Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on May 7, 2018


Ring in Mine #3: Nephi and Jerome: Chapter 28

I hope the spring is bringing good things to all my readers. I have just about caught up with posting chapters.

Remember that Nifty Archives is not in the business of making money. The opposite is true. If you can, please click on the link and donate. If you check the list you should find my name.

Thank you, Zach for your editing skills and insights.

----------------------------- Nephi & Jerome: Chapter 28

Kenton woke to find something hard pressing against his hip and a hairy arm across his chest. He panicked and then noticed the scent was uniquely Sean. He snuggled into the larger body enjoying the feelings of security until he had no choice addressing other pressing needs. Kenton better understood why Sean was in his bed when he found Rebecca sleeping in Sean's.

Sean had carried his sleeping beauty into his room lying her in his bed. He smiled finding Kenton in the spare bedroom. He noticed when Kenton left and again when Kenton came back to bed and snuggled against him.

Sean woke up and watched Kenton sleeping. He had known this boy about a week. How could he develop such a strong bond in such a short time? Rebecca suggested the bond existed before this life. Maybe she was right. What he knew for sure he would give his life to save this boy. They even looked similar.

It was the phone that motivated everyone out of bed. "Breakfast is in ten minutes." Jerome announced over the phone.

Rebecca had returned to her room during the night. Sean and Kenton walked into breakfast together. Benny, Luke and a scruffy looking guy had joined the family. There were only two vacant places. Sean took the open place next to Rebecca. The other space was between Zeke and the new guy. Without sitting down Kenton excused himself to go to the bathroom. Sean focused on hiding the game of footsie going on under the table.

Nephi changed the seating at the table.

"Honesty is critical in our lives and supersedes legality. Just because something is legal doesn't make it honest. We need to be honest with others, our God, and with ourselves."

Sariah blessed the food. For something alien to her upbringing, she had found pleasure in praying for her family. As everyone ate Nephi excused himself. He found Kenton sitting on Jerry's bed. Nephi sat next to Kenton and put his arm around the boy. Kenton pulled away and then leaned into Nephi. They shared the silence together.

"Kenton, I was wondering if you would sit by me for breakfast?" Nephi asked. Kenton nodded. Nephi hugged him a little tighter. "I am so glad you have joined our family." Nephi kissed Kenton on the forehead. They returned to the table.

Jerome was sitting next to Zeke. "Kenton..." Zeke jerked and changed the subject reaching under the table to rub his leg. Jerome smiled shaking his head.

Jerry asked if Kenton's tummy felt better. "Sometimes my tummy hurts in the morning until I go poop." Everyone laughed even Kenton. Jerry was all smiles. He had gotten away with saying poop.

Nephi watched the new guy as Zeke offered Rafe the last orange wedge by holding it between his teeth. Collecting Rafe's half of the orange turned into kiss.

At the end of breakfast Nephi held up a map of the compound. "I've talked with most of you about your new homes. The suite we are in now will be Paula's. Zeke and Rafe are moving out of their suite and may move back after renovation."

Sean had only been in his apartment for a few days and Nephi wanted to move him closer to the main house. "Your place needs to meet building codes." Nephi reassured him. Kenton liked being closer to his brothers.

The move began. Jerome and the ladies managed the move into the main house. The ladies chose the first wife's bedroom and put the littles in the other.

"Clark, would you help Nephi move into the new offices?" Benny suggested.

Next to the iron gated archway, the Peter and Sons offices had its own door to the outside world. The Peter and Sons logo identified the entrance. Clients would not have access to the compound courtyard. With its reception area and back offices, Nephi felt the office was more than they needed but Benny had insisted.

There wasn't that much to move. All the furniture was new. Nephi pulled two bottles of Coke from the little fridge in the corner and offered one to the new guy. "Have a seat."

Clark felt uncomfortable sitting on the new chair. It had been a few days since he had showered. Showering is difficult when you share a restroom with the whole floor. It was better than being on the street.

"It's leather, it wipes off." Once settled Nephi began. "Clark, have you known Benny long?"

"I met him this morning. The therapist I met with appeared at the shelter and suggested I spend the day helping her nephew move. Why am I here?" Clark answered.

"What do you think of my family?" Nephi handed Clark the bottle opener.


"Family, some ties are stronger than blood." Nephi countered. "What do you think of my home?"

