Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Apr 27, 2014


Chapter Fifteen: Aiden's Mom and Vulcan's Anger...

Vulcan P.O.V

He fell asleep in my arms and I didn't have the heart to wake him. Poor guy, seeing his mom after so long. I don't know how I knew he'd need me, but one minute I'm sitting in class and the next I'm hearing his voice in my head, sobbing and yelling for me. I may be going insane, but I was happy that I had a link to Aiden. I stared down at his sweet pale face. God I loved this boy. He's been through so much pain...so much hell. Now, his mother has returned. He must be shattered, torn between emotions he can't really understand. My poor Aiden. I ran a hand through his hair and admired how soft it was. I moved to his face and smiled at how cold his skin was. Mine was on fire from just the mere contact. I loved how his body fit mine. I wish I could tell him my feelings, but I'm not ready. I'm not even sure he'll have me. But I knew my feelings were important and one day, when I tell him, I'll smile and accept whatever his reply is. "Aiden...how could someone so wonderful turn my world completely upside down?" I whispered as I caressed his lips. "Whenever you touch me my skin feels hot and I'm overcome with desire. I want you...but even while you're so close to me like this I feel as though you're far away." I smiled. "But I'm glad I met you." I don't know what came over me, but I found myself leaning closer to him. His lips were only inches from mine. I stopped breathing, I was so close to those sweet lips.

When he stirred and groaned I immediately pulled away. Aiden's eyes fluttered open and he looked at me. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty." I said. He smiled and sat up. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you." "Nah don't worry. School's almost over so do you wanna leave now? Are you okay?" Aiden nodded. "Yeah let's leave." He stood up and held out his hand. As soon as he pulled me up my legs immediately felt like pudding. I fell back down. "Whoa...my legs are asleep." Aiden laughed. "Oh yeah?" He suddenly jumped on me and started slapping my legs. "Oh shit that hurts like hell!" I yelled. It literally felt like electricity was flowing through my legs. "Aiden stop!" I may have been in pain but I couldn't stop laughing. "All right, that's it!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him on top of me. All the laughter immediately died. "Vulcan..." He was wide eyed and trembling. "You're shaking..." I said with a smirk. He tried to get up but I held him down. "Just wait..." I said. I caressed his cheek and smiled up at him. "Vulcan, I..." I shushed him and gently pushed him up. It wasn't time yet.

I stood up and grabbed his hand. "C'mon little dude." I smiled as if nothing happened. He stood up and avoided eye contact. I could tell that his face was red and I smiled at how adorable he was. "Aiden...sorry." I said as I grinned. He looked at me. "It's...it's okay." He gave me a small smile and we left the roof top. We heard the bell ring and all of a sudden the halls were filled with students. Seth was jumping up and down in the crowd, waving his arms. "GUYS!" He yelled. I waved back. Aiden still looked a little nervous. I ruffled his hair. He looked at me and I gave him a big smile. He smiled back at me and his nervousness seem to go away. Seth came running up to us holding my bag. He greeted us with a smile and tossed me my backpack. "Hey thanks." I said as I swung it over my shoulder. He nodded. "So Aiden...how's the new Bio teacher?" Aiden immediately stiffened. I put my arm around him. "It's okay Aiden. It's okay." Seth looked at me then at Aiden. "Dude, what's wrong? Did something happen?" "My new teacher...it's my mom." Aiden replied. "Aw man...I'm so sorry." Seth apologized as he looked at Aiden with sadness.

"Aiden..." said an unfamiliar voice. We all faced the source of that voice and we were greeted by a pale beauty. She looked so much like Aiden that I guessed her to be his mother, and judging by his reaction to her, I was right. "Aiden...I..." He didn't speak, he just looked at her. "I didn't expect to find you so soon." She said nervously. "I-I thought that maybe...I mean..." "You thought what mom?" Aiden's voice was so cold I couldn't believe it was coming from him. "How's your father?" She asked, changing the subject. At the mention of Aiden's father my anger rose at an alarming rate. "I don't know, I haven't seen him in a while." Aiden replied simply. "What do you mean you haven't seen him?" She asked, concern in her voice. "Well you know, living with a psychotic drunk who beats the crap out of me because you leaving was somehow my fault really doesn't appeal to me." Her eyes widened at his reply. "I thought...I mean, I thought he'd never..." "Lady, learn to complete your sentences please!" Seth said. "Your husband beat the absolute crap out of your son. When you left why didn't you take him with you?" Seth sounded angry, like he was voicing my emotions.

