Rites of Membership

By Shaun Duncan

Published on Nov 18, 2005


Another warning, this is erotica for adult eyes. If you are offended I am truely sorry. Sorry that such things would be closed to you, but we each must find our own joy.

To the readers that have enjoyed the first three parts, I hope part four is even better. This has been a learning experience, and thank you for staying with me on it.

Here we go:

Now I was in a familiar element. Everything prior to this had been new. But this request, well I had eaten pussy before. It didn't faze me in the least, and after having sucked off Chuck, and cleaned Rick's tool, the prospect of the added taste of cum in the mix didn't put me off. I was feeling pretty cocky by that point, this part was a snap.

I took a swig of the beer and handed it back to Julie. I then moved in close to begin my work. Starting on her left knee, I began running my tongue down the thigh and towards her wet pussy. I stopped before reaching the lips and shifted over to the right knee and repeated. Again I stopped just short of the goal she had for me and moved up to her belly button and even slower, traced a path down, this time not stopping until I was able to plunge it deep into the soft, moist folds.

My God! Was she ever warm. The heat radiating from her pussy was incredible. She must have cum several times today already. I knew I would have my work cut out for me, but in order to prove myself, I knew I would have to make her cum at least one more time, and it would have to be a good one.

I returned once more to the outer folds and used my whole mouth, not just the tongue, but lips as well, to completely remove the cum that had gathered on them. First the right side, then the left. I then moved up for the top, and circled my tongue around to find her clit. I only needed two passes to make it stand to attention. I blew on it a little to tease it, and then inhaled it into my mouth. I gently held it with my teeth at the base and began to lash it with my tongue, soft at first, but with each deepening of Julie's moans, I increased the power. Soon I had to grasp onto her thighs to hang on as her hips began to buck and thrash about.

With one of her hands, Julie had grabbed hold of my head, clutching a handful of my short blond hair, and was holding me in place. I took one of my hands from her thighs and slid the index finger into her dripping box and withdrew it slowly. I released her clit from my mouth and stuck my soaked finger in my mouth sucking off the boy cum and girl honey that had mixed together. The finger went back in and my lips went seeking out her clit again. In and out, lick and suck, then repeat was the procedure, and soon I had replaced the one finger with two, and then three. The amount of cum I managed to get each time had started to decline, but the honey was flowing freely now wetting the path.

I went back to flicking her clit with my tongue and shifted to the thumb as I finger-fucked her. After three or four thrusts, I took my index finger, inserted it once to get it nice and slick and then slid it smoothly up her ass. I then replaced my thumb in her pussy and rolled the two digits together, kneading the inside of her pussy and ass.

Again she was bucking and thrusting like mad. Her raven hair was being tossed around like mad, and strands of it were draped across her face as she stared down at me with her deep hazel eyes, eyes filled with animal want and lust. Her moans had stopped and were replaced with wild screams of, "Eat me you dirty little cock-sucker, eat my cunt, fag-boy. I taste better than ass and cock." I pulled my thumb out, kept my finger in her, but started thrusting it in and out as I drove my tongue deep in her. She raised her ass what seemed like four feet above the lounge chair, held it there, tense, vibrating, and after shuddering four times very hard, she dropped back to the chair leaving my face and finger behind.

"Oh, my, Sarah is in for a treat. But I'm going to have to get her to share sometime, you have quite a strong tongue," she said between heavy sighs.

"Thanks, I like to think that I'm pretty good at that," I replied, feeling even cockier now.

"Oh, don't let it get to your head, you were good for a boy, hell even for a man, but if you were a girl, that wouldn't have even earned you a C," she said, deflating my ego a bit. But she made it up with what she did next. "Hold on Chris," she said, grasping hard and tight at the base of my cock. "You can't cum yet." As she held tight with one hand, she maneuvered me around so I was on the chair, leaning back. She then strattled me and slid her pussy onto my cock and rode it up and down five or six times. She then got up and kneeling down, fucked her mouth with it a couple of time. "You left a bit of Rick's cum in there, you tried so hard, and I'll let it pass this time. I got it though." And with that she kissed me hard, and thrust her tongue into my mouth, depositing some more of the cum and pussy honey mixture.

My cock was about to explode. I knew I would not be able to take much more without a break. Luck for me, Julie seemed to sense it, and told me to take a couple of laps I the pool, everyone else would have to wait.

