Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Sep 11, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

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This really long chapter does contain adult situations. If this bothers you or its not legal where you live, don't read it. Remember this is a story. Most of it is fiction. Always play safe.

If you have taken the time to get this far in the story I would appreciate a short email. ringinmine@yahoo.com

I have received some positive comments and suggestions for the story. Your letters are my motivation to keep telling the story. Enjoy.

All rights are reserved to the author except those given to Nifty to publish and archive this work. Please do not repost without permission of the author.

(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 15

I missed him when he was gone. I was out of clean underwear. I found a pair of Mike's briefs and I pulled them on. I massaged my bulge through the fabric. It was all I could manage to keep from pulling my cock out and beating off right there.

I pulled on a shirt and sweats just in case I wasn't the only one in the building and gathered my clothes and hauled them to the laundry room. With two wearing my clothes, I was going through them double time. While my clothes were washing I decided it was a good time to edit the video tape from my session with Brad and Sue.

It wasn't the best tape. It was a lot like a security camera. It didn't change angles or move in for close ups. It took all of the morning with stops for beating off and laundry. My favorite parts were when I put the ring in Brad's dick and shaved his body. He looked so helpless tied to the bed frame. My cock disappearing into his mouth was enough to make me cum again and again. Looking at the tape, I realized just how young I looked shaved and smooth. I looked even younger than Mark.

I had just started to beat off again. The three way with Brad and Sue was starting when I heard a sound behind me. There in the doorway watching was Sue. I started to put my cock away. "Don't stop. I want to watch." She commanded.

Even though she had sucked my dick and I had fucked her, I was somewhat inhibited beating off in front of her. It took only a minute before I decided what the heck and really started putting on a show. I played with my nipples while working my meat. I pulled on my balls, I even stuck a finger in my ass.

"Don't waste it. With Brad out of commission while he heals, I need a cock." She said.

She dropped her sweats and sat on my lap. My dick slid right into her. She didn't move. She just sat there enjoying my cock in her. I had beat off so many times it took a long time to cum. We fucked on the chair. Then moved to the edge of the bed. We fucked in positions I don't even know how to start describing.

I was fucking her doggie style when she asked, "What does it feel like when Brad fucks you in the ass?"

I didn't answer. I pulled out my cock. I grabbed some lube and put first one finger in her ass and then another. There was no prostrate to play with but she wasn't complaining. I rolled a rubber over my dick and put it in.

"That hurts!" she cried. I held my cock just in her ass while she got used to it. I wasn't long beforebshe pushed back onto my dick. That was my cue and I began fucking her. At first slowly and then picked up speed. Within only a few minutes I filled the rubber.

"Is it like that when you fuck Mark?" she asked.

"I wouldn't know I haven't fucked Mark. We haven't had sex at all. Right now he needs a friend not a lover. You do know that his best friend moved away. Didn't you?" I asked.

"That's why I brought him home with me. I wanted to take his mind off his troubles. It must be costing you a fortune. I've seen all the things you are doing with him and I appreciate it." She said concerned about my expenses.

We showered together. Her shower was still broken. I really like showering with someone. It's nice to have someone run their slick hands all over your body. Sue got out first. When I finally got out of the shower, I found a twenty dollar bill on the bed with a note.

"Thanks. I hope this helps. Don't worry about having to pay for staying extra days over the break. Stay as long as you want."

It was nice of her. The contract said they should be charging me ten dollars a day over the holidays.

Beggars can't be choosers. I put the money in my wallet. This weekend had dented the $50 from my new boss. I was just glad my Christmas shopping was done. About two in the afternoon the phone rang. "Is Mike there?" a sexy deep voice on the other end asked.

"No, he's gone for the holiday," I answered.

I don't know why but the guy proceeded to tell me his troubles. I didn't mind. I could listen to that voice all day and imagine what the sexy voiced stud looked like.

"Mike was our last hope. Our model canceled for tonight. It is the last chance to do sketches so we can finish them up over the break."

I had just beat off in front of another person. I had bounced around nude in a snowball fight. Could stand naked and let people draw me?

