Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Jan 29, 2019


Chapter 57

With the last hand shaken, Adam steered his man toward the elevator. As the doors closed Jerome fell into Adam's waiting grasp. "That was awful. At least the assassin used a knife I could see. If any organization wants out, they are welcome to buy their way out. There will be no freebies this year."

Jerome took a deep breath. "I hope the media doesn't make a big deal about today. He was a kidnapper from the college. Maybe the police can get him to talk."

Adam chose not to tell Jerome that the media was already broadcasting the story. Marshall had left the man handcuffed with hotel security. Security had turned the man over to a pair of detectives after seeing their badges. The officers left official looking paperwork when they took the culprit, knife and the security tapes from the building.

When the real police arrived, there was an abundance of finger pointing. The bottom line was there were a few witnesses, but no prisoner or evidence.

At their floor, Adam carried Jerome into the penthouse and held his man on the big king bed. Hugo was trying his best to dry the pool water off of a streaking Jerry.

"What's wrong with my dad?" Jerry's bottom lip trembled. He didn't wait for an answer. He crawled into his place next to Jerome. Jerome rolled onto his side pulling his boy to his chest.

Hugo stood at the foot of the bed looking lost. Adam slid away from Jerome leaving a space for Hugo who filled the spot in the dad and son sandwich. The young security guy checked on his charges after his briefing with Marshall. The penthouse was on lockdown. Finding the four asleep he threw a blanket over them, closing the door as he moved to the sitting room.

The hotel's manager wanted to express his apologies to Jerome. Marshall was gracious, but was unwilling to allow even the hotel general manager into the lift.

"At least let us provide a special meal for Mr. Tellerson's party."

"The only people I have 100% confidence in is the staff from Samaria. Dinner is arriving now." A team member walked across the lobby carrying four large McDonald's sacks. Hugo and Jerry were more than pleased with the dinner selection.

After dinner two officers wanted to talk with Jerome. Marshall had dealt with the pair throughout the afternoon. He felt confident these were real. Jerome met with them in the sitting room of the penthouse while the boys swam under the watchful eye of security.

"Before you ask questions, the guy with the knife was part of a team that tried to kidnap me from my college in Utah before I had inherited my grandmother's company." Jerome handed the officer a detailed list of names. "I've had to build this list more than once. These are individuals in Salt Lake. Gays are targeted and successful gay individuals have a big red target on them."

"Officers, the team member I sent for dinner complained the brakes on the van felt wrong. He reported finding a pool of brake fluid under the vehicle. I would appreciate if you would wait to investigate until I get the family on a plane headed home." Marshall requested. "I will stay here and get the luggage packed."

The family and a security guard exited the elevator on the housekeeping level. They boarded the hotel shuttle by the loading dock. At a small airport they boarded a small jet. It had eight comfortable seats.

The pilot shook Jerome's hand. "It's good to meet the new boss. I hope you don't mind flying in the mini jet. Marshall wants whoever is looking for you to think you are still in the hotel."

As the plane left the ground, the passengers watched the lights of the city spread before them. As they left Oakland behind the landscape below grew dark; one by one the family and security fell asleep. Turbulence over Salt Lake shook everyone from their slumber.

They were more than happy to crawl into their own beds. They had until tomorrow to decide what to tell the rest of the family.

The local news had picked up the story and were running with it. Older family members worried. The younger one had to wait for the luggage to arrive to receive their presents.

Jerome wiped the sleep from his eyes. He showered and left for school. After school, he headed to the office. Adam had wanted Jerome to stay home for the day. Jerome promised he wouldn't stay late.

Adam wondered what he needed to do for the day. He didn't have long to wonder before the calls began. He routed all calls from the media through public relations. Marshall called to let Adam know the `family' had made it to the airport without incident. Adam connected the corporate lawyers with the local solicitors. Most of the calls were from media organizations across the country.

By noon Adam called the local office of Tellerson Financial introducing himself. "I need someone I can trust to answer the phones. The phone is ringing non-stop."

Adam was expecting a secretary from the office. An older lady pressed the buzzer at the gate. "I'm from the Tellerson office." Adam buzzed her in.

The phone rang as she walked through the door. Before she introduced herself, she picked up the phone. "Samaria Farms."

"The reports of Mr. Tellerson's injuries are unfounded. For more details you will need to contact Tellerson Public Relations." She rattled off a number by heart. "You will save yourself time if you use extension 771."

She hung up the phone. "Do you have a list of in-house individuals, I should forward calls to?"