Tim of all people started to protest. "We aren't done with him. You don't have the right to give him a break." So much for him having my back.

"You know very well, that I do. I'm in charge this month. You do what I say. And for that, you will need to be taught a lesson," Julie shot back. "And it isn't one you will enjoy. NO BOYS. For the next 30 days you may not even kiss another boy, much less suck or fuck one."

Tim looked upset, "But we are finishing up still."

"Ok, after this afternoon, but after Chris, it kicks in, and if I hear one more word, I will also take away your privilege to wear panties...make you wear men's underwear for a month."

Tim didn't say another word. I hurried off to the pool as the rest stepped inside, getting more beers. Tim did bring me one back, and we all longed silently drinking for what seemed like a long time. I was still shaking slightly from the experience, and the knowledge of what was up next, but otherwise I was calm. I was wondering what they were up to with Sarah.

As if reading my mind, Chuck spoke up. "Julie, should we check on how Sarah's punishment is going?" Julie opened her purse and pulled out her cell phone and pushed a button.

"Hey, Stacy. How's the patient? Really? Yes, he's coming along nicely. The boys are doing quite well. I'll have the tape when I come over, she can watch it as we finish the punishment. Who are you using? The black one? The PURPLE one? Are you shitting me? Really? At the same time? I need photos, have you been...ok good, send them over. I'll be there in a few minutes, save me a little." She moved the phone from her ear and looked at the screen on it. "Oh...My...Fucking...GOD! We are going to have to think of something else, if this isn't fazing her, we will have to try harder," she said replacing the phone to her ear. "Put your dirty little mind to it, Stacy."

She stood up and quickly flashed the phone my direction. I expected to see Sarah, with something purple sticking out of her pussy, I thought I was pretty good at understanding what they were saying. But I was wrong. There was Sarah, with something purple sticking out of her pussy, then bent around and stuck up her ass as well. And it was THICK. It made me wince just to think of taking something that big. Of course at that point I winced at the thought of taking anything up the ass, even though I was about to be taught how. Julie pushed a button and the photo changed and there was Sarah, with her face deep in Stacy's pussy. But on top of that, she appeared to have been bound up with a long rope wound around her several times, pinning her arms to her side. One more photo and I could see Alison and Cynthia, both naked except of strap-on cocks, Alison with hers down Sarah's throat, and Cynthia with hers up Sarah's ass.

"You'll get the complete package along with some for your wallet later," Julie said.

And the time came. Chuck spoke up as Julie was folding the phone up, removing the photos of Sarah from my sight. "Let's lube him up, I'm ready to ride. He can suck you two off while I do it. Tim, since you're so hot for him, I'll let you rub the lube on his ass." With that he handed a bottle of lube to Tim who opened it and pour some of the contents out in his hand.

Carl approached me, his cock rising under a small patch of deep red pubic hair, "Get on all fours." He commanded. I did so, and Tim took his hand and smeared the lube in the crack of my ass. He rubbed up, and then down, slowly, enjoying touching my ass. He began to circle my anus with a lubed finger. I shuddered. Sarah had done that to me, and I knew I liked it. She often got her finger in all the way up to the knuckle. And as I thought of that, Tim's finger entered me. He ran his finger all around the hole and slid it out.

"He's ready," Tim said and stepped back.

Chuck walked up to me, "You will want to rub some of that lube on my dick."

And I did, slowly, massaging his cock as I greased it up. I wasn't trying to stall, but I was enjoying feeling another, cock in my hand. It felt strange, having jerked off at least once a day since I was 13, I knew what it was like to hold my own cock, but this was different. It wasn't as thick as mine, hardly, but it was long, a good 9 inches, and had a really pronounced curve to it. Fully erect, Chuck would be as likely to piss in his own eye as hit the toilet if the need struck him. The head was well defined, flaring out a good half inch around each side from the shaft.

"Ok that's good enough," Chuck said slipping his cock from my hand and walking around behind me. I closed my eyes and held my breath. "Just relax, and let it in." With that, I felt the head touch the opening. I bit my tongue, waiting for some horrible pain. There was some discomfort, but I wouldn't call it pain, as he slowly pushed his cock into my ass. Once the head was all the way in, he held still for a moment. "Take three deep breaths and relax, I won't move until you get used to it."

