Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Nov 20, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

When I wrote Ring in Mine, John and his father were flat characters, an innocent and a villian. I have been amazed at what I have learned about them while writing their story and it has become their story not just John's.

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My thanks go out to Zack for proofreading this chapter.

Kim ----------

Ring in Mine: John Chapter 7

Andrew waved goodbye to his friend. He watched John walk up to his Grandmother's through the back window. He hoped John would be alright. His grandmother's house looked awfully dark.

John knocked on the door. There was no answer. He hoped she would be home soon. Brent Middleton stopped on his way home to pick his neighbor's mail only to find one of his clients, her grandson sleeping on the front porch.

"John, what are you doing here? Your Grandmother is on a cruise for another week."

John told his story of being locked out of the house for the second night in a row. John insisted that Brent not call the police. He just needed a place to stay. As John walked up to Brent's front door, they stopped.

"John there is something I need you to understand before we go in: Frank and I are partners."

"You have the law firm together." John answered.

"It's more than that. We are also life partners. Does that bother you?" Brent asked.

"It would drive my dad crazy knowing I spent the night with a pair of gay guys. Let's not tell him." John grinned. "Dad is sure I am gay. Last time I checked, a pair of boobs interest me more than a pair of dicks and I've drawn plenty of both."

Within minutes John saw a level of love he wished he had seen in his parents. He couldn't remember the last time his dad had kissed his mom before doing anything else when walking into the house. This kiss was really passionate and heartfelt.

"Don't move." John's pencil flew across the paper capturing this expression of love on paper.

"I have to check on dinner." Frank mumbled. It is difficult to enunciate while in a lip lock.

"Just another another minute. I'll hurry. You know my dad can never see this."

Frank finished dinner as Brent changed out of his work clothes. He came out attired much like Frank; t-shirt and basketball shorts. With just a glance John observed they were both commando under the shorts.

Frank was an excellent cook. After dinner John presented his hosts with the drawing of their kiss.

"Professor Terrion said you were talented and she's right." Frank commented on the drawing.

"I would like to draw you together." John offered. They stood close to each other. "I mean altogether."

It took little convincing to get them out of their clothes. John posed the couple keeping it erotic but not pornographic. A little adjusting of the lighting and John was ready. His sketchbook wasn't near big enough to do the piece justice. He wanted to catch enough to replicate it in a bigger format. John drew for 30 minutes then giving his models a 15 minute break; then another 30 minutes of posing.

"Thanks. I've got enough so I can finish tomorrow." John expressed his gratitude.

"Brent, standing there I had time to hatch a cruel plan." Frank outlined his idea. With a quick call to their friend, Professor Terrion, the game was on. John did insist he call his mom. Brent made the initial call.

As they headed to bed the two men were still naked.

"I don't have any pajamas." John pointed out.

"This is how we sleep. Give it a try." The men left him in the guest room. He slid out of his clothes and for the first time slipped between the sheets naked. John decided he may never wear pajamas again.

He lay in bed thinking of how he wanted to finish the drawing he had started. Low sounds came from the hallway. John silently padded down the hall. The dim light shining through the partially open door lit the hallway. John stood back in the shadows watching the scene unfold before him. He knew it was wrong to watch, but he couldn't pull himself away.

Brent and Frank stood kissing. Each had a hand wrapped around the other moving it back and forth, up and down their hard shafts. They seemed to really enjoy how it felt. John took his dick in hand and replicated the motion. He quickly understood just how good it felt. Was this gay? He really didn't care. It felt great.

Brent slowly slid to his knees, stopping for just a moment to play with Frank's nipple with his tongue and then sucking on it, his hands grasping Frank's ass. John guessed what was unseen. His artist's fingers won out. He grabbed his pad and drew what he was seeing. He paid particular attention to Frank's fingers running through his lover's hair. This, John knew was gay; it wasn't something he wanted to do. Putting a guy's dick in his mouth didn't sound fun all. Drawing it was a different story altogether. John had enough on paper to finish when Frank pulled Brent into a kiss.

Brent pulled his lover to bed. There side by side, John could only imagine them working on each other's manhood. Contact was not visible from where John stood, but John was more concerned about the forms lit by the dim light, Frank's darker skin tone against Brent's fairer skin. They both must go to a tanning salon. There were no telltale signs of swimming suits. John was drawing furiously. He would make sure that his dad never saw these. These were passionate and sensual. He knew this one would be tinted with pale shades of watercolor.

The action before him was picking up speed. This was not a silent tableau. There were a lot of satisfied wet sounds. Brent's body shuddered over and over again. Frank didn't break contact. Finally Brent rolled onto his back his penis soft once again. John could see Frank's dick as he once again was stroking its length. He began to shudder as ropes of white shot from the end of his dick all over Brent's face and chest. This must have been the semen they talked about in the maturation talk at school. Frank licked all the semen off of Brent. Brent opened his mouth as Frank let it drip from his mouth to Brent's. It was pretty gross. Then John could see their tongues making contact sharing the white stuff. John realized he had better leave before someone spotted him.