The phone rang. "Samaria Farms."

"Mr. Tellerson is unavailable at the moment. May I take a message?" She filled a page with shorthand. "The main office of Tellerson Financial handles requests for funding." She rattled off a number and extension. "I will forward your message."

She turned to Adam. "You're still here? My name is Agnes. I was the chief office administrator for the local Tellerson office. I retired to take care of my grandkids. They are out of town. I have a week to train someone to take over.

Adam sat at the other desk working on the plans for the Kazoo Day event. They had numerous groups interested in supporting the event. Many individuals were interested in renting a booth to sell things. They seemed disappointed that there were no booths to rent. They would provide selected organizations a booth at no cost.

Adam had received a stack of mail from two potential exhibitors, `A Christian Compass, helping lost souls find their way,' and a group in Logan. Both promised a cure for homosexuality, freeing individuals of the guilt associated with the gay leanings that lead to suicide. They even offered to donate money towards the event. Adam dumped the lot into a large brown envelope. He would let the lawyers deal with it. After consulting with Margaret, Adam would insist canceling the event if they had to include the groups.

The other stack of mail dealt with those wishing to include their loved ones with a memorial. Adam realized they would need more tables and easels. Would they be better off renting or purchasing? He would talk with Tina.

Jerome reported for work at the mailroom finding Dan waiting for him. He followed Dan to a conference room.

"Jerome, I feel odd having our business partner work in the mailroom. It's menial work."

"Dan, when you started did you start at the top, or work your way up? The purpose of my internship is to understand all the processes that make up a company. Until now I mowed lawns and pushed snow. You wouldn't believe what you learn in the mailroom. I have a good idea who is doing who and who is a little full of themselves."

"If you don't mind, I guess it's fine."

"At the end of this week I move to janitorial. Maybe you can have me skip cleaning the boss's toilets. The word in the mailroom is neither of them can hit the bowl!" Jerome laughed.

As Jerome's usual arrival time neared. Adam stripped out of his clothes. Jerome entered the bedroom to find a naked man sleeping in his bed with only his naughty bits hidden by the sheet.

Jerome removed his clothes and locked the door. He slid between the figure's legs revealing the familiar manhood, which found itself between Jerome's lips.

"That feels so good. Hurry! my husband will be home from work soon." Adam ran his fingers through Jerome's hair.

Jerome was in no hurry. When Adam's balls pulled upwards signaling an imminent climax. Jerome coaxed them back into place with his tongue and lips. After three postponed orgasms, Adam held Jerome in place on his cock refusing further delay.

Hugo knocked on the door three times. "Dad, Jerome is home."

Adam dumped shot after shot into his lover's mouth.

"Go out the side door." Adam pointed at the door into the next bedroom. "I can't let my husband catch us."

Jerome grabbed his clothes and exited into the next room hopping on one foot trying to pull on his slacks.

Hugo, a willing part of the charade, sat on his bed laughing at Jerome's antics. It hadn't been the first time he had seen Jerome dressing.

"Mr. Intruder, you forgot something. What is my dad, Jerome, going to say when he finds a strange pair of underwear on the floor?"

Jerome caught one of his favorite bits of anatomy caught in the zipper.

"Close your eyes." Hugo gave the tab a quick pull releasing the pinched bit of Jerome's scrotum. Hugo was laughing.

"Damn! That hurt."

"That's why you wear underwear, mysterious stranger." Hugo couldn't control his laughter.

Pulled together and dressed Jerome made it back to the main door into the master bedroom and found it locked. It only slowed Jerome. With littles locking themselves in the bathroom he had the thin flat screwdriver like tool on his key chain.

He entered the room finding Adam once again hidden by the sheet. Jerome sniffed the air. "This place smells like sex. Who have you been fooling around with?"

"A stranger came into my room and forced me into feeding him my load."

"As a punishment, you must give me another of your loads." Jerome slid between Adam's legs dressed and began the same treatment as before. It took little time to get Adam hard again. Just as earlier, every time Adam neared orgasm, Jerome would change his focus keeping Adam on the edge for twenty minutes, deaf to Adam's pleas for relief.

Jerome pulled away from Adam. "I changed my mind. We'll wait until later."

Adam reached for his erection. Jerome slapped his hand away. "I said later. Bad boys need to learn to wait for daddy to come home."

Jerome took pity on Adam. "That's long enough. Jerome wrapped his lips around Adam's manhood as his greased finger tapped Adam's prostate. Adam howled as his intense orgasm shook his frame.

