Rings and Promises

By andy dearth

Published on Sep 27, 2014


Chapter Twenty-Seven: Vulcan in Distress!

[Author's Note: I think I made someone angry so this chapter is my way of apologizing to her. This is dedicated to you. You know who you are! Well enjoy :)]

Vulcan P.O.V

I AM BORED! School just doesn't do it for me. "Are you paying attention at all Mr. Magnus?" "Huh?" I looked up to see my teacher staring at me. What class is this? Man, I have no idea anymore. "Not really..." I replied. She huffed and pointed to the door. "If you find my class so boring Mr. Magnus, there's the door." I looked at it then back at her. "See, I would but my attendance already kinda sucks so I'm trying to make up for it." She sighed. "I have no idea how you're the top of this class." I arched a brow. "I am? Neat." She shook her head and got back to her lecture. What are all those equations? Is this math? Or physics? Is it lunch time yet?

As if in answer to my thoughts, the bell rang and everyone got up. I took out my phone to check the time and sure enough, it was lunch. "Maybe some food will help clear my head...or at least give me some energy to get through today." I sighed, feeling lethargic. I trudged out the door. Man I have absolutely no energy. I feel like, at this point, walking is just too troublesome. Just then I felt the vibration of my cell phone. "Huh?" I pulled it out of my back pocket and saw an unknown number. I contemplated answering it, but decided to anyway in case it was an emergency or any other event that might be equally important.

"Hello?" There was a pause, then I heard giggling...familiar giggling.

"It's been a long time hasn't it?" Oh no! No, not her! Anyone but her! No!

"Uh...what? What do you want?" Suddenly I didn't feel so lazy. No, I was completely scared for my life.

"I'm in town for the week and I've decided I'm staying over at your place!"

"What!?" Oh shit...not good...code red...emergency! Vulcan in distress!

"Yup, I'll be over at six. See you then!"

As she hung up, I contemplated going outside and running into oncoming traffic. "This is not good." The bane of my existence is in town. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Dude are you okay?" I turned and was greeted by a confused Seth. "Dude...SHE is in town." It took him a minute to comprehend who I meant, and as soon as he did, he burst out laughing. "She's in town? Are you serious right now?" He laughed harder. "Oh this is great!" "Need I remind you of all the stuff she did to you when we were kids?" That killed his laughter immediately. "Remember the koi fish?" Seth immediately cupped himself. "They are not peaceful fish! Definitely not peaceful fish!" This time I started laughing. "What I wanna know is where she got the damn fish in the first place." "And why she thought it belonged in my pants." Seth added bitterly. "Where's Aiden?" I asked. Seth shrugged. "Hmm...we really need to get that guy a cell phone." I said, looking around to see if I could find him. When I finally did spot him, he was with Eli and Brett. "Well, I guess we better tell him." I said with a sigh. Seth arched a brow. "What do you mean we?" "Aw c'mon, you're not gonna let me face her alone are you!?" "That's your cousin, not mine!" Seth said. "C'mon man, please?" I gave him my best puppy face. "Dude...no...stop." He looked more disturbed than anything. "If I say yes will you stop making that face? You look like a dying penguin." "Penguin? Are you serious right now?" I playfully punched him. He laughed and rubbed his arm. "So what time is she coming?" I sighed. "Six...she said she's in town for a week."

"Well, better warn Aiden. Hopefully she's kinder to him than she was to us." Seth said with a sigh. "Aiden!" He called. Aiden stopped talking to Eli and Brett and looked our way. He waved and grinned. He made his way toward us, still smiling. Oh, if only he knew what was to come. "What's up guys?" "A relative of mine is in town and she'll be staying with us." I said. Aiden tilted his head to the side. "A relative? Who?" "Oh, she'll want to introduce herself." I tried to smile but knowing that I was spending a week with that woman was making it pretty hard. Oh, don't get me wrong I love her to bits, but she's crazy in that older sister kinda way. You think Seth is insane? Try pissing her off! "Vulcan, why do you look worried?" Aiden asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, it's nothing." I said with a nervous laugh. Then I looked at Aiden and smiled. "Don't worry about it." I said as I caressed his face. I really hope things go smoothly.

6:00 pm >>

"Any minute now..." I muttered as I grabbed Seth's sleeve like a scared kid. Maia on the other hand was looking forward to this. She had a huge smile on her face as she stared at the door. "Aiden, if anything happens to me, remember that I love you." Seth said as he grabbed Aiden by the shoulders and shook him a little. "Uh...huh?" Aiden blinked. I hit Seth over the head. "Isn't that my line!?" Just then, we heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I called as I ran for the door. As I opened it, I was greeted by true beauty. "What the--" Granted, the last time I saw her was at my parents' funeral but I didn't think she'd change this much. She looks so...mature. What the hell happened!?

