Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Jan 29, 2018


Ring in Mine 3: Nephi and Jerome

Kim Terry

I couldn't pass up taking some literary license that might need explaining. In the LDS religion we stanchly believe in the bible. We also have other books we consider scripture. Nephi, Lemuel and Laman are brothers in the Book of Mormon. Simply put Nephi was the good guy. Another hero/prophet figure in the Book of Mormon we never really learn the name of. He is only refered to as the brother of Jared. They are both good guys. Now that I've explained it you can smile when you read those references or just ignore my attempt at satirical humor.

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Thank you Zach for proofreading this chapter and your insights.

I enjoy hearing from my readers. The only reason this story and the next exist is because of reader input.

Kim ----------

Ring in Mine 3: Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 3

During the winter the company was paid by the snowstorm. Nephi had a job to do. There had been only one previous snowstorm this season; the one where Nephi's car had been hit.

Listening to the truck's radio non-essential vehicles were asked to say home. Most of the valley was without power. Businesses would be closed for the most part. The first matter of business was digging the generator out of a snowdrift. It was natural gas powered with propane backup. It should have kicked in automatically. Nephi had other concerns the previous evening. A push on the start button and the generator kicked in. They left the taps on drizzle, shut down the gas fireplace and turned off all the lights.

Jerome watched intently as Nephi gave the truck a once over. The tank was full but Nephi put five-gallon gas cans in the back of the truck just in case. He pushed the button on the door remote. The drift was high but not very wide. Jerome cringed as Nephi dropped the plow and gunned the truck. The tire chains clattered until they hit the snow. The plow cleared the way to the street. The city plows wouldn't make it this far for quite some time. Nephi knew he shouldn't but he kept the plow down and drove down the center of the street pushing the snow to the right. Once around the block and he shifted to the right side and did it again. Nephi switched the plow to the left and made one more round of the block. One square block was clear.

It took hours to clear all the snow from his major client's parking lots. Nephi did enjoy the company even though Jerome was quiet. He could get Jerome to talk about school but Nephi stayed away from the elephant in the truck cab. Why was Jerome freezing in the snow instead of home? The smaller clients came later. With the parking lots empty the job did go faster than it could have.

Finally it was time for the freebies. Nephi plowed the church parking lot. The congregation wasn't that big geographically. Nephi spent an hour clearing the streets giving the ward access to the ward chapel. The next tool was the small tractor. The snow blower attachment came to life. Nephi showed Jerome how to use the smaller self-propelled snow blower to do the areas the tractor couldn't get to. Working together Nephi had plowed the main sidewalks to the church and back. Jerome finished off driveways. If they wanted the sidewalks to the front door plowed they were on their own.

When the sun set the temperature began to drop drastically. The radio said it would be at least another day before much of the city had power. Nephi and Jerome stepped into the warm house.

"Jerome do you know how to make spaghetti?" Nephi asked. Jerome nodded yes. Nephi pulled out the largest pans he had ever seen. "We have guests coming."

Jerome was left to cook a massive amount of noodles and sauce. Who had spaghetti sauce in gallon cans? He wondered.

Jerome heard the loud blasts of the truck's air horn in patterns of three bursts. It wasn't long before the doorbell rang. It was a young couple with two young children and a baby. They carried in loads of blankets and a head of lettuce. Puzzled Jerome invited them in. The husband got the kids settled in front of the TV in the now warm basement while the wife pulled a big bowl from the cupboard and started chopping the lettuce for salad.

The doorbell rang again. The woman dropped what she was doing and answered the door. This was an elderly couple, once again with blankets and a loaf of bread. The women took over the kitchen and shooed Jerome to sit with the men. They had the television on the news channel listening to the forecast. Things were going to get worse before they got better.

Nephi helped a couple of frail individuals in through the door from the garage. They were given the best chairs and Nephi disappeared again. The house was full of people all with blankets; many with contributions toward dinner. Nephi arrived with two more widows before he sat in front of the fire. He was obviously tired and cold.

Nephi had been through this routine before. The winter he first came to live with Peter and Paula, the power had gone out. He remembered how puzzled he was when people started filling the house. He was a little put out. Young kids were downstairs in his space watching Disney movies. It was overwhelming. Peter pulled Nephi aside and explained. "We have heat and hot food. They don't. How can we not share?"

With the initial chill off Nephi found Jerome downstairs with the kids.

"This is really cool; you've turned a crisis into a party!" Jerome exclaimed. He was promptly shushed by a dozen kids watching Cinderella.