"It is as different as your family." Clark answered.

"The real question, what do I think of you?" Nephi asked. Clark answered with silence. "Are you going to answer the question?"

"I'm not sure how to answer?"

Why has Margaret sent you to Samaria?" Nephi wondered aloud.

"I've never been to Samaria. I'm not sure it still exists."

"This is my home. I have named it after Samaria from the Bible. You have met my family. We are all outside of the mainstream. Benny has brought you here for a reason." Nephi paused. "You are not gay, but you can accept gays. Is there only one true way to return to God?"

Before the military Clark would have said yes. Now he wasn't so sure. What answer did this young man expect?

Nephi didn't give Clark a chance to respond. "We are celebrating this afternoon. Join us. Get to know my family. They all have stories. If someone wants to share they will. Don't pry. We will talk later."

The interview left Clark bewildered. Who was this young man he followed into the courtyard? He noticed the band on Nephi's finger. Who was he married to. "Sean, would you loan Clark a pair of shorts and a shirt."

"It's all taken care of." Benny shouted holding up a few Kmart bags.

Nephi turned. "Rafe would you show Clark the corner apartment and explain the house rules. Clark lunch is in 30 minutes around the pool."

Showered and feeling a little self-conscious Clark joined the family at the gate to the pool wearing shorts, sandals and a t-shirt. The suite they had loaned him impressed him. It was about three times the size of his little studio apartment he had before he had become homeless.

What was happening? The bags contained four complete changes of clothes, one dressier, one casual and two for working.

He hadn't been able to hold down a job since his discharge from military service. He had looked through the windows next to his apartment. The boy Rafe had called it the chapel.

Nephi stood at the pool gate. "We will give thanks for our meal before we open the pool." Nephi looked at Clark.

"The Lord works his miracles through our hands. We need to take advantage of any opportunities to do his work"

Nephi asked a surprised Clark to bless the food. Clark hadn't led a group in prayer since the Sunday before that fateful day.

---------- The lead vehicle in the convoy exploded in flames. Clark heard the cries of a soldier. The hidden enemy shot at anything that moved. Clark made his way from truck to truck. By the soldier's side he realized the safest place would be under the nearest truck. Clark pulled the young man under the vehicle into relative safety.

How long had he been lost in thought? No one looked impatient. Clark blessed the food and the members of Nephi's family. During the chaos of opening the gate to the pool area Jerome gave Clark a hug. Clark felt uncomfortable with this stranger's arms around him. ----------

"I have a story to tell you." Jerome led Clark not into the pool area but to a new bench next to a tree that would someday provide shade. Jerome told his story of his family's rejection and Nephi's and Paula's acceptance. Clark noticed the band on Jerome's finger. Clark smiled.

"You are the answer to my prayers. Nephi is stronger for others than he is for himself." Jerome stood leaving Clark sitting on the bench.

Clark returned to the pool area just in time to see two teens drop their towels and jump into the pool naked. "Ezekiel why are you naked?" It was obvious to Clark the woman was his mother.

"Nephi said it not to skinny dip at night or alone!" Zeke answered. Nephi whispered into Sariah's ear. A mischievous grin crossed their faces. She picked up their towels next to the pool and hung them over the fence.

The littles had a blow-up pool they could play in with minimal supervision. Jerry dropped his shorts and pushed a toy boat around the pool. Micah had become a follower. If Jerry was naked, Micah would be too. Almania was soon naked with them. Sariah shook her head; this was so different from life with Jacob. Nephi interceded and Sariah removed her wrap revealing the modest suit Hope had helped her choose.

Jared soon arrived and seeing Zeke and Rafe skinny dipping joined them. Nephi hung Jared's clothes and towel on the fence.

Worn out the littles were sleeping in the shade. Rafe was ready to get out. "Would someone get my towel, please?" The adults ignored his pleas. Rafe realized that no one would help him. He walked across the deck naked and get his own towel.

As Rafe reached his towel, Zeke called out. "Would you get my towel?" Rafe had just walked in front of his mother and aunt naked. Skinny dipping had been Zeke's idea. He reached for the towel and saw Nephi shaking his head no.

"Can't do it Zeke. Nephi says no." Rafe called back thinking of Nephi's lesson on actions and natural consequences.

