Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Feb 5, 2019


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 58

I have double checked. Chapter 57 is posted. I apologize for the grief with chapters 56 and 57.

I want to thank my reader that have stuck around for over a year as I share this story. Has anyone Googled "Hevel" yet. I've been asked about the Mysticism in the story.

Here is some background behind some of it.

"The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ," mentions three Nephite disciples who were blessed by Jesus to "never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men. It is believed they minister to the Jews and Gentiles "who will know them not." There are other references in the scriptures of individuals like John the Apostle who were given similar charges.

This next part has nothing to do with LDS doctrine, and is a literary creation, but it could be true, couldn't it? Are there others, with Nephi (Hevel) being one, but instead of not tasting death, is born again and again to minister to God's children with no memory of his previous lives or calling until toward the end of each life span. Would rebirth keep him more in touch with the challenges facing a current generation?

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Chapter 58

Kazoo Day started hours before the scheduled opening. Organizations had their booths to set up. A few had asked to sell food or other items to raise money for their programs. The Suicide Hotline was selling discounted emergency calling cards provided by one of their sponsors. Their goal was to give teens a way to call for help even if they didn't have a quarter for the phone. Volunteers staffed the phones, but the phone lines weren't free.

Different churches had booths showing the programs they had in place to help those considering suicide. Most organizations had: a table, a banner and a stack of pamphlets. Some had free gifts such as the Poison Control Center's fridge magnets. Many tables sported a candy bowl to attract visitors.

The Christian Compass was toward the back of an outside row. The last booth on the row was empty. Tina didn't want to listen to the group whine because they were the last booth on a dead end. They used the supplied table cloth displaying business cards and pamphlets about the evils of homosexuality, promising a cure. There was no mention of how they brought about this miraculous cure.

A banner hung on back curtain, `The Christian Compass - Which path will you choose for your child.' One side of the booth displayed pictures used in Sunday School of good Mormon boys on Missions, performing priesthood duties and with their families. The other had photos of two shirtless guys kissing, homeless individuals, guys shooting up with drugs, a tombstone and an artist's rendition of flames consuming homosexual couples.

Jerome swung by on his walk through before opening. It made his skin crawl. Three booths down the aisle right next to the restrooms, which guaranteed a continuous traffic flow, was the Knowledge is Power booth. With its video screens and commercial graphics, Jerome hoped it would convince parents not to submit their children to legalized torture.

It would be a hard battle when the church practiced their own form of aversion therapy on homosexual students at BYU and had church family services psychologists called to treat same sex attraction. Jerome hoped that someday they would see the light, but he wouldn't hold his breath.

Jerome thought back to his unpopular announcement at breakfast. "Everyone needs to curb all public signs of affection. The lawyers reminded me this morning that homosexual acts are against the law in Utah. It has come through the grapevine that there is a group attending today that would love nothing better than causing us grief."

Zeke and Rafe were playing devil's advocate asking what if questions, badgering Jerome. Sariah came to his rescue. "Ezekiel if this continues, I will make sure you miss out on meeting our guest country singer."

Rebecca assured that Rafe understood he would not be exempt from Zeke's punishment.

Guests packed the building. The barn thinned out during the occasional performance. Between performances, the star country singer was signing albums offered for sale. The profits were going toward suicide prevention programs in the state.

Jerome noticed there always seemed to be someone at the Christian Compass booth. By the afternoon Jerome realized it was the same few people time after time. Someone realized that people were more likely to stop if someone was already at the booth.

Jerome found the Knowledge is Power booth was like a scab you keep picking at. He paused every time he passed trying not to believe someone could do these things to a child, to anyone, in the name of God. Real life nightmares filled the videotaped interview. The stories could have been those of the Jews at the hands of Hitler's SS.

As the daylight dimmed toward twilight and security locked the gates, their musical guest surprised the family by not leaving, but pitching in with the chores.

"What kind of country boy would I be if I couldn't pitch in and help. We farmed and raised cattle, but we didn't have these furry critters. Kenton and Hugo had introduced their guest to their favorite alpacas.

