Rise of the Tower

By Jelly Muffin

Published on Sep 24, 2024


Rise of the Tower 2



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"If you say that one more time, I will shoot your chrome head so full of holes, they won't know which ones were your face!" shouted Nathan Quick as he aimed his gun at the robot in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Sir! But you are just going to have to wait a little longer," answered the mechanical man.

That was not what the angry soldier wanted to hear!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed the handsome sidekick as he unloaded bullet after bullet in the direction of the android.


Several of the small pieces of metal nicked the robot's steel head as they whizzed by to impact on the wall beyond, leaving long thin smoking scratches on the side of its face.

Nathan was a true marksman, his aim unbeatable. And the lad wanted to make his strong feelings clear.

The Tower, however, was not amused.

"Nathan, you're making a scene."

Turning around to face his man, inside the lobby of the Medical Wing of The League's Eastern Headquarters, Nathan's mood was still sour.

"We have been waiting here for over an hour!" exclaimed the furious boy. "What if it had been worse, Tower? What if The Voidmen had returned!? What if half of you was caught in the NetherRealm again!?"

"You're my other half, Thinbean," said the huge giant with a weary smile. "Now will you sit down. I'm fine."

Returning to face the mechanical receptionist in front of him, Nathan tapped the robot's metal skull with his pistol.

"You got lucky. This time."

Sitting down in the seat beside his man, Nathan crossed his legs in a huff.

"How many times have we saved the world, Tower?" said the cute sidekick. "How many times have we gone the distance? And this is the thanks we get!?"

"You can write one of your sternly worded letters when we get home."

"You better believe it, Big Guy."

It was still early of the same morning that the heroic lovers had discovered one of them was having a medical issue of the superextraordinary kind. Somehow, in some way, the invincible Tower... was now... human.

It might have been only a small tear in his lip, but the ramifications were immense indeed.

Without his indestructable nature, the hero was now vulnerable to attack from not only any supervillain that wanted to take advantage of the situation, but also any lowly thug on the street with a gun.

Whatever the reason for The Tower's sudden onset of humanitis, it was Nathan whom had insisted they visit The League's medical clinic without delay, speeding break neck through the busy streets of Capitol City in their military "company" car.

"It's not going to help any if you run over a citizen," said the muscled hunk, never having seen his partner act this way.

"I'm up a few," breathed Nathan heavily as he swerved onto the sidewalk to reach their destination faster.

"Not sure it works that way, Nathan!" exclaimed The Tower, his eyes wide as their supercar rocketed over the pavement and through the next intersection, the brake pedal never once crossing his sidekick's mind.

When the tunnel under the river was blocked with traffic, just as usual, it was time for that little red button on the stickshift. Wings extending from its sides, the heroic craft roared into the air, weaving through the city's skyscrapers before barreling out over the water.

"You know, even with all this..." said The Tower as he looked at his best friend, staring maniacally out the windshield for any bird that dare flap its wings in their way. "I wanted you to know I had a good time this morning."

Turning to face the hulking hero in the passenger seat, the sidekick did not know quite what to say.

"Oh you dumb fool," whispered the boy as he leaned forward, kissing his man on the lips.

The two made out in their flying car for far longer than necessary, until finally they both needed to breathe.

"Let's make sure to do it again soon," said The Tower.

"Anytime Big Guy. Any time," replied his sidekick, "All you have to do is throw me on the be..."

"Nathan!" called out the hero, as their personal jet began to tilt toward the river below!

"Right! Sorry!" said the smaller man, his attention back on the flight path ahead. Distracted, the horny boy had almost crashed them into the cold water! That would have added some unwanted wet minutes to their travel time indeed!

But the duo had reached The League's Eastern Headquarters in record time, without any further vehicular incidents or unsupermanslaughter in the slightest. Unfortunately, the lad's virtuoso wheelman efforts had been mostly in vain however as the pair had been forced to langor in the waiting room of the secret hospital while the appropriate medical staff arrived.

"I'm going back up there," said The Tower's anxious boyfriend, his next to no patience already long exhausted.

"Don't make me hold you down, Nathan."

The sidekick just side eyed his hero on that one, but did as requested nonetheless.

In not too much time longer, one of the doors to the Medical Wing's reception area swung open, to reveal another robot worker beyond.

"Tower, The" said the medical droid to the waiting room.

Nathan Quick was the first on his feet. "That's us!"

His best friend was the next to stand, coughing an ahem.

"That's me."

A green light on the robot's face blinked.

"The Doctor will see you now."

Next: Chapter 3

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