Zeke stayed in the pool for a while, before he relented and took the walk of shame past his mother.

Jared was less self-conscious. He got out of the pool and sauntered over to his towel and made a big production of drying off. Jerry was now awake. "Daddy, why isn't Uncle Jared happy?"

Jerome looked at his brother. "Why do you think Uncle Jared isn't happy?"

"Look, his penis is so small." Jerry announced. Everyone was trying not to laugh but without success. The one statement had taken the wind out of Jared's sails and he pulled on shorts.

The afternoon turned into evening, bringing the ever-present chores. Jerry, Micah and Max took Clark on a tour of the farm. Zeke and Rafe were teaching Jared how to milk a cow. Sean and Kenton ensured the animals had enough hay. Jerry, Micah and Clark fed the chickens. Clark felt right at home. The last stop was the incubator in the barn.

Jerry had been checking the eggs in the incubator for weeks. Tonight, there were new chicks. Jerry wanted to open the incubator and help the chick that was working its way out of the shell. Clark explained that it was something they needed to do on their own. Jerry had a lot of questions about the chicks and eggs. Clark answered them as they watched the chick free himself of the shell.

"Daddy, Daddy, there are chicks. We watched one come out of his shell. Uncle Clark knows all about chickens." Jerome got down on one knee so he was eye level with his son. Jerome listened with undivided attention as Jerry rambled on. Micah wanted to tell someone. He saw Nephi in the distance. "Daddy Nephi, we have baby chickens." Nephi got down on Micah's level and listened. Nephi asked questions showing real interest. Clark thought he had figured out all the relationships in the family, but the Daddy Nephi had him confused again.

Nephi added more charcoal to the grill. It was cooling off so most everyone grabbed a jacket and returned to the pool area. Nephi found a cache of steaks in the basement freezer. According to Sariah the steaks were for Jacob and his brother.

Everyone stood around the table and waited. Nephi looked over his growing family. Benny and Luke had left.

"When we don't forgive others, who suffers the most? We do. Being angry at someone brings pain to your soul. The Lord says to forgive. So, shall we forgive because of our God or because it lets us be closer to our Lord? Amen"

Clark wondered if Nephi had been a chaplain as he had been. Nephi sounded like one, but he was so young. Micah blessed the meal. Dinner was a friendly, noisy affair. Clark admitted to growing up on a farm in Cache Valley and going to school at BYU. Zeke asked if he had a boyfriend.

Zeke seemed pleased Clark played for the other team. "Mom, he's straight and single." Clark and Sariah both blushed.

Before dessert Nephi stood at the head of the table. "Chapel will be at 10:00. Dress nice. Jerome and I will attend Mass at noon if anyone wants to join us." Dessert was Bertram brownies with vanilla ice cream.

"Do you know where Benny has gone?" Clark was looking panicked.

"Remember I said we would talk later. It is later." They retired to the conference room in the office suite. Jerome followed the pair. Jerome kissed Nephi before they sat down.

"Clark, Margaret sent you here because she felt we could help you. Benny brought you because you could help us. Would you like to join our family?"

Clark sat in silence. "Don't answer now. Stay a week. We do morning chores around 6:00 a.m. The corner apartment is yours while you are here."

Nephi and Jerome handed Clark a key and turned the lights off behind them. Jared was waiting outside the door sitting on a suitcase. "Jerome do you have room for your brother?"

"What happened?" Jerome asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. Maybe when it doesn't hurt so much." Jared answered.

Jerome and Nephi saw Jared settled in one of the many unused rooms. They hugged him and said good night. They hurried to the main house, they had prayers to hear and stories to tell.

Clark stood in the updated apartment they said was his. He sat on the used but comfortable couch. When was the last time he had a TV?

---------- Clark had spent his two years preaching the gospel on a church mission. He married his high school sweetheart. They lived in small apartments during his college years. He worked odd jobs to support them. She was also a student. They had rented a cute little two-bedroom home before his deployment as a chaplain in Vietnam. He had not seen his wife for a year when the papers arrived. He had spent hours on his knees trying to understand. Then without answers, he was wounded, patched up, given a medal and dumped back in Salt Lake. ----------

There was a knock on the door. Sariah stood looking worried. She often walked the compound checking on the boys. Sariah saw the tears on Clark's face and her mothering instinct kicked in. She moved him to the couch. He rested his head on her shoulder and sobbed. Sariah knew there was nothing to say. This poor man needed a shoulder to cry on. When he fell asleep, Sariah laid him on the couch, put a pillow under his head and covered him with a blanket.

