I am afraid Brock might choose Oliver's friendship over mine." Mike sighed.

"Have you talked with Brock? He could choose you both."

"I like it when I'm doing it. It's later that bothers me."

"Let me tell you about Nephi and I. I loved Nephi with all my heart, but like you I did things for him and then tore myself up." Jerome finished his story and answered Mike's questions as they finished the job at hand.

"You know what goes on behind closed doors is no one's business as long as you remember that no, means no. Oliver starts college with you when the quarter begins. The three of you need to talk while wearing clothes."

Later in bed Jerome and Adam discussed things while not wearing clothes. Adam loved how loud Jerome was when he came. He changed his mind the next morning at breakfast.

"I heard a monster in the house last night. It was scary."

"Juan it wasn't a monster. It's my dad. Jerome has nightmares. See how tired he looks." Hugo winked at Jerome. Juan gave Jerome a hug. "I have nightmares too."

"Maybe we need to be a little quieter." Adam thought.

Brock drove his best friends to school. Mike helped them pick up their schedules and find their classes. At the bookstore the three each used the Christmas gift cards from Nephi to buy their books. Their scholarships covered tuition and fees, extras would be up to the boys to cover.

Jerome started at the bottom in the mailroom. The purpose of the internship was to learn firsthand all aspects of the company. He was just another intern. Many of the employees felt that put him on the bottom most rung of the corporate ladder. He found himself on coffee duty often and sent on the errands no one else wanted.

Adam worked his way through Julio's book of holdings. It listed all the Tellerson companies. Adam didn't need to remember them, but he needed to know where to find their contact information. Adam knew Grace had bought out some of Benny's partners. Tellerson still owned parts of six other companies in Utah. Tellerson had bought into the companies giving them the operating capital to get started. One of them caught Adam's eye. He would wait until the right time to tell Jerome.

Mary started classes at the Foundation at the same time as the public schools. Her classes were bigger than in the fall. The newer residents were still waiting on paperwork before enrolling them in public school.

Jerome was still in the mailroom when the dates of the conference rolled around. It was an opportunity for the owners of the companies affiliated with Tellerson to network and hear from some of the nation's foremost business minds.

Julio would help Adam through his responsibilities. It was Adam's job as Jerome's assistant to support Jerome. They would have free time and were taking Hugo and Jerry with them.

Julio had flown commercial two days earlier. With seven people flying to San Francisco, Adam rerouted the larger company jet carrying two of the conference presenters into the smaller Salt Lake Airport Two.

The two passengers worked for Tellerson Financial. "Why are we stopping at this dump?"

The flight attendant answered. "We have more passengers to pick up."

The Samaria Farms van pulled up to the plane once the boarding stairs were in place. Two excited boys bounced through the door. Jerry had only flown the one time to Denver and back and Hugo looked forward to his first flight. A young man in his twenties, a taller man just a little older and three serious gentlemen followed.

The two previous passengers moved from the main cabin into the rear salon, a smaller cabin where the couch made into a bed.

"Please remember one of us always enters first." Marshall reminded his charges.

"Sorry Uncle Marshall." Hugo replied.

One man got up to close the door. The young guys were sitting next to each other. The younger guy kissed his older partner.

"I can't believe they diverted us to pick up kids and a pair of queers." The man muttered under his breath as he closed the door.

Marshall stepped toward the door and Jerome waved him back. "Let's see how deep they dig the hole they have started."

It was obvious the flight attendant felt it was below his station taking care of kids. He took beverages into the salon for his important guests. When he stepped back into the main cabin, his demeanor turned icy.

"What can you tell me about our fellow passengers?" Adam asked.

"I am not at liberty to say; it's company policy."

"How long have you been working for Tellerson?" Jerome asked.

The attendant ignored the question and Jerry's request for a drink. Marshall stood and opened the fridge and pulled out a pair of orange juice cartons for the boys and two cookies.

"You have no right to do that." The attendant protested.

"When young Mr. Tellerson requests a drink, you will treat him with civility." Marshall announced.

"Young Mr. Tellerson, he's the new owner?"

"No, he's the new owner's son. I am Jerome Tellerson of Samaria Farms. Grace was my grandmother. This is my assistant and partner Adam of Samaria. This is my other son Hugo. Now with that settled tell me about our other passengers."

The flight attendant told his boss everything he knew about the men in the back cabin.