Nephi and Jerome helped put all the leaves in the dining room table. Nephi had wondered why Paula had such a big table until that first crisis. Everyone ate in shifts. There was garlic bread, green salad and spaghetti. Nephi explained that spaghetti was relatively inexpensive and easily cooked for a large group. When it got late no one was leaving. The older individuals were given the beds. Everyone else found a place on the floor. Occasionally another individual would arrive. A meal would be reheated.

The temperature outside was nearing zero. Nephi bundled up and went out to check the generator. He came back in with quilted furniture moving blankets. Jerome helped him hang them over the windows. Jerome was surprised there were hooks hidden behind the drapes spaced just for the grommets in the blankets.

Nephi was still chilled through. Jerome rescued a couple of cuddly blankets and lead Nephi to a quiet corner in the storage room. Using a foam camping pad he found on the shelf. Jerome pulled Nephi under the blankets. This time it was his job to warm up his host. Nephi was taller; it turned out easier for Nephi to spoon up behind Jerome pulling him close.

"Thank you for your help today." Nephi whispered.

Jerome felt a brief touch on his neck. Did Nephi just kiss his neck? He hoped so.

The skies stayed clear and cold. Morning brought pancakes and hot cocoa. Jerome was again surprised when pancake mix and hot cocoa powder was produced in five-gallon buckets. After breakfast some of the adults returned to their homes to check on things. Everyone had just been feed lunch when the alarm rang announcing that the power had returned. Jerome was afraid that everyone would go home leaving a mess. A couple did, but most of the group helped return the house to pristine conditions. There were a lot of hugs and thank you's. With school out for the holidays the kids wanted to have another sleepover.

Nephi and Jerome bundled up, climbed into the truck and drove out into the cold to double check on their clients. Here and there some touch ups were necessary. At a couple of stops Jerome learned why the large snow blower had been loaded onto the truck. They put the ramps out and did the walks for some of the clients. With a two-foot beater blade and being self-propelled it went quickly.

"It's not part of the contract, but some of the clients will tip a bit extra for the walks." Nephi explained. It was noon as they finished the walks up to an Italian restaurant. They were hustled inside and given a free lunch. "I try to finish Marco's just around lunch time. The food is delicious."

Jerome was becoming worried. Nephi had saved him from the cold and yet Nephi hadn't asked the question Jerome was afraid to answer. They had leftover spaghetti for dinner. Together they loaded the dishwasher and pressed start. Nephi invited Jerome back to his apartment.

"It's been so hectic the last couple of days we haven't had time to talk." Nephi announced. He waved his hand pointing to parts of his little apartment. "This is my home. I rent it from my adopted grandmother upstairs."

Nephi shared a photo sitting on a shelf. "That's Paula. Peter, her husband, passed away my first year here. It's hard to believe it will be five years ago in April." Nephi stopped to compose his emotions. He always got teary eyed when he thought of Peter.

"You said adopted. What happened to your real parents?" Jerome answered.

"If I tell you know that you can walk away." Nephi offered.

Nephi told about the night he got caught kissing his best friend. "You are still welcome to stay. I won't attack you or anything."

Jerome leaned toward the older boy. He put his hand behind Nephi's head and pulled him in for a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Was that the kind of kiss you gave your friend?" Nephi was stuck for words.

"Or was it more like this?" Jerome's mouth met Nephi's. His tongue brushed across Nephi's lips. Without thinking they parted. Jerome brushed his tongue against Nephi's.

"So what type of kiss was it?" Nephi was confused. He hadn't done anything but admire guys from a distance since that fateful night.

"At least you got kicked out in the summer and had a car to live in. My dad found a magazine under my mattress. He asked me to run to the store with him. We drove for an hour. In the hills above here he started shouting at me. He gave me the bruises that you see. Then he dumped me like an unwanted puppy. I walked for what seemed like forever. I'm not sure how I got as far as I did. I was so cold I just closed my eyes for a moment." Jerome paused and closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes again. "I was expecting to open my eyes and see an angel. I just hadn't expected my angel to be nearly so handsome with warm brown eyes."

Jerome snuggled back into Nephi's arms and leaned against a warm and welcoming chest. Jerome closed his eyes enjoying the security of being in his angel's arms. "Did Nephi just kiss my ear? I hope so."

Jerome woke looking up into those deep brown eyes surrounded with long beautiful lashes. Nephi had sparkling eyes.

"Please God let me wake up this way every morning!" Jerome realized he said that out loud. He closed his eyes in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"I have to agree with you. You shouldn't have said that." Nephi said. Jerome's heart fell. "You should have said, "Please God let me wake up THIS way every morning." Nephi lowered his lips to Jerome's. Their tongues met somewhere in between. Jerome's heart soared. Nephi was right THIS was even better than looking into Nephi's gorgeous eyes.

