Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Jun 9, 2014


Chapter Twenty Three: AAAAAAHHHHHHH! Real Problems...and Eli's Point of View

Vulcan POV

I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! It's been three days since I saw that stupid love letter. I need to find out who this boy is! "Dude, is there any reason we're skulking around your sister's school?" I turned to Seth. "I wanna know who this brat is." I replied. "Okay...but why are we dressed in trench coats and sunglasses? I feel like a serial killer." I waved him off. "C'mon dude, can't we just go back to school? I mean so what if your sister has an admirer. She's a pretty girl, it's to be expected." "Yeah but not now! She's too young!" Seth sighed. "All right fine, but can't we just go in like normal people?" He shrugged off his trench coat. "It's lunch time dude, just take that shit off and let's go find your sister and this boy so we can go back to school." I pouted. "You take the fun outta everything." I was actually hoping to keep the disguise on. The thought of playing Hardy Boys seemed fun. "Aw man..." I took of my coat and draped it over my arm. I placed my sunglasses on top of my head and sighed. "All right c'mon." We walked into the school entrance and walked around a bit, hoping to find my sister. We ran into an unpleasant looking woman. She carried with her a ruler and a notepad. "May I help you gentlemen?" Even her voice was unpleasant. She sounded like she smoked way too many cigarettes. "I'm looking for Maia Magnus. She's my sister." The lady looked us up and down before turning away. "Follow me..." She lead us to a playground. "You'll find her here somewhere." She said before walking away from us. "That lady gives me the creeps." Seth whispered. I nodded in agreement. I hope I never have to see her again.

I looked around before spotting my sister, sitting under a tree with her lunch. "There..." I pointed. We walked over. On closer look I noticed she was sitting with a boy. He was an Asian kid with the darkest hair and eyes I had ever seen. It was like staring into obsidian. His skin was pale too. He was a pretty boy, and to be honest I almost laughed. With his girly features he was going to have a hard time in the future. "Maia..." I called. She jumped and then glanced at us. I waved and she waved back, pure excitement on her face. Seth and I sat in front of her. "Hey there baby girl." Seth greeted with a grin. Maia blushed then returned his grin. "Why are you guys here?" She asked. That was when I was stuck. What do I tell her? Seth chuckled. "Well why do you think? Your overprotective brother wants to meet your admirer." Maia puffed up her cheeks. "You said to bring him over!" I could hear Seth giggling, even while he was covering his mouth with his hands. "Well...I...uh...you see...." That's when the boy spoke. "It's all right...my name is Chase Yu. It's very nice to meet you." His voice was really deep and raspy. This kid must've hit puberty early. "Uh...yeah, I'm Vulcan. Hey..." I held out my hand awkwardly. He set aside his lunch and shook my hand. His skin was ice cold. Hmm, he doesn't seem like a bad kid.

"So you're the one who wrote my sister that letter." He nodded. "Yes, if I have caused some trouble between the two of you then please accept my apologies." What is with this kid? What 11 year old speaks like this!? "Uh...no, you didn't." That was all I could get out. His polite manner and intelligent eyes were throwing me off. Maia on the other hand seemed to have no problem with this. "Vee, look what Chase taught me!" She held out her hand to him. "May I?" He smiled and handed her his chopsticks. She placed them between her fingers and picked up a piece of chicken from her lunch box. "See!?" I smiled. I loved how my sister found joy in learning. "Very good Maia." Chase said as he clapped his hands. Maia blushed then ate the chicken. Chase blushed. "Oh, oops! Sorry Chase I used your chopsticks." She pouted and stared at the things like she just committed the most terrible act in history. He smiled at her and placed a hand over hers. "That's fine. There's no harm done." He slid the chopsticks out of her hand and continued eating his food like nothing happened. "Wait, why aren't you guys in school?" She asked. Seth and I glanced at each other. "Uh...well...it's lunch time." That was all that we could come up with. But really, we left way before lunch. "You guys skipped school to spy on me!?" She huffed. Seth was the first to escape. "Spy? On you? Oh c'mon Maia you know me better than that." She nodded. "Yeah I do which is why I know Vee dragged you with him!" She pointed a finger at me. "Aw c'mon can you blame me?" Chase chuckled. "He's right Maia." She turned to him. "But it's mean!" Chase shook his head. "He was merely concerned for his sister. I can understand being a big brother myself. That's why big brothers are born. To protect the little ones that come after." He smiled so gently I almost froze. This kid...he's...intelligent...almost abundantly so. Maia looked at him and there was silence. Finally she sighed. "All right, fine...you're forgiven Vee. Now get back to school. I don't like it when Aiden is alone." I sighed in relief. I thought she was going to yell at me when we got home later.