"Do not tell them who we are. I have a special surprise for them later. They fly home coach. I wouldn't want them to have to share the plane with children and queers." Jerome insisted.

"Dad, you said a bad word." Jerry had learned the word queer was an unacceptable word on the farm.

As they landed the back-cabin doors opened. Juan the ex-marine blocked the door. "You will need to wait until the other passengers disembark."

"Why should we have to wait for queers pretending to be parents?"

"Because Mr. Tellerson owns the plane and with your disparaging language, you pose a security risk."

Through the window the pair watched a member of security check out the area and the van before the Tellerson party exited the plane.

Julio met the group from Samaria at the valet entrance of the hotel. Julio led them past the bank of elevators to a small doorway. "Andre, the group from Samaria are Mr. Tellerson's guests. Your team will work with Marshall, head of Samaritan security."

Andre turned his key in the lock where the call button should be. Inside the elevator were three buttons B, L, and P. The door opened into a small room with the elevator and three doors. Julio handed Marshall the key to the doors. "Security is to the right. The penthouse is to the left. The apartment straight ahead is empty for the weekend."

Stepping into the penthouse Jerome was a little overwhelmed with the white and gold. "Why the penthouse? This is too expensive. How could you feel comfortable here? I couldn't even sit on the furniture."

"My love, you own the hotel. It's over the top to claim top dollar when Grace wasn't here. She often stayed in the center apartment."

"Let's look at it." Jerome requested.

One step through the door Jerome felt at ease. It was like stepping into Grace's house in Florida, nice but comfortable. Unlike the first apartment, this wasn't impressive but comfortable. The boys disappeared into the first bedroom. They reappeared only to disappear into the next. Returning from the fourth door, Jerry danced with excitement. "They have a pool. Can we go swimming?"

"May we go swimming?"

"Of course, you may go swimming, dad." Jerome's correction went unnoticed. "You can swim with me."

Jerome looked at Julio. "Do we have time for a swim?"

Julio looked to Adam. "We are free until the mix and mingle at 8:00. We have plenty of time."

The luggage hadn't arrived yet, but Jerry was ready to swim. A trail of clothes stretched toward the pool. Hugo followed. He left his clothes on a lounge chair near the small lap pool while Jerry waited.

Jerome folded his clothes and set them on a table leaving his briefs on. Adam had a few things to finish before he could join his family. Warm air filled the glass pool enclosure. The hotel was the tallest building for blocks with a fantastic view.

"Dad, I'm skinny dipping. You can too." Jerry sounded just like Zeke. "Hugo added his underwear to his pile of clothes. The shallow pool was perfect for Jerry. He could touch the bottom, but spent most of the time diving into the pool and swimming its length. Zeke and Rafe had done an excellent job teaching Jerry to swim.

With a little coaxing, Adam produced a handful of coins the boys collected from the bottom of the pool. In true youngster fashion, they didn't return the coins to Adam.

Jerome ate with his boys sitting around the pool in plush robes rather than with the conference attendees.

"Boys, Jerome and I have to go to a meeting downstairs. I have a surprise for you."

A young member of the hotel staff was attaching a box to the television in the shared sitting room as the boys changed into pajamas. When the men emerged in slacks and Samaria Foundation polos, the boys were sitting on the floor with the bellboy learning how to use the game console. It was tough getting the boys to stop long enough for prayers and a good night hug.

Juan gave the pair a thumbs up while sitting in a recliner reading. Marshall also sported a Samaria Foundation shirt. They were attending the conference incognito. Jerome wouldn't be Mr. Tellerson until the closing session.

They stopped at the registration desk and picked up their registration lanyards. Six hundred individuals representing 150 different companies and organizations attended the conference. Marshall was always a step or two behind his charges as they worked the room. The color of the lanyards differentiated non-profits, new startups and established companies. Being Samaria's first year, other non-profits expressed curiosity about their mission. In return Jerome learned about many other groups. They covered a diverse range of visions and missions.

Even though Jerome looked older than his age he still was one of the youngest in attendance. Other attendees directed their questions to Marshall first.

"Jerome is the director of the Samaria Foundation. I oversee security at the farm." Marshall answered.

"Why would you need security?" A concerned woman asked.

