Rise of the Minotaur

By ozzalone65

Published on Jun 8, 2023


This is a fictional tale of the creature that has always seemed to excite me when I saw him in story and mythology. The Minotaur. Body of a man, head of a bull but with a fantastic form and the typical bull hung proportions. Huge dick and massive nuts. Normally this beast is considered evil or bad. But this new tale makes the minotaur the victim of misunderstanding. And our hero helps to bring them to their true station in life. As master of the sun human mortal form.

Hope you enjoy.... +++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx Rise of the Minotaur (16)

... I was for the most part happy in my new home. Happy with the people in this village. And although I did miss the stunning beast that I had had an intimate relationship with for such a brief time was always in my thoughts. I figured I would never see him again. And I figured I would not need his aide again. But things change in this world. At the spin of a coin they change. And we were to find out soon enough. For our village was about to be invaded by another one. One that followed those vile teachings that they held so true. A caravan of representatives from my old village actually came to us one day. I recognized the priest in their group. A much hated creature that believed all who did not follow the teachings should be condemned and damned to the fires of hell.

"Why are they here?" I ask one of the men at the gate "They have come to preach to us" he answered "Vile creatures"

I worried about this. For if they deemed us unworthy, they would dure come and raid and attack our small village. Much smaller than they were. Only a few hundred to their thousands. So there was an instant fear that lingered amongst the people's of the village. We had found this home of our own to be free if tyranny. But now may be faced with annihilation if we would not to comply with their religions. When the representation ves left later that day there was town meeting in the temple. All were told to come as it was if dire importance.

"We have grave news" the elders said

Then he went about to tell us if the meeting with the representatives of the holy village. Telling us that we would have to choose to leave our little home, or to stay and fight to preserve ourselves.

"Feeling ghr!" Many called out "This is our home. Not theirs!"

And most of the village joined in the chat to fight. Knowing that we would be outnumbered by a legion that would surely kill us all. I was saddened as I had just come there. Been there but months before my life was again in danger. I knew not what to do. Should I flee again? Maybe head back to where Drago was. The safety of my minotaur. It was a possibility. But I did not want to leave my new home and my new people. They have all been so good to me since I had arrived. I would not abandon them.

"Are we doomed?" I thought to myself "This is such an unfair situation." "Why can they not leave us be" "Stop trying to control the world with your hate"

And it was then in my dread that I received a visitor from outside the gates of the village. But one day after the foreboding meeting. It was Drago himself. he had come to see if I was okay. He was greeted at the gate by the guards. Wary of his arrival. But when he requested my presence I was summoned to the gate. I saw the huge gorgeous beast. Felt a warm tingle in my loins and went to greet him myself. Giving Drago a big hug as I saw him again

"Drago my dear friend" I said "Ever so glad to see you" "I sensed something in the air" he then said "A sense of fear that bore in me yesterday" "And somehow I knew it was you" "I wanted to be sure you were alright my friend"

It was then that I told the minotaur if the worries of the village. Of the doom that may fall upon us by the other village. He growled and then looked upon me. His bug hand stroked my head. Then he said that there would be no overtaking if my home

"I promise you this my friend" he stated "I will return"

He hugged me and then set off. Actually running out into the forest behind the village. Disappearing into it. The guard at the gate came over and spoke to me. Asking me of this strange friend of mine

"He said we need not worry" I said to him "But I am unsure if what he can do for us" "Curious creature" he said back "He is" I replied "But I have faith in Drago" "Somehow he will not fail me, or us"

This brought a smile to the guards face. He then lead me back to the temple. I told them that we have an ally in the minotaur. Told them of Drago and his strength. It was then that one of the elders mentioned about the minotaur. Stating he had know of the tales of the creature. How he had never seen one in person. But they were of the most loyal to one another and their allies. Smiling at me as he saw that I was befriended by such a beast.

"You may have saved us my boy" he said "How?" I questioned "He is but one minotaur against an army"

He grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Asking if the bond I had with the minotaur. So I afforded him some explanation.

"Well. This beast cares for you" he said "And he will not allow harm to you" "So I am to presume he has left to call upon his kind for aide."

I gazed at him in wonder. Figuring what he meant by his words. Then he finished his speech. Telling those in the temple grouped there.

"We. My friend may have an army of our own soon" he stated "An army of minotaur to fight at our sides against this evil." "So we may just be able to save our small village" "Come. We must all prepare for war"

He was certainly of the incoming war. But he was also certain that we would all okay. And I surely hoped he was right...


More to cum

Next: Chapter 17

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