Kenton and Hugo took the places on either side of their guest. He thought he had been part of a large family. With adults, kids and security there were thirty around the table. He noticed the empty place at the foot and the head of the table.

"Has anyone seen Jerome?" Adam asked.

"He hung out around the booth about torturing gay kids. He grew quiet towards the end." Oliver noted.

Clarke stood. "Adam, your husband needs you. Go to him."

"How did you know?" Adam asked.

Clarke held up his left hand. "We all noticed the change in rings. Go."

Clarke began the message for the evening.

"Family you have done well today. May the Lord reach into the souls touched today. If we have helped even one of God's children find their way through the darkness into light, our efforts have been worth it. Remember Samaritans, everyday go forth and do good."

As Clarke took the hands of Sariah and Marshall, there was a disturbance at the door. "Whose idea was it not to tell us about our house guest." Jared demanded. "If Jerry hadn't called this morning, we would have missed him."

Everyone squeezed a little closer as Jared and Drake brought place settings from the kitchen. Clarke once again reached for the hands next to him. Hugo and Kenton each took the hand of their guest. Clarke asked Sariah to pray.

Adam found his man sitting on the ground in the sanctuary, his head resting on his knees. Jerome had been with it enough to pull out a cushion to sit on. Adam sat next to Jerome and put his arm around him.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Jerome looked up into Adam's eyes. "I never thought I would thank my father for leaving me to freeze to death. I can't imagine how a parent could do that to their child. There is no way I could have remained sane after the electro-shock, castration and rape some of these victims had to live through, all in the name of God."

Jerome cried on Adam's shoulder until he was ready to face the world again.

On the ride back to the compound Jerome asked how the family handled having a house guest.

"About that, Jerry called Jared this morning. Jared used his Tellerson card to fly back for the night. I was hoping the two of you could sing something together." Adam knew he had to distract Jerome from the images in his mind. It would be a night of slow patient loving.

The pair arrived in time for dessert. "Dad, look who came for dinner!" Jerry exclaimed. Jerome stopped with hugs for his brother and Drake, before sitting down for dessert.

"We brought entertainment for the evening." Drake poured his backpack onto the table.

Clarke picked up one of the video tapes, reading the label. "He's a country star. He sings for a living, why would you bring karaoke tapes."

"I told you it was a dumb idea." Jared taunted.

Their guest was speaking the mindless babble adults use when holding a baby. Ruth was on her best behavior and keeping up her side of the conversation. He looked up. "I think it sounds fun."

Before the evening was over, Adam got his wish. Jerome and their guest sang a duet. Adam watched the Samaria family having fun together. Drake was right about one thing. They needed more times like this.

That night the images presented at the Knowledge is Power booth haunted Jerome from a first-person perspective. Adam tried pulling Jerome close. In his dream-fogged mind, Adam's efforts took on a sinister role. Adam shook Jerome to wake him.

"Please don't hurt me anymore!" Jerome pleaded.

Adam was nearing panic. Everything he tried became part of Jerome's dreams. A groggy Jerry walked in from the other room. "Daddy, Nephi says to sing to him."

The family learned during the evening's karaoke Adam did not have Jerome's pure tone or perfect pitch. Much to the family's relief Adam didn't volunteer twice.

Jerome's tormentors had shaken him. Would they never stop? Someone in the next room must have turned on a radio. The pain masked most of the first line of a song. Jerome made out the second. "Then why can't I paint you?"

"That's Nephi's song." Jerome focused on the music instead of the pain. The world around Jerome faded into darkness. A bright figure approached him. Jerome recognized not Nephi, but Hevel.

Hevel's took Jerome's hand and pulled him into a tight embrace. Hevel sang the last words of the song. "I said I would be here for you. It's time to wake up."

"I want to stay with you."

"Your family needs you, especially Jerry and Neil." Hevel kissed Jerome on the lips, a true love's kiss. His eyes opened. It was Adam's lips pressed to his and Adam's arms wrapped around him. Jerome wrapped his arms around Adam, letting Adam's tongue past his lips. Hugo put his hand on Jerry's shoulder. I think we should go to bed.