"I saw it on the news when I was visiting my cousin in Utah. Gay men are luring unsuspecting homeless boys with the promise of a place to stay. The farm is almost a prison. They hold sexual rites in their own perverted religion. A parent killed their leader trying to rescue their son." The speaker wore a non-profit lanyard, white shirt and tie. He took spreading the word as a personal challenge. The mood in the room changed. Individuals standing with Jerome and Adam left and found others more deserving of their attention. Soon the group from Samaria were standing by themselves.

"They didn't even give me a chance to tell them the truth."

"Jerome, they wouldn't have listened if they had stayed to hear it." Adam turned to Marshall. "Stay close. We don't know if there are any crazies here."

Adam knew of three other organizations in attendance dealing with gay issues. When approached unwilling to be associated with the Samaritans, the others found somewhere else to be. The vicious lies circulated like wildfire. Around the room groups turned from their conversations to look at the Samaritans.

Across the room Jerome located a friendly face. Jerome hadn't known Mick and Dan involvement with the Tellerson Organization. Even across the room, Dan's body language spoke volumes. Jerome hoped it was in Samaria's defense.

Marshall suggested they leave. "Samaria's opponents capitalize on the fact that people are more willing to listen to scandal than the truth."

In the penthouse the boys were asleep.

"Adam, I'll join you in bed in a minute. I need to think."

Jerome ended up sitting around the pool looking across the city through the glass. Tears left trails across his face as he knelt next to a chair.

"You promised me you would always be here for me. We should never have listened to Benny. We should have found a quiet little house for you, Jerry and me. I miss you so much. It's not fair. God took you away when we were trying to help others."

Adam stood in the doorway listening to Jerome's sobs. He missed Nephi too, but weren't they happy? He realized that Jerome's heart would always belong to Nephi first. Could he live with that? Adam had given up his career to support Jerome, it wasn't fair. Adam turned to return to bed. He took three steps and turned back to Jerome.

Adam knelt next to his man. He pulled Jerome to his side. "I miss him too. Remember I am here for you. Let's skip the sessions tomorrow and take the boys on the cable cars. Just think how stupid the small-minded people tonight will feel when they learn you hold the purse strings."

Jerome snuggled closer to Adam. "I love you. Thank you for being here."

Jerome woke the next morning to an empty bed. The boys were watching Saturday morning cartoons. Jerome found Adam busy on the phone in the suite's small office. Adam emerged to find Jerome sandwiched between their boys lost in the world of Tom and Jerry.

"Do we eat in or go out? I think we should put in an appearance at the conference breakfast." Adam focused the rest of his comments to the boys listing their favorite foods that would be on the buffet. Jerome didn't think much of Adam's suggestion, but the twinkle in his eye told Jerome that Adam was up to something.

With the boys looking sharp in Samaria Farms polos matching their dad's, they stopped at the registration table for the boy's lanyards.

"You will need to feed your children at the restaurant." The lady behind the table insisted.

"You didn't even look. Try the presenter file." Adam insisted.

She looked just to make the men standing on the other side of the table go away. To her surprise she found presenter lanyards for Hugo and Jerry of Samaria Farm in the box. She didn't remember seeing them yesterday.

With plates full of their favorite breakfast foods the family looked for a place to eat. As they neared tables, the people sitting there stood and tipped the chairs onto the table signifying the seats were for someone else. It bothered Jerome but Adam led the way to a table at the front marked reserved. Mick and Dan sat at the table. Finding the reporter from Utah that had covered the Halloween event sitting at the table surprised Jerome.

"Thank you for the documentary about Nephi and the Foundation. It was a perfect memorial for a caring, generous man.' Jerome shook the reporter's hand.

"My producer called late last night. I've never flown in a private jet before." The reporter revealed.

Jerome motioned to one of his security. "I want to know about the individuals and the organizations they represent who snubbed my family as we came in. Especially the ones in the white shirts and ties from last night."

Adam had little time to wonder what his partner was planning. The master of ceremonies took the podium welcoming everyone to the second day of the conference and reviewing the day's highlights.

"This morning we have a small change in our schedule. I want to welcome the newest organization to the Tellerson group, the Samaria Foundation. They have a unique relationship to the Tellerson family. George McDermott is an investigative reporter from the NBC affiliate station in Salt Lake City, Utah. Please welcome Mr. George McDermott."