"Who are you?" She asked. Aiden stopped Seth from replying. "These are my friends. They took care of me after dad used a picture frame to slice open my forehead." Her reactions to his replies were infuriating. "Did you honestly think that when you left he wouldn't beat me like he beat you?" Aiden asked. She looked down and didn't reply. "Why didn't you take me with you? Huh? What could possibly have gone through your head when you decided it was a good idea to leave your five year old son with your abusive husband?" She kept quiet. "You know, all these years I kept this ring." He said as he twisted the ring on his finger. "Every time I look at it I remember all the good times we had. But then, when I saw your face today I was immediately overcome with so many feelings I felt sick from it. Why are you back?" "I came to find you." She replied. "After twelve years?" She looked away. "It's not that simple Aiden." "What could possibly be so complicated about it?" He asked, now sounding more angry than cold. I held him back. "Not now Aiden, we're still in school." He looked up at me and I shook my head. "Not now..." I said soothingly. He calmed down and turned to his mother. "Go see dad. Maybe he'll be happy for a change." Then we left. He didn't even glance back at her. I was angry but I also pitied her.

When we got home, Seth immediately ran for my kitchen. "Dude, sooner or later you're gonna deplete the world's peanut butter supply!" I yelled after him. "That's four jars...I think." Aiden said. "I stopped counting. I'm pretty sure he's never going to replace them." I said. Aiden laughed and followed after Seth into the kitchen. "I may have messed up earlier." I whispered to myself. Then I laughed. "I need to cool off and give it some time." Man, admitting your feelings is hard. I sighed and went upstairs. As soon as I went into my room I crashed on my bed. I curled up on my side and wrapped my arms around myself. I could still feel Aiden against me. It was a warm and light feeling and it made it easy for me to fall asleep. "I hope I dream of Aiden." I smiled as my eyes closed and my body relaxed into sleep.

Aiden P.O.V

Seth and I were just chillin' in the kitchen eating peanut butter from the jar. "Seth...um...do you think that maybe I was too hard on my mother?" I asked. He shrugged. "Honestly? After 12 years I'd be pretty pissed off too. What kind of mother leaves her child?" He scooped out a large amount of peanut butter and started licking the spoon. I sighed. I was starting to feel bad. I mean, the woman gave birth to me. "So that's why Vulcan ran out of class." Seth said suddenly. I looked at him. "He told me he had a feeling that I needed him." Seth grinned. "Please just date." I blushed. My mind suddenly recalled the events that took place earlier. "Aw geez, what happened? You got that look." Seth sighed. "Look? What look?" I asked, trying to avoid eye contact. "That `Vulcan and I had a moment but I'm not sure if it's really a moment' look. Go on, spill!" He nudged the peanut butter jar towards me. I scooped out some and ate it as I debated on whether or not to tell Seth what happened. It's not a moment right? I mean, we're friends. No, well I did ask him to hold me. But then he did that thing...I'm not even making sense. "Dude, you're thinking too hard." Seth said as he waved a hand in my face.

"When I recognized my mother I ran out of class. I ran to the roof and after some intense yelling and crying, Vulcan showed up. He held me until I was calm and passed out. When I woke up we talked a little, then we started messing around...and then he pulled me against him and I was laying on top of him and I thought he was gonna kiss me." Seth choked on his peanut butter and started coughing badly. I got up and ran to the fridge and poured him a glass of water. He gulped it down and looked back at me. "Thanks...now what were you saying?" "I said I thought he was gonna kiss me." Seth nodded slowly. Then he turned all Dr. Phil on me. "And how does that make you feel?" I chuckled and looked up at the ceiling. "I wanted to kiss him. Seth...I...I really love him." His eyes widened. "Well shit I never thought I'd hear you say it out loud." Then he grinned like a little boy at Christmas and stood up. He came over and hugged me. I could hear his heartbeat, it was soothing and warm. "I love you Aiden...you've become one of my best friends. I love Vulcan too and I'm so happy that you love him." I was on the verge of tears. "Whenever you decide to tell Vulcan how you feel, let me know how it turns out." I nodded. "Seth...I love you too." I returned his hug and let the tears flow. He didn't pull away from me. I was amazed at how I went from being quiet, tormented, and untrusting, to having friends I could trust. Vulcan and Seth were greatest people I've ever met. I loved them and I would do anything for them.

When I stopped crying I pulled away from Seth and dried my eyes. Seth ruffled my hair and smiled down at me. "Crybaby..." He teased. I flipped him off. "Oh you so wish..." He said as he did a few sexy poses that would make any man want to beat the crap out of him. I laughed and playfully pushed him. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Seth looked at me and then towards the door. We got up to go check it out. The knocking turned into banging and I was beginning to panic. Seth opened the door and we were greeted by Eli supporting a beaten, bruised, and bleeding Brett. "What the fuck happened!?" Seth said as he took over for Eli and walked Brett into the living room. I cleared the couch and Seth gently laid Brett on it. He was groaning and holding his sides. "What happened?" Seth asked again. Eli was pale and panicked. "W-We were just on our way to the school's parking lot when the football team jumped Brett." Brett groaned louder. "Aw shit...VULCAN! VULCAN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Seth looked panicked now. I pulled Brett's shirt up and found out why he was holding his sides. I felt the bruised spots and he hissed. "Shit his ribs are broken." "What? How do you know?" Eli asked, his voice filled with fear. "I've had my share of broken ribs to know what it feels like." I replied.