"Aren't you gonna let me in?" She asked with a smile. "Uh...right..." I stepped aside for her. She walked in and looked around. I grabbed her bags from the porch and closed the door behind me. "Oh my who's this cutie?" She asked as she walked over to Aiden. She put both hands on his face and looked him over. "He's so pretty!" Then she hugged him. "I like you!" Okay, that part of her personality hasn't changed. "Uh...you're squeezing me..." Aiden said as he tried to politely push her away. "Oh! I'm sorry I just get a little carried away sometimes." She laughed as she let him go. "A little?" Seth said in a teasing tone. She turned to him. "Seth? Wow, you're so tall now!" She hugged him. "Okay what happened? You weren't like this when we were kids." He said as he awkwardly returned her hug. "You're still mad about the koi fish thing aren't you?" She said with a teasing tone. Seth snorted. "Among other things...yes." She laughed. "Oh okay I apologize. All better now?" Seth rolled his eyes and let her go. She then turned back to Aiden. "Oh how rude of me. My name's Chandra! It's nice to meet you!" Aiden smiled. "Uh...I'm Aiden." He held out his hand to her but instead of a hand shake he got a full blown hug. "You and I are gonna be great friends Aiden!" She said. Okay, maybe she's changed and we don't have to be nervous anymore. I looked at Seth for confirmation, making sure that he was seeing the same thing as I was. "Dude...something is up." Seth whispered to me as we watched Chandra pick Maia up and spin her around. "Oh c'mon Seth, people change." I said, trying hard not to think too much about it. "Yeah but she enjoyed tormenting us way too much to give it up now." Seth looked paranoid. "Dude, just give it three days...I bet you she'll revert to her normal self and we'll be her personal bitches like old times."

Three Days Later >>

"Nothing!?" Seth looked like he couldn't believe it. Here I was, watching Chandra cook with Aiden. "Have you told her about you and Aiden?" Seth asked. I shook my head. "I will though. Despite our natural fear of her, I do love her...and I want to be honest with her." I looked back at Chandra. "She's like our older sister don't you think?" I smirked. Seth tsked. "Yeah well..." I smiled gently. "Even though she did torture us, she had her moments remember?" Seth sighed. "Yeah...she was kind...and overprotective...and her hugs were warm." Then I laughed. "But there was also the koi fish incident, the time she gave me a swirly, the time she pushed me into the pool and I nearly drowned, and the time she super glued our foreheads together." Seth laughed too. "She is definitely an older sister...the kind that strikes fear into her younger brothers to show she cares." "Still kinda afraid of her though." I said, then shrugged. "Vulcan!" Chandra called. "Come taste this will you?" I looked at Seth. "We may fear her like the wrath of Zeus..." "But we love her." Seth sighed, finishing my sentence. I made my way over to Chandra and Aiden. "Taste this..." She said as she handed me a spoon. I tasted the broth of what looked like beef stew. "It's good!" I said. She clapped her hands together and grinned. "Oh thank goodness!" Aiden smiled up at me and I patted him on the head. "Chandra, before I forget..." I pulled Aiden to me. "Aiden and I are lovers." I looked down and watched Aiden's face turn bright red. "E-Eh?" Chandra blinked. Then she blushed fifty shades of pink and screamed.

"OH MY GOD!" She squealed then spun Aiden around. "Since when!?" Then she turned to me and hit me over the head with a wooden spoon. "What the fuck was that for?" She glared at me, and it was a familiar glare. I immediately stiffened. "You have some balls to keep something like this from me." "It wasn't exactly a secret...I just didn't think to tell you." She hit me again. "That's what you get for thinking!" She turned to Aiden and right away she was gentle again. "I'm so happy for you!" She grabbed his hands and they spun around some more. "C-Chandra...I..." She threw the spoon at me this time. "You better cherish this little one or you and I are gonna have one of our special talks." She smiled that evil smile of hers and I was immediately taken back to the times when we would have these special talks. I shivered and gulped. "Y-yes ma'am." Thank god it's just a few more days. "Now then..." Chandra said as her innocent smile came back. "Let's set the table shall we." I looked over at Aiden. "Now you know why we freaked." I whispered. He smiled and laughed a little. "She's wonderful." He said as he walked after her. You just gotta love Chandra.

Those few days were fun, I'm not gonna lie. Chandra doesn't judge. She didn't even ask me about how Aiden and I got together or when did I figure out I was into dudes. She just accepted it and took it as it was. She really loves Aiden. No, I mean REALLY loves Aiden. I didn't even get to hold him once while she was here. She even made him sleep in the same room as her, no, the same bed! She spoiled him and everything, I was so jealous. "Where are you headed to next?" Seth asked. "Well I think I'll go visit uncle and aunty..." Her face fell and she looked at me. I offered her a smile. She smiled back and sighed. "Then maybe go see my parents..." "Will I see you again?" Aiden asked. She grinned and hugged him. "Someday...maybe I can be your maid of honor on your wedding day." She said with a wink. Aiden and I blushed. "W-Wedding!?" She laughed and grabbed her things. "See you!" She winked before running to her rental and tossing her bags in the trunk. "Good bye you beautifully awesome people!" She said with a wave. "She's still crazy..." Seth mumbled. I turned and saw the look of happiness on his face. "But you gotta love her."

Next: Chapter 28

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