"During the spring of this year a young couple purchased an abandoned polygamist compound west of Salt Lake City after having their home firebombed. They found members of the polygamist group tired of the lifestyle hiding in the compound. Rather that send them packing, the young men welcomed them into their family. The profits from their landscaping business went into creating a home for individuals that needed a place to call home. Nephi, the founder, named it after the Good Samaritan in the New Testament. It was gaining an unsavory in the press. My producer asked me to dig up the dirt on this group only to find myself surprised. I'll let my report speak for me."

The reporter returned to his seat as the lights darkened and the large screen came to life. Jerome had seen the film before. Hugo and Jerry finished eating. The family left through the kitchen.

"The kitchen is off limits to guests!"

Marshall read the name on the fellow's black jacket. "Antonio, I understand you are the executive chef and it is your kitchen, but it is Mr. Tellerson's hotel and he can go just about anywhere he wants."

By the time Marshall had finished dealing with the chef, he had to catch up with the family. A nondescript van waited at the loading dock. As the van pulled away from the hotel another car pulled behind them. The first stop was picking up Jared and Drake.

"What do you want to do first?" Adam asked as a cable car crossed the intersection ahead.

"Can we ride the cable cars?" Hugo exclaimed. Neither Jared or Drake had ridden the cable cars yet. It was for tourists.

The van and extra car followed the cable car. They often left the trolley to explore when things sparked the boy's interest. Neither Adam nor Jerome had been to San Francisco before. Marshall had visited while in the military. He played tour guide. On a boat tour of the harbor the excitement caught up with Jerry. The sleeping five-year-old on his lap didn't keep Jerome from having a good time. As they pulled up to the dock Jerry woke ready for new adventures.

Returning to the room the tired boys settled in front of the television only to fall asleep.

After the ten-minute film, the lights came up in the banquet room revealing the Samaria representative's absence. The master of ceremonies thanked the reporter for his excellent work.

"I would ask Jerome to say a few words about the future of Samaria Farms, but Mr. Tellerson and his boys are enjoying a day in the city."

That comment triggered a barrage of questions aimed at Mick and Dan after all they sat with the Tellerson Family.

There were some very concerned individuals, those smart enough to realize they had slighted members of the Tellerson family. The consensus was the older gentleman with the group must be the new head of the company. No one even considered it was Jerome.

Dan found the attendees fell into three groups. Those planning individual apologies to Mr. Tellerson for their lack of understanding of the situation. Those feeling it had all been business and Mr. Tellerson would understand and the lucky ones who didn't allow gossip to color their own opinions.

"Marshall, if Mick and Dan have finished their dinner, would someone invite them to the penthouse? I would go myself but I'm too tired to put up with a room full of people." Jerome asked.

Marshall went himself. As he entered the banquet room a hush spread across the room. Marshall scanned the room and located Mick and Dan. He headed toward the pair when a younger businessman stepped into Marshall's path.

"Mr. Tellerson, my company and I appreciate your sponsorship of this conference. We look forward to it every year."

Marshall stopped, puzzled at the man's comment. He used a tone meant to carry a good distance. "You are working under an incorrect assumption. I am the head of Mr. Tellerson's security team. I will pass your message on to young Mr. Tellerson after he puts his sons to bed.

Marshall chuckled inside as he watched the reactions spread across the room. He invited Mick and Dan to the penthouse.

Mick and Dan looked around the sitting area. They could hear young voices in prayer. Mick looked to Marshall. "I thought the penthouse would be more upscale."

Jerome answered Mick's question coming out of the boy's room. "This is Grandma Grace's apartment. She had tons of money and preferred comfort."

He led them past the pool and into the formal penthouse. "It's beautiful, but I can see why she preferred comfort over luxury." Mick observed.

"Will the real head of the Tellerson fortune please stand up?" Dan announced in his best TV announcer voice.

"That would be me." Jerome admitted. "I hope I may continue my internship. I have things to learn; you have things to teach me."

Adam ordered snacks and beverages. Mick and Dan enjoyed a nice bottle of wine. The Samaritans shared a two-liter jug of Coke as Mick and Dan talked about the many rumors floating around the convention about the new Mr. Tellerson.

"The one rumor I haven't heard is the truth. Tomorrow will shock people." Dan shared.

"I'm not sure what to say or more to the point how to say what I need to say." Jerome confided to his old friends.

Mick thought for only a moment. "The head of your public relations department is in the hotel. That's his job."