"I'm not sure my heart can take that often." Adam admitted. "That was something else again."

Jerome decided Adam had said enough and kissed his man. Jared knocked on the door, "Jerome, put your beast in the closet. Dinner is in ten minutes."

"It wasn't me this time. It was Adam."

"That's all we need is another howler." Jared laughed.

The shared shower was quick. Two somewhat embarrassed men made their way to the table.

"Dad, I hope you took care of that monster in the bedroom!" Hugo exclaimed. Jared and Adam turned a bright shade of red.

"Adam, he's talking about the noisy monster, not the little one." Zeke exclaimed.

"Ezekiel, someday I'll wash your mouth with soap. What am I going to do with you?" Sariah reprimanded.

"Hey, it's not little!" Adam countered.

Zeke opened his mouth to respond but saw the look on his mother's face and closed it again.

Rafe continued. "You're not supposed to measure it using the centimeter side of the ruler."

Ester couldn't let the opportunity pass. "Do you know why women make lousy carpenters?" She held two fingers about three inches apart. "Men keep telling them this is six inches."

Almaina leaned over to Jerry and asked a quiet question. "They are talking about Adam's penis." Jerry answered. Everyone laughed and Adam blushed again.

"Enough. If we don't stop this now, dinner will be cold." Sariah insisted.

With the lesson and a prayer said dinner continued. In the other room the radio played a song from one of Clarke's favorite male country singers.

"He has a sold-out concert the weekend of Kazoo Days. I tried to get Sariah and I tickets." Clarke admitted.

"The Tellerson publicity director told me, your country star heard about Kazoo Days. He wants to sing a song or two and sign autographs to help boost attendance. I told him we weren't interested." Jerome couldn't look away from the plate in front of him trying to keep a straight face.

The table burst into a cacophony of protests. Adam waited for a break in the noise level, which never came. "Jerome, pulling their leg like that is cruel."

Drake poked Jared. "I told you he wouldn't come here!"

"Oh, he's coming. His concert is on Friday night. He will be here for a few hours on Saturday and again on Sunday." Adam reassured the family. The times and details are being worked out by Tellerson's publicity department. They will handle the advertising for Kazoo Day. Jerome and I are debating if we will need to rent a tent for additional space or spend the money and put in another good-sized greenhouse on the existing footings."

The dinner conversation switched to the special guest for Kazoo Day. Adam chose not to announce this country music legend might spend Saturday night at the compound before the Tellerson jet flies him out to rejoin his touring group on Sunday evening.

Preparations were going well for the Kazoo Day event. Since the Kazoo Day used no public funds, the lawyers agreed the Kazoo Day team could choose the organizations to invite, since accepting gender orientation played a prominent role in the Mission Statement.

A week before the event Adam waited at the compound for Jerome. Jerome should have been home an hour earlier. Marshall had the day off. A new member of the security team was late for his rendezvous with Jerome. He had left the car parked in front of the office building and went inside to use the restroom. Something he had eaten for lunch wasn't sitting well. He returned to find Jerome, and the car gone. What could have happened. Why would Jerome break protocol? Adam paced the common rooms of the main house driving everyone a little crazy.

Unable to get an adult's attention, Jerry conscripted Hugo into his plan for finding his dad. Hugo grabbed a radio from the charging rack. They pulled on their warm coats.

"We're checking on the dogs." Hugo announced as Jerry put a handful of treats in his pocket.

A golf cart was accessible in the garage. Hugo could reach the pedal on his own, so he drove. The path to the event area was frightening in the dark. At the barn Hugo whistled. Zeke had been a great teacher. The shrill burst of sound brought Max and his family through the doggie door. After treats and pets all the dogs squeezed onto the golf cart. Surrounded by pit bulls the dark lost much of its mysterious danger.

The dogs preceded the boys into Nephi's sanctuary. Jerome sat where Jerry expected him to be.

"Dad, Jerome is in Nephi's place. I think you need to be here. He looks pretty upset." Hugo announced into the radio. Hugo and Jerry had to displace a pair of puppies to sit on either side of their worried dad.

Adam arrived to find his family each with what used to be puppies in their laps. Before Adam could say anything, Hugo scooted over leaving a place right next to Jerome. Adam could tell something was bothering Jerome. He noticed the paper clutched in Jerome's hand. Adam reached for the paper. As Jerome's fingers relaxed to let Adam take the paper, the rest of Jerome's body relaxed. He slumped against his partner. The stress Jerome had been under had worn him out. His eyes closed and was soon asleep.

