Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Mar 11, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi & Jerome Chapter 15

I enjoy hearing the comments of my readers. Your opinions do help me look carefully at my writing.

You have met Jerry. He is quickly becoming my favorite character. He is patterned after one of my grandson. At three he had words in his vocabulary that were surprising. At time he was very articulate then a word like bestest sneaks in.

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Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 15

The helicopter landed in the church parking lot. Benny and Luke helped their friend load supplies while back at the house the women toured the remodel. It was amazing at what had been accomplished in two days. Jerry's favorite was his new bedroom. Benny honked his horn twice. Everyone took their places for the big surprise.

"Hi, it's great you could make it. Santa has been here." Jared announced. Jerome and Nephi had questions but Jared turned a deaf ear as he led them around the house to the basement apartment. Jared opened the door into the basement living space.

Their jaws dropped at the scene waiting for them. Everything had fresh paint. A new sofa replaced the hide-a-bed. There was a large decorated Christmas tree in the corner surrounded by wrapped presents.

"What do you think?" Grandma Grace asked entering behind them. Nephi was trying to figure out how to pull out their new bed.

Paula stepped out from the shared laundry space. "Nephi, it's just a sofa."

"Where is our bed?" Jerome wondered.

Marie stepped out of the short hallway leading to the office and craft room. "We thought you might like a bedroom."

The storage room and office had become a master suite. The bathroom included a large shower, a Jacuzzi tub, double sink and toilet. The old bathroom had become just a half bath with toilet and sink.

Benny and Luke had joined the group in the living room. "These two made it all happen." Grace announced. She had made the other adults promise not to mention the source of the money.

Jerome and Nephi were busy hugging everyone when Jared cleared his throat. "Your old girlfriend Kathy dropped off a Christmas surprise before she left town. I think you should open it Jerome."

A four-foot tall present Jerome hadn't noticed when they came in stood by the tree. "Just pull the ribbon." Jared instructed his dumbstruck brother.

Jerome pulled the ribbon; the sides fell away. "Surprise!" A familiar looking little boy shouted. He looked like a young Jared.

"Uncle Jared said since I had three great grandmas I could have two daddies." Jerry exclaimed jumping into Jerome's arms. Jerome wasn't sure what to say. Nephi took one look at his eyes and he knew this was Jerome's child.

Nephi gave Jerome a minute to process and bond. He got on one knee. "Does your Daddy Nephi get a hug?" Jerry climbed out of Jerome's arms and hugged Nephi. Marie pulled Jerome onto the couch to explain. Nephi was busy hearing about Donny's new puppy, the big boy sleepover and cars.

Jerome was wrapping his mind around being a father. Jerry held his daddies' hands and showed them his room. Benny had picked out a bed that looked like a red sports car. There were car posters on the wall.

Jerry picked up a photo on his short red dresser. "Look daddy. This is you and mommy." Jerome recognized the photo taken at the school dance. After the dance the kissing had gotten out of control; the sex was unplanned and without protection. Two months later Kathy left school. Her parents move not long afterward.

Why had she kept his son a secret? Marie said there was a letter that explained it all.

"Well Jerome I guess we have a family." Nephi kissed his partner and pulled him into a hug.

"Daddy I'm hungry can we go to McDonalds for lunch?" Jerome nodded his head. "Can Donny come too?" Jerome wasn't sure what to say.

"Donny may come." Nephi answered. The playground would give the new parents time to talk.

While the kids played Jerome had time to read Kathy's short letter.

Dear Jerome

It's true, you can get pregnant the first time you have sex. In high school I was sure you were my one and only true love. When my parents found out I was pregnant, they sent me to live with my aunt until the birth. My parent's promised if I contacted you they would throw me to the wolves.

It wasn't ideal living with my aunt but she was more understanding than my parents. I attended a young mothers' high school program. The story was that my husband had died in a car crash and it was miraculous that I and the baby survived. No one believed it. They taught baby care along with math. I tried calling once and your father answered the phone. I'm not sure how he knew but the names he called me were awful. He said you hated me for seducing you. His boy would never have sex before marriage. I didn't try calling again.

I named the new baby Jerry, short for Jerome. They hated your father and blamed you. Your father threatened to tell everyone about the little bastard I carried inside of me. That's why my parents moved.

I remembered holding my little Jerry and wondered if I would ever see you again. My parents wanted me to give him up for adoption. I couldn't give my little version of you away. The young mothers' high school let me bring my baby to school with me. I dated in my senior year. My aunt was more than willing to watch little Jerry. That Christmas my dad died. Mom wanted me to come home. Dad had been the problem. Mom wanted to know her grandson. I didn't know until last spring she had cancer.