Mick picked up the phone. "Please find Sandy Beachum. Mr. Tellerson would like to see him in the penthouse."

Dan was trying not to smile. "Wait until you meet him. He tries to live up to his name. He looks like a thirty something surfer dude/beach bum in a business suit."

Marshall opened the door. Though the name was new, Jerome recognized the man from Grace's funeral. Sandy's longer blond hair framed a tan face that could have appeared on any fashion magazine. Jerome wasn't sure what caught his eye first, Sandy's twinkling blue eyes or his amazing smile revealing the whitest teeth he had ever seen. The thin fabric of Sandy's form fitting button-down shirt did little to hide the defined muscles underneath. Jerome's eyes continued downward to another prominent `muscle'. It was obvious Sandy dressed to the left or he carried a can of tennis ball in his pants.

"It's good to meet you again in a less stressful setting. I hope you didn't mind this morning's surprise. I called to warn you, but your partner suggested leaving it as a surprise."

Jerome reached out and took Adam's hand in his.

"I had seen parts of the clip earlier on national news. It provided outside validation about the organization you and Nephi created." A wave of sadness and concern crossed Sandy's face as he looked toward Adam. "Is it appropriate to express my condolences over Nephi's passing. If I lost my guy, I would be a mess?"

Jerome followed Sandy's eyes to Adam. "Nephi knew he didn't have long. He kept the growing tumor in his brain a secret. Nephi encouraged taking my relationship with Adam to the next step. I have Adam, but I will always miss Nephi."

"Nephi was special and I couldn't fill his shoes if I tried. I fell for Jerome the first time I met him, but his heart belonged to another. Nephi surprised me when he invited me into their partnership and bed. The three of us had one special night together before he sent us to visit Grace. That was the last time we saw him." A single tear fell from Adam's eyes.

Jerome pulled Adam into an embrace providing a moment of mutual comfort.

"Now let's get down to work. How long do I have to talk tomorrow?" Jerome asked, and the five got down to work. An hour later Jerome had written a five-minute speech acknowledging Grace's contributions in the past and his vision for the future.

"I am looking forward to working with each of you in the years ahead. I never knew my grandfather. Grandma Grace often told me he refused to judge a man or his company by the labels given by others. You judge a man by his actions and contributions to others. Many of your organizations are here because of my grandparent's ability to look past labels."

"I will end in the tradition of my grandfather with just a slight addition. Remember we measure success not only by the money we make but also the good we do. Over every gate at Samaria Farms you will find in large letters, "Samaritans, Go Forth and Do Good."

Jerome stepped back from the podium signifying the end of his speech and the conference. There were more than a few individuals standing as the room filled with applause.

Jerome shook hands in the lobby flanked by Tellerson corporate executives, many of which hadn't met the new boss yet. Reception lines get old fast, shake a hand, hear a name and move to the next hand. After the slanderous rumors and subsequent presentation of the facts, no one wanted to be seen as unsupportive. It had not only been medical clinics turned into parking lots or city parks.

Jerome looked to the next in line. This face was familiar. He looked down to the lanyard to see his name. He wasn't wearing one. The man took the place of the last man standing in front of Jerome. Jerome took the man's hand.

As the man shook Jerome's hand, he made eye contact with Jerome. Sandy had told Jerome not to be the first that looks away. Some people saw that as a sign of weakness.

"So, we meet again." Instead of releasing Jerome's hand he gripped it tighter and took a step forward into Jerome's personal space.

Marshall grabbed the man's free arm. "Mr. Smith there is an urgent call for you at the front desk. Please come with me."

The man tried to push his arm forward. Instead he found it pinned behind his back in an uncomfortable position. A knife fell to the floor. An executive bent to pick it up.

"Leave it. The last thing you want is for your fingerprints to be on that knife." Marshall warned.

Inside Jerome was shaking, but he knew he had to be strong for now. One of Jerome's security picked up the knife with a gloved hand and placed it into a plastic bag. "Grandma Grace's choice of successors must not please everyone."

The next man in line asked, "How can you stay calm after an attempt on your life?"

Jerome took the man's hand and looked at his lanyard. "Craig, if I react now, I will fall apart and cause chaos. Only those near us saw anything. I will collapse later where my partner can wrap his arms around me and with my sons on my lap, we will handle the emotional fallout."