The next morning all the phones rang at 5:30. Clark woke disoriented. This wasn't the shelter. He didn't remember falling asleep on the couch. On the bed someone had laid out two outfits, a set of jeans, plaid flannel shirt, work socks, boots and a pair of gloves. There was also dress shirt and slacks.

Clark headed out for the barn and checked on the incubator. Everything was fine there. The littles were collecting eggs and feeding the chickens. Jared had joined the teens milking the cows. Kenton was helping Rebecca with breakfast. Sean was the only one near Clark's age. He was loading hay on the utility truck. Clark stepped up and joined him. The bales were easier to handle with two. Clark pumped Sean for information, such as which child belonged to whom.

"But they all call Nephi, dad or daddy." Clark began putting the pieces together. Nephi was the unquestioned head of the household.

"I don't know how he does it but he cares deeply for every member of our family, even me." Sean confided. They compared notes and learned they were both military, divorced and more than a little messed up. Everyone pitched in on Sunday to clean the stalls.

They had half an hour before breakfast. Clark enjoyed the large shower and abundant hot water. Dressed for church he arrived for breakfast. When 9:30 arrived, they blessed the food. On Sunday there was nothing sticky or drippy, scrambled eggs, ham and sliced potatoes. It was a noisy affair served on paper plates with paper cups. There was a different seating arrangement than yesterday. He noticed Kenton was between Rebecca and Sean. Clark wasn't sure what his story was but the boy was unsure of him.

The whole crew cleared the table. Zeke explained that Nephi had introduced paper plates on Sunday. It saved having to wash dishes before church. Sunday lunch included simple foods prepared ahead of time, like sandwiches.

The family was heading for church when a police car pulled up to the compound parking. Nephi knew who it was. There was only one police officer that had the code to the front gate.

"Jerome, here is today's topic will you walk Clark through the service." Nephi handed Jerome his notes and turned to let Chief Thompson into the compound.

"The foster family came looking for Kenton. I guess the check from his uncle didn't arrive." The Chief began.

"Come into my office." Nephi offered. The new set up impressed the Chief. Nephi pulled out copies of the irrevocable guardianship papers notarized and signed by a judge. "The adoption is in process. You can set your mind at ease. Sean is straight and courting a fine young woman that loves Kenton as much as her own son."

The Chief followed Nephi to the chapel and they sat on the back row. Clark was doing a great job teaching the lesson. "Benny found us a retired military chaplain with an LDS background. Today is his first day. He doesn't know he has the job, yet."

After Chapel Nephi wasn't surprised that no one wanted to go to Mass. Nephi wanted a chance to worship and pray. As the leader of his congregation he was trying hard to meet their needs. Kneeling in prayer he wondered, "What did he need?" Jerome bumped Nephi as he stood up. Nephi had his answer.

After Mass with his answer shining in his soul Nephi turned to Jerome. "Let's go home."

As the pair walked into their home, they took the time to look at it. They had a beautiful home. Flowerbeds, gravel paths and a fountain replaced the parking inside the courtyard. There were occasional concrete benches for sitting. The covered walkway had been enclosed with more glass than stucco. The windows and sliding glass doors were all open. The middle of the courtyard had the fenced pool and patio. Grass for playing filled the far end. Rebecca and Sean were watching the teens and littles at the pool. Kenton, Sean and Rebecca were the only ones dressed.

"If you two have a leisurely walk planned, we will watch the kids." Jerome offered. The pair watched the naked littles jumping into the pool into the arms of their four teen brothers.

"I remembered what I needed in my life." Nephi commented. Jerome looked at his soulmate with interest. "This is what I need. My man at my side and my family around me. I get so lost in the stress of trying to be everything for everybody, I forget to appreciate what we have.

A dripping Jerry crawled into Jerome's lap. Nephi's lap became the temporary home of Almania and Micah. "Come swim with us daddy." They said in chorus.

"We don't have our swimming suits." Jerome answered.