It was time for breakfast. Jerome didn't realize you could reheat pancakes. Today Nephi served them with peanut butter and sliced bananas. Jerome gagged.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it." Nephi insisted. The peanut butter was spread thin. It tasted pretty good. It was served with reheated hot cocoa. Jerome was looking forward to the leftovers running out.

The wind had switched directions bringing the warmth up from California and Mexico. It began a slow thaw. If this kept up he would start getting calls to do some extra clean up in his client's parking lots. Nephi picked up the phone; service still had not been restored.

Nephi decided to break his own rule. They were going to take the truck. Jerome wore the clothes he had arrived in. Nephi spent very little of the money he earned. It sat in the bank doing nothing. Today he was going to give his checkbook a day out. They stopped first at K-Mart.

Nephi had noticed the labels in Jerome's clothes were all designer brands. He hoped Jerome would be satisfied with big box store clothes. He hated shopping for himself; choosing clothes for Jerome to try on was fun. They ended up with some jeans, t-shirts, and a couple of polo shirts. Next were black slacks, two bright colored long sleeve shirts and a couple of coordinating ties. Nephi insisted on the silky black shirt. Jerome balked at letting Nephi pay for everything.

"When we get home, I will have you fill out a W-2 and application paperwork. For now I will pay you under the table for your work the last couple of days." Nephi suggested.

"Don't you have to ask the boss before you hire me?" Jerome asked.

"He is a hard-ass, but I think I can convince him to bring you on." Nephi said straight faced.

The next stop was Intermountain Farmers Supply for long johns, working gloves and cold weather coveralls. "The company is paying for these." Nephi announced as he used the company credit card.

They had lunch at Peter Piper's pizza and enjoyed playing the games almost as much as the pizza. "At least it wasn't spaghetti." Jerome thought.

Nephi noticed Benny's car in front of his office. They stopped to turn in the receipt for Jerome's work clothes.

"Uncle Benny, I want you to meet my good friend Jerome. He is going to be staying in my apartment for awhile." Nephi started. Nephi could tell Benny had lots of questions. Nephi shook his head no. Benny refrained from asking.

"I told him I could convince my tight ass boss to give him a job. He already helped out during the last storm. I paid him under the table. Do you think you could put in a good word for him?" Nephi asked.

Benny often said being gay was why he could never keep a "straight face." He started laughing. Jerome thought it was about hiring him. He was ready to forget the whole thing. Jerome turned to leave.

"Jerome don't go. Nephi is the tight-assed boss. Maybe you will be the guy that takes care of that tight ass of his." Benny was nearly rolling on the floor.

"Benny we haven't gotten that far. Someday I hope we will. Right now we are just getting to know each other." Nephi answered just a little indignantly. "I need to get him registered at the high school down the street. I want him to start with the new semester. That is the third week of January. Until then I will let him take my car. I don't want him to lose a full semester's credits. My new quarter doesn't start until just about then."

Jerome was going to protest until he looked up into Nephi's brown eyes. He saw more than concern, more than friendship; could he be reading more into this than there really was.

"Benny, will you take care of Jerome for a bit. Get what information you need for his school records and he is working for the company. Have him do the paperwork."

Nephi was gone for about half an hour. Jerome took the opportunity to pump Benny for information about Nephi. Benny was an incorrigible gossip.

Jerome got him started. "I know he got kicked out for kissing his best friend."

"It was a sleepover in the backyard; the covers were below their wastes. Benny explained their predicament; Liam had disappeared. Rumor was he was sent for the cure. He disappeared not long after he came back. That was the day Liam stepped off a fifth floor balcony. There wasn't enough for a viewing.

"Peter found him as a day laborer, and never let him go. The company and all of its assets became his a year ago. He graduates from college in the spring. You are good for him. I haven't seen him this focused on something beside the company or school since Peter passed. It's good to see him happy. I hope you stay." Benny gossiped.

"What happened to his family?" Jerome asked.

"His mother died of cancer around the same time Peter did. Nephi tried to attend the funeral and was shown the door." Benny explained.

"What happened to the rest of them? Lemuel his older brother is in the penitentiary at the point of the mountain for dealing drugs to minors. I hear he a favorite of a very muscular biker. "

"His dad cheated the wrong guy. The boss's son got nabbed when the getaway car gave out. I don't think they will ever find the body. Laman cleared out the accounts and skipped. One of the girls he knocked up belonged to the same family his dad had cheated." Benny kept up with the dialogue. "Don't worry son no one is after Nephi. Just like the Book, Nephi was the best of the lot."