Glowing in the aftermath of Adam's tender loving, Jerome slept the night away his head resting on Adam's. Twice more his dreams turned dark only to find his first love barring the dark path.

Jerome hadn't expected their guest to help with morning chores. He entered the main room to find the littles surrounding their famous helper.

"Good morning, I hope you slept well?" Jerome asked.

"This has been a nice change from hotel life or sleeping on the bus."

"You don't have to do chores." Jerome pointed out.

Jerry looked at his dad. "Yes, he does. He is helping us with the chickens."

"Don't worry about me. I am having fun. It makes me a little homesick for my kids."

"When is the latest you can meet up with your group?" Jerome asked.

He thought for a moment. "I have a rehearsal on Thursday morning."

Before the conversation could continue a swarm of littles dragged the guest of honor from the room. "We have to get started now or breakfast will be cold."

Jerry started giving instructions in Italian and the others answered leaving their guest in the dark. With the eggs gathered Donny and Micah swept out the indoor run while the others fed and watered the chickens. They tossed grain across the floor of the pen to keep the chickens busy. After dropping off the eggs, Jerry used English to tell their special helper he had until the big hand reached the 6 to shower and get dressed for the day. "Would you help dad choose a song for Adam. Nephi says the IF song is his."

Adam had conscripted the family into keeping Jerome out of the barn. Jerome needed no more fuel to feed his nightmares.

Just before 3:30 Hugo pestered his dad into coming to the big greenhouse. They needed him. Adam was talking to the Judge and reminded Hugo not to interrupt adults. Hugo danced from one foot to another trying to wait. Hugo looked at the clock.

"Dad, they need you now." Hugo was usually a polite young man. Adam couldn't understand what had gotten into his son.

"Adam, I think we both need to go into the other building. It must be important." The Judge suggested as Hugo nodded in agreement.

"Dad, we need to go up front. Jerome is going..." Hugo realized he almost spoiled the surprise.

After last night, could something be wrong with Jerome? The Judge followed Hugo and Adam to the front. Bryce was already there with Jerry and the gang. There was no sign of Jerome.

"Today I have convinced one of our hosts to sing today." A collective sigh ran through the audience. "Before you moan, Jerome sounds great. If he didn't have his hands full here at Samaria Farms, I would take him on the road with me. Give a round of applause for Jerome of Samaria.

The famous guest retreated to a stool with his guitar. Jerome walked onto the stage carrying a microphone and a single red rose. The opening chords rang through the silence.

"If I could put time in a bottle..." Jerome sang. His eyes may have scanned the audience now and then, but they always returned to his man in the audience.

A shiver went through Adam as Jerome sang the chorus of the famous Jim Croce song. He realized he had heard Jerome sing, but Jerome had never sung just for him. Tears matching Jerome's ran down Adam's face as Jerome professed his love in song.

"You're the one I want to go through time with." Jerome ended the song. As the last chords filled the greenhouse. Jerome had eyes only for Adam. He tossed the red rose to his love and blew a kiss.

The audience went wild. "They want another."

Jerome didn't want to sing "IF". It would detract from the song he had sung for Adam. After a brief discussion with the famous man with the guitar, the pair stepped to the center of the stage.

"I want to share a song that has significance for all of us working to save the lives of our youth."

The crowd grew quiet as the opening chords of Bridge Over Troubled Waters echoed off the glass. As Jerome's clear tenor voice joined the guitar, the sun broke through the clouds filling the stage with light. This time Jerome sang to the crowd. The song became a duet. The crowd went wild.

Jerome looked at the clock. "Thank you all for attending Kazoo Days. Let's have a special round of applause for our special guest who has a plane to catch. We will see you all next year."

The family left the volunteer staff to oversee the presenters packing their things as the family gathered to say farewell to their guest. There were handshakes and hugs. Jerome was last.

"I hope you don't mind the jet has an important package it has to deliver on the way." Jerome announced.

The steward greeted his single passenger. "Welcome aboard. Did Mr. Tellerson tell you we have a critical delivery? You have about two hours before our first stop. May I get you a drink?"

