Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Oct 17, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

The healing begins. Even miraculously quick, I know the path will seem slow and full of obstacles.

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 37

I woke up alone; not in my bed but the master bedroom. The sun shone through the window. I clearly remembered the dream from last night. It seemed more real than my dreams of the last weekend. I was faced with a choice, step right back into my life or mope around. Heading for the gym downstairs, I had made my decision. I might not be able to lie to Grams, maybe I could convince myself.

Brett was finishing his workout. I guess I have been a bad influence on him. The once proper professor was shirtless and judging by the bounce in his brief nylon shorts he was going commando. Where before I would have enjoyed the sight I looked away and began my workout. I had made progress regaining the strength in my healing arm but still had a long way to go. It was with a sigh of relief that Brett went upstairs to shower.

I showered upstairs also. When I stepped out of the shower the carefully laid out clothes and towel were missing.

"Ok boy, it's time for that once over I promised last night." Doc held my towel in her hand. She started with my legs and dried me as she inspected the damage. My ankles were sore where the duct tape had held me to the chair. She noticed two bruises where the alligator clips had been attached to my balls. Her biggest concern was the matching contusions on the front and back of my scrotum.

"If that is what I think it is you are lucky they went for the bigger testicle. I'm afraid you are not going to be the only one nut wonder in town." Doc chuckled. She then turned serious and explained what she thought caused the damage.

"If I hadn't grown up on a farm using a burdizzo on animals I might not have recognized it."

She was apologetic about the next part. She did convince me it would be better to find any damage now rather than later. I wasn't happy about it. When her finger made contact I began to shake.

"I'll make this as quick as I can." She probed and with relief there was nothing that wouldn't heal on its own. When she was done she put salve on the adhesive irritations around my head, face, wrists and ankles.

"Outside doesn't look to bad. The damage I worry about is on the inside." She tapped my head.

I decided to change the subject. "Was Boxer a cross between a Great Dane, Saint Bernard and a chihuahua? I don't think I have ever seen an uglier dog."

"That's a pretty good description if you add in part dachshund." Doc stopped and then stared at me. "I think Brett needs to be part of this conversation."

Over breakfast I told them of my dream. There were no pictures of Boxer around the house. He had been hit by a car when Christopher was 11. Then I remembered a detail that hadn't even seemed important until now.

"What is the story of the tattooed ring on Chris' fourth finger?" I asked holding up my ring finger. They gave up trying to figure out how I knew things. Maybe they were beginning to accept the dream as reality. I know I hoped beyond hope it was real.

Samuel and Chris had them tattooed on the day they promised to spend their lives together. Rings would have raised too many eyebrows. The single line was enough to show their forever love.

"So have I partially filled the hole left by Chris' passing? The two of you have sure filled a hole in my life." There was a group hug. This was the feeling of family I had only felt with Grams and Papa.

"I need to call James and let him know I will be in class tomorrow." I announced.

"Is that a good idea?" Doc asked.

"I can give up or I can keep going. I refuse to let them win." I said with false confidence. "And if things get too rough, maybe I can hide out in Brett's office?"

James' lesson plans hadn't changed since Thursday and the notes were in my car. But where was my car. I still wasn't remembering Thursday night. I could have left it anywhere. I looked out the living room window. My car was in the driveway. I was glad I had left a set of keys on the hooks just inside the back door.

Doc had late rounds and Brett thought I might like to check in with some of my friends. First on the list was calling Jerry. Bruce answered.

"Why the hell are you calling? Because of you I've lost my daughter and am losing my son. He won't even let me touch him."

"May I try talking to him?" The line went dead.

Instead of going out I sat in my room and studied. I worried that Jerry wasn't getting the same level of support I was. I hoped he was fine.

Late in the afternoon, but before mom got off work I called Leroy. I had a question I had to ask.

"Leroy, I know mom's not talking to me. What about Grams and Papa?" I didn't want to make things worse.

"Bobby, are you at the Johnson's." Leroy asked and I answered. "Stay right there by the phone." The line went dead. It wasn't a minute later and the phone rang.


"Bobby, why did you call Leroy first?" Grams asked.

"I wasn't sure if you would want to talk to me. I know mom doesn't and Bruce can rot in hell for all I care. He wouldn't even let me talk to Jerry."

"I was surprised to hear from you. Jerry is a basket case." Papa was on the extension.

"I think it's because I started fighting for myself. I had time to think locked in that closet. I'm out of the closet now and I am not going back in." Papa chuckled.

"When are you going back to school?" Grams asked. Based on Jerry, she was amazed that I could hold a conversation, let alone going back to classes. She was relieved to know I had the back up plan of retreating to Brett's office. I only had three classes on Tuesday and Brett had talked to all my professors.

"Your mother is so angry that you wanted to go home but that didn't mean here." Papa tried explaining.

"Grams, Papa it has nothing to do with you. I will not put you in the middle of a tug-a-war with mom. I've pretty much given up on her ever being on my side. She is so used to letting dad tell her what to think, she has fallen into the same pattern with Bruce." I had given this a lot of thought in my closet and for now I wasn't willing to extend any sympathy her way.

"Bruce says she needs to cut off your financial support if you won't toe the line. Somehow Leroy was on the line also. It was rude but I was overcome with laughter.

"I don't think he realizes the difference between Jerry and me. He is paying for the majority of Jerry's education. Dad wouldn't give me a dime. I worked all summer to pay my year's rent. I earned my scholarship and financially I am supporting myself now." I was laughing again. It felt good to laugh. "I'm not sure what they can cut."

"Can you tell us what happened?" "

Grams would be the only one to believe this next part. "I am starting to remember things, but an angel says. If I'm lucky I won't ever remember it all. I wish Jerry had an angel. I bet if push were to come to shove, Bruce is glad Jan sent Jerry for the cure. He will make sure it sticks even if it kills Jerry."

We talked for a while. I was glad it was on their dime.

After dinner we decided not to watch the news. I offered to lock up the house as Doc and Brett headed toward bed. Facing the night alone, my courage began evaporating. I slowly walked down the hall to my room. Doc was waiting in the hall and would not let me pass.

"Get in there young man and there will be no arguments." I wasn't going to argue. I wouldn't have begged but I wasn't going to argue. I slid into the middle of the bed, once again surrounded by love. My fears were gone and the anxiety pill Doc made me take an hour earlier took care of the rest. I fell asleep worrying about Jerry.

`You are the answer to more than one prayer.'

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 38

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