Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Jan 24, 2018


Ring in Mine 3: Nephi and Jerome

Kim Terry

This starts the third book of the Ring in Mine Saga where we learn of the fourth young man involved in the reprogramming chapter of the first book.

I couldn't pass up taking some literary license that might need explaining. In the LDS religion we stanchly believe in the bible. We also have other books we consider scripture. Nephi, Lemuel and Laman are brothers in the Book of Mormon. Simply put Nephi was the good guy. Another hero/prophet figure in the Book of Mormon we never really learn the name of. He is only refered to as the brother of Jared. They are both good guys. Now that I've explained it you can smile when you read those references or just ignore my attempt at satirical humor.

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Thank you Zach for proofreading this chapter and your insights.

I enjoy hearing from my readers. The only reason this story and the next exist is because of reader input.

Kim ----------

Ring in Mine 3: Chilled: Chapter 1

It was a cold miserable night. The arctic cold rode the jet stream from Alaska across the Great Salt Lake. The frigid air crossing the relative warmth of the miles of salty water created a lake effect blizzard burying parts of the valley in a foot of snow in less than an hour with no signs of stopping. Nephi looked out the bus window dreading the three block walk from the bus stop to his basement apartment. There would be three more evenings of taking the bus to college before his car was out of the shop. At least that would give him a couple of days to do some Christmas shopping. It wasn't as if he had many on his list; just his landlady and a couple of friends.

Why did the out of state student choose the week after Thanksgiving to rear end his car? Nephi wasn't feeling very charitable about drivers from warm climates that didn't understand how to drive in the snow. Her insurance was paying for the repairs.

The bus stopped. Nephi gathered his backpack and descended the steps. Of course no one had shoveled the walks. The residential street was rarely busy. He walked in the tracks left by the bus. A growing glow came up from behind. Nephi stepped into the snow bank yielding the roadway to a large SUV barely making it to the curb before the speeding vehicle passed. Why did people think that four-wheeled drive helped you stop?

With snow now in his shoes he stayed on the sidewalk. He turned the corner under the rare street light. He jerked his head up hearing the screech of tires and protesting brakes. The SUV must have missed his turn. It was coming straight for him sideways. Nephi jumped behind a tree. The SUV's back tail light shattered against the tree, taking out the phone junction box. With a sideward slide it stopped. The driver punched the gas. All four tires engaged covering Nephi with clumps of dirty snow.

Nephi slipped and fell behind a hedge landing on a huddled dark figure buried in the snow. There was a low moan. Nephi couldn't leave who ever it was sitting there. They would be frozen before long. It was probably not the best idea but Nephi slung his backpack over one shoulder and the body over the other. He would call the paramedics from home.

He forced his way around the back of the older brick house. The house was on a hillside that gave him ground level access to his basement apartment. At least his front door had a southern exposure, protected from the worst of the snow. John laid the body on his couch, closed the door and turned on the light.

The body turned out to be a boy not much younger than Nephi's 22 years. Nephi grabbed the phone and dialed 911. Then he realized there hadn't been a dial tone.

"Damn careless driver!" Nephi swore. At home he would have been instantly reprimanded for cursing. He didn't have time to think about home right now. Those were memories that didn't need rehashing at the moment.

Nephi filled the tub with tepid water. He had enough first-aid training to know that for hypothermia victims hot water wasn't a good thing. Nephi carefully removed the boy's coat. It was more of a Lukeet. Who would send a kid out in this weather without a coat? Nephi's parents immediately came to mind. He shook off the memory. There wasn't time to wallow in self-pity. This young man needed him.

Someone had used this kid as a punching bag. Nothing felt broken and nothing was still bleeding. The first order of business was to warm the icy boy. Carefully Nephi lowered the handsome young man into the water. The boy was fit and firm in all the right places. Even in the cold he had a package that put Nephi's to shame.