"I think I will close my eyes."

He woke when the steward shook his shoulder. "We've had to make an emergency landing and need to evacuate the plane. The steps are steep. Please be careful."

With his feet on the ground the steward pulled the ladder back into the plane. "We will pick you up right here on Wednesday at noon."

Standing on the ground he wondered what was going on.

"Daddy!" A flying young man took him by surprise. He looked around and realized the plane had landed on the road by his home.

"If you could step away from the plane we need to take off while it is light enough to see the road."

With his youngest in his arms he joined his family waiting in the car.

"Daddy, you're crying."

"This is a special surprise. I've been missing my family."

As bedtime drew nearer Jerome became anxious. He paced the room. It took effort to settle down long enough to listen to prayers. Wearing shorts and a t-shirt Jerome sat in his recliner watching an old movie on television.

"Are you coming to bed?" Adam wore only a towel around his waist.

"I want to finish the movie." Jerome didn't want to admit his fear of falling asleep.

Adam tossed and turned. He reached for Jerome and found his partner still missing. He wandered out to check on his guy only to find him sleeping in the recliner. Adam turned the TV off. Before he returned to his lonely bed Adam found a blanket for Jerome. Watching Jerome for just a moment he noticed every few seconds his arms would twitch. Adam realized Jerome's breathing wasn't the peaceful rhythm of sleep but ragged and labored.

"Jerome, wake up your dreaming." Adam touched Jerome and his whole body shook. Jerome screamed through closed lips. Adam came up with an impossible plan.

"They're gone for a minute. I will take the tape off your mouth. This will hurt." Adam made the motions for removing the tape.

"Untie me please. Take me away from here before they come back and get you too." Adam realized the dream held Jerome a prisoner in his own mind

Adam made the required motions to release the dream bonds. He carried Jerome into the bedroom. Jerome had relaxed in Adam's arms. Lying next to Jerome Adam tried to pull Jerome closer. Jerome pushed himself away. Adam settled for a single hand on Jerome's chest. The rest of the night was uneventful.

The next morning Jerome seemed fine if a little distant during chores. Jerome had things he had to do before he showered. Adam missed their shared morning shower.

While Jerome showered, Adam called Margaret and then Dan.

After breakfast Adam pulled Jerome aside. "Did you take anything to help you sleep last night?"

Shamefaced, Jerome admitted to taking the last two pills Margaret had prescribed for Nephi when he was in too much pain to sleep. "I didn't have nightmares last night. I wanted to ask Margaret for my own prescription."

"You have it half right, we are visiting Margaret this morning." On the ride to Margaret's Adam explained what had happened during the night. Adam pointed to the space between them in the back seat. "Every time I try to get close you pull away. They've gotten into your head and you have me worried."

Adam sat in the foyer as Margaret visited with Jerome. "Adam, will you join us."

He followed Margaret into her office. Adam was disappointed to find Jerome sitting in a chair for one. He sat on the couch.

"Adam take your shirt off. I don't want you to do anything but sit there. Initiate nothing, just sit there." Margaret encouraged Jerome to sit next to Adam. Jerome left a good foot between him and Adam.

Jerome reached out and put his hand on Adam's leg. After a minute he ran his hand up Adam's leg and across his stomach. He scooted a little closer to reach Adam's nipples.

"Adam, remember to let Jerome take the initiative. My first appointment is in an hour. Wipe down the leather when you finish." Margaret left the room closing the door behind her.

Jerome was slow and tentative, keeping his mind blank, concentrating only on the sensations in his fingers. He ran his fingers over Adam's face, playing with his ear lobes. It took all the willpower Adam could muster not to reciprocate.

Jerome leaned forward and placed his lips to Adam's nipples first one and then the other, while his hand massaged the growing bulge in Adam's pants. Jerome looked up into his partner's eyes. He pulled Adam's lips to his. Without thinking Adam slid his tongue between Jerome's lips. Jerome willingly responded. He struggled with Adam's belt.