It did feel odd, but after the breaths the discomfort was gone. As I waited for Chuck to begin, Carl moved in closer, bringing his cock to my lips. His was thick. Well, thick might not be the best way to describe it, wide would be better. If you looked at it from the side, it looked normal, even a little narrow. But from the top or bottom, it was wide, about the width of two of Chuck's cocks, like a normal cock that had been flattened. Carl's cock head didn't flare out like Chuck's either, it was about the same width as the shaft, so as I slid it between my lips, it was like one smooth tool all the way down.

As I began to work on Carl's cock, Chuck began to slide deeper in. Before long, I could feel his muscular thighs touch my ass. He was fully buried in me. He began to slide back out. I cannot even begin to describe how wonderful the shudders of pleasure were the raced up my spine as he did. When he was almost completely out, he stopped and began to slide back in, a little faster this time. This was still a little uncomfortable, but once he was fully inserted again and began to pull back, the pleasure returned, even greater than before. My moans of joy were causing Carl's cock to dance across my tongue. By the fifth thrust from Chuck, Carl exploded in my mouth.

His cum had a more bitter taste than Chuck's, and not as thick. But again, I gagged a little and this time lost some out of the side of my mouth. Before I could get my hand there to wipe it away, I felt a mouth on my cheek, and Tim's tongue licked it away.

His firm lips felt good against my face. I let Carl's rapidly deflating cock slide from my mouth and turn to meet Tim in a kiss. Our lips touched softly then parted as we began to explore each other's mouths with our tongues. I could tell he was searching for Carl's cum and I let him take.

He moved in closer and was soon kneeling in front of me, our mouths locked in passion and his hands reaching up to my face. I could tell from the power that he had been longing for this for awhile, it was raw, dirty and intense, made only more so by the constant thrusting of Chuck's cock in my ass the entire time.

"Are you ready?" I asked, parting our embrace.

"For what?" he replied.

I simply lowered the front half of my body down, balancing on my elbows and reached out for his hard cock and begun to lightly kiss the end. His moan told me he was ready. On this one, I intended to take my time. I slowly traced every inch of it with just my lips at first, and then with my tongue, reached under his balls and pulled them into my mouth. I held them there, circling my tongue around them, letting them vibrate with the deep sighs I was making because of the fucking my ass was getting.

I let them slip from my mouth and blew gently on them, watching as the little hairs on the sack began to stand straight up as the flesh began to form goose bumps. I then took my tongue to his shaft, and tried to memorize each of the 7 pale, cream-colored inches by touch alone. I could see the head turning pink, then red, and finally purple, straining in desire for my attention up there, but I left it alone for the moment, focusing on the shaft itself.

I reached one hand under his balls began to trace the path backwards to his ass. It wasn't easy as each thrust from Chuck nearly knocked me off balance. But I soon had my palm so I was able to press up right below his balls and at the same time circle his ass with my index finger. He moaned softly then said, "take it all, now, please, I got to feel you sucking it, all of it."

"Only cause you begged," I said and then went down on the whole thing. I drove the finger deep in his ass and began to fuck his cock with my face quicker. I pulled my finger out and drove in two fingers, Tim moaned deeper and loader than before and began to thrust his cock forward, meeting my plunging, hungry mouth.

I suddenly felt Chuck quicken his pace, and drive harder and faster into my ass with his cock. He was getting close, and I could hear that same guttural sound begin to build inside him that I had heard only a half hour before when he shot the first load down my throat.

I pulled the two fingers out of Tim's ass and returned with three, thrusting them in time with a down stroke of my mouth on his cock and he exploded. My mouth was suddenly filled with the warm syrupy liquid and his cock was still squirting it out. I tried to swallow as much as I could, but there was no end it seemed, it just kept coming, I pulled it out of my mouth and two more squirts hit me straight in the face and the last one shot past my shoulder and landed squarely on my back.

This must have been the last push Chuck needed because with one final thrust, he began shaking and grasped hard to my waist pressing into me with all his power. Then I felt it blow, filling my ass with its warmth. He held tight for another minute, small sighs escaping from him, and then he pulled out, sending a last shudder of pleasure up my spine.

To be continued...

Thank you for all the feedback so far, it has been great hearing from everyone. Please keep the comments coming. s19d69@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 5

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