"How much does it pay?" I asked. That would be the deciding factor.

"Usually about thirty bucks for the night. If you would do it we could all pitch in a little more." He offered.

I didn't even think through how they would feel about having a model that was shaved smooth. They drew Mike and he had a ring in his dick. Those thoughts did haunt me later in the day. I agreed.

The address was off campus. It would have to be since everything was closed down for Christmas break. I just hoped I wouldn't chicken out. I could really use the money. I finished up the laundry and called home. I explained that I had some loose ends I had to tie up before I could leave and told them about my new job.

"I do have a little problem," I explained. "I have a friend who is really down. His friend that he has hung around with since elementary school has moved away. He's not taking it very well." I mentioned.

"That could be a problem. We remodeled your room into a guest room. There is a queen bed in there now," my dad said.

"We could share. It's not like I would be sleeping with a girlfriend," I commented.

"Aunt June is using the guest room. She's trying to deal with the mess you caused Jeremy. I can't believe you pressed charges against your own cousin. I don't think we have room for you and your boyfriend."

I wasn't sure where this boyfriend thing came from. It sounded like Jeremy had told everyone I was doing Mark. I still won't back down. I hope they throw the book at him.

Now I had a reason to hang around until Mark finished school. Maybe we could hang around the dorms for a few days. There was a lot of things we could do.

I still had a couple of hours before I had to head out for the modeling gig. I drove down to the town's excuse for a shopping mall and walked around. Most of the store fronts were vacant. The restroom in the mall was one of those two door affairs. The outer one squealed as I opened it.

At the urinal a middle aged fellow was definitely intrigued by my choice of jewelry. He was blatantly staring. I started to show off for him by tugging on the ring and pulling my balls through my fly. He started to stroke his growing dick. It was long and uncut. In just two days I had seen my first two uncut cocks. He reached over and ran ran his hand up the length of my cock stopping at the ring.

He first brushed it with the tips of his fingers. I sighed. He was hesitant at first. As he really started to work my ring the outer door squealed. We quickly turned to face the urinals. He zipped up and walked out just as a security guard entered. It took me a moment to get my balls and cock back in my jeans. Then I left.

I was now horny. That's always a dangerous state of mind. Just outside of the restrooms was a jewelry kiosk that had small captive bead rings. They were smaller versions of the stainless steel in my dick. They would be perfect for my nipple and my navel. If I could pierce a cock, how hard could it be to do a nipple? I did let them pierce my ear, hopefully on the straight side.

With my purchase of jewelry and smaller needles, I hurried home. If these artists were really desperate they could paint around a few rings.

Little did I know that piercing a nipple hurt a whole lot more than doing a PA. I remembered when my sister pierced her friend's ears. She held an ice cube against it until it was numb. I thought it was worth a try. It had an unforeseen benefit. It made the nipple stand up tall and firm. I had trouble getting the needle through. It hurt. It hurt a lot, but once the needle was through I figured I may as well put the ring in. I cleaned up the blood and a little later cleaned up the blood again. I put a bandage over it.

I decided I wasn't brave enough to try the navel yet. When I finally looked at the clock I realized that the nipple had taken more time than I thought. I quickly hopped in the shower. Took the bandage off the nipple and washed the area carefully. It was still tender. I ran a razor over my balls and pubic areas. When I was satisfied that I was smooth. I dried off and pulled on a pair of loose cargo pants. Mike never wore underwear when he went to pose. He said it was just easier and didn't leave elastic lines. I worked on my hair getting it to look good. I finished off with a fleece jacket buttoned up only halfway.

I posed in front of the mirror and decided I liked what I saw. The small silver ring in my ear looked great. I had to leave now or I was going to chicken out. I grabbed my coat and resolutely locked the door behind me. Just as I was leaving the building Mark climbed out of Brad's car.

"This is a surprise," I exclaimed.

"Brad is working just down from my high school for a couple of days. He said if I didn't mind getting up early I could ride with him," Mark explained.

I was in a dilemma. Did I make up some excuse, back out or take him with me. I looked deep into his eyes.