Mom died in August. The funeral took most of the money. I rented a little apartment near campus. I met Robert and fell in love. Then there you were in my accounting class. I hung out with you to answer the question, "Did I still love you?"

Jerome, you are a great guy. I know you have found someone to love. I hope to meet your special someone. Robert figured it out. He also helped me get over it. His little brother Bobby is gay. He hopes his parents never find out about Bobby.

Robert graduated at the end of the quarter and volunteered in the Peace Corps. Last week he asked me to come with him as his wife. We had discussed that globe hopping with two working parents was no way to raise a child. It's our chance to see the world.

I had always told Jerry that his dad was a great guy and someday he would meet you. These last few months I learned you are still a great person.

I kept looking for the right time to tell you about Jerry. The last time we talked I asked if you wanted a family and your eyes sparkled. I knew Jerry would be welcome in your life.

Yesterday Robert learned he was leaving a month earlier than expected. We are on our way to Germany. Leaving early works out for Robert. He isn't telling his father about me or the Peace Corps. His dad sounds like yours.

Please don't hate me. It's because I want the best for my son I am giving him to you. Don't worry about me coming to take him away. Robert's uncle is a lawyer; he has assured us that the paperwork is all in order.

Please send pictures. I hope when we are in town I can visit.


Tears filled Jerome's eyes. He passed the letter to Nephi to read.

"Daddy, I need to go potty!" Jerry stood dancing holding himself. Before Nephi could respond Jerome pick up his boy smiling. As he carried Jerry to the bathroom Jerome hugged Jerry.

"I love you Jerry." Jerome's love was tested soon enough.

"Daddy, I need help." Jerome wiped his boy's behind and held him up to the sink to wash his hands. Jerry wiggled loose. With the crisis averted, Jerry was ready to join Donny on the playground.

"Daddy, can we have ice cream?" Jerry asked looking at Nephi.

"I have a better idea than ice cream." Nephi looked at Jerome.

"Daddy Nephi is silly. Ice cream is the bestest."

"Daddy Nephi wants a special ice cream at Uncle Bertram's." Jerome answered.

"Uncle Bert makes the bestest cookies. Let's go." Jerry ran to get Donny.

"We are going to Uncle Bert's! He makes cookies!" Jerry and Donny agreed that "ice cream with cookies was the bestest."

Grace suggested a trip to see Santa Claus. A new grandson meant major Christmas shopping. The photographer with Santa sold a lot of pictures. There was Jerry with his dads, Jerry with Donny, Jerry with all of his grandmothers, and Jerry with each great grandma.

Donny went first telling Santa what he wanted. Jerry's list was extensive. Donny had been giving him ideas. Jerome tried to limit how much the grandmas spent. No child needs everything on their list. When everyone headed to their cars Nephi noticed the women sneaking back into the mall. He decided not to tell Jerome.

On the way home Nephi asked his son. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Hot Dogs and ketchup." Jerry announced.

"Anything else?" Jerome asked smiling.

"French fries and ketchup." Jerry added.

They stopped at the grocery store for hot dogs, french fries and ketchup. As they walked up and down the aisles Donny pointed out the foods he liked. Most of it came from boxes or cans. The cart had macaroni and cheese, chicken noodle soup, ?SpaghettiOs, and frozen pizzas. Donny wasn't a fan of vegetables.

Donny helped Jerome pour the frozen french fries onto the baking sheet. Nephi started the boiling water. He also opened two cans of green beans.

"I need to tell Uncle Jared dinner is ready." Jerry announced. Jerome watched as his big boy went next door to invite Jared. Jerry returned with Uncle Jared and Uncle Drake each holding a hand. "They were kissing."

Jerome leaned over and kissed Jerry on the cheek. "Were they kissing like that?"

Jerry reached up and put a hand on either side of Jerome's head and kissed him on the lips.

Nephi pulled Jerome into a kiss on the lips. "Enough kissing; I'm hungry." Jerry protested.

The grandmas were glad they had stopped to eat. Hot dogs, french fries, green beans and ketchup wasn't what they wanted for dinner. Jerry wouldn't eat the beans until Drake put ketchup on his beans. Jerry would eat anything with ketchup on it. Jerome remembered eating with Kathy when they were dating. She once ordered an expensive sirloin steak and ate it with ketchup.

Bedtime came. Jerry looked cute in his new race car pajamas. Jared took a picture of Jerry and his two daddies.

"Benny wanted me to tell you they put sound insulation in your bedroom walls. They didn't want Jerry hearing banshees in the night." Jared announced as he slipped out the door avoiding the pillow Jerome had tossed.