"Quit drooling over him, Nephi. Remember the last time you assumed someone was like you." He told himself. Why were memories haunting him today when he needed a clear head?

Occasionally Nephi would add a little more hot water to the tub. He took the liberty of checking the boy's wallet. The body became Jerome Tellerson. Finally the boy was starting to pink up. The lights flickered and went out. Nephi couldn't keep the young man in the tub all night. Paula his landlady was out of town for the Christmas holidays. She and the widow next door had gone on a two-week cruise somewhere warm. Nephi dried his patient, wrapped him in a blanket and carried him upstairs into Paula's family room.

Using a match from the box on the mantle, Nephi turned on the gas and lit the fireplace. Paula was older. She was often lonely. Nephi was a regular visitor. Often he was just someone with whom to watch television. Nephi knew where Paula kept the furry cuddle blankets they used while watching television.

Nephi quickly opened each water tap allowing a drizzle to flow. He knew how important it was to prevent frozen pipes.

Nephi finally stripped off all of his damp clothing hanging them over the kitchen chairs and crawled into the cocoon of warmth he had created in front of the fire. Nephi pulled the boy next to him. He corrected himself. This wasn't a boy; this was Jerome Tellerson.

The flickering light of the fire soon lulled Nephi into the depths of slumber. The room grew chilled. Jerome slowly warmed.

"Get out of my house; I will not let you turn our God fearing home into your personal Sodom and Gomorrah. Job said, `let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles.' At least your brothers are good Christians."

"Dad how blind can you be? Your precious son Laman sells drugs to high school kids. Lemuel has already knocked up three different girls. I've seen you doctor your used cars just enough to get them out the door. I've never received death threats from people I've cheated."

The slap was heard throughout the room.

"If I see you in my house again... You can count this as your first!"

Nephi was grateful for the shifting body next to him, anything that would stop him from reliving that night.

Burrowing out of the blankets the flicker of the gas flame had been replaced by brilliant sunshine. Clear skies meant even colder temperatures.

"Where am I?" A muffled voice escaped the pile of blankets. "I'm naked!"

Nephi felt a warm hand run down his torso.

"You're naked!" Jerome said as his head appeared. Jerome's beautiful face was marred by a split lip and a black eye. It took all of Nephi's self-control to not lean down and kiss Jerome's injuries better.

"Stay under the blankets. I'll get you some clothes." Jerome watched with great interest at the firm naked bum walking from the room. He was more than a little disappointed when his benefactor returned wearing sweats, heavy woolen socks, and a Lukeet.

"Put these on. I'll answer your questions over breakfast." Nephi left Jerome to sort things out. Outside of the pile of blankets it was cold with a capital "C" even with the gas fireplace going. Everything was a bit big. There were a lot of clothes involved. Jerome assumed the pants with the fly were probably thermals. Finally dressed in layers Jerome followed his nose into the kitchen.

Nephi, dressed much like Jerome, was standing before the stove making oatmeal and hot chocolate. "I hope you don't want coffee. Paula won't drink it; it's a religious thing, and I can't stand the stuff. I'm glad the gas cooktop doesn't require electricity."

That was when Jerome noticed the digital clock on the microwave was dark.

Nephi wasn't going to ask how Jerome came to be alone in the snow. He remembered not wanting to talk about the night he was shown the door of the house he had grown up in.

Nephi explained about finding Jerome in the snow nearly frozen as they worked their way through breakfast.

"My first concern was getting you warm. Without the furnace sharing body heat was the best way." Nephi explained as he gave Jerome's fingers and toes the once over. Nephi was a snowshoe enthusiast. He knew the signs of frostbite. Jerome turned out to be quite lucky.

Nephi looked out the front windows only to find snow drifts nearly as high as the house. The view through the top six inches of glass revealed the aftermath of the storm.

"I hope you don't have to be someplace. You are welcome to stay here or you can come with me. I would like some company." Nephi announced.

If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is available drop me a line. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 73: Nephi and Jerome 2

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