I glanced at Chase Yu who went back to eating his lunch. He caught me staring and gave me a gentle smile. "All right Maia, we'll see you later." Seth said as he hit me on the shoulder. "Get up man." I stood up. This kid both impressed me and freaked me out. "See you at home Maia." I said. She nodded and waved. "Bye Vee! Bye Seth!" We waved back as we left. "That kid scares me." I said. Seth chuckled. "Nah, I think he's just socially awkward. It's always the intelligent ones who are like that. That kid is smart." "Yeah I know he's awkward. I think Maia is good for him, and she really does need friends." I said in thought. "So you approve?" Seth teased. I punched him. "Whatever...let's just get back to school." We ran. Honestly, we should've borrowed Brett's car or something but I was so curious I didn't even think about it. Good thing Seth and I are in good shape. Otherwise this would be tiring...and embarrassing.

After a while we were greeted by a familiar building. "We made it!" Seth gasped as he stopped to catch his breath. Yeah, carrying trench coats and making sure your sunglasses don't fall off your head while running is tiring work. "What happened to you guys?" We looked up and we were met with our favorite couple. "Hey Eli." Seth greeted. Well it came out as more of a gasp. He was still trying to catch his breath. I take back what I said about him being in shape. "S'up Brett? Hey Eli." Brett rummaged through his bag and pulled out a bottle of water. "Here dude...before you die." He said as he tossed it at Seth who barely caught it. He gulped most of it down and threw over his shoulder, not caring about the kid he just hit. "Thanks man." He sighed. "Now I feel better. Running on an empty stomach is not smart." He rubbed his belly. "I need some food bro. Be right back." He turned and ran across the street and walked into the nearest 7-11. "I love how those things are just...everywhere." Eli said. I smirked. "Hey, have any of you seen Aiden?" I asked. "Oh he's with his mom. Yeah, he was looking for you earlier." Eli replied. It was then I remembered that I didn't tell Aiden about my spy mission, and yes I was spying on my sister. "Shit, all right. Tell Seth I went to find Aiden." They nodded and ran off.

I checked the Biology classroom first. When I got there, Aiden was leaning against his desk and talking with Leanne, though it didn't look like it was going well. I kept my steps as quiet as possible as I walked closer to the door. "Why not Aiden?" Leanne asked. "I don't want to okay?" Aiden scrunched up his face in frustration. I took this as an opportunity to knock. Leanne glanced my way and nodded for me to come in. "Hey uh...I heard you were looking for me." I said nervously. I had no idea what was going on and I'm pretty sure it was a private moment. I slowly walked over to Aiden and grabbed his hand. "Did I interrupt something?" Leanne sighed. "He won't come live with me." "Why not?" I asked. He just shook his head and looked away. Well, I guess I could understand. It was like opening an old wound. "Not to be mean Leanne but asking him that is kinda insensitive." She stopped. "Aw gosh..." She sighed. "I'm sorry Aiden." He just looked at her. "Did that just now occur to you mom?" He asked in a frustrated tone. "Baby steps mom." She chuckled. "You're right. I won't ask you to come live with me until things between us are good and you're ready." Aiden sighed. "Mom, I just don't want to come live with you. I'm content where I am now." I smiled at him. Was living with me that important to him? I squeezed his hand. He looked at me and raised my hand to his lips, placing a light kiss on my fingers. He turned back to his mom and gave her a smile. "I'm sorry mom." She shook her head. "No, I think I understand." She gave me a gentle look. "Well I gotta go." Aiden said. "Is that all right?" She nodded and turned to me. "Take care of him." I turned around and pulled Aiden with me. I didn't let go of Aiden's hand. It was warm and comforting and after meeting Chase Yu I needed something familiar. "So where did you go?" Aiden asked. I sighed. "To meet my sister's admirer." I replied. He laughed. "How did that go?" "He's...a little awkward." I replied. "Define awkward." He said. I chuckled. "Well he's super intelligent. I think that's why he's awkward." Aiden nodded in understanding. "Ah...so what do you think?" "I dunno. She's 11, but he's not a bad kid. I'm not saying she should date him, oh hell no. But them being friends...I'm not against." I replied. He laughed. "You're confusing me right now dude. So you're saying they can be friends." "Just friends!" I clarified.