Jerry was snug in his bright red racecar bed. "Daddy, mama always reads me a bedtime story." Tears were forming in Jerry's eyes. "I miss mama."

Jerome did what he wished his father would have done. He wrapped Jerry in his race car quilt and sat in the rocking chair someone had provided. He rocked his boy telling the story about a little boy whose mommy loved him very much but she had to go away. But he had two daddies that loved him too. They would do fun things and live happily forever. Jerry didn't make it to the end of the story.

Jerome left the door open so he could hear if Jerry needed his daddies in the night. What Santa needed to bring was a baby monitor.

It was Nephi that heard Jerry crying in the night. Jerome could sleep through most anything. They stopped to go potty. "Why do you go pee standing up?" Jerry asked.

"Boys can do it sitting or standing." Jerry watched Nephi as he took care of his bladder.

"You are naked." Jerry observed.

"Sometimes daddies sleep naked." Nephi explained. He put his boy between his daddies.

Jerome was awake enough to pull his boy close. "I love you Jerry." Any reservations had come and gone. They were a family and Nephi couldn't imagine losing either of the men in his life.

The next morning Jerry announced, "Daddy, I need to go." Jerome heard dragging sounds coming from the bathroom. Curiosity overrode Jerome's wish to stay in his warm bed. Jerry had dragged the stool by the sink to the toilet.

"Daddy, I'm peeing standing up like Daddy Nephi." Jerry stood on the stool naked peeing into the bowl. "Jerome took care of his need sharing the bowl with his son. Jerry watched then copied his dad shake the last few drops into the bowl.

Jerry stepped off the stool and ran back into bed still naked. "Daddy, I peed standing up." It is difficult to sleep with a small naked boy climbing all over you. Nephi retaliated by tickling his attacker.

"Daddy, help me." Jerry cried out to Jerome. Jerome tickled Nephi. Everyone was laughing so hard no one heard Paula come downstairs. She stood smiling, watching her naked men at play.

"Breakfast is ready upstairs." Paula announced. Jerry climbed to the floor and tried to run past Grandma Paula. She swooped him into her arms. "We dress for breakfast in this house."

Nephi and Jerome realized they were as naked as their son as they scrambled to pull on shorts and shirts. "I'll take care of this one while the big boys get dressed." Paula suggested.

"I'm a big boy; I can pee standing up." Jerry bragged to his grandma as she helped him pull on a t-shirt.

Jerry, like a rock star, had a lot of demands on his time. Jared and Drake played blocks and cars at Marie's house. Jerry loved Donny and his new puppy. The grandmother's each took turns spoiling their grandson. It was at bedtime Jerry missed his mommy the most. His daddies took him to library; they found a picture book about Germany. The daddies took lots of pictures for Jerry to send his mommy.

Nephi and Jerome had the difficult job of buying presents for their son. They enjoyed buying presents. The hard part was finding something no one else had already purchased.

Paula had the most open space in her house and would host the Christmas. Jerome suggested they attend Midnight Christmas Eve Mass with Marie. He had attended Mass a few times since Easter. Nephi read the Christmas story from the Bible and the "Night before Christmas" to the extended family. Grace stayed home with a sleeping Jerry while the rest went to Mass

The restaurant and bakery closed early on Christmas Eve and wouldn't open again until after Christmas. Marco and Bertram joined the group attending Mass. The church was important to Marco so Bertram had converted. Marie beamed when her family filled a full pew.

Marco suggested that Nephi and Jerome, even though they couldn't take communion, go with him and Marie for the priest's blessing. The priest noticed the matching rings.

Introducing three generations to her priest was a highlight of the evening. This was the one Parish that Marco felt comfortable attending. He knew there would not be any anti-gay sermons. Let's leave it at that as a young adult he shared a close relationship with his priest.

As Nephi and Jerome greeted the priest at the door. He paused and took the boy's hands in his. "The Lord loves all of his children, especially those who bind themselves to each other in love."

Nephi answered. "Thank you Father." Marie beamed.

Christmas Morning was a noisy loving affair. It was a houseful; Benny and Luke brought their friend the ranger with them. The Forest Service had closed the canyon again. He had been reassigned to the office in town. He would make his rounds through the canyon once or twice a week by snowmobile. Rather than rent a place he stayed with Benny and Luke.

Since the restaurants were closed Marco and Bertram joined the family. Marie would have invited her daughter but Jerome's father was out of jail. Marie wouldn't take the chance of him learning about Jerry.