Craig could feel the tremors in Jerome's handshake. Craig had only met a few gay individuals, and they all had fit a stereotype. He looked Jerome straight in the eye. This was a man he could follow.

Adam had suggested they close the reception line early. "I will not let them see me as a soft gay guy. Grace said not to show your weaknesses. Let them see a man to be reckoned with. Win your battles completely or you will fight them again and again."

A security guard stepped into the line on either side of Jerome. Jerome hoped he wouldn't need to remember any of these names anytime soon. Near the end of the line Jerome heard a soft whisper between two gentlemen in line.

"I'm not sure we want to be associated with Tellerson anymore."

When they reached Jerome, he looked at the man's ID card. "Mr. Chidester, what does your company do?"

"We are a small but growing non-profit Christian publishing company?"

"I am curious, why do you not want to be associated with Tellerson Financial?" Jerome refused to break eye contact.

A Tellerson employee whispered into Jerome's ear. "How many of your titles are anti-gay publications?" Mr. Chidester remained silent.

"Grace never told you what you could and couldn't print. That's not the way our relationship works. We provide funding and support for companies with potential such as yours to get started. You may pay off any loans and then buy back our shares, just as we may sell off our shares."

The Tellerson employee whispered into Jerome's ear again. "The value of our shares added to the loan is three million dollars. I won't force anyone to be part of Tellerson. Please contact our Entrepreneurial Grant Office to arrange for your repayment and purchase."

There was a final whisper in Jerome's ear. "I am to remind you of the terms of the non-disclosure agreement."

With the last hand shaken, Adam steered his man toward the elevator. As the doors closed Jerome fell into Adam's waiting grasp. "Adam, that was awful. At least the assassin used a knife I could see. If any organization wants out, they are welcome to buy their way out. There will be no freebies this year."

Jerome took a deep breath. "I hope the media doesn't make a big deal about today. He was with the guys who tried to kidnap me at the college. Maybe the police can get him to talk."

Adam chose not to tell Jerome that the media was already hitting the story. Marshall had left the man handcuffed with hotel security. Security had turned the man over to a pair of detectives after seeing their badges. The officers left official looking paperwork when they took the culprit, knife and the security tapes from the building.

When the real police arrived, there was an abundance of finger pointing. The bottom line was there were a few witnesses, but no prisoner or evidence.

At their floor, Adam carried Jerome into the penthouse and held his man on the big king bed. Hugo was trying his best to dry the pool water off of a streaking Jerry.

"What's wrong with my dad?" Jerry's bottom lip trembled. He didn't wait for an answer. He crawled into his place next to Jerome. Jerome rolled onto his side pulling his boy to his chest.

Hugo stood at the foot of the bed looking lost. Adam slid away from Jerome leaving a space for Hugo who filled his spot in the dad and son sandwich. The young security guy checked on his charges after his briefing with Marshall. The penthouse was on lockdown. Finding the four asleep he threw a blanket over them, closing the door as he moved to the sitting room.

The hotel's manager wanted to express his apologies to Jerome. Marshall was gracious, but was unwilling to allow even the hotel general manager into the lift.

"At least let us provide a special meal for Mr. Tellerson's party."

"The only people I have 100% confidence in is the staff from Samaria. Dinner is arriving now." A team member walked across the lobby carrying four large McDonald's sacks. Hugo and Jerry were more than pleased with the dinner selection.

After dinner two officers wanted to talk with Jerome. Marshall had dealt with the pair throughout the afternoon. He felt confident these were real. Jerome met with them in the sitting room of the penthouse while the boys swam under the watchful eye of security.

"Before you ask questions, the guy with the knife was part of a group that tried to kidnap me from my college in Utah before I had inherited my grandmother's company." Jerome handed the officer a detailed list of names. "I've had to build this list more than once. In Salt Lake, gays are targets, successful gays even more so."

Marshall explained that the local police only knew the men were linked to one of the gangs in Salt Lake.

"Officers, the team member I sent for dinner complained the brakes on the van felt wrong. He reported finding a pool of brake fluid under the vehicle. I would appreciate if you would wait to investigate until I get the family on a plane headed home." Marshall requested. "I will stay here and get the luggage packed."

The family and a security guard exited the elevator on the housekeeping level. They boarded a hotel shuttle by the loading dock. At a small airport they boarded a smaller jet. It had eight comfortable seats.