The dim lighting in the Sanctuary wasn't bright enough to read the papers. Adam carried his sleeping man to the golf cart the boys had driven. "Hugo you drove here. Please drive us home."

Jerome woke long enough to help take his clothes off. Adam tucked Jerome into their bed and turned out the light. He hadn't read Jerome's papers before Jerry shouted. "Dad's on TV again."

When the news came back from commercial, they were interviewing someone from the Christian Compass while standing in front of Dan and Mick's office building.

"At the Christian Compass we help individuals who have strayed into the sin of homosexuality. We help them find their way back to Christ and the grace of God."

"Homosexuals have a higher rate of adolescent suicide than the general population. We offer hope to the families of these lost children."

"The Christian Compass has applied for space at the Kazoo Days - Save Our Youth event and have been denied twice for not being aligned with the mission statement of the organization. Judge Snellen disagrees and has ruled that our First Amendment right outweighs their unwillingness to accept their homosexual lifestyle as a sin, eating away at the core of what makes our country great."

A reporter's face filled the screen. "Judge Snellen has ordered Jerome of Samaria Farms to appear in his courtroom tomorrow."

The camera showed Jerome being served as he left the building. The reporter gave Jerome a moment to open the envelope and read the first page of the document.

"Mr. Tellerson, Judge Snellen ruled you are denying The Christian Compass their First Amendment rights by not allowing them to present their program at your Kazoo Days event. What do you have to say about that?"

Jerome looked around for his minder. Supporters of the Christian Compass had filled in the space between Jerome and the building trying to all fit in the tv picture. Jerome pulled a set of keys from his pocket and hurried into the car's relative safety. The camera showed the reporter knocking on the car's window before Jerome drove away.

"The head of the Samaria Foundation had no comment. Can we take that as a sign of guilt?"

---------- "Well that explains why Jerome left without security. I wish he had come to me instead of Nephi." Adam commented. Adam called Tellerson Legal Services and faxed the documents. He left one instruction. "Fix this."

With Jerome's problem in the hands of others, he returned to the problem he wanted to discuss with Jerome.

"Sariah, where are the three new boys?" Adam asked.

A young member of Marie's parish arrived at the church carrying a duffel bag sporting a black eye and bruises on his body. The priest had a good idea who put them there. Chris had confessed to being gay when he was twelve. His father had mentioned in the confessional his fears of Chris being gay. Looking at the fifteen-year-old, the father had not taken the priest's advice of the Lord giving him Chris to love and cherish, not to use as a punching bag.

Adam's police experience came into play as he picked up Chris at the parish. The first stop was the ER. The admitting clerk was being difficult. Chief Thompson hadn't accepted Adam's resignation. The Chief had insisted that Adam take an extended leave of absence. Adam had no trouble after he pulled out his ID and his Tellerson credit card to guarantee payment.

The doctors checked Chris over and photographed his injuries. With the Doctor's report in hand, Adam appeared at the Judge's office. He and Chris waited in his outer office with two other young men. The judge stopped by his office during an afternoon recess.

"Trish, here is the answer to our problem." He announced to his secretary as he shook Adam's hand.

One of the young men was gay. The other had taken offense when an older boy in the foster home was picking on the gay boy. The foster mom couldn't break up the fight so she called the police. This wasn't the first time it had happened. The foster mother refused to let them back into her peaceful home.

Adam returned home with three young men needing rooms. There was only one room available.

"Brock, Oliver, Mike and his little brother moved into your old apartment, freeing up three rooms." Sariah handed Adam some sketches Oliver had drawn that would expand the bed space without new construction. Adam would have to talk with Jerome. It involved turning three side-by-side rooms into a central common area with two bedrooms and a shared bath on either side. Adam thought the concept had merit.

Jerome slept until the 6:30 double ring for chores. He found he was alone. He wasn't happy about facing the day. The subpoena meant he had to face Judge Snellen and the Christian Compass people.

Adam stepped out of the bedroom. "Come on sleepy head, I'll tell you all the good news while we help with the milking."

With the milk house washed down and the first pair of cows munching away as the milking machine did its job, Adam shared the first bit of news.

"I called Tellerson Legal last night. When I called this morning, they let me know the subpoena wasn't for you but a representative of the Foundation. They are dealing with it. I can guarantee Judge Snellen isn't expecting the lawyers that flew in this morning from New York."

Adam let that sink in until it was time to prep the next two cows. Jerome's arms wrapped around his neck and their lips pressed together.