"I was offered a job for this evening. If you want to come hop in." I offered.

Mark got in the car and waved to Brad. He told me about his day at school. He said a couple of guys on the swim team came up and admired his PA.

"They really liked it. They said I must really have a lot more balls than they thought, if I could let someone poke a hole in my dick." He couldn't hide the excitement in his voice. "They invited me out for shakes after practice. They are real nice guys. We made plans for the break."

I didn't know if I should be happy for him or jealous. I was a little of both. I was more happy though. I had him now, but he needed his own friends at school.

I found the address. It was a good size house. I knocked on the door. When a fellow answered I knew it was the guy on the phone.

"May I help you?" he asked. His voice sent chills up my spine. He wasn't quite what I expected. I was expecting a god. He wasn't a god but I wasn't disappointed. He was only about five and a half feet tall. He was built solid. This guy didn't sit around and draw all the time. He had to spend time in the gym. His arms were huge. He looked like one of the weight lifters on television. I could only guess that under his loose shirt was firm pecs and a rippled stomach. "I wasn't expecting two of you." He said.

"This is a friend that is visiting unexpectedly from out of town. I didn't want to leave him home alone." I explained.

He invited us in and we followed him into the basement. It was set up as an art studio. There were easels set up, a few had art students already preparing their tools. At one end was a length of fabric draped from the ceiling and across the floor.

I was about to chicken out when Mark asked, "What is this job?"

"I'm filling in for Mike as a model," I answered.

The guy with the voice said, "I'm Todd. You can change in there." He directed me to a bathroom." There is a robe hanging behind the door."

When I came out there were nearly a dozen artists in the room. "What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Step over here," Todd directed. He stood behind me and help take the robe off. There were a couple of quick breaths. "How old are you?" Todd asked.

"I'm eighteen. I shaved on a dare. Is it alright?" I could see he was worried. I walked into the bathroom and I came back with my driver's license.

"He's eighteen. Does anyone have a problem with using him as our model?" There were no complaints.

"We'll have you do two or three quick poses for some quick sketches. Then we'll have you hold a pose for a while for some nearly finished work."

I thought being a model would be somewhat erotic. I was wrong. It was serious business. I had to sign a release giving away any rights to their art work and declaring I was over eighteen. They even wrote my driver's license number on it. They would move me around like an oversized Ken doll, snap a couple of polaroids then start drawing feverishly. They were paying the for the model and they wanted their money's worth.

During the last quick pose conversation developed between a couple of the female artists and Todd. Todd disappeared upstairs. When he came back he had a stack of pillows and a good sized stuffed floppy dog.

"We have decided how we want you pose." Todd made a pile with the pillows. Before long I found myself propped on the pillows with the dog strategically placed. It didn't hide anything. It drew attention to some of my favorite parts. I guess since they had a chance of a really young looking model they were going to take advantage of it. They took half a dozen polaroids then started sketching.

Modeling was long and boring. You stay in one place trying hard not to move. There was nothing erotic about the work. Mike earned his money. I didn't mind it though. I decided the money was worth the discomfort.

After about an hour Todd tossed me the robe and everyone took a break. Mark was fitting in with this artist crowd. He had even tried his hand at a drawing with me and the dog. It was pretty good. I didn't think my dick was really as long as it was in his drawing though. He admitted to taking a drawing classes in school. I took the chance to see how others interpreted the session. Some had totally deleted the rings. Some drew attention to them. My dick must look bigger to others than it does to me.

The same girls that had given Todd the idea for the dog and one of the guys were talking with Mark.

Mark walked over and said, "They are willing to raise our fee it we will pose together. What do you think?"

I was the one that had spent the last hour naked. "If you want to, it's alright with me." About ten minutes later a robe clad Mark emerged from the bathroom. "What took you so long?" "It's a surprise," Mark answered.

"The same routine as before, a couple of fast poses and then a long one," Mark instructed.