"Take your pants off." Adam stood long enough to kick his pants into the corner. Before he could sit Jerome pulled Adam's underwear to his knees. Whatever Jerome's problem was he had seemed to have worked past it, for now. He eagerly swallowed Adam's cream.

Jerome stood, pulling his shirt over his head. He pulled Adam's face to his chest. Adam sucked Jerome's hard nipples. Adam caressed the stiff tool in Jerome's slacks. Jerome dropped his trousers before Adam could reach for his belt. Jerome ran his fingers through Adam's hair as he made love to Jerome's manhood with his lips and tongue.

Adam licked his finger and ran it across Jerome's hole. Jerome dropped to the floor.

Adam reached out to comfort his man only to have Jerome curl tighter. "Don't hurt me anymore!"

Adam wasn't sure what had happened. Things were going so well. He didn't know what to do. He pulled his pants on and went to find Margaret.

Margaret sat on the floor next to Jerome and ran her hand along his arm. "There is no one here to hurt you."

After a few minutes Jerome stopped shaking, but he remained curled in on himself. Adam tried something that had worked once before. He sang to his man, not Nephi's song but `Time in a Bottle.'

Jerome's rigid body relaxed. "Pick him up and cuddle him like a child."

Adam retreated to the chair that rocked, singing to his suffering man. In Adam's caring arms and surrounded in Adam's soft singing, Jerome fell asleep on Adam's chest.

"Has Jerome told you about his nightmares?" Margaret didn't pause for an answer. "He is showing symptoms associated with aversion therapy. In his dreams, they rape him numerous times. His wounds are real. He needs time to recover."

Margaret suggested Adam take Jerome up the back stairs into her apartment. She followed with all the spare clothes. "I'll call his employers and let them know he won't be in today."

Adam lay next to his sleeping man, not holding him tight but letting Jerome rest his head on Adam's chest. Margaret threw a blanket over the pair and went downstairs to start her official day of clients.

Jerome woke listening to Adam's breathing. "I'm sorry I am such a mess."

Adam squeezed his man just a little tighter. "We need to put more time between us and last weekend. Margaret told me about your dreams. We need to be intimate often and you need to decide what you are ready for."

"Do you want to know what I am ready for?" Jerome rolled onto his back and threw off the blanket. His cock was rising. Adam was more than willing to finish what they had started.

"Don't swallow it." Jerome was ready to shoot. He pulled Adam into a kiss sharing his load.

"Adam can we spend the day together like this?" Adam could never say no to those big puppy dog eyes.

Adam picked up Margaret's phone and called the 800 number Julio insisted he memorize.

"Tellerson Concierge."

"Mr. Tellerson needs a room in Salt Lake City for the day. It must have a king bed and a large jacuzzi tub. He needs to unwind and relax. My authorization code is Samaria Two."

"Would you prefer to have me call you back or stay on the line?"

"I will hold."

Adam waited on the phone for only a minute before the Concierge had the details. Adam made a call to Sariah to let the family know they wouldn't be back until dinner time. "If we are late, please ask Clarke to start dinner without us."

They pulled up to an old, but well-maintained building. A small bronze plaque hung by the door, `The Victorian Inn.'

A woman dressed like a character from Jane Eyre met them at the door. "Welcome to the Victorian Inn, Mr. Smith. We have prepared your room. We will deliver your lunch as soon as the Chef has applied the finishing touches."

"There must be a mistake?" Adam began.

"All of our guests are Mr. or Mrs. Smith. We are small and exclusive. Our clients expect discretion." Her British accent added to the elegant ambience.

Victorian opulence surrounded them with an abundance of wood and deep colored fabrics. Jerome felt they had slipped back in time. They stepped into a black iron elevator with open grill work. On the top floor, their hostess used a large brass key to open the heavy wooden door bearing the number 12 on its plaque.

"I would tell you this is our best room, but they are all decorated to this standard. If you need anything ring the front desk. There is a television hidden in the mirror. There are movies for a wide variety of tastes." She finished the tour of the three-room suite. "I have arranged a couple's massage at three if that meets your time schedule."