"GUYS!" I heard a familiar voice yell. When I turned around I was tackled by Eli and Seth. We fell to the floor and I hit my head. "Ow, what the hell?" They pushed themselves up. "Brett...football team...now!" Eli said between panicked stutters and uneasy breaths. Seth pulled me up with him and grabbed Aiden's hand. "Let's go!" Aiden grabbed for Eli's hand and we ran out the school doors and towards the parking lot. "Brett!" I yelled as I saw him backed up against his car. He turned to me and I saw relief in his eyes. I stopped and held the others back. "Something wrong guys?" I asked. One of them came forward. "Get outta here man, there's nothing to see here." "Really? Because it looks like you're kinda outnumbering my friend there." I said as I walked towards them. "Your friend?" The guy asked as he turned to Brett. Brett didn't blink. He maintained eye contact. "Yeah...my friend. I know I was an asshole to that guy, actually to most of those guys, but I've made my peace." He smiled at me. "It's all right Vulcan. You can go. I'm all right here." I shook my head. "The hell you are." I walked through the crowd of jocks and made it to Brett. I stood next to him and leaned against his car, crossing my arms over my chest. "Now what is this about, Brett?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the crowd. "I think it's still about me being gay." He replied. Some of the guys on the football team sneered. "Dude...it's pretty friggin' gross." One of them said. "What is so weird about it Nick? So what if I fell in love?" Brett asked. Nick made a disgusted face. I rolled my eyes. "I'll never understand homophobia."

"Look guys, the way I am, there's nothing wrong with it. If it makes you feel better you guys can kick me off the team or something." Brett said. Some of the guys laughed. "That's not gonna be enough." Nick said. They were getting ready to probably try and kick our asses. "Now?" I asked. Brett sighed. "I tried to be reasonable." "Hey Seth! Wanna start some shit!?" I yelled. Seth ran forward. "Finally!" He jumped right in and stood next to me. "So um, how badly should we beat them?" He asked. Brett shrugged. "As long as they can still get to class." Seth rolled his eyes. "You're too nice Brett. Looks like no broken legs. But that's fine." Seth had on his crazy look. "You're gonna break their arms aren't you?" I asked. Seth gave me a wide smile. He was in insane mode. "Eli! Aiden! You guys go chill somewhere. I need to make sure Seth doesn't kill anyone!" They nodded and waved at us. "That's fine!" Eli said as he grabbed Aiden's hand and pulled Aiden along with him. With that, the rumble started.

Eli P.O.V

I knew the guys were gonna come back battered and bruised and to be honest, I wasn't in the mood to see it. Some high school idiots can be so close minded. I sighed. "Something up Eli?" Aiden asked. I shook my head and just smiled. "I feel bad for Brett." Aiden said suddenly. I looked at him questioningly. "Well, what is wrong with loving someone the same gender as you?" I smiled at this kid's innocence. Suddenly, Aiden's attention was pulled elsewhere. His expression turned blank as he started running. It took me by surprise. "A-Aiden wait!" I followed after him. He turned a corner and we soon found ourselves at the back of the school. He looked around until he saw whatever it was that caught his attention. He slowly walked over to a tree by the storehouse used for sports equipment. "Aiden what are you doing?" I asked. He turned around and shushed me. "Just stay there." He said. As soon as he got closer to the tree he crouched down and held out his hand. "Come on." He said. Aiden smiled at whatever it was he was looking at. "Aiden are you okay?" I was beginning to worry about him. He turned to me and put his finger to his lips to shush me.