When Mark tossed his robe to Todd I saw the surprise. Mark had shaved the hair from above his cock. We looked like two young boys. The first couple of poses were simple. I sat on a stool, one leg on a rung. The other leg hung free. Mark stood slightly behind with his hand on my shoulder. We were facing to one side so nearly every artist had a view of both ringed and hairless dicks. They took a few extra polaroids. I kept waiting for them to change poses, but they kept drawing. I found I had to think of just about anything else but Mark standing nude next to me. I had been through the times tables twice and was learning I didn't know the table of elements as well as I thought I did.

"Is everyone ready?" Todd asked.

"Just a minute."

"A little more time."

"Not quite done." Similar comments were chorused around the room. Everyone was really into their work.

Finally the pencils, charcoal and chalks were set down and the artists got up and stretched. There was a lot of small group conversations as they looked at each other's work. I noticed some pronounced tents in slacks. I lost control and grew rigid. One look at my hard dick and Mark's followed suit.

Todd broke the near silence. "Take a break. You might need to take care of your problems." He looked down at our hardness. Mark disappeared into the restroom.

"There is another at the top of the stairs," Todd suggested.

I was standing watching myself beat off in the mirror when the door opened and Todd walked in. "I was hoping I could help you with that."

I turned to face him. He dropped to his knees and took my dick in his mouth. This was a guy that knew his way around a dick. He was even better than Mike.

"I would like to take my time with this but everyone will be waiting," Todd grunted and went into high gear.

A lubricated finger drilled its way into my ass and found my prostate quickly. I hadn't even seen him grease up his finger. I put one hand in my mouth to keep from groaning. I didn't want anyone to hear what was happening. I'm surprised no one could hear the slurping sounds Todd's mouth was making as he fucked my dick with his mouth. It seemed like forever but wasn't really more than two minutes before I filled his mouth with cum. Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Mark's ready to go. Everyone is ready to start."

"I'll be right down. I just have to clean up." I called out.

Todd turned on the water to wash my dick. "Thanks for leaving the ring in. Mike always takes it out when he models for us," Todd said quietly letting the water hide his voice.

"How do you know he has a ring in his dick if you have never seen it."

"I didn't until tonight. I've helped Mike out a few times. I had always wondered what the hole in the bottom of his dick was. I had always felt sorry for him being deformed. I'm not anymore." Todd climbed into the shower and pulled the curtain. "I'll be down in a minute." I tied the robe closed and opened the door.

"Finally, I didn't think you would ever get done," a tall blonde said as she took my place in the bathroom. I smiled. I wonder what she would say if she knew Todd was inside with her as she took care of her needs. The blond was the next to the last one ready to go.

"We've decided how we would like you to pose," one of the girls said. She moved us nearly facing. We each had one arm behind the other and pulled up close. From the front you could see Mark's free hand holding the ring in my nipple. My hand was caressing the ring in his navel. They slightly bent our front legs so we were more relaxed. "I hope you don't mind but we would like to do something tender. I call it brotherly love. Now turn your heads and look like you're kissing."

Todd was finally downstairs and reassuringly said, "Don't worry we won't really see enough of either face to identify you as the models."

There were numerous flashes of the camera, more than any other pose. I wonder how many of them became the subject of someone's late night solo activities.

It took a moment for Mark and I to get the head angles right. After five minutes he let his tongue slip between his lips as if he were moistening dry lips. Its light touch across mine sent shivers through my body. It was so sexy. My cock grew hard as my tongue repeated his action. It didn't stay hard for long though. Standing perfectly still could kill the erotic in any situation.

I wanted to lower my hand and cup his beautiful balls. My cock grew once again. Before long I was back to the times tables. I did better at the periodic tables this time. This was taking forever. I hoped Todd could slip me one of the polaroids. When Todd told everyone they had one more minute Mark did the tongue trick again. This time my tongue responded but dived past his lips. Not far but it slipped past his lips and brush against his teeth. His tongue was there to meet mine. Neither of use must have wanted anyone to know about the real kiss going on. We kept the action minimal, but it was hot. The cocks went up again.

"Time," Todd called out. He got up and tossed us the robes.