Adam thanked her. The room featured an extra wide divan and sofa designed for couples. There were no chairs for only one person. The king bed complete with bed curtains took center stage in the bedroom, just as the double wide copper tub filling the bathroom. The walls of the tub were wide, to hold the mechanics for the water jets. Adam returned from using the toilet to find Jerome naked on the divan watching two men on the TV. It was a cable version but hot none the less

"Your still dressed." Adam didn't take long before he lay next to his man. Jerome pulled a soft throw over their bodies as they watched the men on the screen kiss.

Adam leaned in and pressed his lips to Jerome's. Their hands ran across each other's nakedness as their tongues played tag. Adam reached for Jerome's erection. Jerome pushed his hand away.

"May we just kiss and touch. This is so nice. When we get to the sex, it ends too soon."

Adam understood his lover's request. It was fun just enjoying each other without working toward the goal of orgasm. The scene on the screen had changed to the back of a blond head bobbing on the guy in front of him. The video had been long forgotten, the sound track lending to the atmosphere of exploration.

Jerome pulled Adam on top of him without breaking their lip lock. They were rubbing their leaking erections together. Jerome pulled Adam forward to lick on his nipples. Jerome's hardness was leaking all over Adam's hole. Adam closed his eyes enjoying the sensations flowing from his nipples and hole.

Adam push backward to increase the contact and Jerome slid inside his lover. Now it was Jerome's turn to close his eyes as the warmth of being inside his man took hold. Adam realized what had happened and pulled away. Jerome pulled him back close as he slid in and out of Adam.

The TV filled the room with the sounds of massive orgasms. Jerome began his assault and soon the banshee burst into the room. Adam shot his load all over Jerome's stomach and chest.

"If we don't get cleaned up, we will stick together. Let's try the tub." Jerome suggested. How quickly the tub filled with warm water and soap bubbles impressed Adam. Jerome carried a tray of finger foods and placed them on a stool next to the tub. Adam climbed in first. Jerome sat facing Adam. They took turns feeding each other the tasty morsels.

With the food gone Jerome turned leaning back on Adam's chest. The jets massaging their bodies.

"We need to use the tub at home more often. I could sit like this forever."

Adam lifted Jerome's hand from the bubbles. "You are already getting wrinkled. You don't want that, do you?"

Jerome began singing. "When I get older losing my hair... When I'm 64?""

"I will love you when you are old and wrinkled. Just don't go bald." Adam answered.

The phone rang. They knew it was their warning for the massage. They hopped out of the tub and rinsed off the bubbles in the shower.

Dressed in the provided silky robes, they met the massage therapists at the door, who rolled two padded tables into the room. Before long two naked men moaned under the talented hands of the specialists.

Five o'clock arrived to find two relaxed young men lying on the divan. Soft music started by the therapist filled the room.

"I guess it's time to rejoin the real world." Jerome admitted to his beloved. "Thank you for loving me and your patience.

Jerome slid the ring from Adam's finger. "Adam Tellerson, will you be my husband from now to the end of time?"

Adam looked at the ring in Jerome's hand. "That doesn't leave much room for Nephi."

"Hevel has lived many lives. I'm not sure he will have much time for the two of us."

"Who is Hevel?" Adam asked.

"In this life he was Nephi, but I know he has lived many lives always helping others." That he could mention any of this surprised Jerome.

Adam thought for a minute or two and took the whole thing in stride. Jerome seemed to believe it. Even if he didn't believe it, Adam accepted it. Adam pulled the ring off of Jerome's finger.

"Jerome Tellerson of Samaria, brother of Jared, I will be yours until the end of time. Through the good times and the bad, I will cherish your love and return it always." Adam slid the ring back onto Jerome's hand. Jerome repeated Adam's promise and returned the ring to its rightful place.

"Adam can we come back here sometime. Maybe even spend the night."

"Do you think you can afford it?" Jerome hit Adam with a pillow.

"Maybe I should buy the place?"

"You probably already own part of it." Adam gave Jerome a final kiss before helping his man get dressed.

Next: Chapter 128: Nephi and Jerome 59

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