Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Jan 22, 2018


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

This is the last chapter of John's story. The next story in the series is taking shape. It will be posting soon. Thank you for sticking with me for so long.

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Thank you Zach for proofreading this chapter and your insights.

I enjoy hearing from my readers. The only reason this story and the next exist is because of reader input.

Kim ----------

Ring in Mine: John Chapter 24

Mark and Ruth met John and Sarah at the door. There were hugs all around.

"There are some ground rules for today. We are not discussing my show last night except for the money I am going to make. We are not going to discuss that weekend at all. A lot of regrettable things have happened this past year. I didn't come to hear whose fault it is." John announced. "I want us to look forward to a better year ahead."

That wasn't what Mark and Ruth expected,but it was what Bob had suggested.

Instead they talked about Mark's job, Ruth's job and Sarah's school. Mark and Ruth avoided the subject of gymnastics.

"Dad thanks for sending Nigel and Duane. They have become really close friends." John said in gratitude.

"How close have you gotten to them?" Mark asked. Ruth kicked him under the table. "Have you become Marcus close?" Ruth kicked him again.

"Isn't that a little voyeuristic, dad?" John accused.

"But are they your really close friends? Intimately close?" Mark protested.

"I walked in on them this morning. The two of them were on the bed doing their thing and John was working at his desk totally ignoring them." Sarah confessed.

"You let them do it in your room?" Ruth asked.

John explained that they had been meeting in some risky locations just to be together. "They are safer in my room. They have to change and wash the sheets and towels when they are done. Thanks to them I have clean sheets nearly everyday. They even make the bed and you know how much I always hated doing that."

John thought it was funny. His parents were concerned.

"Yes they invited me to join them. I tried it and it isn't for me." John leaned into Sarah and gave her a kiss.

"You are being safe aren't you?" Ruth asked.

"You were right. She did figure it out." Sarah admitted. "I hope my parents aren't that quick."

Mark and Ruth were not that pleased that John would be living at the dorms for the summer. The college was running a gymnastic training camp during July. Sarah and John were registered.

"But John isn't that taking a lot of risk?" Ruth asked. Mark told about John setting the Sports Medicine instructor in his place.

"John got partway down and it looked like he was stuck." Mark explained. Sarah began to laugh quietly and then lost total control. Ruth was puzzled.

"He climbed down the rope head first didn't he? I've seen John do it. The look on people's faces is hilarious." Sarah said between gasps. Mark soon joined the laughter.

"It's not funny. Can I help it I can't climb the rope if I don't see where I am going?" John joined the laughter.

When the laughing died down, John explained that he would not be the only recovering athlete involved.

"It's less expensive than paying for physical therapy." John explained.

With promises that John would spend some time at home during the summer the dynamic of the day changed. Andrew appeared at the door with his math book in hand. He had finals coming up and was begging for help.

Sarah offered to help clean up after dinner while John and Andrew sat at a clean corner of the kitchen table going over Andrew's homework.

On the drive back Sarah had one question for John.

"After all the things that have happened, how can you forgive your father?" Sarah asked. John sat quietly.

"I'm sorry I asked." Sarah finally stated.

"Don't be. I was just trying to think of a way to explain it so that you would understand." John sat thinking until they arrived at the dorm.

"Because he's my dad. I don't always like him a lot, but I have always loved him." John started. "Sometimes he doesn't do the smartest things. He does what he thinks is best from his way of looking at things."

"Right after it happened, I didn't like dad very much and it made me miserable. Bob helped me understand that forgiving my dad isn't about him at all. It is to make me happier." John tried to explain. "It is easier now that he is not in my face all the time. Instead of getting angry with him, I miss him. He has to forgive himself."

They didn't have time to go to John's dorm and really make out so they sat in the car and kissed until Duane knocked on the window. John and Sarah jumped.

"The room is available. There is no need to do it in the car." Duane laughed.

"I promised dad I would be home early." Sarah explained. With a final kiss and plans for the following weekend she headed for home.

Exams went well. John had already passed his Communications class. For Sculpture/Ceramics John created a three-foot tall football center bent over with his hands on the ball. Just like the painting he wore a helmet, shoes and a jockstrap. The muscles were well defined as was the texture of the fabric of the pouch. Duane had posed more than once as John tried to get the curves right. Much like many of John's paintings, the colors were pale and muted. He wanted the focus on the form and design.

John asked Professor Terrion to look at his project.

"It demonstrates all of the required elements: form, balance, surface texture and appropriate finish. I don't think she will grade it fairly because of the subject." John explained

The subject didn't bother Professor Terrion at all, but she taught life drawing. She felt it was worth bringing the piece to the attention of the senior art professors.

"That is a beautiful piece." The professor that taught advanced sculpture commented. "It should be cast in bronze. Who is the artist?"

"It is a project of one of our art student's. He feels his instructor might not give him the credit he deserves because it's on the erotic side." Professor Terrion explained.

"The surface texture is amazing." One of the lady professors said running her fingers over the elastic waistband. Looking at the pouch she said, "I wasn't expecting that." It was obvious that the player was circumcised. The committee agreed that the project had exceeded the assignment's criteria.

When John's official grade report arrived in the mail the grade for the course wasn't the barely passing grade handed in by the art instructor. John was spending the week after the quarter ended at home. Frank and Brent stopped by after dinner.

"John, I have a confession and a request." Brent began. "The request first; the film about that weekend in February has been accepted into the Summer Film Festival. Many influential people will be there."

Frank continued the request, "We think your show and the film should be on display together. What do you think?"

John sat thinking in silence. Was this part of the work his angel had mentioned? "What do the students that made the film say?" John finally asked.

"That's part of the confession. The twins from that weekend are my nephews. Attorney client privilege kept us from telling you until now." Brent admitted. "We haven't told them about you yet."

"John, I think you should do it." Sarah encouraged.

"Only, if all of you will be there with me." John told his family. There was a family hug.

"This is only the start, John Litchfield. Even if you never compete in gymnastics again, people will know your name." Sarah kissed her favorite artist.

If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is available drop me a line. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 72: Nephi and Jerome 1

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