Lying in bed, he took his dick in hand just as he had watched the mature men do. He closed his eyes and imagined what Susan's breasts would look like and what it would be like to suck on them like Brent had done to Frank's. Pressure was building. John felt like he was going to pee. He began to shake and then he remembered Brent shaking when he shot his semen into Frank's mouth. He was rewarded with a shot of liquid shooting onto his stomach. He kept working his dick until the head was too sensitive to continue. Seeing Frank and Brent enjoying their semen, John used his finger to wipe up the goo on his stomach and stuck it into his mouth. He liked it. He finished eating what he could get on his fingers. The idea of eating some other guy's was a little more than he could handle though.

John looked up to see Brent and Frank standing in the doorway.

"You were making so much noise, we thought you were having a nightmare." Brent explained.

"It looks like you were just having a good time. Was it your first time?" Frank asked. John nodded embarrassed.

"We shouldn't have stayed and watched, but turnabout is fair play." Brent finished. John's heart sank. They had seen him watching. They would throw him out for sure. Frank tossed John a damp wash cloth to clean up with. Then these two naked men sat on his bed.

They asked about what he had seen. He honestly thought it was art worthy, but not something he wanted to try. They made sure John knew they weren't offering. John pulled out his pad. The lovers were amazed at the detail in the rough sketches.

"If you ever wanted to turn them into finished pieces, I would buy them in a heartbeat. They are really hot." Frank offered.

The next morning John woke to a light shake of his shoulder. His eyes opened to find a slightly damp, naked lawyer standing by his bed with a towel wrapped around his neck.

"Rather than leave you home, you are going downtown with us. There are places to go and things to do. If you want to finish last night's art work there is an artist's supply store down the block. You are welcome to the empty office for the day."

"I don't have any money." John answered.

"You have plenty of money in your account. We just need to get some of it." Brent explained. He handed the boy a hundred dollar bill. "This will do until we can get to the bank."

Getting out of the shower, John was unable to find his clothes.

"Your clothes are in the dryer!" A voice in the other room yelled. John felt a little self-conscious wandering the house naked, but if it didn't bother the men. He wasn't going to let it bother him.

Dressed, pad in hand and ready to go John waited for his ride. His first matter of business was big sheets of paper that would take pencil and watercolors. He only bought the tubes of paint that he would need and some good brushes.

Locked in the empty office John transferred the sketches of all three pieces to the larger media. The morning had faded into late afternoon before John finished. With the pieces left on the desk, John decided to wander downtown. Remembering Frank's plan, John stopped by a salon/spa. He wore his hair as long as the school would let him. He looked at his cash reserves. He told the stylist that he wanted something shorter and stylish. An hour later spray tanned, blond hair dyed quite dark and styled it was even hard for him to recognize the figure in the mirror.

He spent the last of his cash on a shiny, burgundy, long sleeve shirt to finish the look. He knew he had succeeded when he had to convince Frank's receptionist, Miss Rapshaw, he really was the same kid. When he went to clean up his tools, the paintings were gone.

"Miss Rapshaw, do you know where my drawings went?" John asked.

"Professor Terrion stopped by. She looked them over. She took them to be photographed and framed for the gallery." The receptionist asked. "I'm not sure a twelve year old should be painting things like that."

"I could draw you sometime." John offered.

"I'll keep my clothes on, thank you."

At six o'clock sharp, John's current hosts came out of the conference room, accompanied by a group of men in business suits. They all shook hands and seemed pleased with whatever had transpired in the meeting.

"John, I like the shirt. It will save us having to stop and get something dressier than a t-shirt. The Terrions have invited us to dinner. The Professor has some people she wants you to meet." Brent explained as we rode the elevator to the parking garage under the building.

"I think she has a date for you to take to the opening at the gallery tomorrow." Frank continued.

"I hope it's a girl." John answered.

"She is the sister of the artist that is being showcased tomorrow night. Some of your stuff is hung in a side gallery." Frank went on.

"Professor Terrion says she has a surprise for us as well." Brent finished as they pulled up to the restaurant. The valet took the car. The lawyers had been in the meeting most of the day. John had an idea what surprise would be waiting for them at the gallery. He was glad he hadn't shown their faces.

As the maitre de showed them to the table John knew nearly everyone.

"Hi John. How's it hangin?" The youngest young lady asked.

"From the rings Susan. From the rings, but I'll stick the landing." John answered as they high fived. Everyone stared at the pair.

"It's a gymnast thing." Susan explained. "Mom, Dad, this is John from gymnastics." John shook their hands.

"Is it your show tomorrow, Bethany?" John noticed the puzzled looks from most of the adults.

"We are in the same life drawing class." Bethany explained.

Susan's eyes went wide. "Isn't that the one where you draw naked people?" Susan asked. "Do you get to draw guys with big..." Susan's mother cleared her throat. ".... muscles?"

"Susan, every guy thinks they have a big muscle." Beth laughed.

John would accompany Susan at the gallery opening. This was the same Susan that had played the leading role in John's previous night's fantasy.

`Dreams do come true.' John thought.

That night naked between the sheets John reenacted his fantasies. This time both bedroom doors were firmly closed.

This is the first chapter that we begin to see a glimps behind Mark's drill sargent mentality. There are hints of more insights to come.

My posting for this story is going to be intermittent. It is Medicare Open enrollment. If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is available drop me a line. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 55: John 8

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