"May we look?" Mark asked. I noticed that these works had a more finished feel. These were really hot. None of the pieces showed enough of a face to recognize, which was a relief. One, maybe two of the pieces had the feel of an exercise in painting nudes. A sense of eroticism touched the rest. Each artist had a polaroid shot from their angle. I had the feeling that this was going to become a finished piece for nearly every artist. The girls that had masterminded the pose and one or two guys had drawn our cocks erect. They had managed to snap the polaroid with us in that condition.

While Mark was changing, Todd and a couple of artists came up to me and handed me a wad of bills. "We appreciate your patience. We don't usually keep our models this long. We've never had the opportunity to draw anything like that last pose."

"It's sort of like a doctor. After you have painted a few naked bodies, the sense of eros evaporates," a tall brunette with deep brown eyes commented. "This was an exception. Thanks." He shook my hand. He held it longer than necessary and looked straight into my eyes. The very tip of his tongue appeared between his lips.

"By the way, my name is Paul. I love the smooth look." When he finally relinquished my hand, a flash of green briefly appeared as it was slipped into the pocket of the robe. This was an artist I wouldn't mind posing for again.

Todd woke me from my quick daydream of working with this artist on a bear skin rug. "If you would like, you could stop by sometime and we could discuss adding you to the list of models." Todd also slipped a bill into my pocket.

"I think I would like that. If nothing else the money is good." I answered.

I was stopped by two more artists. Each had a thanks and a bill or two to add to what they had already paid us. I almost felt like a stripper having money slipped into his jock. Mark was changed and he was getting the same treatment.

As I was getting into my clothes, I looked at the money that had been put into my pocket. Paul had written his name and phone number on one. Gayle looked as if she could have been a contestant in a beauty pageant. She had not only written her number, but how she wanted explore my smooth body with her tongue. I put the bills with notes on them in my wallet. I didn't want to spend them yet.

I looked at my watch and realized that Mark had to get up early to catch his ride to school. I hurried out and reminded Mark of school. We quickly said our goodbyes and headed home. It was almost strange, neither of us talked about the evening except deciding how to divided the money. We decided to divide the fee but keep our own tips.

While I was sitting on the can with my shorts around my ankles, a naked Mark walked into the bathroom, leaned over the tub to adjust the water. His ass was inches from my face. His beautiful balls hung down between his smooth legs. I wanted to reach out and cradle his balls and feel his smoothness. He pulled the shower curtain and stepped under the water. I was finished on the toilet but I sat there working my meat with Mark just behind that thin plastic sheet. Just then there was a thunk in the shower.

"Bobby, I don't want to get shampoo in my eyes. Could you hand me the soap." I wondered if it was a come on line, but either way I was going to hand him the soap. I kicked off my shorts and stepped into the tub. Mark did have soap in his hair and his eyes were closed tight. I picked up the soap from between his legs and `accidentally' brushed up his leg.

"While I'm here I may as well wash your back." I lathered up my hands and spread the suds across his back. I worked it in well, massaging his back in the process. I moved down and finished by scrubbing his beautiful rounded buns. Just then he stuck his head under the spray. The water rinsed all the soap down the drain.

"Turn around," Mark ordered. I thought he was being shy, but I turned. I felt his now soapy hands working their magic across my back. He started shyly, barely touching me. As he gained confidence, his strokes became more sure. His hands brushed my ass.

"If I'm getting up early. I've got to get some sleep. I have exams tomorrow." Mark finished rinsing off. I stood under the warm water for a moment and stepped out. Mark was just starting to dry off. I took his towel and dried his back. "Thanks. Turn around."

He took the dry towel and removed the water from my back. He dried first one leg and then the other. He then turned me around and dried my front. I kept hoping he would do the whole job. I wasn't disappointed. He brushed the towel against my balls. When I didn't flinch he did the job right without saying a word. When I was dry Mark handed me the towel.

"It's time for bed," Mark stated calmly.

I flipped out the light and followed Mark into bed. Under the covers he cuddled his naked body against mine. He looked up into my eyes and said, "Good night." His lips brushed mine. He laid his head on my chest and placed a hand on my nipple with the ring. It was still tender to the touch, but I didn't flinch.