"Come on." Aiden said as he turned back to whatever it was he was looking at. He reached out and grabbed onto something. "There you go. Were you afraid?" I was now officially freaking out. "Aiden what are you doing?" I whispered. He turned to me again, that blank look so evident it was almost spooky. "You can't see him can you?" He asked. I shook my head. "See who? Who are you talking about?" Aiden stood up and walked towards me. He looked like he was holding someone's hand. I was now getting scared. Aiden placed a hand on my shoulder and all of a sudden, I could see what all his fuss was about. "How are you doing that?" I asked, my voice a little shaky. "Doing what?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice. "I can see him." I said, pointing to the little boy beside him. "What?" He took his hand off my shoulder and the boy faded. I couldn't see him anymore. "Okay now I can't see him." Aiden looked at his hand and then back at the boy. "How is that possible? I've never been able to do that before." He placed his hand back on my shoulder and the boy came back into view. The boy smiled up at Aiden. I was spooked now. "Aiden, mind explaining to me what's going on?" Aiden sighed. "I see dead people." He replied. I automatically believed him. It was probably because I was staring a dead kid in the face.

"You are acting as my medium." The boy said. Aiden just nodded along. "What are you doing here?" He asked. The boy looked back at the tree. "I died here...so I can't leave." Aiden smiled down at the boy and crouched down in front of him. I placed my hand on his shoulder this time, because I wanted to see where this was going. Aiden was just one surprise after another. "You're waiting for your door." He said. The boy looked at him. "A door?" Aiden placed both hands on the kid's shoulders and nodded. "When a spirit is ready to crossover a door appears. Are you ready?" The boy shook his head. "I'm scared." He whispered. Aiden smiled at him. "I had a ghost mother once." He began. The boy turned and looked at him. "She came to me when my real mother left." Aiden's face was so calm, so full of love at the thought of the transparent woman that took the place of his mother. "She was beautiful and loving. I will never forget her." The ghost boy looked so intrigued by the story. He was all wide eyes and curiosity. "When her door came, I was sad. But I knew she was going to be in a better place. I could feel it." Aiden placed his hand over his heart. "I knew she was going to be happy." The boy then turned calm and closed his eyes. "A better place..." He whispered. His transparent body seemed to materialize for an instant. There was a bright light, but it wasn't blinding. It was a soothing light. A tall well carved white door appeared. "See? A better place." Aiden said as he pointed to the door. The boy turned to him. "Are you sure?" Aiden chuckled placed a hand on the kid's head. "I'm sure." The boy smiled and nodded. "My name is Edward. Thank you." He said as he reached for the doorknob. "I am Aiden." Aiden said as he stood up. I smiled at the sight. I smiled down at the kid and held out my hand. "I'm Eli. Nice to meet you Ed." Edward smiled at me and turned the doorknob, opening the door to his happy ending.

The light was instant and the flash even more so. Then, everything calmed as if nothing had happened. "Well you conveniently left out the part where you talk to dead people." I said. Aiden stiffened. "Really? I could've sworn I mentioned it." He tried escaping but I grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Relax dude, you haven't scared me off." I laughed. Aiden turned to me. "Are you sure?" I sighed. "Sure I was kinda freaked out at first but only because I couldn't see, and now that I have it's actually pretty cool." Aiden looked down at his hands. "I've never been used as a medium before. I guess Edward wanted to be seen. I wonder how long ago he died, and why I never noticed before." I shrugged. "Does it matter? Point is you helped that kid crossover and now he's in a better place." He smiled. "Yeah I guess you're right. Hey man?" "What's up?" "You think Brett and the guys are done yet?" He asked. I laughed. "Who knows." I looked around. "Oh shit class!" Aiden said as he took off running. I stumbled. I completely forgot about school! I looked at Aiden and smiled. This boy, he's special on a whole different level.

Next: Chapter 24

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