With the next two munching away, Adam explained how Sariah and Clarke stepped up to the plate and solved where to put the three new boys. "I think your idea of letting them manage the day-to-day operations is a great idea."

"I think Oliver is in the right field in college. It would be great having an architect in the family. He sketched out plans that have real merit." Adam describe Oliver's ideas about restructuring rooms into four bedrooms sharing a common area.

"Let's try converting one and see how it goes." Jerome suggested they get Benny's architect out as soon as he was available.

"Do we want to use Benny? All this time we thought he was donating all the cash for the building, he was taking the money Peter had left Nephi." Adam asked.

"All the better. Nephi liked the idea he owned it on his own without Benny's charity. It simplified leaving me a clear title and they have always done good work. We still need Benny on our team." Jerome explained. "When he makes money, so do we."

The New York lawyer from Tellerson and Jerome's local lawyers met with Adam, Jerome, Sariah, and Clarke just after breakfast around the desk in the Peter and Sons office.

The local lawyer started the conversation. "Jerome, you need to listen to the whole proposal before you get upset."

Adam promised he would help Jerome stay calm, not liking how the conversation started.

"We can fight this, but it will take longer than the time we have. We should get a higher court's opinion stating that because this is a private foundation, we may decide who will take part. Our suggestion is taking the high road and let them have their booth." The Tellerson lawyer explained.

"I will cancel the whole thing before I'll invite those hateful people." Adam put his arm around Jerome's shoulders.

"Remember we promised to listen to the whole thing. I hear a but in this."

"We also invite a group that Grace has donated money to over the years. It is a research group that has been looking at suicide figures. Their data shows that individuals that have been through reprogramming, like the Christian Compass provides, are nine times more likely to commit suicide than those who don't. Put that booth about two booths away from the Christian Compass. These are professionals. They tell a chilling tale."

Adam looked at Jerome. "If we don't invite them, they look good in the media and we are the bad guys. If we invite them, we are the good guys and people will learn just how programs like the Christian Compass messes up our kids."

"They should get a double wide space to attract more attention." Jerome suggested.

"Their booth space should be identical to that of the Christian Compass. We need to take the high road and not play favorites. I know you don't want to be in court this morning, but it will have impact if you, as the face of Samaria Foundation, read the press release on camera."

"How will we know the press will even be there to cover the hearing?" Jerome wondered out loud.

"You own a good share of a station's parent company through a Tellerson subsidiary." The lawyer announced.

In the courtroom Judge Snellen scowled when the Foundation lawyers presented the counter-injunction. "The state district court ruled because Kazoo Days is a private organization and the event is on private property. Any chance of winning a First Amendment case is nil. The Christian Compass might miss out on an opportunity, but there is no demonstrable harm."

Outside the city justice building, a news crew waited for Jerome. An outraged group representing the Christian Compass stood ignored by the media. The Foundation lawyers explained the counter-injunction. Then Jerome stepped forward.

"For those that do not know me, I am Jerome of Samaria Farms, the Chief Executive officer of the Samaria Foundation. As a board we have decided that citizens should know what is available to help their children. We have decided to not only Invite the Christian Compass, but another organization from the east coast. I encourage those dedicated to saving our youth to attend a week from Saturday. We will accept applications for our memorial wall. Thank you."

Jerome took a step backward, and the lawyers filled in the gap. They had the pleasure of answering questions.

After lunch Mick called Jerome to his office. "Tell me what I saw on the news isn't true. You invited that group that messes with kids' heads to Kazoo Days?"

Jerome explained about the research group that would be two booths down from the Christian Compass. "The group will have a representative from the American Psychiatry Association explaining why homosexuality isn't a disease, so there cannot be a cure. They have facts and figures about the increased rate of suicide for reprogrammed individuals, and filmed interviews from parents who, after their child committed suicide, wish they hadn't tried to reprogram them. Tellerson has been funding this research group for years. They received a big enough grant for Kazoo Days, they will fly in both regretful parents and individuals messed up by the reprogramming efforts of well-meaning idiots."

"But you could have just not invited The Christian Group."

"This way we have a forum to expose the damage groups like these do every day. Maybe we can discourage more parents from choosing this path for their children." Jerome countered. "And this way I'm not the bad guy pushing my opinion on others, even if I'm right."

Jerome left work early and through the delivery dock. Jerome had announced that morning, he expected two security guys to pick him up. One to meet him in the building and the other to act as a getaway driver if the need arose.