Jerome and Nephi had given Jerry a Radio Flyer sled. His dads pulled him around the backyard. Jerry didn't get the requested puppy. He did receive an unexpected gift. They were setting the table for Christmas dinner when the doorbell rang. Paula was expecting Donny and his mother.

Jerome's mother, Mary, stood at the door suitcases in hand. Darkening bruises covered her face. She winced when Jared brushed her arm taking her suitcase. Jerry was still downstairs with Donny watching Rudolph on VHS.

"Mom, I hope I am welcome. I can't live with him anymore. Somehow his stupidity is my fault." Jerome helped his sobbing mother to a chair. Jerome's deep blue eyes looked to Nephi for support.

"Mom, if you aren't welcome at Marie's, you are always welcome at our house. I will never let your husband anywhere near any member of my family." Nephi offered and warned. Nephi looked at Luke in an unspoken conversation. Luke disappeared into the office.

Marie took her daughter's hand. "You are always welcome with the same stipulation Nephi made. Just relax; Jared will take your suitcases over to your room. Mary relinquished her luggage after she had retrieved two smashed wrapped packages. They had seen better days.

"I'm sorry your dad found these. He became a crazy man. He threatened to kill both of you to save your souls. I'm not sorry I left him to stew in his own juices. I won't be going back. We will see how long he lasts without me paying the bills." Mary handed the two flattened packages to her sons.

Jerome opened the box to find a now somewhat battered scrapbook. Jared found a similar book in his package. Jerome cracked the cover and tears flowed as he looked at page after page. Jared's book had the same effect. Mary had kept these scrapbooks since the boys were born. The first page was their birth announcements from the paper. She had save photos, mementos, notes from school, everything she could save of their childhoods. On each birthday there were pictures and a letter from their loving mother.

Jerome broke the silence first. "Thank you mom. I have never received a better present except one and I am sharing that present with you."

Jerome stuck his head into the stairway. "Jerry will you come upstairs." Nephi nodded in agreement.

"I'm watching Rudolph." Jerry found a new face in the room.

"Jerry, this is your grandma. She is my mom. Call her Grandma Mary." Jerome led his son to Mary.

"Grandma, you have owies. I can kiss them better." Jerry crawled into her lap kissing the growing bruises on her face. Mary wrapped her arms around this little miracle. Jerry looked just like her little boys when they were little. Her problems seemed insignificant compare to the calming spirit in her lap.

Mary looked to Jerome. "Do you remember Kathy? I guess you can get pregnant on your first time." Jerome turned to his brother. "Remember that Jared, always play safe."

"Too late for that." Jared kissed Drake and patted Drake's stomach. He introduced his mother to the man in his life.

Mary's face fell when she realized the danger. "Your father can never know about Jerry!"

"Jerry the three packages under the tree are for Grandma Mary." Nephi asked.

Jerry brought the biggest first. He was very careful. Mary just stared at the photo of her grandson and his daddies with Santa. The next package was much smaller. She found a gift receipt for a day of pampering at Mary's favorite salon. The last package was from Jared.

"I wasn't sure what I could give you that dad wouldn't notice." Mary opened the box to find a small bottle of her favorite perfume.

Luke returned with another couple. "My brother Leonard and his wife were going to a buffet for Christmas dinner. I invited them to join us."

Benny gave his partner a big hug. "I love you."

A moment of discomfort crossed Mary's eyes then passed. Each of her son's loved a good, honest young man. It was time to leave not only her abusive husband but his hateful attitudes in the past and look to the future.

Discussion of Mary's injuries resumed after dinner. Leonard put on his lawyer hat. He used a small cassette player to record Mary's story, including the threats against her sons. Mary didn't want to go to the hospital.

Jerry's was the deciding voice. "Grandma, are you afraid of the doctor? I'll hold your hand. Uncle Bertram has cookies and ice cream if you are good for the doctor." Mary took it as seriously as Jerry had said it.

Mary also didn't want to talk with the police. Marco convinced her it was the best way to keep her children safe. A judge signed protection orders for her and her sons. With the threats to kill his sons, Leonard assured the family Mr. Tellerson wouldn't be getting out on bail.

Mary couldn't get enough of her grandson. His innocent spirit flooded her tormented soul with peace. At bedtime Jerry asked Grandma Mary to help with his bath. Jerry coached her on how to wrap him in his blanket and read the bedtime story sitting in the rocking chair. Mary was in seventh heaven.

"Grandma, you can sleep in my bed." Jerry offered. It was tight in that red twin bed but they raced their way to pleasant dreams.

Next: Chapter 87: Nephi and Jerome 16

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