The pilot shook Jerome's hand. "It's good to meet the new boss. I hope you don't mind flying in the smaller jet. Marshall wants whoever is looking for you to think you are still in the hotel."

As the plane left the ground, the passengers watched the lights of the city spread before them. As the landscape below grew dark. One by one the family and security fell asleep. Turbulence over Salt Lake shook everyone from their slumber.

They were more than happy to crawl into their own beds. They had until tomorrow to decide what to tell the rest of the family.

The local news had picked up the story and were running with it. It concerned the older members. Having to wait for their presents to arrive with the luggage disappointed the young members of the family.

Jerome wiped the sleep from his eyes, showered and left for school and then the office. Adam had wanted Jerome to stay home for the day. He promised he wouldn't stay late.

Adam wondered what he needed to do for the day. He didn't have long to wonder before the calls began. Most of the calls were from media organizations across the country. Public relations insisted calls from the media be routed through them. Marshall called to let Adam know the `family' had made it to the airport without incident. Adam connected the corporate lawyers with the local solicitors.

By noon Adam called the local office of Tellerson Financial introducing himself. "I need someone I can trust to answer the phones. They are ringing non-stop."

Adam was expecting a secretary from the office. An older lady pressed the buzzer at the gate. "I'm from the Tellerson office." Adam buzzed her in.

The phone rang as she walked through the door. Before she introduced herself, she picked up the phone. "Samaria Farms."

"The reports of Mr. Tellerson's injuries are unfounded. For more details you will need to contact Tellerson Public Relations." She rattled off a number. "You will save yourself time if you use extension 771."

She hung up the phone. "I need a list of where to route calls for family members."

The phone rang. "Samaria Farms."

"Mr. Tellerson is unavailable at the moment. May I take a message?" She filled a page with shorthand. "The Entrepreneurial Grant Office of Tellerson Financial handles requests for funding." She rattled off a number and extension. "I will forward your message."

She turned to Adam. "You're still here? My name is Agnes and was the chief office administrator for the local Tellerson office. I retired to take care of my grandkids. I have one week to train someone for you before they return from vacation." Adam would leave the hiring and training up to Agnes.

Adam sat at the other desk working on the plans for the Kazoo Day event. They had numerous groups interested in supporting the event. Many individuals were interested in renting a booth to sell things. They seemed disappointed that there were no booths to rent. Organizations providing services supporting mental health didn't need to rent a booth.

Adam had received a stack of mail from two potential exhibitors, `The Christian Compass, helping lost souls find their way,' and a group in Logan. Both promised a cure for homosexuals, freeing individuals of the guilt associated with the gay leanings that lead to suicide. They offered to donate money towards the event. Adam dumped the lot into a large brown envelope. He would let the lawyers deal with it. After consulting with Margaret, Adam would insist canceling the event if they had to include the groups.

The other stack of mail dealt with those wishing to honor their loved ones with a memorial. Adam realized they would need more tables and easels. Would they be better off renting or purchasing? He would talk with Tina.

Jerome reported for work at the mailroom finding Dan waiting for him. He followed Dan to a conference room.

"I feel odd having our business partner working in the mailroom. It's menial work."

"Dan, when you started did you start at the top, or work your way up? The purpose of my internship is to understand all the processes that make up a company. Until now I mowed lawns and pushed snow. You wouldn't believe what you learn about in the mailroom. I have a good idea who is doing who and who is a little full of themselves."

"If you don't mind, I guess it's fine." Dan shook his head.

"At the end of this week I move to janitorial. Maybe I can skip cleaning the boss's toilets. I hear neither of them can hit the bowl!" Jerome laughed.

As Jerome's arrival time neared. Adam stripped out of his clothes. Jerome entered the bedroom to find a naked man sleeping in his bed with his naughty bits hidden by the draped sheet.

Jerome removed his clothes and locked the door. He slid between the figure's legs revealing the familiar manhood, which soon found itself between Jerome's lips.

"That feels so good. Hurry, my husband will be home from work soon." Adam ran his fingers through Jerome's hair.

Jerome was in no hurry. When Adam's balls pulled upwards signaling an imminent climax, Jerome coaxed them back into place with his tongue and lips. After three postponed orgasms, Adam held Jerome in place on his cock refusing further delay.

Hugo knocked on the bedroom door. "Dad, Jerome is home."