He stopped by the event area, pleased by all the activity. The Peter and Sons crew that didn't have other wintertime jobs had taken down all their client's Christmas decorations and were now busy setting up the steel poles and fabric that would create the booths for the presenters. Tina had done this before. She was worth what they were paying her.

Benny had part of Mitch's crew assembling the modular greenhouse. The dimensions on paper had not prepared him for the arching expanse of steel and honeycombed acrylic. Jerome had used the money Nephi had earmarked for the row of small banks of greenhouses, added the cost of renting a tent for Kazoo Days over the next ten years, and a grant from Tellerson Financial to purchase a greenhouse that could house an indoor soccer field. Jerome hoped the acoustics would be decent. Besides their country music guest, local groups would perform throughout the day. Where a local is performing their family shouldn't be far behind. The more people that could hear the message the better.

Jerome made a last stop at Nephi's Sanctuary. The heater was on and Adam was waiting with two long cushions for the benches. "I thought you would stop here first. I paid Ester to make these for you."

Adam hugged his man and Jerome hugged him back. "Why are there three cushions? I'll share a bench with you." Jerome asked.

Adam placed the first cushion on the bench seat and the second on the pavers in front of the bench and the third behind. "There is something I want to do." Adam dropped to his knees using the cushion behind the bench.

"You want to do it here?" Jerome looked around. "There are too many people."

Adam looked puzzled and then struck by a light-bulb-moment realized that Jerome had his mind elsewhere. "We can try that too when it is quieter. Come kneel across from me."

Adam took the ring from his finger and placed it before Jerome on the cushion. With a little prompting Jerome removed his and placed it before Adam. Kneeling, holding hands, Adam bowed his head. "Our dearest Father, please hear our prayer." Sharing this moment with the one he loved, Adam poured his heart out to his Lord, not begging favor but giving thanks for the many blessings he enjoyed, not the least was the man across the bench in this special place.

When he finished, he looked into Jerome's eyes. "I may not be Nephi with a special mission, but I am here for you."

Adam hushed Jerome's interruption with a kiss.

"Jerome Tellerson of Samaria, I once thought I had found love and lost it. I haven't stopped loving Tony and always will, but the love I feel for you transcends physical and emotional love. I bound my soul to yours on a spiritual plane." Adam picked Jerome's ring from the bench. "Though only in the eyes of God and with his blessing will you marry me and allow me to take your name?"

Tears ran down Jerome's face. This was a special place, more appropriate than naked in a hot tub. "I had found love when I wasn't sure I wanted to find it. A special soul led me closer to God than I have ever been. I will always love Nephi, just as you will always love Tony. Adam Tellerson of Samaria, though the laws of the land will not recognize our love, I will marry you in the eyes of God and will cherish you always."

Adam took Jerome's hand and before he replaced the band Nephi had given Jerome, Adam slipped a narrow band with a row of small diamonds along the top onto Jerome's finger followed by Nephi's band.

"I don't have a new ring for you." Jerome felt left out.

"I don't need another ring. I have you, but if you insist." Adam pulled a matching band out of his coat pocket.

Jerome and Adam realized they were not alone. The third man from Nephi's internment stood at the end of the stone bench. He held out his hands silently asking for the rings. The man held Adam's rings in his left hand and Jerome's in his right. The other two men from Nephi's burial now stood at the other end of the bench.

"What we have witnessed and sealed today in the name of our Eldest Brother let no man set asunder." He handed Jerome's rings to Adam and Adam's to Jerome. The two bands had become one.

With eyes only for each other, Adam slid the new band on Jerome's hand with the diamonds first. Jerome repeated the process. They realized they were alone.

"Did we imagine this?"

Jerome removed the rings from his fingers. The two bands were still one ring.

"We can't talk about this with the others, can we?" Adam now understanding what Jerome had told him earlier about not being secret but being special.

"Why do we need to tell anyone? We know our Eldest Brother recognizes us and that is enough." Jerome kissed his husband.

Now to change the subject. I want to splurge and spend money. I want a greenhouse roof to cover the courtyard so we can use the pool year-round, but until we can justify that, I want a big hot tub and one of those blow-up covers over the pool. What will you bet that Benny knows a guy?

Sure enough, the company that provided the tent for last year's Kazoo Days rented the blowup covers. Benny found a used one that would be a perfect fit. "You own some of the rental company, don't you?" Jerome asked.

Benny looked a little hurt. "I own all the rental company."

Next: Chapter 127: Nephi and Jerome 58

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