"Daddy, we are swimming naked." Jerry laughed. Nephi placed his charges on the pavement and removed his shirt. Jerome wondered how far Nephi would go. With shoes and socks off Nephi dropped his pants exposing bright yellow underwear. Nephi filled out the front. He dove into the pool.

"Daddy Nephi, you're not naked." Jerry announced.

"This is naked enough." Nephi answered splashing the kids and his partner. Jerome knew he was wearing blue briefs that matched Nephi's. He jumped into the pool. Soon the littles were jumping to their daddies.

Everyone was laying in lounge chairs enjoying the sunshine. Jerome was admiring Nephi's strong form wrapped in the thin fabric. Kenton asked a question.

"If I call Sean dad, what do I call you?" Kenton asked Nephi.

"That's silly." Jerry announced. "You call him Daddy Nephi!"

In bed Jerome had a few words for his partner. "The company is expanding. You can't do it all. We now have three maintenance teams. Assign a team leader. Give them a raise and hold them responsible for the quality of their work. I will check up on them during the day. You head the design team. That's how the company will grow. Clark can oversee the farm. He can get the tree farm plowed and ready for the seedlings. Kenton understandably prefers staying at the compound. Maybe he can give Clark a hand."

Nephi was deep within thought. "Now show me how well you can plow my field and plant your seedlings." Jerome tried to tickle Nephi. It only seemed to work if it was the kids tickling him. There was a lot of kissing. The pair tested the new soundproofing. Jerome could still scream like a banshee.

The littles, dressed for the day, came bouncing into bed with their daddies. "Daddy you haven't seen the baby chicks yet." Jerry announced. The three littles were insistent. Nephi and Jerome relented. they dressed and joined the littles to see the chickens. Clark was moving the chicks to the brooder. Jerry and Micah then taught their daddies the finer points of collecting eggs.

"When it's cold you open this door." It led into a part of the barn fenced off just for the chickens. "When it's hot you open this door." It led to the fenced field outdoors. Almania explained.

"Why do we have so many chickens?" Jerome asked. They had collected more eggs than they needed.

"We eat them." Jerry announced.

Micah was insistent his daddies wash their hands after helping with the eggs.

Jerome's plan worked well. Sean led the team with the three teens: Jared, Zeke and Rafe. Sean no longer feared he was being phased out. He was being trusted with Nephi's family. All the teams were productive. Jerome helped where necessary. By the end of the week Nephi's team had completed the landscape makeover in half the allotted time. The next client was more than willing to have them start a week early.

Clark had found he liked being back on a farm. Since Vietnam he hadn't handled crowds well. At the compound the calves arrived. Kenton helped Rebecca with sheering the alpaca. Clark learned the process quickly. Kenton was learning to relax around Clark. Nephi had a local vet talk to Clark about breeding the alpaca. Rebecca and Sariah expressed their gratitude often to Clark.

Friday evening after dinner Nephi and Jerome sat down with Clark. Clark had enjoyed his week and for the first time since being discharged from the military he felt wanted and useful.

"One week ago, we asked if you wanted to be part of our family. Are you ready to answer?" Nephi asked.

Clark breathed a sigh of relief. He had a home and hadn't worried where his next meal was coming from. When bad times came there was a ready hug or a shoulder to cry on. He and Sariah worked together often; that was nice. He wanted to shout his answer, but quietly said. "I think I am already part of the family. You have fed and housed me, how can I repay you?"

"Talking about pay..." Jerome handed Clark a check from Peter and Sons. "Here are your first week's wages. It's not very much. We are just getting started and are stabilizing the cash flow."

Clark looked at the check. It was more money than he had seen in a long time. "Why?"

"You have taken over the job we needed you to do, managing the agricultural side of this compound. A tree farm and greenhouses are in the plans. Sariah and Rebecca have their hands full with the house. We expect you to keep your suite clean and do your own laundry. You can do your own cooking but it's more efficient to eat as a family."

Clark wasn't sure a week ago if he wanted to stay; now he couldn't imagine leaving.

"There is one more thing. You will take over the chapel services. We live not by a gospel of fire and brimstone, but one of love, compassion, and responsibility." Nephi announced. "You may use any of the books of scripture." Clark's eyes filled with tears. "I would let you cry on my shoulder but by the shuffling outside the door there is a softer shoulder waiting for you."

They left Clark in Sariah's care.

Next: Chapter 100: Nephi and Jerome 29

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