"VULCAN, GODDAMMIT MOTHERFUCKER GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Seth yelled once more. Vulcan ran down the stairs rubbing his eyes. "What the fuck Seth?" When he looked up at us he saw Brett and Eli and immediately his expression turned angry. "What the fuck happened and who do I have to kill?" "We need to get him to a doctor." I said. "Seth, get your car." Vulcan said as he came and knelt by Brett. "On it..." Seth nodded and ran out the door. Vulcan gently lifted Brett's shirt and saw all the bruises the littered his body. "Aw shit..." He said with anger in his voice. Eli had tears running down his face. I went over to him and held him against me as I tried to comfort him. "Who did this?" Vulcan asked in a scary calm voice. "The football team." I replied. Vulcan swore. "I'm going to kill those motherfuckers and dance on their graves."

Vulcan's anger was contagious. I felt myself growing angrier as I looked at Brett. Eli sobbed against me and whatever hostile feelings I had disappeared as I consoled my friend. "It's going to be okay." I said soothingly as I held him against me. We heard a car horn outside. Vulcan lifted Brett like it was nothing and we ran out the door. We laid him gently in the back seat. Eli sat with him and laid Brett's head on his lap. Brett groaned in pain and Eli shushed him, brushing his hair out of his face. "It's going to be okay baby." He said through his tears. Vulcan and I crammed with Seth up front as we drove off. Seth kept looking over his shoulder to check on Brett. "I swear I'm going to rip their hearts out and shove them down their throats." Seth's hostility was new to me and I wondered if he meant that threat.

When we got to the hospital, we rushed Brett to the emergency room. Seth had Eli sit down while he tried to calm him. Vulcan was pacing back and forth, biting his thumb in anticipation. I just stood and waited. I wanted him to okay. "I'll break every bone in their bodies." Vulcan said. Seth had the same look in his eyes, then he smiled a slow creepy smile and chuckled. "Our school is going to need a new football team." Eli stood up then. "No!" Vulcan and Seth snapped out of their anger and looked at him. "No?" They asked in unison. "You guys...thanks for caring but I don't want you to do anything." Eli said, the tears beginning again. "Why not?" Seth asked. "You guys don't need to stoop to their level." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Besides, Brett wouldn't want you to fight his battles for him. He's just been found out. You guys aren't always gonna be there so of course stuff like this is going to happen." I stared at Eli. "He may not like it Eli...but we're his friends. We are going to stick up for him. He needs to know that not everyone is an asshole." Vulcan and Seth smiled at me. "He's right...Brett's our bud now." Seth said.

Just then, the doctors came out mumbling to themselves and looking over charts. Eli immediately ran towards them. "How is he? Is he okay?" The doctor looked at Eli then back at his charts. "Broken ribs, busted knee, a mild concussion, and a broken nose. It's a clean break so it should set nicely." Then the doctor smiled at Eli. "He'll be okay." Eli sighed in relief and sank to the floor. "That scared me..." He muttered. I laughed and knelt beside him. "You okay?" He nodded and smiled. He stood up and looked at the doctor. "Can we see him?" The doctor looked at us as if unsure. "Well...hmm...all right. Go on in."

We went in and found Brett lying in bed covered in bandages. Eli chuckled at the sight of him. "Geez..." Brett groaned and opened his god eye. "Hi..." He said hoarsely. Seth laughed. "Hi yourself man." Brett smirked and then looked at Eli. "I'm okay..." Eli glared at him then. "The hell you are!" "Do you want us to do something?" Vulcan asked. Brett just shook his head. "They're always going to be assholes." Seth nodded. "All right we won't do anything yet but dude, next time something goes down you call us okay? Call. Us." Brett smirked and nodded. "I get it." "You are gonna be the death of me I can feel it." I sighed. Eli stopped glaring at Brett. "Dude you'll give yourself frown lines." Seth teased. Eli stuck out his tongue then glanced back at Brett. Vulcan nudged Seth and I out then, sensing their need to be alone. "We're gonna go okay?" Eli looked up. "Oh before I forget, Eli you got a phone?" Eli nodded and took it out. "Why?" "Toss it to me." Vulcan said, holding his hands out. Eli tossed it and he caught it without a problem. He pressed some buttons and saved whatever he was doing. "If anything happens you find us okay?" Those words brought a smile to my face. "We will..." Eli said as he held his hands out for his phone. Vulcan tossed it and then we left.

Next: Chapter 16

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