Adam dumped shot after shot into his mystery lover's mouth.

"Go out the side door." Adam pointed at the door into the next bedroom. "I can't let my husband catch us."

Jerome grabbed his clothes and exited into the next room hopping on one foot trying to pull on his slacks.

Hugo, a willing part of the charade, sat on his bed laughing at Jerome's antics. It hadn't been the first time he had seen Jerome dressing.

"Mr. Intruder, you forgot something. What is my dad Jerome going to say when he finds a strange pair of underwear on the floor?"

Jerome caught one of his favorite bits of his anatomy in the zipper.

"Close your eyes." Hugo gave the tab a quick pull downward releasing the pinched bit of Jerome's scrotum. Hugo was laughing.

"Damn! That hurt."

"That's why you wear underwear, mysterious stranger." Hugo couldn't control his laughter.

Pulled together and dressed Jerome made it back to the main door into the master bedroom and found it locked. It only slowed Jerome. With littles locking themselves in the bathroom, he had a thin flat screwdriver like tool on his key chain.

He entered the room finding Adam once again hidden by the sheet. Jerome sniffed the air. "This place smells like sex. Who have you been fooling around with?"

"A stranger came into my room and forced me into feeding him my load."

"As a punishment, you must give me another of your loads." Jerome slid between Adam's legs and began the same treatment as before. Soon, Adam was hard again. Just as earlier, every time Adam neared orgasm, Jerome would change his focus keeping Adam on the edge for twenty minutes, deaf to Adam's pleas for relief.

Jerome pulled away from Adam. "I changed my mind. We'll wait until later."

Adam reached for his erection. Jerome slapped his hand away. "I said later. Bad boys need to learn to wait for their daddy to come home."

Jerome took pity on Adam. "That's long enough. Jerome wrapped his lips around Adam's manhood as he tapped Adam's prostate with a greased finger. Adam howled as his intense orgasm shook his frame.

"I'm not sure my heart can take that very often." Adam admitted.

Jerome decided Adam had said enough and kissed his man. Rafe knocked on the door. Jerome, if you are done howling, dinner is ready."

"It wasn't me this time. It was Adam."

"That's all we need is another howler." Rafe laughed.

The shared shower was quick. Two, somewhat, embarrassed men made their way to the table.

"Dad, I hope you took care of that monster in the bedroom!" Hugo exclaimed. Jerome and Adam turned a bright shade of red.

"Adam, he's talking about the noisy monster, not the little one." Zeke exclaimed.

"Ezekiel, someday I will wash your mouth out with soap. What am I going to do with you?" Sariah reprimanded.

"Hey, it's not little." Adam countered.

Zeke opened his mouth to respond but saw the look on his mother's face and closed it again.

Rafe continued. "You're not supposed to measure it using the centimeter side of the ruler."

Ester couldn't let the opportunity pass. "Do you know why women make lousy carpenters?" She held two fingers about three inches apart. "Men keep telling them this is six inches."

Almaina leaned over to Jerry and asked a quiet question. "They are talking about Adam's penis." Jerry answered and everyone laughed. Adam blushed again.

"Enough. I want my dinner while it is still hot." Sariah insisted.

With the lesson and the prayer said, dinner continued. In the other room the radio played a song from one of Clarke's favorite male country singers.

"He has a concert the weekend of Kazoo Days. I tried to get Sariah and I tickets, but it's sold out." Clarke admitted.

"The Tellerson publicity director told me, your Country Star has heard about Kazoo Days. He wants to sing a song or two and sign autographs to help boost attendance. I told her we weren't interested." Jerome couldn't look away from the plate in front of him trying to keep a straight face.

The table burst into a cacophony of protests. Adam waited for a break in the noise level, which never came. "Jerome, pulling their leg like that is cruel."

Drake poked Jared. "I told you he wouldn't come here!"

"Oh, he's coming. His concert is on Friday night. He will be here for a few hours on Saturday and again on Sunday." Adam reassured the family. "The times and details are being worked out by Tellerson's publicity department. Jerome and I are debating if we will need to rent a tent for additional space or spend the money build another good-sized greenhouse."

Dinner conversation focused on the special guest for Kazoo Day. Adam chose not to announce this country music legend would spend Saturday night at the compound before the Tellerson jet flew him out to rejoin his touring group.

Next: Chapter 126: Nephi and Jerome 57

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