Benny finished the story. He added a few racy bits that never happened. Maybe it would encourage their relationship.

Nephi returned empty handed; there would be packages under the tree for Jerome come Christmas morning. Benny, knowing his nephew, slipped Jerome a fifty to buy Nephi a present.

On the drive home Nephi asked Jerome how he felt about religion. Jerome believed in God, but questioned the validity of the church.

"Jerome, God is real. The church has a lot of good things going for it. I know many wouldn't accept me for who I am. I decided years ago my orientation isn't any of their business. So I don't make a big deal about it." Nephi explained. "I hope you will come with me tomorrow. I like to play with their heads."

At bedtime they stripped down to their underwear and climbed under the covers. Nephi could get used to having someone to cuddle with. He nibbled on Jerome's ear. Jerome just sighed.

Early the next morning they took turns showering. Nephi set out Jerome's clothes for church. It was traditional for men to wear white shirts and ties. Jerome was a little shocked to find his new black slacks, the silky black shirt and a brilliant red tie lying on the bed. Having faith Jerome dressed in the offered clothes. Nephi came down the stairs wearing the same outfit but with a white tie.

It was only two blocks to the chapel. The plowed walks were now clear. Many of the ward greeted Jerome with open arms. They recognized the young man that had cleared their driveways. Many recognized him as one of their hosts during the power outage.

For those that didn't know him, Jerome was introduced as Paula's great nephew. Zoning laws only allowed family members to live in secondary apartments. Jerome could see the disapproval in one of the councilor's eyes.

"We expect our young men to wear white shirts and ties." The church leader was newer to the ward.

"I'm color blind I thought it was a white shirt." Nephi answered and they walked away leaving the man fuming.

"Watch this." Nephi whispered. The Bishop reached out and placed his hand on the gentleman's shoulder. There was a whispered conversation. "They made a fuss once. At least a dozen ward members called his superior. I received a formal apology from the pulpit. The second time it happened I attended a student ward for a month. I plowed their parking lot while I attended there."

Jerome just stared at me. "My relationship is directly with my God. Religion is just a convenience. I attend on my terms not theirs." Nephi explained with a smile on his face. "Peter bought me my first black dress shirt."

After the first two meetings, Nephi took Jerome by the shoulder. "I'm heading home. You are welcome to stay. I just don't feel comfortable in the men only meetings."

They were heading toward the door when one of the ward members invited them for Sunday dinner. Nephi graciously accepted.

"They know Paula is gone and my real family is out of the picture. They worry about me. It used to make me uncomfortable. Paula finally convinced me that I help them. I need to let them help me."

Christmas morning was spent at Benny's.

"This is my partner Luke." Benny gave Luke a kiss on the cheek. Jerome was quite surprised to meet Benny's partner. Luke looked big and muscular, not at all what he had expected of Benny's partner.

Jerome was surprised there were presents under the tree for him. The first was a portable disc player. The next were really heavy-duty headphones.

"Those are noise cancelling. You can hear the music while using machinery without turning it really loud." Benny explained. Luke gave Jerome a gift certificate to buy some cds. The final gifts from Nephi were a nice looking warm jacket and a pair of snowshoes.

Benny motioned Jerome over. There were two boxes from Jerome to Nephi. The first was a jacket that matched the one Nephi had given Jerome. The second was a pair of tickets to a Chicago concert.

"How?" Nephi asked.

"I had help." Jerome admitted smiling at his new uncles.

After dinner Jerome helped Luke do the dishes.

"Luke, I don't think Nephi thinks the same way about me that I feel for him."

Jerome confided.

"What gave you done together?" Luke asked bluntly.

"Just a lot of kissing and snuggling." Jerome answered. "But I want to try more."

"How old are you Jerome?"

"I will be 18 in April."

"Nephi watches your every move. Right now you are not legal. He respects you too much to take advantage of you. Except for one kiss Nephi was a complete virgin when he met you. Give him time. Get to know each other. When you turn 18, don't make any plans that don't include Nephi."

Christmas night was spent once again cuddled under soft blankets in front of the fire. They wore only the sexy matching silk boxers Nephi produced at bedtime. Jerome's head rested on his friend's chest. Jerome dozed listening to Nephi's breathing.

"I think I love you." Nephi kissed the top of Jerome's head.

"Did he say he loved me? I sure hope so?" Jerome pulled himself closer to his brown-eyed angel.

If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is available drop me a line. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 75: Nephi and Jerome 4

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