I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close. His free hand moved down to my balls. That was the way we fell asleep. When I woke the next morning we had changed position. I was laying across Mark with my hand on his balls. I took his ringed nipple between my teeth and gave it a little nip. Mark stirred.

"Time to wake up," I said. I moved my face to his and kissed his lips. "You've got to go to school."

"I guess I do," Mark replied still muddled from sleep. He took one look in the mirror and saw his hair.

"I shouldn't sleep with wet hair. The only way I'm going to get his hair under control is another shower." As he headed into the bathroom her turned. "Are you coming?"

This time there was no shy starts. We washed every part of each other. There wasn't much time. The two of us washed each other's cock and balls. Who knows where it would have led if the phone hadn't rung bringing us back to the real world.

I jumped out of the shower dripping my way to the phone. It was Brad on the other end. "Mark needs to be down in five minutes."

"Mark, you have five minutes." I announced.

He was pulling on his shirt as he ran out the door. "Bye! See you tonight."

I lay naked reminiscing over the past few days. Mark and I hadn't really had sex and it was the hottest time I could remember. If I had to have a boyfriend Mark would be a great one. I beat my meat while I relived the morning's shower. I was replaying the ending as a hot blowjob when Sue interrupted. She was standing in the doorway watching.

"You would think after sleeping with Mark you wouldn't have enough spunk in you to still beat off," she teased.

"That's exactly what we have done. We slept together." I clarified.

"That's it?" She asked. "All you did was sleep?"

"I felt Mark needed a friend more than a lover. Josh moving away was really hard on him." "Oh, poor baby," she crooned just before she took my dick in her mouth.

I closed my eyes and pretended that it was Mark's warm mouth making me feel so good. Her tongue played with the ring buried in her mouth. With one hand she caressed my chest. When she got to the ring in my nipple she stopped.

"That's something new." Her tongue crawled across my stomach, around and through my navel and up to my pierced nipple. Her tongue flicked my tender nipple. She really got into playing with the steel in my tit. The other nipple wasn't ignored. Her fingers twisted and pulled on it until it stood nearly as high as the pierced one. It felt so good. Finally she stood and pulled the house dress over her head. She stood there completely naked for just a moment allowing me to enjoy the view.

"I need your cock in me. Brad's is still too tender for fucking." She sat across my groin as she guided my dick into her warmth.

"Oh that feels so fucking good," I moaned. "You're so warm inside. It's so ..." My moaning was cut short when she leaned forward and she put a tit in my mouth. She must've been feeding the little one just before she came up. There was still the faint taste of mother's milk on her breast. I wanted my share as I took up sucking in earnest. I was rewarded with her warm sweet milk across my tongue.

"Enough sucking. I need a hard fuck," she cried and started bouncing on my dick. The view was great. Her milk heavy boobs were flying up and down as she really got down to the business of filling her cunt with my dick. She was having a good time and I wasn't complaining either.

"OOH, you're making me come," she cried. I could feel her extra juices bath my cock and begin to drip down my balls. "More, I want more."

She moved even faster, as she came again and again. She grabbed the ring in my nipple and tugged. I cried in pain, but for only a moment. That was what threw me over the edge and I filled her with my cum. It ran back across my balls. Sue bent down and kissed me. When I had become so soft that I fell out of her warmth she moved her lips down to my abused nipple.

"Oh, poor baby," she crooned again as she tried her best to kiss and lick it better. She then used her tongue to lick up all the sperm that had dripped back onto my cock and balls. The head of my cock was too tender to enjoy her attention but when she moved to my balls, I moaned my appreciation. "That feels good. Lick my balls. Lick my smooth balls." Then with a quick tug on my dick ring using her teeth she stood up.

"I've got to go. The baby's asleep. I don't like to leave him."

"Thanks, I really needed that." Then I voiced a fear that had been haunting me. "We haven't been using rubbers. What if you get pregnant?"

"Brad and I have discussed it. If you promise not to tell anyone, I will tell you our secret over lunch."

"I promise."

If you are enjoying the story I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 16

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